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Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Mari Eir
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Kysmet- Xaver's twin Empty Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Auramune Sat May 19, 2012 8:10 am

Erinn-Born Kitsudragon. Her powers aren't as developed as her brother's, which is why some of them from his page aren't on here(like dk and demi transformations.) Maybe she'll get there eventually xD.

IC Skill Name: Racial Trait- Kitsune
Power Class: Racial/Genetic
OOC Representation: Clothing and imagination
Description: She looks like a mixture of both her parents, with tan skin, pinkish hair, and her father's blue eyes. She has very sensitive fox ears, and fox tails(mount changes as he grows stronger, currently she has three). She looks almost identical to her twin brother Xaver, and shares a lot of the same skills as him.
Explain relation: Just racial features
Notes: She could probably be mistaken as Xaver sometimes.
Level: 0

IC Skill Name: Kysmet's World
Power Class: Racial
OOC Representation: Homestead
Description: Kysmet is able to create her own pocket dimension. From the outside, the dimension can't be seen, though if a person walks into where it is, they will enter a world created by her. She can move around and change the world inside, though it takes a lot of energy. If she moves the location of the dimension entrance, she'll be fatigued. She can also feel if someone goes inside the realm without her being there.
Explain relation: Full control over what happens in homestead
Notes: While she's 'all powerful' in her realm, and can create many illusions, she has to physically touch a person in order for them to be removed. The entrance is currently placed on a mirror, but can be moved ICly once every few days.
Level: 2

IC Skill Name: Life Ball
Power Class: Racial/Soul
OOC Representation:Some in-game orb-looking thing. As well as friend capsules, PMs, ect.
Description: Kysmet can create a magical ball that she stores part of her soul in to. The holder of the ball is able to communicate and summon her. The most important feature of her ball is that, if Kysmet is in a situation where she's killed(would be killed- like being stabbed in the chest or something) she won't die right away. The ball will shatter and Kysmet is put in a coma(deadly status) for 3IG months(the time it takes for a milletian to rebirth.) During this time, she CAN be killed like any other erinn born. Once she is out of the coma, she will be able to restore the ball.
Explain relation: The ball will be represented IC by any spherical object I want. But the user must have capsules or some method of teleporting me. If not, she'll be to weak to use it.
Level: 2

IC Skill Name: Seduction
Power Class: Racial
OOC Representation: CoD/Taming
Description: A form of mind control, the kitsune ability of 'seduction' is one of the most commonly-mentioned skills in legends. By using their tail or tails in a swaying manner, or by meeting the gaze of a target, the kitsune is capable of taking over their mind. While under the control of the kitsune, the victim sees, thinks, and lives in a world designed by the kitsune, all inside the target's mind." While originally, you needed someone to break you free, I have it so a target can break free once under the spell. Very high level priest and paladins will still fall prey to the seduction, but still not see the world as the Kistune would want.
Explain relation: Once you are under the effect of taming, the tamed helps the user.
Notes: The target chooses to fail or not (OOC)
Level: 2

IC Skill Name: Feeding
Power Class: Racial
OOC Representation: Lifedrain, imagination, shadow spirit, leveling, ect.
Description: Kysmet draws the emotions from the target, whether it's a mate or a dying person, and turns them into energy so she can use later on.
Explain relation: All the representation involve getting energy.
Notes: Kysmet does not need to mate with the target to take their energy, though that's her preferred method.
Level: 0

IC Skill Name: Transformation
Power Class: Transformation/Racial
OOC Representation: Pets, change of clothing, ect.
Description: She is able to transform herself into not just a fox, but many different things. It can include a tree, a rock, and other inanimate objects as well as living creatures. Medium level priest and paladins can see her face and tails in her transformations. Any holy objects that is close by can also distort her transformation.
Explain relation: I can log into pets, and wear bush costumes!
Level: 2

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Kysmet- Xaver's twin Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Auramune Thu May 24, 2012 8:45 pm


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Kysmet- Xaver's twin Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Glaceon Thu May 24, 2012 10:17 pm

I'm not understanding the last power called "You're just mad". The one about being more fabulous.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Kysmet- Xaver's twin Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Auramune Thu May 24, 2012 10:55 pm

Well basically.. u just mad cuz im more fabulous than u :p

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Kysmet- Xaver's twin Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Mari Eir Thu May 24, 2012 11:29 pm

That dude's pretty fabulous. Until he's blocking your GD sword with his hand. :I
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Kysmet- Xaver's twin Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Glaceon Fri May 25, 2012 11:02 am

Something I'm curious about and didn't think to ask before.

