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Aura's Kitsune Powers

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Aura's Kitsune Powers Empty Aura's Kitsune Powers

Post  Auramune Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:10 pm

IC Skill Name: Racial- Kitsune
Power Class: Racial
OOC Representation: Clothing and items
Description: Kitsune are usually depicted as having more than one tail. The most commonly depicted are one-tails, five-tails, and nine-tails. For most kitsune, the number of tails shown is usually one. This could be for a number of reasons, though, including the idea that a kitsune could be in a human or fox, possessing it, or may have been born in a mortal body. To the kitsune, the number of tails they have are a show of prestige, skill, age, and rank. A kitsune may gain a tail for bringing honor to their family and clan, or could lose one for breaking kitsune law.
Aura gains tails as she ages and becomes more powerful. Gaining 1 tail every 100 years, which leaves her at currently having 6(500 years old.) She will continue to gain tails until she reaches 9. She also has sensitive fox ears that, when stimulated by touch, can send her sensors in to overload. She may even pass out.
Explain relation: Just appearance/racial features
Notes: Her tails are not sensitive the same way her ears are. If they are cut off, they will regrow when she rebirths.
Level: 0

IC Skill Name: Racial- Religion Weakness
Power Class: Racial/Weakness
OOC Representation: Racial RP tool, so none
Description: Those of certain faiths who actually possess faith (read: Clerics, Priests, Monks, Healers) do not see kitsune illusion. In fact, if they touch an illusion made by a kitsune, the illusion will dissolve. The destruction of a kitsune's illusions by faith is a traumatic event to a kitsune, as their concept of reality gets destroyed.
Explain relation: Shown IC
Notes: This sort of thing won't be as traumatic to mortal-body kitsunes as much as it is to one like Aura. Because Aura's bodies and magics aren't 'real,' so to speak, it makes her question her own real-ness..?
Level: 0

IC Skill Name: Aura's Realm
Power Class: Racial
OOC Representation: Homestead, and all things that apply to homesteads
Description: Kitsune are able to make small pockets in reality, folding space and time to suit their needs. They can turn a hole under a floorboard into a small estate, and turn a small field into a kingdom, complete with people, animals, and weather. Time seems to flow faster inside these realms. For every day in the real world, up to seven years can pass in the realm, for those who are in it.

By using this same magic, Aura was able to create a small pocket realm in Physis. The entrance is disguised by illusion magic, but accessible if you stumble on it. She can move the entrance, but becomes exhausted after. I will be showing this by way of her homestead. Aura is unable to hold more than 1 'pocket realm' open at a time. Within, she is able to move inanimate objects that she's placed(tent, trees, snowmen) with her mind(edit/move) and even alter them slightly(paint.) Anything that is grown/made/exists inside does not exist in the outside.
Explain relation: Personal homestead?
Notes: The entrance is currently placed on a tree in front of their home(on Xeek's homestead), but can be moved ICly once every few days.
Level: 2

IC Skill Name: Luel Cersone
Power Class: Item
OOC Representation: Spirit wand
Description: Nobody knew Aura was pregnant then, not even her. What originally was a routine trip to Emain to play music in the streets, turned out to be a nightmare when Angron showed up and attacked the kitsune and her friend. Luel died that day, but his spirit did not pass on to whatever sort of 'beyond' that those born in Erinn witnessed. Attaching himself to a wand, Luel posed as a normal spirit weapon. Aura had no idea. In fact, she assumed all 'egos' were born by a spirit attaching itself. He was taken care of by her, and began to grow over the years. Assisting his mother any way he could. She called the spirit in her wand Luel.

In Aura's homestead, only when Aura is there(because that's when the ego wand will be there) Luel takes the shape of a little redhead boy with fox ears. When the wand is gone, the illusion of the child is no longer in the homestead and reverts back in to the physical shape of Aura's ego wand.
Explain relation: Pretty much identical to a normal spirit wand, with a little tweak
Notes: Outside of Aura's realm, he acts like a normal spirit wand. Once the ego has 21 social, he'll be able to take a physical form outside of the realm for a short time.
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Kitsune Seduction
Power Class: Racial/Enthralling
OOC Representation: CoD/Taming
Description: A form of mind control, the kitsune ability of 'seduction' is one of the most commonly-mentioned skills in legends. By using their tail or tails in a swaying manner, or by meeting the gaze of a target, the kitsune is capable of taking over their mind. While under the control of the kitsune, the victim sees, thinks, and lives in a world designed by the kitsune, all inside the target's mind. The target is controlled until someone breaks the magic the kitsune's using. This mind control is purely by magic, mind you, and can be broken by certain magics, or wards.
Explain relation: The targeted animal helps whenever under effect of these skills.
Notes: If used on a PC, the target chooses to fall or not(OOC)
Level: 2

