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Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved-

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Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved- Empty Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved-

Post  Xeek Fri Apr 06, 2012 9:51 am

IC Skill Name: Racial Traits - Kitsune
Power Class: Racial/Genetic
OOC Representation: Clothing, and imagination.
Description: While Xaver is Xeek's son, he drew the short end of the genetic stick, and came out looking like his mother. He has very sensitive fox ears, and kitsune tails(The amount changes as he grows stronger, currently he has three). Due to this, Xaver is girly looking. Because of his race, Xaver is allowed a large amount of skills.
Explain relation: Just racial features.
Notes: Xaver can be mistaken for a girl from the back, specially because of his fluffy white tails.
Level 0

IC Skill Name: Xaver's world
Power Class:Racial
OOC Representation:Homestead
Description: Xaver is able to create his own pocket dimension. From the outside, the dimension can't be seen, though if a person walks into where it is, they will enter a world created by him. He can move around and change his dimension, though it takes energy. If he moves the location of his dimension entrance, he'll be really fatigued. Xaver can also feel if someone goes inside his realm without him being there.
Explain relation: Homestead - Realm. Yes=D
Notes: While Xaver is 'all powerful' in this realm, and can create a lot of illusion. He has to physically harm the person in order for them to be removed.
Level 2

IC Skill Name: Life Ball.
Power Class: Racial
OOC Representation: Some in-game orb-looking thing. As well as friend capsules, PMs, ect.
Description: Xaver can create a magical ball in which he put half his power in. The holder of the ball is able to communicate and summon Xaver. However, this ball has many draw backs. If the ball is shattered, Xaver will be really weak. If Xaver is killed while the ball is shattered, he is dead permanently. If the ball is shattered, Xaver can remake a new one in three real life days.
Explain relation: The ball will be represented IC by any spherical object I want. But the user must have capsules or some method of teleporting me. If not, Xaver is simply to weak to use it.
Notes: Although Xaver is the son of Xeek, he became immortal due an incident way before soul powers were removed. Destroying the ball AND killing him, will destroy him for good. Xaver can absorb the ball (only if he is holding it) if he chooses, then create one later.
Level 2

IC Skill Name: Seduction
Power Class: Racial
OOC Representation: CoD/Taming
Description:" A form of mind control, the kitsune ability of 'seduction' is one of the most commonly-mentioned skills in legends. By using their tail or tails in a swaying manner, or by meeting the gaze of a target, the kitsune is capable of taking over their mind. While under the control of the kitsune, the victim sees, thinks, and lives in a world designed by the kitsune, all inside the target's mind." While originally, you needed someone to break you free, I have it so a target can break free once under the spell. Very high level priest and paladins will still fall prey to the seduction, but still not see the world as the Kistune would want.
Explain relation: Once you are under the effect of taming, the tamed helps the user.
Notes: The target chooses to fall or not (OOC)
Level 2

IC Skill Name: Energy blades
Power Class: Racial/elemental.
OOC Representation: Beam swords.
Description: Xaver is able to focus his energy into making two elemental blades. From other people's view, the blades look like giant glow sticks, incapable of harm. Though, priest and paladins of any level can see through his illusion, and see the blades are highly concentrated fire and electricity.
Explain relation: Beam swords, equipped.
Notes: This skill is like second nature to Xaver, he can equip them and remove them at will.
Level 1

IC Skill Name: "Godly" Form.
Power Class:Racial/Transformation
OOC Representation: Dark Knight.
Description: Xaver glows brightly in a white aura, making him seen heavenly. During this form, he is much stronger.
Though, medium level priest and paladins can see through his illusion they will see him actually using the dark knight transformation.
Explain relation: It's just dark knight with an IC skin change.
Notes: The disguise is because Xaver is ashamed of his dark path.
Level 0

IC Skill Name: Feeding.
Power Class:Racial
OOC Representation: Lifedrain, imagination, shadow spirit, leveling, ect.
Description: Xaver draws the emotions from the target, whether it's a mate or a dying person, and turns them into energy so he can use later on.
Explain relation: All the representation involve getting energy.
Notes: Xaver does not need to mate with the target to take their energy, though he would find it more pleasurable.
Level 0

