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Picnic Time!

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Picnic Time! Empty Picnic Time!

Post  Glaceon Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:24 pm

A bulletin with a nice message explaining things was posted.

Ok. Personally, I'm bored. It's why I'm writing this. But as I was thinking, one of the few things to do in boredom, that keeps my mind distracted as well, I thought "we should have a picnic..." However, not one of those small picnics, but a HUGE picnic. I'm a mother of one child and my sister and I are taking care of two young phoenix children. I think a family-friendly no-violence picnic would be great for everyone. Get out, stretch, have good food, provided by town resturants of course. Sorry, lately there have been too many occurences of poisoned food and beverages, I will be ordering the food from the Loch Lois and possibly from Rath Castle as well. Tell your friends to come, bring your children if you wish as well. This is just a casual picnic to eat food and talk about things.

Place: I think either Cobh Harbor, Emain Macha, or maybe even Tailteann would work as good spots for a picnic.

Time: Not sure. If everyone who is interested can send me an owl or post on this sign-up sheet I'll place here with good times, we can choose a time to meet up and have the picnic. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to send an owl. I look forward to this event.


P.S. There will be guards around, so if you dare try to do anything, you will be stopped instantly. Please come if you can.

P.S.S I guess if you are wanted, you won't be coming. Then again, if you are wanted, you shouldn't be coming into a town to see this anyways. Naughty bad people.

Indeed, she did attach a signup sheet to the bulletin. Two in fact, one for Milletians and one for Erinn-born, knowing time flows differently for each. Hopefully a lot of people would show up. Picnics are always fun get togethers. She'd have to get ahold of some places though, and make sure all the food was tested to make sure it wasn't poisonous. Maybe City Leaders would be the best to contact for that.

((So prettttty much...just a HUGE RP I want. Anyone can come, unless you are wanted. Guards will be around, and ready to stop any attack on a whim's notice. I'll likely have Glacia send out letters to city leaders in Cobh, Tail, and Emain asking about picnic spots. post in OOC times that'd be good for you if you are interested, and then have your character post up too if you wish. If this works out, I think it'll be very fun.))
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Picnic Time! Empty Re: Picnic Time!

Post  Guest Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:43 pm

I'm not cooking anything.


[[You know who it's from >_> ]]


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Picnic Time! Empty Re: Picnic Time!

Post  Auramune Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:48 pm


Do not be deceived by the sugary sweetness of these letters, for the hostess is not as innocent as she claims to be. If I were anyone thinking about attending said picnic, I would want to be aware of the past offenses made by such a woman. And I certainly wouldn't go unarmed, especially if I brought a child.

But do not take my word for it. See for yourself.

Posted with the letter are several of Glacia's wanted posters, in several locations. To serve as a warning.


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Picnic Time! Empty Re: Picnic Time!

Post  Guest Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:57 pm

Soifa looks them over and sighs before writing a short response.

Can't be up front about who you are?

No matter. From what you post we can all tell that you're a grudge-holder. Someone bite your butt and you can't get over it? A picnic with the promise of guards for defense, what's the problem? Besides your personal butt pains, that is.


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Picnic Time! Empty Re: Picnic Time!

Post  Glaceon Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:01 pm

Glacia posted.

I know you aren't cooking. ^_^

Also, some people don't know how to let grudges go. All of the wanted posters are old. Why people hold onto these are beyond me, as people can't let bygones be bygones. As stated, there will be several guards around. They will attack on a moment's notice if anything happens. Also, all food will be provided by the city, and I can assure you that it will all be safe. Again, I am crimefree and do not have any harmful intentions. But this has brought up a good point that I didn't consider.

If you have any specific food allergies, please bring them up so I can make sure there is something safe for you to eat. I myself am allergic to sugar, but there will still be items with sugar for those who prefer not to have things sugar-free. That is all for now.

-Glacia Toten
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Picnic Time! Empty Re: Picnic Time!

Post  Auramune Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:18 pm

Who I am doesn't matter.
Who the hostess is, does.

It has nothing to do with any false grudge that you assume is there. Murdering and crippling people is not something that should just be looked over, especially in an environment where children may be.

These posters serve as information, nothing more. =)

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Picnic Time! Empty Re: Picnic Time!

