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not first time, but consider it alike

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not first time, but consider it alike Empty not first time, but consider it alike

Post  dweramond Sun May 01, 2011 7:56 am

My second registration to the RPS but i doubt many remember me, i changed much anyway, tought i could come back, and redeem the crap i did do note my character's story do will have totally changed for the simple reason back then i was way too invested in making a godly character like heros in fantasy games and such, but during my time out i have learned that, to fight a dragon, you must fight a wolf first, every journey begin with a step and so begin my story.
If Xeek or anyone else feels offended by me joining again please forget my request, i do not want to bring back bad memories.

so on with the application Razz

Character Name:Dweramond
How You Heard About The RP Society:loooong time ago from a member named omnisagi
How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? too long to remember o^o probably round 6-7 years or more
Is English Your First Language? No, I am french Canadian from Quebec.
A Short Biography Of Your Character: As you enter the Tir chonnail inn for a quick rest you see a man in a black robe in the corner of the room looking at you, who is that man?Why is he looking this way?In order to get an answer you set yourself to say he is a simple traveller surprised by your clothes and weapons or something around those lines...However you can't get the look he had in his eyes off your mind...Those eyes...They weren't hostile but not friendly either...Determined to learn more you decide to ask Piaras as soon as the sun begin to shine and go to sleep pretty easily.
The next morning, you go downstairs and realize the man in the black robe is leaving right this moment, as you would feel quite weird just going on and asking him ''hey!who are you?'' you decide to go to piaras:
-Welcome to My inn.
-Hello, Piaras. Who is that man who just left?
-Oh him? he's an adventurer who kept coming back here lately, when he's not here or wandering he's either in Ciar or at Duncan's house.
-Thanks, Goodbye Piaras, I'll see you later!
So Piaras didn't know his decide to go ask the chief, Piaras said the man used to hang around there, maybe he know his name?
As you arrive duncan is once again talking alone about the bird in the tree.
-Please let me know if you need anything.
-Hello Duncan, I know it sounds weird but, the man in the black robe who hang around your house, who is he?
-Ahahah!I would like to help you but there is over 10 persons in black robes who come over here per day you know.
-Hum...The one with black eyes and hair?Wearing a strange masquerade mask?With a Claymore on his back? eyes and hair a mask and a claymore uh?Sounds like Dweramond, he's an adventurer who started very long ago.But why do you ask?Did he do something?
-no no...nothing...Thanks duncan, see you later.
As you end your conversation with duncan you wonder...Dweramond...Where in the world have you heard that name...
What type of character do you play? Melee smash master who just like to rush in ''this is Sparta!'' berserk style
What is your Mabinogi schedule?Depend on # of homeworks and of the month but mostly everyday/once per 2 days, May and probably WILL connect more during Summer, Less during School.
Random Fact not asked by anyone: who want cookies? o-o
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

Posts : 216
Join date : 2009-02-14
Location : somewhere in the world...or wait is this the same world?hum...i wonder...

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not first time, but consider it alike Empty Re: not first time, but consider it alike

Post  Eranor Sun May 01, 2011 8:20 am

I remember you. <3
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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not first time, but consider it alike Empty Re: not first time, but consider it alike

Post  Mithos Sun May 01, 2011 9:20 am

The way you made your Bio is pretty unique, but it doesn't tell much about the character. It only gives us his name and his looks.

A little question : Is it the same Dwer as before? If not I would like to know a little bit more about how your character came to Erinn and what has he done so far. Doesn't have to be too long, just a little summary. But if it's Dwer, could you elaborate a bit more on the two things I've mentioned before?

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not first time, but consider it alike Empty Re: not first time, but consider it alike

Post  dweramond Sun May 01, 2011 11:04 am

hum, how to explain it, let's say...ok ok i admit i didn't thought about the ol' dwer yet >>
hum well, since it's a different story, let's say it kinda is dwer.BUT (and a big but) he is not a fomor, does not have a brother and most importantly does not have a second evil-ish personality(found out dwer's evil enough as is.) so how he came to errin, dam need imagination there, let's see...*open notebook where i had made notes bout dwer's to-be personality and origins* hum...well let's say dwer came to errin of his own will and accord, he come from a desolated world where if you breath air directly, you catch a virus that ends up killing you pretty fast. they lost all traces of magic but musical ones so they all know at least the basics of music.Using the little magic and mana that was left in his homeworld he created a portal to take him to another dimension at random, ended up in the soul stream, wich surprised both him and nao as the soul stream is not supposed to be possible to enter from a dimensional portal.He then lived on as a milletian eventually acquiring his spirit claymore named ''Dark'' As for what he has done as of yet, he helped nao with matters and pretty much wandered aimlessly simply trying to regain his original music skills.He ended up learning how to use swords to defend himself and how to ''smash'' a defending enemy.
phiew, anymore questions? owo
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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Location : somewhere in the world...or wait is this the same world?hum...i wonder...

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not first time, but consider it alike Empty Re: not first time, but consider it alike

Post  Mithos Sun May 01, 2011 11:10 am

I think it would be easier to make it a completely new dwer, because changing everything from his original story is a little... time paradox-ish, you know? But it's your decision, I just wanted to tell you my opinion.

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not first time, but consider it alike Empty Re: not first time, but consider it alike

Post  dweramond Sun May 01, 2011 12:18 pm

what i ment by what i said earlier is it is a new dwer
as in like, it do is dwer but not the dwer who lost memories 1000000000000 times and all >>
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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Location : somewhere in the world...or wait is this the same world?hum...i wonder...

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not first time, but consider it alike Empty Re: not first time, but consider it alike

Post  Mithos Sun May 01, 2011 1:01 pm

Oh, good. Then I approve since everything seems in order. Razz

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not first time, but consider it alike Empty Re: not first time, but consider it alike

Post  Auramune Sun May 01, 2011 10:53 pm

Placing this application on hold for now.

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not first time, but consider it alike Empty Re: not first time, but consider it alike

Post  dweramond Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:15 pm

i actually tought about it and forget this...the RPs WAS my family, i grew, so did the rps, i may be too much of an old geezer to pass trough all the changes without problems.I will most likely continue being a loner tough if you see me one day don't hesitate to stop by and say hi, and i hope you will all have happy lives and continue to be a great guild like back in the ol' days.
Goodbye to you all my friends,

Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

Posts : 216
Join date : 2009-02-14
Location : somewhere in the world...or wait is this the same world?hum...i wonder...

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