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Welcome to The Family

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Welcome to The Family Empty Welcome to The Family

Post  Temo Sat Jan 28, 2012 6:29 am

The following ad was posted on the bulletin boards of each town in Uldah, the Dominion of Belvast, and Qilla Base Camp:

The Erinn Merchant Union is officially open and accepting members. The union supports all commerce efforts throughout Erinn and hopes to one day be able to assist all merchants and other business owners in furthering their investments; and not just merchants need apply - the E.M.U. is more than willing and able to offer jobs to a number of trades and professions!

Benefits include but are not limited to:
- Business and Transport Protection
- Cart Insurance
- Medical Coverage
- Vast Social Networking
- Discounted Wares

When you join the E.M.U., you join a family - a family that takes extra special care of its relatives. If interested in further securing your business, visit the nearest town office or Fomorian trade outpost to pick up your application today. Membership is free, provided you can show licensed verification of your trade.

Welcome to The Family!


The E.M.U. is now seeking members for its new medical staff. Special positions are available for those who have a good head for numbers and combat experience, in regards to emergency services for more dangerous trade routes. Those interested, please contact Larcen Ciel directly and as soon as possible.

Last edited by Temo on Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:40 am; edited 1 time in total
Burrito Bison

Posts : 4020
Join date : 2008-04-13
Age : 38
Location : WATCHING. O__O

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Welcome to The Family Empty Re: Welcome to The Family

Post  Mari Eir Sat Jan 28, 2012 8:25 pm

A curvy young red head sauntered (she'd been practicing her saunter) past one of the bulletins in Tara. She was always checking them, seeing if anyone anywhere was in need of entertainment; after all, it was always Renatka's dream to be a professional singer. After skimming through a few, the words "social networking" caught the young woman's attention. She could sure use some of that! After reading the entire post thoroughly, she hurried off to the Trading Post just outside of town. She had some questions for this EMU group!
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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Welcome to The Family Empty Re: Welcome to The Family

Post  Temo Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:41 am

The old E.M.U. fliers were updated. The information was the same, but there was a but of fine text down at the bottom that had been added.

[[Original post updated.]]
Burrito Bison

Posts : 4020
Join date : 2008-04-13
Age : 38
Location : WATCHING. O__O

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Welcome to The Family Empty Re: Welcome to The Family

Post  Glaceon Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:20 am

Roy passed through the trading posts frequently, his mercenary services didn't go unchecked, everyone knew his experience. Upon seeing the fine text of the bulletin, he though perhaps this is a good thing to sign up for. However, his main job was with Pandora, but perhaps a slight side job could be found...He would give it some thought for sure. During this, Pandora called for him, so his thoughts didn't last too long. I suppose I'll join this little group of merrymen he thought, as he headed over to Pandora, ready to help her out.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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