IC Skill Name: Foxfire Fire Breath
Power Class: Racial
OOC Representation: Flame Burst or Fireball
Description: Much like a dragon, kitsunes are able to breathe out a line of fire or a ball of fire.
Explain relation: Animation of said skills
Notes: This skill is only accessible in human or 10-tailed fox(demi god) form. The small fox form(pet) doesn't have access to it.. since she can't equip a cylinder.
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Foxfire Fox Lanterns
Power Class: Racial
OOC Representation: 1 Firebolt or 5 Icebolt charges
Description: By rubbing her tails together, spheres or lanterns appear and glow around her. Typically either at the tips of her tails, or in a circle around her. She is also able to hold her own magic in her hands without being burnt.
Explain relation: Animation of said skills
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Foxfire Fire Whip
Power Class: Racial
OOC Representation: Lightning Bolt
Description: Focusing the mana in to a crude shape, Aura is able to form it in to a flaming fiery whip that stuns, as well as damages her opponents. As stated, she holds immunity to her own magic, therefore it doesn't burn her hand in the process. She can make 1 single whip, or one with 5 ends(5 charges). Because it's not the nature of fire magic, the damage fluctuates wildly.
Explain relation: The way LB attacks
Notes: If someone is immune to lightning magic via lightning elementals, the spell is considered to be really weak in damage. It still has the effect of stun.
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Fire(Heat) Immunity Transformation
Power Class: Elemental/Transformation and Weakness
OOC Representation: Full fire elemental gear set
Description:Having knowledge of how fire magic works, and various other magics like mana shield and elemental shields, Aura has combined the ideas in to forming a protective barrier around herself, and still maintain her hands to do other things. Blocking out all heat, but still occasionally able to feel the force behind the blows and suffering from the physical qualities of the spells. It's really only the hot-ness that she is immune from. But that makes her weaker against opposing forces.
Explain relation: Full elemental set damage reduction and everything that applies
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Possession and Transformation
Power Class: Racial/Transformation/Item
OOC Representation: DK Trans
Description: Simple taking over a target for a period of time. Possessing someone(thing) is not a long-term event as far as kitsune are concerned. Aura's brand of possession takes place with a broken piece of old dark knight armor she found. It still had consciousness to it, and spoke to the inner trickster within Aura. She wears the armor piece in a necklace, and possesses it to transform in to a dark knight.
Explain relation: Transforming in to DK
Notes: If the necklace is taken away, she can not DK transform until she either regains it, or replaces it.
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Shapeshifting(The three forms of Aura)
Power Class: Racial/Transformation
OOC Representation: Fox pet, character, and Demi Transformation
Description: A kitsune can transform into anything found in nature. This means they can turn into trees, forests, rocks, water, or other people. The limits are that the transformation does not give them the innate abilities of the form they have taken, and they are vulnerable to what can harm that form.

Aura can only shapeshift in to 3 separate forms. Coming through the soul stream as a fox, this remains as her base form. The second transformation is the most common. Humanoid-Aura, with fox ears and fox tails. The third is a large 10-tail fox.
Explain relation: Each representation shows the physical appearance of the skill.
Level: 2

IC Skill Name: 10 Tailed Fox
Power Class: Racial/Transformation
OOC Representation: 1DemiGod, 2Shire+Aura, 3Aura+Carpet, 4CC+4 Fire wand and CC+4 Lightning wand, alternating between hands. Demi+mp potions+meditation allow for quick, almost immediate mp recovery, 5Cooldown
Description: Aura is able to turn in to a very large ten-tailed fox(1). Unlike her normal transformation, this one is magical and does not render her nude when she returns to a normal form. The size of the 10-tail fox is that of a giant's shire. She is much quicker in this form, and can even seat one person(2) on her back, as well as levitate(3). Her appearance is a bit abnormal compared to other foxes, and her other fox-form, in that alternating every other tail holds a charge of either fire or lightning and allows her to alternate between using those spells quickly(4), almost instantly conjuring up 5 charges each time she uses them(4). It takes a massive amount of Aura's energy to do this, therefore she's only able to do it once in awhile(5).
Explain relation: The representation are just skins of the skills, pets, and character
Level: 2

IC Skill Name: The Kitsune's Ball
Power Class: Racial/Item
OOC Representation: Any spherical equipment. To teleport requires capsules or another method of teleporting the actual character. If there are none, Aura will simply be too weak to warp away. Family Warping
Description: Kitsune have things called kitsune balls. What this is, is a small white ball. It doesn't glow, and doesn't appear to have any powers. The kitsune guard this ball closely, and if you can get your hands on one, you can have the kitsune promise to aid you.