Say she is a tree. what happens if Big ol' Teo say comes down to chop the tree?
Glas Ghoblehht
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Kysmet- Xaver's twin Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Auramune Fri May 25, 2012 11:55 am

It will hurt her. She can be harmed in any form she takes, and it wounds her normal-form body accordingly.

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Kysmet- Xaver's twin Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Guest Fri May 25, 2012 12:12 pm

Sounds like fun if Teo decided to pick her up and swing her like a club. :>

I'll approve.


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Kysmet- Xaver's twin Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Teoxihuitl Fri May 25, 2012 12:22 pm

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Kysmet- Xaver's twin Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Auramune Wed May 30, 2012 3:16 pm

Need 1 more, bump

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Kysmet- Xaver's twin Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Mari Eir Wed May 30, 2012 7:36 pm

Why can she create pocket dimensions in a world she's not native to..?
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Kysmet- Xaver's twin Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Auramune Wed May 30, 2012 9:11 pm

Kysmet is native to erinn O_o, she's an erinn born. It's the same power Aura and Xaver have(which is a kitsune power.)

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Kysmet- Xaver's twin Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Mari Eir Thu May 31, 2012 3:50 am

That's not what I mean. In a realm that has governing gods present, why can ANY of them manipulate space? I KNOW it's an ability of the Kitsune. But she can just tear holes in Erinn..? Even if it DOES require a lot of energy, it suggests she has some control over Erinn's space elementally. And what if it collapses? Is it possible for it to? Can she just make another?

Second.. One does not simply WALK into Mor-- another dimension. Off the top of my head, I can think of several already existent dimensional pockets in Erinn. EVERY ONE of them has some sort of obvious gate, altar, or process to get into the pocket (possibly for the purpose of creating a stable transition). For example, the one-way portals from the Soul Stream to the RB areas, the ones leading from Tir to Sidhe to Tarlach's little road, Barri Dungeon as a gate to Another World, the Altars in Taillteann and Tara. Am I misunderstanding, or is there an invisible portal leading into her personal pocket? o__O Wouldn't that be a bit unstable?
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Kysmet- Xaver's twin Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Auramune Thu May 31, 2012 7:07 am

This seems like something that should be asked in the kitsune template and not an individual's personal powers, since you're asking about the power as a whole. If I had just gone with saying "I'm using the template" nothing would have been asked at all. I'm happy to answer, but maybe research should be done before allowing certain things on the templates.

If you're suggesting that this power effects Erinn's time/space continuum, it doesn't. It's a small magical space made of illusion magic that really only exists because a kitsune believes in their magic so much that it exists. There are various ways to destroy it, which have been mentioned here and other approved versions. World gods have no effect on it, because it has no effect on anything inside of Erinn.

There is a doorway, and it can be placed wherever the kitsune wants it to be placed. So if it's placed in a secure/hidden location, it may or may not be accessible. However, once upon a time Aura's realm door was located out in the open and people did wander in to it, giving them access to her realm. And since the place can only be accessed through their special portal, outside conditions do not affect the realm, nor do conditions inside it pass to Erinn.

May I remind you that you were favoring extra dimensions to be allowed with very little restrictions except no living things for the bags. The kitsune's realm is similar, but with much more restrictions and conditions than placed on the bags. I've also mentioned that things outside the realms do not effect Erinn, and vice-versa. And the places you mentioned before(shadow realm, another world, ect..) are not pocket/personal dimensions. The are 'dimensions', but not crafted with the same magic, nor do they meet the same conditions as personal/pocket realms.

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Kysmet- Xaver's twin Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Mari Eir Thu May 31, 2012 7:56 am

There's a difference between a minor enchant on an item to expand its space and the ability to create pocket dimensions that are completely hidden unless you stumble into them. There's no way she can be IN the realm of Erinn, create pocket dimensions, and NOT have it somehow have anything to do with Erinn. o__O I don't know if it's because it's nearly 6am, but that does NOT make sense. She'd.. literally have to be leaving Erinn. Which is another story in itself.

The other dimensions in Erinn may or may not be connected (thought I imagine at least SOME of them are), which is why I'm referring to them as pockets. If the template HAS to be revised like several others have been, then it will be. I'm not against her showing some dimensional powers, but not even the gods seem to be capable of opening these sorts of things (though they CAN set up the portals, which is what led into the Soul Stream/Erinn). I'm not seeing ANY restrictions here in this thread for her powers, either. Just that she can do it. Not even a process or method (IE: some sort of enchant).

