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Personae non Gratae - Shehad Family Memoirs

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Personae non Gratae - Shehad Family Memoirs Empty Personae non Gratae - Shehad Family Memoirs

Post  Mari Eir Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:41 am

((EDIT: Adding pictures to each post))
I had been meaning to write this for quite some time; as the eldest member of Shehad in this world, I feel is is my responsibility. A record of our family and events that have taken place in all our lives.

Iraselle Majaktobor Shehad
The Majaktobor name, loosely translated, means life giver. It is the name bestowed upon us due to what we were; breeders. Other tribes would come to my family looking for suitable mates for their soon-to-be leaders, and I was no exception. Despite our fates, the dowries were too good. They Majaktobor tradition may continue, even to this day.

Before marrying into the Shehad family, I grew up with five brothers and one sister. I was the middle child and recall being very happy. We lived in what could be seen as luxury for a non human. Not many dragons got to wear write clothing; cleaning it was difficult so typically only royalty could afford it. If there was a ceremony or celebration, I remember wearing such dresses and having my hair braided by my mother and decorated with flowers. It always made me feel very special.

Things began to fall apart however after my mother, Tilekitov, died giving birth to my sister. Until then, I'd been her only daughter so I spent much of my time with her. I adored her; but what little girl doesn't think the world of her mother..?

Being only seven at the time, it was very difficult. Having to raise my younger sister as the only female in the immediate family was difficult as well, but I managed. I was about 14 or 15 when I learned of my fate: I was to marry Korthkalith Shehad. Admittedly, I was fascinated.. What kind of man would he be? His name meant "courage in the face of danger". This was mere curiosity, however. I did not actually want to leave my brothers and sister. I knew that once I did, odds were I would never see them again. And I didn't.

It was odd, I'd never met someone with hair redder than my own. Korth was.. as any leader should be. He was stern, though gentle. I had heard from other girls in my home village that I would be married off to a cruel man who would force me to bear him 10 sons and 10 daughter, selling the latter off for his own greed. I never believed them, though the fear still existed at the back of my mind. Korth abolished it when his kindness.

I loved Korth, yes. Though I question if I was ever truly IN love with the man.. we only had two children, a boy and a girl. I was well taken care of as his bride as well, though I preferred to do my own hunting. It was only a few months after my son Sartcharis had been born that I began to learn what life outside the forest could be like. The next few paragraphs are words I have never spoken in succession, due to how odd things turned out. Even now, I am still stunned to think it all truly happened to me.

I was out hunting one day when, I suppose, I got too close to the human town. I admit I was a bit fascinated with them. If one went to the edge of the forest, they could see the top of a large temple-like structure. I always wondered what it was called, but no one could ever tell me.

While daydreaming about what life behind those town walls must have been like, I was attacked. Though it happened quite suddenly, I had been astute enough to respond in time. An odd young man had found me, carrying a sword that wreaked of evil. I was able to avoid most of his attacks, though at one point he'd nearly managed to behead me. I only know this much because I awoke with a new scar upon my throat days later in a strange land.. I'd apparently stumbled out of some hole in a forests a few miles from the town they'd taken me to. They healed me up and kept me at the inn there, trying to decide what they'd do with me.

At the time, everything they said sounded like absolute nonsense.. I'd never been in a human bed before, though so I was very alarmed. I tried escaping but they "Captured" me. Later I realized they had been telling me to calm down. They came to think I was an invalid, however. When they couldn't make a decision, they handed me over to the mercenaries. I figure they thought they could just use me as some sort of meatbag. I'm sure they were surprised to see how skilled I was with a staff and a spear.

When they saw I wasn't disposable, they assigned me to a young man.. boy even. I knew I was supposed to fight monsters.. but if that was the case, then why was I working for one..? He was a non human like myself. Not that they knew I was a non human; when I had woken up, my tail and wings were gone. Not like they'd been cut off, but.. in the place of my wings was a dragon tattoo. It was terribly ironic.

