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Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Mari Eir
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Kysmet- Xaver's twin - Page 3 Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Glaceon Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:39 pm

You obviously don't understand. IT's your power, that's fine and dandy. However, what others are trying to explain is that given the power as you have it explained, it DOESNT work within Erinn's realm given the laws of Erinn. Yes that's what the power thread is for, but it's also for explaining things while keeping them within Erinn's laws. Creating a 'pocket realm' is NOT within the laws of Erinn, therefore anything involving it really should be removed. That's my stance.

Also, I'm pretty sure that one word is on the blacklist, so no need to be bringing that crap into the forums. In fact, I just checked, and it IS. You know, that S word.

Also, I wasn't trying to be rude. Sorry if you think that's what it was, but I was simply making a joke. I feel like whenever I try to joke, I get spears pointed at me. And its -always- you two. Just pointing that out.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Kysmet- Xaver's twin - Page 3 Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Auramune Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:47 pm

Yeah, I was changing that word right now. But I think it's extremely rude.. EXTREMELY RUDE.. to say something like that, where it's very uncalled for. It's a very personal comment, and you're the one at fault for it. It was NOT a joke.

Don't turn this around on to me or xeek, when you're the one who was rude first in a situation that didn't call for anything like that at all.

And it does work within erinn realm the way it's explained. Otherwise, I wouldn't have requested it. Otherwise it wouldn't have been approved several times, by several different people. While things can be questioned later, this particular power was approved of not once, not twice, but like -4- separate occasions.

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Kysmet- Xaver's twin - Page 3 Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Xeek Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:48 pm

Glaceon wrote:You obviously don't understand. IT's your power, that's fine and dandy. However, what others are trying to explain is that given the power as you have it explained, it DOESNT work within Erinn's realm given the laws of Erinn. Yes that's what the power thread is for, but it's also for explaining things while keeping them within Erinn's laws. Creating a 'pocket realm' is NOT within the laws of Erinn, therefore anything involving it really should be removed. That's my stance.

You seemed fine with it until you thought her remark was at you. So, if it is a personal thing, just drop it.

Second, there is no rule that forbids it. It was approved by three other people, and no GOOD reason has been given. Only opinion. There is no room for abuse, as it only takes up a small portion of the world (tiny even). It can not be used to cause harm to anyone, since only solid things can harm them in the world. EI. if she makes a spear in the world she can't use it to hurt someone.

So, unless you created Erinn, or know every single law of physic(in Erinn) and limitations of magic. Your opinion is not worth the thread it's type'd on (this part is a joke, your opinion may be taken into concideration). So, if your stance has no proof that's not allowed, there is no reason it should be. While I have no proof that it does exist, that's the purpose of the power thread.

Any other power is not allowed in Erinn as well. Transforming into a dragon is not allowed, in the soul stream you are given a new body. A human, giant, or elven body.

Also, while you may say "it's been revised now". There is no report of this power being abused in anyway. Glacia herself was in Aura's realm. She died because Xeek and Aura killed her, not because of anything in the realm.

And Mariella, unless you have a LEGIT reason, that is not your personal opinion, you should have no problem with this power.

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Kysmet- Xaver's twin - Page 3 Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Xeek Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:13 pm


"God Modding" is in essence when someone’s character has the ability to do practically anything without limits or boundaries. And example is when they simply cannot be harmed by any and all means other RP-ers try.

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Kysmet- Xaver's twin - Page 3 Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Glaceon Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:58 pm

Also, neither of you seem to have read what Jab posted back on like...the first thread. Things were approved, yea? So what? Something came into Light and now EVERYTHING is being questioned, not just this particular person's power.

Anything can be pulled into question. And quite honestly everything else is reasonable. Making a pocket space outta thin air using beyond reasonable. Only the gods are seen to be able to do that. you are creating MATTER, which by NO STANDARDS is reasonable in the slightest.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Kysmet- Xaver's twin - Page 3 Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Xeek Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:20 pm

Glaceon wrote:Also, neither of you seem to have read what Jab posted back on like...the first thread. Things were approved, yea? So what? Something came into Light and now EVERYTHING is being questioned, not just this particular person's power.

Anything can be pulled into question. And quite honestly everything else is reasonable. Making a pocket space outta thin air using beyond reasonable. Only the gods are seen to be able to do that. you are creating MATTER, which by NO STANDARDS is reasonable in the slightest.

Glacia. Lets say it is a god-like power. Lets say it's a power only gods have. That is STILL not a reason. It's not godmoding. And if it was as you said, by no standards reasonable, it wouldn't have 3 approvals (4 times, and templated once). So, yes it's reasonable.