And how does this portal just stay open so people can walk into it? Again, it seems REALLY unstable. There's just a hole in reality..? The reason I'm bringing it up now is because I did not take the actual dimension of Erinn into consideration before. People CAN open portals. But there are typically complicated processes involved in this and they don't seem to stay open (IE: while summoning something, creatures SEEM to come out of portals). The ones that DO stay open, again, have altars, gateways, etc. to maintain them. Basically, they're totally obvious. Again, am I misunderstanding in that anyone can just stumble into this invisible dimension? Not all of my questions were answered.
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Kysmet- Xaver's twin Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Auramune Thu May 31, 2012 10:53 am

That is not a minor enchant. Turning a purse into a closet is not something minor. This is no different, except it's being done in a larger area. You are probably thinking a dimension HAS to be another world, it isn't. What the spells does does is bring out a piece of the kitsune's mind, so to speak, into reality. The magic a kitsune has allows them to expand the space that's already there with illusion spells.

For obvious reasons it does have to do with Erinn, but it doesn't affect Erinn in ANY WAY. Similar to the bags not affecting Erinn. It's not ripping a hole into Erinn's space time continuum. It is simply using that little space(where the entrance is) and making it bigger. It is simply creating a small "bag" that people can enter.

I don't think it requires a process or method to be explained, since that's just RP. The same process that anyone who uses magic uses. Unless you're requiring a step by step explanation of how anyone ever does a magic spell. It's not some sort of enchant. It's a magical spell.

It stays opens by will power of the creator. Whether or not it's unstable depends on the creator and their 'energy,' so to speak. All of which has been mentioned so far is really unimportant to the actual power. It is similar to a portal, but it does stay open. What maintains the doorway of this is the kitsune who created it. Whether or not they are obvious doesn't really matter in my opinion.

Anyone could just stumble in to the doorway by accident if they ran in to the doorway's location. Glacia, in fact, did that to Aura's realm when it was first placed up. She fell against the tree that was hiding the portal location, and went inside.

I think it's pretty assumptions to assume anything about the world's gods. As far as I can tell tier 3 gods are nothing more than angels. None of them have supreme powers. Neamhaim was only able to create Iria through the Heart Of Courcle, a tool made by Aton, a real god. So their powers really aren't debatable in anyone's power threads, because we're not saying they have certain powers or not. It's not stated in game, therefore you can't state it either.

A kitsune's power is unique to a kitsune, the same way Vorpal is unique to Mariella. It has been stated, read Aura's thread.

If you have specific questions please do ask them. It's a little bit difficult for me to tell which is your question and which is your explanation of something you don't seem to understand in the first place.

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Kysmet- Xaver's twin Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Kayeori Thu May 31, 2012 11:06 am

The only things I really see in question here is a rather under the radar sort of power. Yes while it does have potential of being much more of a problem, this is merely how someone in our guild decided to give reason for her character's homestead. It has all the same limitations and rules as a homestead so I really don't see it getting out of control.

I find it a bit odd that this is being questioned now after it being approved by the council, and also re-approved during the forum cleanup. So if we really want this to be re-evaluated then it should be done in another mediating type of area. Council, mentors, and the template creator should work something out to get the matter resolved. If it even needs to be taken that far. Are there any other concerns out there right now? And I mean only about this particular power only. Nothing else.


Sorry it was approved 3 times, plus re-approved for Aura and another character. Aura's original request, again when it was made into the template, and finally when it was approved again during the clean up. Sorry just dotting T's and crossing I's. Smile

Last edited by Kayeori on Thu May 31, 2012 11:14 am; edited 1 time in total
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Kysmet- Xaver's twin Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Auramune Thu May 31, 2012 11:09 am

Beside the points mentioned above, it can't get out of hand anyway. There is, in no way, for the power to do anything other than create a homestead and all the rules that apply to homesteads. So it can't get out of hand, as it can't be used to make/do something else.

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Kysmet- Xaver's twin Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Glaceon Thu May 31, 2012 12:07 pm

Glacia, in fact, did that to Aura's realm when it was first placed up. She fell against the tree that was hiding the portal location, and went inside.