Aura houses an extraordinary amount of her spirit and power in to the ball. Because of this, it allows for a few unique tricks for her and the one who holds the ball. She can communicate in various ways, with the person holding the ball. Including being able to talk to the person who holds it from a distance. She can also be teleported to the ball. But because it houses much of her power, if the ball is destroyed it leaves her weakened and in that weakened state if Aura is killed she will die permanently. If the ball is shattered, she can remake a new one in three real life days.
Explain relation: RP Tool, and various teleporting methods
Level: 2

IC Skill Name: Feeding
Power Class: Racial/Regenerative
OOC Representation: Shadow Spirit(absorb), Life Drain
Description: Kitsune have been known to feed off of many things, including words, knowledge, writing, music, the land, and the people around them(typically using the emotional energy behind these things.) Legends have people who take a kitsune lover, and waste away, needing a priest to separate the 'link' between the kitsune and her intended. This link allows the kitsune to drain the person, even when not in the same area as their lover, and the severing of the link doesn't necessarily mean the death of the kitsune.

One of the most common forms of feeding from a target is through sex. Since kitsune are creatures who enjoy sensations in the first place, so this makes sense. The effect of lovemaking for a kitsune's partner is, according to many sources, more pleasurable than most mortals can handle.
Kitsune seem to prefer willing partners. Those more willing to be with a kitsune do not seem to be affected as much by the effects of lovemaking, and if the kitsune and her mate are happy together, the mortal stands a very good chance of staying alive, if not entirely sane.
Explain relation: Draining animations
Notes: Draining doesn't necessarily replenish the health of a kitsune. But mostly energy(stamina) and magic(MP). ICly this doesn't have to be used while in demi-form.
Level: 2

Last edited by Auramune on Tue Apr 10, 2012 5:56 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Spelling)

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Aura's Kitsune Powers Empty Re: Aura's Kitsune Powers

Post  Guest Mon Apr 09, 2012 11:46 pm

...Aren't most of those already on the template?..


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Aura's Kitsune Powers Empty Re: Aura's Kitsune Powers

Post  Krystal Mon Apr 09, 2012 11:59 pm

Soifa Toten wrote:...Aren't most of those already on the template?..

I thought the idea was that just cause they're on the template doesn't mean you don't apply for them. And it looks like she may have her own ways of showing others/conditions. If we say "I follow this template and everything in it", doesn't it not mean we're applying to be that race? You DO have to pass mentoring first to even be allowed to do it.

o-o Just my thoughts.
Buckwheat Dragon
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Aura's Kitsune Powers Empty Re: Aura's Kitsune Powers

Post  Guest Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:03 am

Krystal wrote:
Soifa Toten wrote:...Aren't most of those already on the template?..

I thought the idea was that just cause they're on the template doesn't mean you don't apply for them. And it looks like she may have her own ways of showing others/conditions. If we say "I follow this template and everything in it", doesn't it not mean we're applying to be that race? You DO have to pass mentoring first to even be allowed to do it.

o-o Just my thoughts.

Aura's already passed mentoring(...I hope. >:I ).

It's just that, as a kitsune, I dunno if it was really..necessary to type all that out. Religion weakness, appearance, the homestead thing, and some others were all on the template for Kitsune...

I guess it's just a personal want to type it all out like that or something...

'course, I approve either way so..whatever.


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Aura's Kitsune Powers Empty Re: Aura's Kitsune Powers

Post  Xeek Tue Apr 10, 2012 5:05 am

Soifa Toten wrote:
Krystal wrote:
Soifa Toten wrote:...Aren't most of those already on the template?..

I thought the idea was that just cause they're on the template doesn't mean you don't apply for them. And it looks like she may have her own ways of showing others/conditions. If we say "I follow this template and everything in it", doesn't it not mean we're applying to be that race? You DO have to pass mentoring first to even be allowed to do it.

o-o Just my thoughts.

Aura's already passed mentoring(...I hope. >:I ).

It's just that, as a kitsune, I dunno if it was really..necessary to type all that out. Religion weakness, appearance, the homestead thing, and some others were all on the template for Kitsune...

I guess it's just a personal want to type it all out like that or something...

'course, I approve either way so..whatever.

Let me explain, yet again.
Templates are not just wrong (in some part) but they are not fully specified. Ex...