IC Skill Name: True Kistune
Power Class: Racial/Transformation
OOC Representation: Demi-god + Wands
Description: During this form, Xaver has at least 5 tails (If he has less currently, he'll grow what he needs for 5). During this form, Xaver's abilities are enhanced. He regenerates a lot faster, as well as he can move quicker. This form has no appearance change on Xaver, except the tail growth. Xaver is also able to chaincast without wands in this form. This form also allows for the use of Nightmare, Misplacement, Destruction.
Explain relation: Demi also gives does boost, and the wands will be OOC.
Notes: While this has no appearance change, at the start of the transformation, people can feel the increase in power.
Level 2

IC Skill Name: Nightmare
Power Class: Racial
OOC Representation:Shadow Spirit
Description: The Kistune uses it's energy to create a powerful illusion, so powerful that it can have physical effect on the target's mind. Only very devoted priest can break through this. The target sees what they fear the most as well as other terrifying creatures attacking them. Though, others will only see a black mist at going at the target.
Explain relation: Shadow spirit is a black fog that does heavy damage.
Notes: Highly devoted priest will not be affected at all by this skill. ICwise, Xaver doesn't use this skill to feed.
Level 2

IC Skill Name: Misplacement
Power Class: Racial/Magical
OOC Representation: Wings of Eclipse
Description: Xaver uses his energy to either make illusions of himself, or change his location. As each fake Xaver is hit, he loses energy. Xaver can still see everything in place, and can hit his target's freely. High level priest can see his illusions, and attack him directly.
Explain relation: Eclipse protects the user until his energy runs out.
Notes: due to the nature of this attack, it is possible to hit Xaver with a large AoE spell.
Level 2

IC Skill Name: Destruction
Power Class: Racial/Soul (weak)
OOC Representation: Wings of Rage
Description: Xaver uses his energy to create a devastating attack, he focuses his energy into a dark ball that radiates dark energy. When it hits, the ball will explode, those close to the ball's path will take sever direct damage, no matter their armor.
Explain relation: Eclipse by passes defense and protection.
Notes: While this power affects the "soul" it doesn't cause any permanent damage.
Level 1

IC Skill Name: Transformation
Power Class: Transformation/Racial
OOC Representation: Pets, change of clothing, ect.
Description: Xaver is able to transform himself into not just a fox, but many different things. It can include a tree, a rock, and other inanimate objects as well as living creatures. Medium level priest and paladins can see his face and tails in his transformations. Any holy objects that is close by can also distort his transformation.
Explain relation: I can log into pets, and wear bush customes!
Notes: while they are "illusions" his body does that their form.
Level 2

IC Skill Name: Teleportation.
Power Class:Racial.
OOC Representation: Final hit, conti warp, wings of goddess, ect.
Description: Xaver uses his powers to be able to teleport to certain familiar location, like the last town he was in. He can also use his powers to try and teleport across the continent,though this can tire him. He can do close range teleportation, to a target only, this is less tiring but still requires rest.
Explain relation: The game provides methods to teleport.
Notes: Even if I teleport at 11:50, when it turns to 12. Xaver can't teleport again.
Level 2

IC Skill Name: Elemental Manipulation
Power Class: Elemental/Racial
OOC Representation: Bolts, spells, rage pets
Description: Xaver is able to create small orbs of a certain element, while they are similar to bolts, he is able to play around with them, or shoot them as a weapon. He can choose to make it "explode" to create a small AoE attack to defend himself. (pets)
Explain relation: Mostly imagination with him playing with the element. NO different than the bolts.
Notes: Depending on the element, the effect from the explosion will be different, though they all do small damage.
Level 1

IC Skill Name: Handy tools.
Power Class:Racial
OOC Representation: Pets giving me tools.
Description: Xaver uses his kistune powers to create certain weapons or tools. While he can let others use them, if they get too far they'll disappear. As well, as mid-level priest and paladins can cancel these items by touching them. Pouring holy waters will 'melt' the items.
Explain relation: The normal mabi agricultural tools.
Notes: While the items may be solid, they are still an illusion. Priest would see them a random log or a branch.
Level 2