Glacia: I have...painful memories...
Glas Ghoblehht
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Kysmet- Xaver's twin Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Mari Eir Thu May 31, 2012 3:15 pm

Auramune wrote:That is not a minor enchant. Turning a purse into a closet is not something minor. This is no different, except it's being done in a larger area. You are probably thinking a dimension HAS to be another world, it isn't. What the spells does does is bring out a piece of the kitsune's mind, so to speak, into reality. The magic a kitsune has allows them to expand the space that's already there with illusion spells.

For obvious reasons it does have to do with Erinn, but it doesn't affect Erinn in ANY WAY. Similar to the bags not affecting Erinn. It's not ripping a hole into Erinn's space time continuum. It is simply using that little space(where the entrance is) and making it bigger. It is simply creating a small "bag" that people can enter.

I don't think it requires a process or method to be explained, since that's just RP. The same process that anyone who uses magic uses. Unless you're requiring a step by step explanation of how anyone ever does a magic spell. It's not some sort of enchant. It's a magical spell.

It stays opens by will power of the creator. Whether or not it's unstable depends on the creator and their 'energy,' so to speak. All of which has been mentioned so far is really unimportant to the actual power. It is similar to a portal, but it does stay open. What maintains the doorway of this is the kitsune who created it. Whether or not they are obvious doesn't really matter in my opinion.

Anyone could just stumble in to the doorway by accident if they ran in to the doorway's location. Glacia, in fact, did that to Aura's realm when it was first placed up. She fell against the tree that was hiding the portal location, and went inside.

I think it's pretty presumptuous to assume anything about the world's gods. As far as I can tell tier 3 gods are nothing more than angels. None of them have supreme powers. Neamhaim was only able to create Iria through the Heart Of Courcle, a tool made by Aton, a real god. So their powers really aren't debatable in anyone's power threads, because we're not saying they have certain powers or not. It's not stated in game, therefore you can't state it either.

A kitsune's power is unique to a kitsune, the same way Vorpal is unique to Mariella. It has been stated, read Aura's thread.

If you have specific questions please do ask them. It's a little bit difficult for me to tell which is your question and which is your explanation of something you don't seem to understand in the first place.
Bags close. Simple as that. xD; They can be opened and closed, acting as some sort of gate. THIS power means there is LITERALLY a gaping hole in the dimension at ANY given time. The template is actually BASED off of your character. I'm not asking for the mathematical equation or anything that I would assume goes with magic. EVERYONE is required to explain at least the simplest process for their powers (does she do a ritual? Does she just IMAGINE it into existence? How many times can she does this?). And I don't see that done here, nor do I see the aforementioned restrictions. o__O "Believing in one's self" doesn't really do it for me as far as an explanation goes. xD;

If the kitsune were simply OPENING AND MAKING their own gates to ALREADY EXISTENT dimensions, this would be FAR more plausible. But you're saying they up and create them in this non-native world. It's not explained how the SR or other places are there. Make it up if you have to. Put forth the effort.

Also, it IS stated for Morrighan regarding making "Doorways", last I checked. It's not extremely relevant to this thread, just a comparison to how OP it is.

I asked several questions, take them one at a time and directly answer them.

She manipulates space. How?
What if it collapses?
Does it collapse if she runs out of energy?
What IS running out of energy for her?
You're going to have to explain WHY it does not affect Erinn despite lacking some sort of stabilizing gate/formal portal.
Can it be destroyed from within and how? Does it have to do directly with her?
Due to the fact that she is HALF kitsune, wouldn't she be somewhat limited?

@Kaye: Anything is subject to change should something new arise, this has already been stated. As I ALREADY said, I didn't take into account the dimensional properties. I just accepted the "kitsune can do this inherently" explanation. It wasn't till a LOOOONG time after this that I thought "wait, that's a non-native creature messing with this realm". I'm bringing it up here because I'm only getting around to this just now, I'd actually been meaning to for weeks.
Mari Eir
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Kysmet- Xaver's twin Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Guest Thu May 31, 2012 3:54 pm

Okay, here's what I THINK, least the answers I get from it.
Mari Eir wrote:
She manipulates space. How? Kitsune Magic.
What if it collapses? It stops existing, either forever or temporarily, I dunno. I don't think it would crush people, just force them out.(I.E. homestead evicting of people.)
Does it collapse if she runs out of energy? I think so.
What IS running out of energy for her? Belief? Isn't that what this is based on? Though I suppose maybe knocking her unconscious makes it temporarily close up or something.
You're going to have to explain WHY it does not affect Erinn despite lacking some sort of stabilizing gate/formal portal. Wouldn't the illusion technically be a 'gate' of sorts? To be honest, someone could get a bag and leave it wide open or something. How would that affect Erinn?
Can it be destroyed from within and how? I don't THINK so.
Does it have to do directly with her? What?
Due to the fact that she is HALF kitsune, wouldn't she be somewhat limited? ..No? Yes? Up to her? We don't have limits or rules for crossbreeds, you know. There's no sort of template or rule saying "Okay, this is PUREBRED XXXX only!" or anything.