Anyway.. this young man, Kana as they called him.. He was very feminine, I would come to learn. Humans were totally new to me still, along with anything other than a dragon. I didn't know it was odd for boys to wear panties and stockings, so it had never struck me as out of place on this "Incubus", as they called him.
We worked together for good while. Along the way I met a good friend, Raul. He was a crossdresser which I did not think weird either. I had simply believed it to be my own folly when I didn't realize he was not in fact a female. There was also another man who came looking for a wanted criminal. Kahden, someone I would learn to call friend eventually. For the time being however, he was Kahddy Wahddy Woodle Pup.

I came to really respect these people. I adored Raul with his sense of humor. Kana assisted me in learning Common, so he was very important to me, too. I'm pretty sure Kahden had nearly arrested me many times (Raul wasn't as lucky), but he never did. They were wonderful in their own rights.

Raul always made me feel better, I could depend on him and I knew this. It made me feel very comfortable. I was able to confide in him that I was married with a child. I would soon tell many other this, but he was definitely one of, if not the first. He would be the first I would admit my sin to, as well; that I had fallen in love with a man other than my husband.

Kana.. Kana, the name is very dear to me now. His first name was Hyuponia. He was an Incubus, some sort of Fomor that fed off of sexual energy. As he later admitted to me, he took advantage of me to feed in such a way not many months after I had arrived. The experience had been new to me; not the sex, but the feelings that he elicited. "Romance" was not a concept I was familiar with, and yet he and I lived one. It started out under the guise of my own sinful lust (which I do not deny) and his need to feed, but.. we began to actually know each other.

We were always together, mainly due to missions. I would often run headlong into danger with this man and love every moment of it. I got to kill things with the man I came to love. What could be better? ((Here, there is a small inkblot; Iraselle seemed to have zoned out while writing, leaving her quill down upon the paper.))

It was difficult, us coming to terms with our feelings for one another. He was young, I was truly in love for the first time.. We knew that someday I would have to return to my son... and my husband. But we disregarded this fact etched into the back of our minds.. We were in love and had decided to enjoy being in love.

I have many a fond memory of those days. Hyuponia had a secret garden that he had planted in the nearby ruins. He had taken a flower from every battlefield he'd been on, places they would simply wither and die, just to replant them there. He took such good care of them, it was difficult not to admire him for it. Occasionally, a gnoll might have wandered in; though they were normally our enemies, he did not mind them being there. They seemed to enjoy the flowers.. and his terrible mandolin playing. The gnolls would eventually clear out, though. And in this solitude, surrounded by flowers, we would make love.

Though, as we both knew would happen, things came to an end. I had found a way to get home.. my son was so young. I could not leave him. I liked to believe I was not leaving Hyuponia, but returning to Sartcharis. I had become so immersed in human culture by then, I was completely different to my tribe. I spoke the human language, which would open many doors for us. I still needed work, though, so a human offered to tutor me. To fill the void left by Hyuponia, I would carry on a six year affair with the man. I still felt incomplete...

Aside from my affair, the only action I got from my husband resulted in our second child, whom I named after my darling mother. Just like my mother, I adored my little Tilek... But when lust beckoned, I answered the call. I feel as though I could have been a much better mother to her the first few years of her life. I never did get the chance to apologize to her for that...

My children grew up, and my husband died... I had to assume leadership in his stead until Sartcharis was ready. It was only a short stint, though I honestly would not do it again if I had to. Once married, he became the head of our tribe, just as he had been born to be. That was it. My purpose in life. The rest of my life was rather boring, save for any run-ins I had with my crazy daughter-in-law.

By the time I died, as violent as my death was, I welcomed death. Secretly.. I had hoped that in death I would be carried to the world of Erinn, the one I had helped fight to get into. Since I would clearly never see it in my lifetime, perhaps in my next life. Perhaps I would enter the eternal paradise. Perhaps I would even see Hyuponia again.

As I was struck down, I prayed. Please, Morrighan... guide me to Paradise.