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Kysmet- Xaver's twin - Page 3 Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Glaceon Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:26 pm

Again, HOW many times is it going to be repeated here.


Sorry if this wasn't clear the first times it was said. Maybe it's clear now?
Glas Ghoblehht
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Kysmet- Xaver's twin - Page 3 Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Xeek Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:44 pm

Glaceon wrote:Again, HOW many times is it going to be repeated here.


Sorry if this wasn't clear the first times it was said. Maybe it's clear now?

Please learn to read Glacia.
You said "No standards". I am saying there clearly IS standards since it was approved before, Got it? Or do I have to get rude like you are?
Now, I am telling you, the "new issue" is just you not knowing the difference between "god-like" and "god-XXXX". While the power may appear god-like to certain people, it's not god modding, therefore, not against the rules. THe only problem with the power is people's opinion. No actual facts. Because there is no new info.

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Kysmet- Xaver's twin - Page 3 Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Glaceon Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:54 pm

Never did I say the info was brought to light by me. I NEVER said that.

YOU should go back and read through, particularly Mari's posts, where she states once or twice the reasoning for this being questioning despite being approved several times in the past.

I don't feel like quoting it myself, as I've already mentioned it was said several times. If I NEED to quote the occurences, I can. But it's been stated before IN THIS THREAD that a new question was brought into light, and that if things need to be revoked and changed, they can be.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Kysmet- Xaver's twin - Page 3 Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Xeek Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:21 pm

Glaceon wrote:Never did I say the info was brought to light by me. I NEVER said that.

YOU should go back and read through, particularly Mari's posts, where she states once or twice the reasoning for this being questioning despite being approved several times in the past.

I don't feel like quoting it myself, as I've already mentioned it was said several times. If I NEED to quote the occurences, I can. But it's been stated before IN THIS THREAD that a new question was brought into light, and that if things need to be revoked and changed, they can be.

I never said YOU did.

And yes, quote actual fact. Not an opinion.

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Kysmet- Xaver's twin - Page 3 Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Guest Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:55 pm

Thing the one:


Just saying.

Stop saying "It was approved before/for so-and-so/last time/etc", because that doesn't matter. What matters is NOW, and what people realize or think NOW. Focus on the NOW, not the PAST. Thank you.

By the way: Space: The dimensions of height, depth, and width within which all things exist and move

Thing the two:


Cheating in online games is an activity that modifies the game experience to give one player an advantage over others. Advantage I guess, but one that can be stopped.

Any form of cheating by automatic hits and controlling another player's character implemented by installing a XXXX in the game. This is neither of those things.

The term god modding often applies to users who are abusing their privilages by taking the place of moderators and moderating their own actions IC. This behavior is normally highly discouraged and looked down upon as something done by noobs, or inexperienced users. Also not this.

Urban dictionary
"God Modding" is in essence when someone’s character has the ability to do practically anything without limits or boundaries. And example is when they simply cannot be harmed by any and all means other RP-ers try.

-It can be killing or injuring a character without the player's express permission.
-It can be when they simply can’t be hit and dodge all attacks or anything for this matter aimed at them.
-It can also be using other characters that other people RP with. In other words, if you do not RP as Legolas, then you cannot have Legolas say anything, or do anything, without the player's express permission.

The absolute worst is when they make out another character to be what they’re not, just to make their own character seem superior. They make others seem weak, screaming for help, when they’ve made it quite clear about their advantages and strengths. This is called power-play. It’s a strain of God-Modding, but instead of just being irritating, it’s offensive to boot.
This is a prime example of God Modding:

Player A: Punches Player B
Player B: Dodges attack, grabs Player A and throws him. Player A flies at Player B, who warps behind him and slashes Player A in the back.

Also not that.
We can stop saying god-modding now. Thank you.

Now, god-LIKE.

Like is being used as in "similar", which is Having a resemblance in appearance, character, or quantity, without being identical.

or "same", which is Identical; not different; unchanged.

God being "A superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity"

So..being similar or the same as, identical, to one having power over nature or human forces. Nnnn...maybe close. A little. Not quite, at least, not in my opinion, because an actual GOD would not be stoppable.
Weaknesses, or ways to stop it, happen to be:
Making her tired
Making her stop believing in magic
Killing her
Being religious

If you can stop an actual god using those methods, please let me know.

If the issue is that it is GODMODDING, then I am pleased to announce it's not. Woohoo. If you think otherwise, please state your claims and give an example.

