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Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS

Mari Eir
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Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS Empty Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS

Post  Dalvar Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:42 pm

IC Skill Name: Erg Sensitivity
Power Class: Natural/World
OOC Representation: Meditation
Description: Due to her study of magic and worship of Lymilark, Dalvar is more sensitive to the Erg. She can sense changes in the erg, and is negatively effected by Erg of a different type than the erg she is attuned to.
Explain relation: Well, I figure Meditation is all about being more connected to the erg to get more mana from it, so it seems reasonable that it could also make her more sensitive.
Notes: This is mostly a negative thing. Bad erg is bad and makes her feel sick.
Level: 1

Uses the Incubus Template.

Uses the Goblin(Uladh) Template and a modified* Succubus Template.

*Modifications are as follows, things struck through are not abilities she has:
Beautiful and enchanting creatures that feed on the dreams and life energy of others. They are most commonly found in Rabbie Dungeon.
Racial traits: Succubi are shapely women with red eyes and small bat-like wings.
Abilities: Life Drain(without a cylinder IC, with a cylinder OOC; can only be used during feeding), flight(flying pet)
Weaknesses: Taming/Magic music/Enthrall, CoD, Cubic Hunger(a cubus who does not "feed" regularly will be driven first to madness, then to death), churches(cause a minor amount of pain and discomfort, no actual damage), sensitive wings.

Special Mechanic: Redemption
A cubus who finds true love and preforms a great act for the church of Lymilark will be freed from his or her Cubic Hunger. In addition, his or her cubus traits and powers will not be passed on to any children he or she has.

Last edited by Dalvar on Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS Empty Re: Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS

Post  Guest Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:11 am

-thumbs up of approved-


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Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS Empty Re: Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS

Post  Mari Eir Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:21 am

Very simple. How DARE Dalvar be a normal human!? D:

Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS Empty Re: Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS

Post  Xeek Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:26 am

three questions: Would the shadow realm make her weak then? Or being around fomors?

Also, how does her body convert erg into mana?
Mana is already existing in Erinn, we, as humans, can't convert erg into mana. We can use mana to create erg, or "life energy" which is made out of erg anyways.

As stated in the in-game books.
We can use mana to create life energy(manually)
Or our bodies use ERG to create life energy (Automatically)
But there is no erg to mana.

Although, I made a mistake when I first said this, Eweca does give off mana through it's moonlight. But no broken piece of Eweca gives off mana.

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Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS Empty Re: Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS

Post  Mithos Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:12 am

One question... I'm just curious since I've been playing a bit of Vindi/Mabi lately...

After a bit of research, "Erg Sensitivity" to me sounds exactly like empathy/detect everything ever. Erg is an abstract form of energy (don't even try to compare it to the forms of energy science has brought us, it is in no way, shape or form similar to any of them) that can come from anything, material or not. In large quantities and concentrations, Erg can become visible (atmospheres in both Erinn and the Shadow Realm). Erg is everywhere, in every being, in every thing, in every particle. An enraged person would give out a certain type of erg. A sorrowful person would send off yet another type. Just like that, a rock and a tree would have different ergs. Every erg is different, and the ammount of different erg types are basically infinite, even though some are more useful than others (Life, Light, Dark, etc.). Being able to sense changes in the erg that flows around, as small as they can be sounds like a pretty impossible task but would lead to some very broken results such as the ability to sense everything at any time, even feelings, potentially even giving the power to read minds if pushed to a drastic extreme.

So my question is simple.

To what extent would she be able to sense those changes in the Erg and would the nature of the Erg have a different effect on the character?

PS: I'm pretty sure mana is just a raw energy used to create a multitude of Ergs, hence the different elemental spells/healing/blaze.

Sorry for bringing my theories/summed up stuff into this. I simply wanted to clarify something that, in my honest opinion, was never clarified enough. I also won't mind if you choose to ignore this without trying to disprove it. If it would make things too complicated, please... Go ahead and ignore my statement xD

More explainations can be given via PM if needed.

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Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS Empty Re: Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS

Post  Dalvar Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:49 am

Naw, Mithos, that's easy to answer.
I was much more detailed the first time I requested this, so I already have the answer.

Erg Sensitivity IS "detect everything ever." Or it would be if anyone was that good.
But I think that with all the training and lymilarkness and meditation rant 1, no one would be that good.