Last edited by Iraselle Majaktobor on Sun Jan 15, 2012 6:24 am; edited 2 times in total
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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Personae non Gratae - Shehad Family Memoirs Empty Re: Personae non Gratae - Shehad Family Memoirs

Post  Mari Eir Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:43 am

My mother wanted me to write this... an account of my life. It's not exactly a page turner, but I don't really see the harm. I suppose I could jot down a few things.

Sartcharis Shehad
For the first few years of my life, I was without a mother. I'm sure my mother elaborated on the reason for this in her entry, though. Though I don't remember her leaving, one of my earliest memories is being ecstatic at her return. Even if I hadn't really known her, I guess I was really happy.

My father was a very hard-working man. I respected it a lot. He was definitely my role model, and my mother acted just as anyone upstanding member in our tribe should. The Shehads were not only leaders, but the envy of our little hovel of a village. Not long after mother returned was my little sister Tilek born. She fit into our family perfectly.

My sister and I were actually very close. She was rather shy and introverted, something odd for dragons, but I knew she could be louder than most if you gave her the opportunity. We always played together, and at night we would sleep close. For some reason, she was always cold so I'd have to keep her warm. Kids would tease her over always being cold, but I'd show them a little of my heat as well via fireball. Because of my protective nature over my sister, I guess I got into a lot of fights. But no one messed with the Shehads, which people apparently needed to learn over and over again until I was 12.

By that age, everyone anticipated something great from me. They were sorely disappointed, as I didn't hit puberty for another 2 years. By then.. I met her. Vorelixen Verthicha, though she called herself Vorelixen Ilfis; "nobody". She was brought to our village after hers in the mountains was massacred. She rarely spoke, so all we could get out of her was something about a human with a demon's sword. By the time we would understand what she meant, it'd be too late for us as well.

Though she was silent, Vorelixen was an extremely skilled warrior. She was already 16, 2 years older than me. But I was smitten. Strength.. an odd confidence despite her silent nature. I remember she had a hard time seeing in our forest at first, but her sense of smell was top notch; she adjusted rather quickly. She was extremely intelligent and spoke Common fluently. About as much as I did, which was impressive. Her people didn't live near humans like us, so had someone migrated to teach her village..?
Whatever the mysteries surrounding this girl were, I wanted to claim her. I asked my father to take her as my mate. He thought it was odd that I wanted the outsider, but said if I could "claim" her, I could marry her. To this day, I regret scoffing at the old man's words. He seemed to already know...

Vorelixen wouldn't give me the time of day. She seemed too caught up in training, working out. I shouldn't have been surprised that the first time she DID really speak to me it was to tell me to hand her a spear. After that it would be another week before I'd hear her voice. Shame, I thought. She sounds so lovely. She actually sounded rather gruff as well, but I was too smitten to notice anything but her rosy eyes.

Finally, I blurted it out. That I wanted to marry her. I nearly relapsed to my bed-wetting days as she glared bloody daggers at me. An angry Vorelixen is something anything with a pulse should avoid like the plague. Luckily, she didn't bite my head off. She only humiliated me by laughing in my face, then walking away. Still laughing. Even at meal time, she was laughing. She'd only pause to breath or tell someone why she was laughing. Then they'd laugh a bit, too. I was ok with that, it was cool. Not really, my inner child was bawling like an abandoned Bandersnatch.

Finally after two days of laughing whenever she saw me, Vorelixen gave me a reply. "If you can beat me in a stand up fight, I will consider the possibility of entertaining the notion of maybe marrying you." It was on.

Needless to say, I had my ass handed to me about 12 times in a row. Girls hit hard. Like... REALLY hard. Never get hit by a dragoness. Especially if her name is Vorelixen. She will mess you the hell up.

I was devastated. I'd never get to marry such an amazingly strong woman! She definitely had to be the strongest woman in the village! Maybe I'd just have to look elsewhere. Needing to get away from the humiliation of my defeat for a while, I wandered into the human town.