IC Skill Name: Jumping out of reality
Power Class: Protective/Movement/Genetic
OOC Representation: Shylock Step
Description: Xaver and his body exit reality for a second, turning themselves into spirits to protect themselves. This is for a very short time. Due to the amount of power it takes, Xaver's body becomes light to him for a while, forcing him to move quickly for a short time.
Explain relation: Shylock's step (as long as other personas) protect you while you activate them.
Notes: due to the stress this causes on his body, he is incapable of using it multiple times simultaneously
Level 0

IC Skill Name: Animal magnetism
Power Class: Natural/Genetic
OOC Representation: None. Imagination
Description: Xaver gets along with animals in his environment, though, some may feel threaten by his sexuality
Explain relation: Not a power.
Notes: Friendliness is done IC
Level 0

IC Skill Name: Sensitive Hearing
Power Class: Genetic/Sensory
OOC Representation: Chatbox
Description: Xaver has higher hearing than average.
Explain relation: The chatbox shows chats.
Notes: He can hear whispers a bit father thank rank 1 windmill distance. If Focused, he can hear them in the same distance, but through objects.
Level 0

Last edited by Xeek on Mon Apr 09, 2012 4:39 pm; edited 4 times in total

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Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved- Empty Re: Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved-

Post  Auramune Fri Apr 06, 2012 9:59 am

These are totally legit for a kitsune.

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Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved- Empty Re: Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved-

Post  Xeek Fri Apr 06, 2012 7:02 pm

Bump? I'd appreciate some postage. =D

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Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved- Empty Re: Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved-

Post  Xeek Sat Apr 07, 2012 9:07 pm

Added new things

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Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved- Empty Re: Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved-

Post  Xeek Sun Apr 08, 2012 6:42 pm

Bumpa bumpa bump~

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Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved- Empty Re: Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved-

Post  Cyler Sun Apr 08, 2012 7:10 pm

Mmh...sorry Xeek. I do not have the approval power anymore. >: But I do have the high fives! Very Happy
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved- Empty Re: Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved-

Post  Xeek Sun Apr 08, 2012 7:38 pm

Cyler wrote:Mmh...sorry Xeek. I do not have the approval power anymore. >: But I do have the high fives! Very Happy

You are useless *throws across the continent* Just kidding =D High fives are awesome.

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Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved- Empty Re: Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved-

Post  Temo Mon Apr 09, 2012 11:18 am

Kay, so finally got around to doing more than just lurking on the forum. (I MEAN LOOK, A POST!) Read this over again and...I need to ask you something in private before putting in my two sense or two cents or two scents get what I mean. So like, not busy anymore, drop me a line whenevs. >3>
Burrito Bison

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Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved- Empty Re: Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved-

Post  Xeek Mon Apr 09, 2012 2:15 pm

That only works if you AREN'T asleep *_*

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Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved- Empty Re: Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved-

Post  Temo Mon Apr 09, 2012 5:02 pm

Kay, got things clarified for my dunce cap-ness. I still think "Godly" Form's a retarded one, but nothing wrong with it overall. :V So 1 approval. And stuff.
Burrito Bison

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Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved- Empty Re: Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved-

Post  Xeek Mon Apr 09, 2012 5:03 pm

I fixed it so it says "Illusion" for your understanding..
Also.. Bump~

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Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved- Empty Re: Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved-

Post  Xeek Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:55 pm


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Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved- Empty Re: Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved-

Post  Guest Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:24 pm

Since you haven't bugged me for approval in 24 hours...
Looked over.

Seems alright.



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Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved- Empty Re: Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved-

Post  Xeek Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:26 pm

*does the one more approval dance*

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Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved- Empty Re: Xaver, son of dragon born a fox. -Approved-

Post  Teoxihuitl Tue Apr 10, 2012 2:19 pm

Sweet Tart Sucubus
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