So, no, Dal can only sense big changes.
Going from Erinn to the shadow realm is a BIG CHANGE, same with the Other World.
Active moon gates and mana tunnels are noticeable- But they are also noticeable if you are using your EYES.
The Giant Marks are noticeable and have an effect (Wild Dalvar has become more aggressive!) but she has to be near them, again, near enough to see.
People and animals? Pssssh. They don't even register. Demi is noticeable (again, something that you could also notice by using your eyes) and things like Hyu's SADNESS are noticeable (in a bad way! Hyu, you make me sick) and that's about it.

If you blindfolded her she'd be able to tell you if she was near something causing a large change in the erg, but she wouldn't be able to navigate a room.

Also, imho, erg is a bit like chi.

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Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS Empty Re: Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS

Post  Xeek Wed Apr 11, 2012 7:34 am

Dalvar wrote:Naw, Mithos, that's easy to answer.
I was much more detailed the first time I requested this, so I already have the answer.

Erg Sensitivity IS "detect everything ever." Or it would be if anyone was that good.
But I think that with all the training and lymilarkness and meditation rant 1, no one would be that good.

So, no, Dal can only sense big changes.
Going from Erinn to the shadow realm is a BIG CHANGE, same with the Other World.
Active moon gates and mana tunnels are noticeable- But they are also noticeable if you are using your EYES.
The Giant Marks are noticeable and have an effect (Wild Dalvar has become more aggressive!) but she has to be near them, again, near enough to see.
People and animals? Pssssh. They don't even register. Demi is noticeable (again, something that you could also notice by using your eyes) and things like Hyu's SADNESS are noticeable (in a bad way! Hyu, you make me sick) and that's about it.

If you blindfolded her she'd be able to tell you if she was near something causing a large change in the erg, but she wouldn't be able to navigate a room.

Also, imho, erg is a bit like chi.

Please don't ignore my questions.
Adding to what Mithos was saying, Erg is everywhere, but landmarks don't contain anymore erg than a common piece of grass. I am pretty sure landmarks are JUST seals engraved by Irinid. Demi is also not a large amount of erg(Though it may be by some people). Unless she is REALLY sensitive, and can sense someone putting a large table behind her? Mana tunnels/Moon gates also don't contain an abundance of erg, it's mana what floats their boat. I am not sure about Hyu's 'sadness', as I see no power for him. But unless he seeps out erg directly, she wouldn't be able to sense it.
That place with the Lich, she'd be able to sense. Dungeons, specially approaching the boss, she'd be able to sense.

Like I stated in a example above, if she is sensitive enough to sense some of the things listed, she would also be able to sense someone walking behind her, or a big rock falling (As if it wasn't noticeable enough?), ect.

To Mithos: Blaze uses "condensed magic" . While TECHNICALLY erg, since erg is everywhere/everything, but not more than bolt spells, ect.

Erg would be best compared to matter.

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Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS Empty Re: Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS

Post  Mithos Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:12 pm

Well then. That answered my question beautifully. =D

Xeek, I'd like to adress a few of your points, though.

-While never explained, I take it that it's generally accepted that the landmarks are a bunch of seals and/or power generators laid around areas by Irind to keep Irind's Curse in effect. Depending how you look at it, it may be generating a ton of power or simply sealing its own power, thus having no effect. Your choice. ;

-For most people, Demi either puts an incredible of stress on the body or gives them an abundance of energy just like Xeek's, Mari's and Vayne's demi skills. Personnally, I think that she should be able to sense those types of "Demi" if they were close enough as the amount of energy they give off would be enough to disturb the usually calm Erg around. If someone was to request a Demi that would be roleplayed otherwise (like Aura's 10 tailed fox, or another transformation that simply gives a boost in power), then Dalvar shouldn't be able to sense that, since it would most likely only be an upgrade in power.

One last question though.

Would she be empathic to a certain degree? If the other person's feelings were strong enough (like Hyu's "Sorrow") to disturb the Erg around them?

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Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS Empty Re: Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS

Post  Xeek Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:46 pm

Mithos wrote:Well then. That answered my question beautifully. =D

Xeek, I'd like to adress a few of your points, though.