As said before: The way it's done it's already stated. "Kitsune are able to make small pockets in reality, folding space and time to suit their needs. They can turn a hole under a floorboard into a small estate, and turn a small field into a kingdom, complete with people, animals, and weather. Time seems to flow faster inside these realms. For every day in the real world, up to seven years can pass in the realm, for those who are in it."
In layman's term. A kitsune uses mana to "blow a bubble" in a current location, thus making a whole in that current place. The host world is not affected at all.

Technically, they would be 'god' of that 'realm' area. Now, it may be illusionary, but illusions can be more than just optical. Illusion is a distortion of the senses. Quite honestly, she COULD just be making everyone THINK and EXPERIENCE this realm, and it not even being there. It wouldn't matter, as, unless you're a priest or heavily religious IC, you think it real, feel it's real, and such, if you so happen to stumble upon it.


Things that have been stated:
-It does not create another 'world', or dimension. That is, it is not OUT of Erinn, like 'Tir Na Nog' and the shadow realm(?).
-It does not affect Erinn majorly in any way.
-It has the same limitations as an actual homestead.

Now, covering that stuff, can we all restate in a nice and POLITE list what the problems are and SUGGESTED methods of fixing them?
Constructive criticism: A form of feedback where the reader offers suggestions on ways to improve the story(in this case, powers) - polite and helpful are the keywords here.
See also, my signature.

Edit: Oh, another thing to say.

If you're going to say "So-and-so said this" or "I said this, go find the post", I will punch you. If you're going to reference an old post, quote it yourself.


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Kysmet- Xaver's twin - Page 3 Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Auramune Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:49 am

So, yes, please.. concerns that haven't been answered yet?

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Kysmet- Xaver's twin - Page 3 Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Vayne Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:36 am

Actually, Soifa did a wonderful job of nutshelling. I'm fine with it, so long as it remains as described. And I trust that it will. It reminds me a lot of hammer space. Magical bags, too. That thing we okay'd. Soifa mentioned NOT looking at the past in this, but I feel the past makes an excellent reference point. Expanding space exists. If it would make people more comfortable, maybe you could 'hold' the world in something? But if not, I still approve. Now, off I go! To take kids to schools! Save me.

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Kysmet- Xaver's twin - Page 3 Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Auramune Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:43 am

The doors are placed on objects that already exist. For example, Aura's is on a tree on Xeek's HS, and Kysmet's is placed on a mirror(I dont remember where Xaver's is, off the top of my head.) People are likely not going to run in to them. Not that it's impossible, but it's unlikely.

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Kysmet- Xaver's twin - Page 3 Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Xeek Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:13 am

Xaver's was originally behind a wardrobe thingy(I think) in the healer's house while the room was being used by Iforgothisname. Now, he has it under his own bed.

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Kysmet- Xaver's twin - Page 3 Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Guest Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:07 am

So..instead of just being open portal space, it actually has something it's tied to.


I still approve.


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Kysmet- Xaver's twin - Page 3 Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Auramune Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:36 pm

Anyone else? Questions? Approvals? Monkeys?

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Kysmet- Xaver's twin - Page 3 Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Kayeori Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:36 pm

Monkeys. That is all. Razz

Kysmet- Xaver's twin - Page 3 Ninjal10
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Kysmet- Xaver's twin - Page 3 Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Guest Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:24 pm



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Kysmet- Xaver's twin - Page 3 Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Kayeori Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:39 pm

Nope. Ninja Lupin. Lyndz made it for me because I have a character named that. Ninja Monkey was taken, and since they're called Lupins in MapleStory. Also I forget what language it is but Lupin actually means monkey.
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Kysmet- Xaver's twin - Page 3 Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Auramune Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:25 pm


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Kysmet- Xaver's twin - Page 3 Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Guest Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:27 pm

No. -pushes thread to the bottom- No Kysmet for you.


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Kysmet- Xaver's twin - Page 3 Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Auramune Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:46 pm


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Kysmet- Xaver's twin - Page 3 Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Auramune Sun Jun 10, 2012 4:34 pm

Mari if you're not going to approve, the least you can do is un-disapprove of it, or ask more questions. Soifa explained everything so far rather nicely, and there are currently 3 approvals on this power and I'd like for it to be moved on.

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Kysmet- Xaver's twin - Page 3 Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Mari Eir Sun Jun 10, 2012 6:52 pm

So.. has an actual change been made to it? Cause I'm seeing mention of objects they're attached to, but it's not in the original post.
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