Post  Glaceon Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:33 pm

Unless you know the full story, which you don't, then don't bring up anything that isn't your business. I can assure you that in an area, where guards are present, that things like that won't happen. I have my own child and two more I'm raising. I don't see what the big upset is. Honestly, you are posting wanted posters that have been dealt with and issues resolved, and all of which were never me to begin with, but imposters. So before you spout of assumptions on my attempt at a gathering, I ask that you get to know the full story first. Thank you.

-Glacia Toten.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Picnic Time! Empty Re: Picnic Time!

Post  Auramune Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:49 pm

And you still don't get the point, do you?

That's ok. They are there in black and white for the world to witness and make their own judgments. Your crimes, while they may have been 'dealt with' doesn't change the fact that you had done them. And you are not trustworthy, as far as I'm concerned. And if they are just imposters, as you said they are, then you have nothing to worry about do you?

As a mother, you should be thankful that caring individuals, such as myself, would warn people of possible threats against innocent little children. It's my business, as it is anyone's business. Which is the entire point of the information.

Don't be so defensive.. it makes you look guilty.

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Picnic Time! Empty Re: Picnic Time!

Post  Glaceon Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:22 pm

Alright, so this person who is obviously trying to make me look bad isn't coming. Reguardless, anyone else is still welcome to leave their name on the sign up sheet with a good time to hold the picnic. The mystery poster isn't willing to even confront me personally or leave a name, so by that alone we can see who is more trustworthy. Feel free to contact me about anything else, people, reguarding the picnic. I hope to make this work. Thank you.

-Glacia Toten.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Picnic Time! Empty Re: Picnic Time!

Post  Xeek Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:24 pm

Why would the person post their name? You are clearly a criminal, who knows what you might do, maybe kill them. Also, I hope you don't mind me buzzing by, it'll be a blast :3.
-The note is signed with a black cat paw-

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Picnic Time! Empty Re: Picnic Time!

Post  Guest Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:42 pm

Looking forward to seeing you, kitten.


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Picnic Time! Empty Re: Picnic Time!

Post  Glaceon Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:47 pm

If I was a criminal, why would I be offering up a picnic, with guards all around me, and even openly telling who I am? I'm even arranging to have the town leader make sure that everything is fine and dandy and family-friendly. Also, I'm openly posting my name here, no hiding any secrets. Obviously by not posting your name, you are hiding your identity, and I'd honestly say that a person not willing to reveal who they are is hiding something. Also with that smiley face, I question if you are perhaps related to the recent mystery kittymen attacks? I've already proven my innocence, now it's time to prove yours.

-Glacia Toten

Glacia did take the threat though, and would make sure people are checked before partaking in the activities. Maybe having a banquet-style picnic would be better, to better protect from overhead attacks...though the guards should suffice enough.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Picnic Time! Empty Re: Picnic Time!

Post  Mithos Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:52 pm

A name had been added to the Tuathan list: Stephan Bell. No post accompanied the registry.

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Picnic Time! Empty Re: Picnic Time!

Post  Guest Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:42 am

In every town, a person dressed in shining armor can be seen walking to the bulletin board and posting an official looking notice under each of Glacia's picnic posts.

Dear Everyone-interested-in-this-post,

I, Yiana Nerine, leader of the city of Emain Macha, do officially support this public affair. Do not worry, several squadrons of guards WILL be placed around the entire area, and the only food permitted will be the food prepared and served by the chefs of Loch Lios. The affair will be held in Sen Mag at a date decided by the officiator of the event. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me by owl or in person.

Yiana Nerine


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Picnic Time! Empty Re: Picnic Time!

Post  Xeek Tue May 29, 2012 7:56 am

Someone, although it might have been too late, attached the current wanted posted of Glacia to the board.
the message is signed with a black cat footprint.

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Picnic Time! Empty Re: Picnic Time!

Post  Glaceon Tue May 29, 2012 11:09 am

((I forgot to post on this saying that the picnic was cancelled.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Picnic Time! Empty Re: Picnic Time!

Post  Xeek Wed May 30, 2012 12:26 am

Glaceon wrote:((I forgot to post on this saying that the picnic was cancelled.

(( Ahh xD ))

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Picnic Time! Empty Re: Picnic Time!

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