-While never explained, I take it that it's generally accepted that the landmarks are a bunch of seals and/or power generators laid around areas by Irind to keep Irind's Curse in effect. Depending how you look at it, it may be generating a ton of power or simply sealing its own power, thus having no effect. Your choice. ;
No seal in the game has been shown to have a large amount of erg. Large amount of mana, yes. But, as far as is stated the only large abundance of erg as visible(As Dalvar stated), but the marks themselves have no visible erg. Visible erg would be when a fomor/monster dies, they 'poof' into erg. THat place where the lich is, clearly seeping out of the door. Seals are large amount of MANA. And while mana can be turned into erg (Some people, and I am sure Dalvar was one of them? , believe that while life force is created by erg, they aren't the same. Thus meaning, mana can't be turned into erg), they aren't the same. In order for her to sense mana as erg, she would also have to feel anyone who has large amount of mana or feel someone casting blaze, a bolt spell, or ect.

-For most people, Demi either puts an incredible of stress on the body or gives them an abundance of energy just like Xeek's, Mari's and Vayne's demi skills. Personnally, I think that she should be able to sense those types of "Demi" if they were close enough as the amount of energy they give off would be enough to disturb the usually calm Erg around. If someone was to request a Demi that would be roleplayed otherwise (like Aura's 10 tailed fox, or another transformation that simply gives a boost in power), then Dalvar shouldn't be able to sense that, since it would most likely only be an upgrade in power.
While I don't disagree with you, I was talking about pure demi. Which, if I am correct, is only the power of the Caliburn. Also, just because it gives energy, doesn't mean extra erg. Like, a large amount of electricity doesn't mean more matter.

Quote from ingame book. " Every human action comes from a conscious decision, and this comes from a person's spirit. A person's spirit and body are closely related. Therefore, Mana, which powers the spirit also affects the body as well.

Erinn's nature is full of Mana, and since the body doesn't really use a lot of Mana, it is always restored by nature. It seems that daily activities do not require Mana, whereas using magic requires significant amount. "

As previously stated, mana is mostly related to energy, while erg is more like matter. Erg can be shaped by mana.

One last question though.

Would she be empathic to a certain degree? If the other person's feelings were strong enough (like Hyu's "Sorrow") to disturb the Erg around them?
While it is her power, the only way it would work is if the emotions could manifest themselves.

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Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS Empty Re: Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS

Post  Dalvar Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:03 pm

Oh, hey, I have powers, that's right!
So, questions:

- Nope! She doesn't have that! Even the strongest emotions do not ripple the Erg enough to have an effect. Hyu's sorrow only does this because it actually leaks out of him like emotional incontinence.

Giant Marks
- The I know it's said (somewhere!) that because of the way the giant marks are sealed they make the animals more aggressive. That's what they do to her. ("I know I'm near one of those marks because I feel all grrrrr"!)

- It only works with normal Demi or requested Demi that specifically effects the Erg. She wouldn't feel, for instance, Aura's.

Edit: Also, I edited Goldie's powers. She doesn't have NO wings, she just has ittybitty wings.

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Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS Empty Re: Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS

Post  Teoxihuitl Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:51 pm

I will look into the giant mark thing, as I do not remember anything like that being said, but also attempt to find the information before using it as a justification.
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS Empty Re: Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS

Post  Guest Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:53 pm

Dalvar wrote:

Edit: Also, I edited Goldie's powers. She doesn't have NO wings, she just has ittybitty wings.

Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS Vol772


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Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS Empty Re: Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS

Post  Dellinger Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:53 pm

I'll wait up on Teo's information before adding commentary.

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Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS Empty Re: Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS

Post  Dalvar Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:56 pm

Teoxihuitl wrote:I will look into the giant mark thing, as I do not remember anything like that being said, but also attempt to find the information before using it as a justification.
I think it's maybe said during one of the exploration quests?
Either way, if you can't find it I have NO problem with making her not be able to sense them.

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Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS Empty Re: Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS

Post  Guest Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:57 pm

I think it's something during the trans quests..that...aren't there anymore..
So we gotta hope IG books have the info still.


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Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS Empty Re: Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS

Post  Teoxihuitl Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:59 pm


The wild animals in Iria are affected by the strange power that flows from the giant marks. Perhaps some of the animals' violent and aggressive behavior can be linked with that. Please research the field bosses, which are most influenced by the marks. -Alexina

Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS Empty Re: Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS

Post  Dellinger Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:30 pm

Then... I think atm, I have no issues. Approved until a concern I missed it found.

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Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS Empty Re: Dalvar's power restatement: ALL CHARACTERS

Post  Dalvar Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:33 pm

That makes three approvals, can I move this?

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Post  Glaceon Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:24 pm have to get someone else to move it.
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