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new member apl. Macdog

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new member apl. Macdog Empty new member apl. Macdog

Post  lastel Sun Apr 22, 2012 6:49 am

Character Name: Macdog

How You Heard About The RP Society: I didn't, found the name on the site of maginobi and liked it Laughing

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? aproxely 2 jears on the eu servers

Is English Your First Language? Nop, it's dutch, My English is not bad. reading is good typing is bad. ( thats the case in dutch as well geek )

A Short Biography Of Your Character: Not much to say about it, just restarted and thru playing reached level 36
Exclamation After the name of my dog "Mac" i created this simple man in Erin euro. He had seen many dead npc's. got tierd of the many ours fighting and crafting on his onn stoped going on the quest he had set opon his self. keeping a low profile he found out that there was an other Erin. Started the search end found it. he was exited. a new live, a new start. he became a mercant, trying his luck. now he's in search of new friends to continu his newly started quest Exclamation

Macdog lived in a parallel Erinn, but alas the gods could no longer take care of their realm. As things got worse and worse the people of the parallel Erinn stopped doing anything till they faded into oblivion. Miraculously however! They were not dead, but reincarnated into this current Erinn, where they hope to not anger the gods so they do not stop handling their realm.

What type of character do you play? merciant

What is your Mabinogi schedule? moostly weekends, evenings in eu times a couple of times per week depending hou i feel and energy levels lol!

Last edited by lastel on Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:57 am; edited 3 times in total
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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new member apl. Macdog Empty Re: new member apl. Macdog

Post  Auramune Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:15 am

Hi there welcome!

Don't worry so much about your spelling and grammar, people will help you out along the way and correct your mistakes. (approximately, years, through, merchant, mostly, and how)

When the application asks for a biography of your character, we're looking for an in character biography about your character's life. Their life before Erinn, how they died, and them then coming to Erinn through the soul stream.

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new member apl. Macdog Empty Re: new member apl. Macdog

Post  Xeek Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:16 am

Hello! Pretty much what she said, she just beat me to posting it.
And welcome to Nexon NA.

Note: They could have been born in Erinn, but you need to post how their life here has been.

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new member apl. Macdog Empty Re: new member apl. Macdog

Post  lastel Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:22 am

thnx for the welkom I love you
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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new member apl. Macdog Empty Re: new member apl. Macdog

Post  Teoxihuitl Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:00 am

Hmm well it is possible for another Erinn to exist since we tend to follow the multiverse theory.

Only thing though, how did you come to our Erinn?

Most of the time its through death.

Once you explain how you reached Erinn approvals should flow your way.

No worries about grammar though, you pick up things pretty quick in this guild.
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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new member apl. Macdog Empty Re: new member apl. Macdog

Post  lastel Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:30 am

The eu erin is dead, so european players are granted the acces to the na servers
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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new member apl. Macdog Empty Re: new member apl. Macdog

Post  Teoxihuitl Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:37 am

I know, I meant for you to add it in your character biography here is mine as an example.

After years of struggling to pay off his bills, Tocagero decided that it would be easier to end his life than keep paying his bills. So one fateful night he went to his favorite jagged peak and dove off. As he coursed through the air to his certain death, a sudden darkness enveloped him. To his surprise he awoke to a very unattractive woman, that told him his past would not follow him here ((Erinn is like Vegas isnt it?)). Toca jumped at the idea of restarting his life without the annoying bill collectors that plagued his past life. As he stepped into the new world that awaited him, Toca decided never to owe anyone anything. After a year of exploring his new world he realized that it would do him good to have a stable income. So he started doing part time jobs for Manus, collecting wood and such soon got him on Manus's good side. To Toca's surprise Manus taught him all he knew about how to look sexy for the ladies and secret pickup lines that would get him a hot date no matter what. Toca soon found out though, that Manus is a bald-faced liar who has no luck with the ladies at all. Yet regardless of his corny pickup lines one girl found them irresistable. Soon after they were married, Toca took had to flee for quite some time becasue he couldnt afford the wedding and just broke into the altar and had the priest marry them. After a long 52 errin years, Toca has returned in hopes of rekindling his former love with Soifa.

We just need a story of what you want your character to be.

Also you guys had the dead npc XXXX to?
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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new member apl. Macdog Empty Re: new member apl. Macdog

Post  lastel Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:44 am

aha, i'm not dat creativ ;-)

But Yes, about every 2 weeks the npc's were dead for a week, moostly just before the weekend when a lot of people could play.
also it looked like they didn't do much to keep erinn alive, no more events, no housing earea etc, etc.
As european we coulded come earyer to NA due to the IP blokage
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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new member apl. Macdog Empty Re: new member apl. Macdog

Post  Teoxihuitl Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:51 am

Something simple is all we ask for Smile

Just need something small like:

Macdog lived in a parallel Erinn, but alas the gods could no longer take care of their realm. As things got worse and worse the people of the parallel Erinn stopped doing anything till they faded into oblivion. Miraculously however! They were not dead, but reincarnated into this current Erinn, where they hope to not anger the gods so they do not stop handling their realm.

Heck you can use that if you absolutely needed.
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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new member apl. Macdog Empty Re: new member apl. Macdog

Post  lastel Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:55 am

thnx m8 ill use that :-)
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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new member apl. Macdog Empty Re: new member apl. Macdog

Post  Guest Sun Apr 22, 2012 12:45 pm

Wait wait wait.

From EU?

new member apl. Macdog 1zczd5l

Also, I'll approve with some words. Try not to use numbers in your words, that's a bit frowned upon here. We're not going to crack down HARSHLY on you for spelling, but don't feel bothered when corrected. If you want, feel free to add me(Soifa) in game and I'll help you out with anything I can.


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new member apl. Macdog Empty Re: new member apl. Macdog

Post  Teoxihuitl Sun Apr 22, 2012 1:41 pm


if that's the case I shall approve.

1 more.
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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new member apl. Macdog Empty Re: new member apl. Macdog

Post  Vayne Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:37 am

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....................I approve. Dutch is your first language, huh? That's neat! I look forward to seeing you.

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