-The realm doesn't explain any of the things Aura did.
-Feeding wouldn't kill the target (which doesn't just have to be their mate), and it wouldn't heal the user. Therefore, life drain can't work.
-"Illusion" is also a broad term. When I think of this, I think I am going to fight the cat from Alice in(and?) Wonderland. It doesn't seem to have any limit or representation, so I see it as an RP tool meaning I can mind-havesexualintercoursewith a person without any limits.
-Fox transformation is also wrong, being that they can transform to anything, and it's not just an illusion, because they are weak to what affects that thing. Ei. Turn into fire, watch out for water.

While the templates are nice (and posting powers are a hassle), I , and possibly Aura, find it better to explain out the power so it's clearer how they work and their limitations.

Also, kitsunes are also usually female, so the description should say "beautiful men" >_>

@Cru: When you state "I am following this template" I am pretty sure you don't need approval for it. It's the point of the template. And you only need mentoring for level 2powers +

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Aura's Kitsune Powers Empty Re: Aura's Kitsune Powers

Post  Auramune Tue Apr 10, 2012 5:55 am

Pretty much what Xeek said. While some of these powers are mentioned in the template, it doesn't state any specifics about them. No limitations, nothing.. There is a lot of information missing off of the templates, that should be required for anyone applying for said powers to be aware of.

Honestly, people should appreciate the great length of detail put in applying for powers so they can't be abused. Especially since I asked what 'Illusions' means in the kitsune template, and it wasn't answered. With an open ended power like that, with no explanation, it leaves the possibilities endless. It's VERY abuse-able if there's no definitions of anything. So I personally won't be following the templates, and will be writing my powers out completely. Even if they come close to the same powers. If they're similar to what's on the template then it shouldn't take long to approve them.

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Aura's Kitsune Powers Empty Re: Aura's Kitsune Powers

Post  Xeek Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:11 am

This is what I picture when I see just "Illusions", as tempted as I am to request it for Xaver....
Really tempted.... specially since in the template, there is no representation.

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Aura's Kitsune Powers Empty Re: Aura's Kitsune Powers

Post  Auramune Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:51 am

I find that creepy xD!

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Aura's Kitsune Powers Empty Re: Aura's Kitsune Powers

Post  Auramune Wed Apr 11, 2012 9:55 am

Aura's Kitsune Powers DanceyBump

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Aura's Kitsune Powers Empty Re: Aura's Kitsune Powers

Post  Guest Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:39 am

I'm hypnotized by that...

Anyway, I have a quick question(My approval will still stand)

Considering you're the master of Kitsunes...when you asked about illusions in the race template thread, did you mean the homestead pocket realm or just illusions?

If just illusions, which of your powers is the one the represents that? Is it something like Xaver's tool thing? If so, I don't think I see a power request here for something like that...I might be missing it and just being retarded when I read, though.


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Aura's Kitsune Powers Empty Re: Aura's Kitsune Powers

Post  Auramune Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:11 pm

I was wondering how the template defines "illusions." Since there's no information put there is all.

For Aura, almost everything is 'illusion' magic. They can all be destroyed by her weakness. Which is why she has an over-all weakness, opposed to Xaver's weakness with certain abilities. Does that make sense?

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Aura's Kitsune Powers Empty Re: Aura's Kitsune Powers

Post  Guest Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:18 pm

It does, but could you describe how the illusions work a little? Something I can use to edit the race template post to be more specific, and I'd like your input on it since you know more of Kitsunes than I.


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Aura's Kitsune Powers Empty Re: Aura's Kitsune Powers

Post  Auramune Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:24 pm

To a kitsune, their illusions are reality. What they make, for them, and for others, is as real as anything found or crafted in nature. Anything that a kitsune builds or transforms, becomes what the kitsune desired. A kitsune can make people, animals, and objects, which can't be distinguished from the real thing.

That work? xD

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Aura's Kitsune Powers Empty Re: Aura's Kitsune Powers

Post  Guest Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:24 pm

Thank you kindly. <3


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Aura's Kitsune Powers Empty Re: Aura's Kitsune Powers

Post  Auramune Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:02 pm

No problem ^_^.

Aura's Kitsune Powers Abv

Still need 2 more. Any questions? Concerns? If not then can I get some approvals or something?

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Aura's Kitsune Powers Empty Re: Aura's Kitsune Powers

Post  Vayne Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:30 pm

*Slinks in* Approved. *slinks out*

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Aura's Kitsune Powers Empty Re: Aura's Kitsune Powers

Post  Teoxihuitl Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:38 pm

To obtain my unofficial approval, you must admit your booty isnt that cool >.>

But officially I approve.
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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Aura's Kitsune Powers Empty Re: Aura's Kitsune Powers

Post  Auramune Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:47 pm

I don't believe in telling lies, so that will never happen =D

But thanks for the approvals Very Happy

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