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Kysmet- Xaver's twin Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Xeek Thu May 31, 2012 8:46 pm

Bags close. Simple as that. xD; They can be opened and closed, acting as some sort of gate

Lets start the difference between closing something and sealing something.

When you CLOSE a bag, you are in no way blocking it's magic. That magic is still active, thus the hole still exist. Another thing, you don't have to close the bag. You can keep it open with no effects. So, your comparison doesn't make any sense.

The only way to close the magical effect is to seal it.
Now, lets view your previous examples.
Another World: The path to another world is always open. The 'gate' is a physical object, but does NOT lock the magic. Not to mention, when you proceed through the gate, you get to two COMPLETELY OPEN portals. Therefore, Erinn and Another World are connected, in the event that the portals are close, they will no longer be connected.

An example would be when you go through a portal and it closes, that's sealing. From all the dimensions/worlds connected to Erinn, only of them is ever close. Their door may be BLOCKED, but the path is never sealed. That one would be Falias, for Falias you HAVE to open the portal.

The way it's done it's already stated. "Kitsune are able to make small pockets in reality, folding space and time to suit their needs. They can turn a hole under a floorboard into a small estate, and turn a small field into a kingdom, complete with people, animals, and weather. Time seems to flow faster inside these realms. For every day in the real world, up to seven years can pass in the realm, for those who are in it."
In layman's term. A kitsune uses mana to "blow a bubble" in a current location, thus making a whole in that current place. The host world is not affected at all.

Now, lets clarify more things. Kitstunes are CONSIDERED gods, but they aren't the gods of their world. Therefore, their powers are in no way related to which world they are in. The same way Mariella has a tail in Erinn, Kistunes have the ability to create their own dimension in their world. There is no more reasoning needed than the above(Bolded). Plus what Aura has already stated. Other than that there is no explanation. They use magic, plain and simple.

Now, answering the questions Soifa was a bit off on.
What IS running out of energy for her? While they do use belief, the energy is an IC energy that Kistunes use along with mana to use their magic.

You're going to have to explain WHY it does not affect Erinn despite lacking some sort of stabilizing gate/formal portal.: Pretty much what Soifa said. When you open a gate to Falias, does a piece of Dunbarton fall?

Can it be destroyed from within and how? You can turn the world upside down(figuratively), but the dimension will not collapse. Like you can explode planet Earth, but the universe is fine.

Does it have to do directly with her? What?? Of course? It's her world? I think that's what you are getting with this?

Due to the fact that she is HALF kitsune, wouldn't she be somewhat limited? I am not going to explain how genes work. But to keep it simple, the gene code that codes for Kitsune was picked over the one that codes for dragon. Which is why, they do not have dragon wings or tails, and they look like kitsune. This is also why "Half and half" creatures are extremely rare. Both genes would have to be showing in order for a person to be able to use the gene for both. Though, because she has the gene hidden somewhere in her chromosomes, she can have a dragon baby. Clear?

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Kysmet- Xaver's twin Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Glaceon Thu May 31, 2012 10:29 pm

I think the ability to destroy their pocket world would be the same as Aura once stated with her power before. A religious being comes and makes contact with it or something like that.

EDIT: In the template under weakness:
Religion(Those with strong faith (priests, paladins, etc) can see through a kitsune's illusions and dispel them with a touch. They are also unaffected by the kitsune's powers and can sever the link between her and her mate, making it impossible for her to feed)

That'd be how it could be destroyed. However, it has to be a real thing, not someone like Joe over there saying he is a priest, which is a total lie.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Kysmet- Xaver's twin Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Auramune Fri Jun 01, 2012 1:40 am

That would be destroyed from the outside. The creator of the realm can destroy it any time they want, from outside or inside. Anything inside that's real would just get pushed out and not harmed, since the only way a person can be harmed inside of them is by being physically touched.

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Kysmet- Xaver's twin Empty Re: Kysmet- Xaver's twin

Post  Xeek Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:47 pm

Is there anymore questions?

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