Serendipity, I believe is the term. In town, there was a rather large woman lifting a table; people were still seated in its bench. She had long blonde hair in braids, bright rosy cheeks, and more girth than I'd ever seen on a bipedal creature. Now.. you may be thinking "No, he's not going to..." Yes I was. I asked that woman to be my bride.. or pretend bride. When I saw that she may have declined, I promised I would hunt for her for a year. The humans knew dragons were excellent hunters, so she seemed rather excited about this. She looked like she could eat a cow on her own, so I wasn't really surprised.

It's unfair to describe her only by her size.. Lenora was not a homely woman, just larger than most men. She was older than me, but still rather young-- 21 or so-- hoping to find herself a real man one day. One who could handle her. Looking back now, I really admire her attitude. It was like Vorelixen's, just non threatening. The closer we got to the village, she would giggle and bounce ideas off me on how she would act.

Once we arrived, I could feel the eyes on me. It wasn't often humans cared to come into our little community, not that they'd ever really been forbidden from doing so. It was just.. noticeable when one did. Especially one of my lovely friend's... strength. I announced at mealtime as Lenora chowed down rather dramatically that she was to become my bride once I came of age. Vorelixen laugh. And laughed. The next day, she was still laughing. I guess I was a pretty funny guy.

Lenora stuck around for quite some time; we had to make it look authentic. She would sleep in my family's cave, eat with everyone at mealtimes, she would even train with some of the other girls. But what had finally gotten my love's attention was the older woman's desire to learn Draconic. It was something she saw as sacred. She was... incredibly offended. Or worried, I suppose. She said I couldn't teach her, but if she was to be my bride, she had to learn!

It was then that Vorelixen finally challenged her. Now, it shouldn't be hard to understand why I was worried. While Lenora could hold her own in training sessions, a real fight meant claws and fire. And spears. And Vorelixen. Now.. as you may remember, I mentioned one should avoid her angry like the plague. Well, things were starting to look pretty devastating.

Minutes. The fight took two minutes. While attempting to dodge one of Vorelixen's attacks, Lenora tripped... and fell on her. Now, normally Vorelixen would transform if that happened, but Lenora had landed on her tail. It's a weakpoint for dragons, so she was forced to submit. Lenora defeated a dragon. it may not have been on purpose, but that defeat counted as much as any one of my twelve bouts with Vorelixen.

I didn't see the object of my affection for quite some time. I didn't know what to do, so I went to my mother. I was surprised she supported me as much as she did. Love didn't quite come along for dragons that often. I guess it really moved her that I would be willing to try this ruse (I guess I never fooled her or dad) to try and get her. She started on about how women had needs, but by then I was bored of the conversationa and didn't want to think of female anatomy, so I darted off to look for Vorelixen myself.

Now... dragons aren't exactly known for being romantic. But when I explained how she didn't care about who she'd one day marry, but I was in love with her so it mattered to me, well hell. I sounded like god damned Shakespeare. I told her that even if she did lose to a human, something she would be shamed of for years to come (and I was well aware of this), she was still worth everything to me. I would dump Lenora and still take her as my bride.

Needless to say, she rejected me once more. But, she left me with another condition. "Become a man worthy of leading this village with both strength and wisdom and I will marry you." No sarcasm, no cynicism, no brutality. How could I not take up that challenge..?

I trained like never before. I wasn't weak, Vorelixen was just amazing. Abnormally so. I even went into the human town to learn their fencing. I even attended a school of theirs for a while. I had to become wise. She would poke fun of me the entire time, telling me I was still a naive little boy. I suppose I was. I didn't learn about how hard things could be until my father died when I was 20.

Tilek had already been married by then (despite being 3 years younger than me), so I felt that I had disappointed him somehow. I still hadn't obtained enough strength or wisdom. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me, so I left. I left the forest, went beyond the walls of the human town. Before I knew it, I was in the mountains, the very same Vorelixen had come from.

I never did get the chance to share what I found there.. and this certainly isn't the place for it. That information can no longer help anyone nor will it serve any purpose. Let's just say I learned of the true violence of dragons and the cruelty and ignorance of humans. The way I felt about the humans changed and I felt compelled to return to my village. When I explained what I found, Vorelixen agreed to marry me on the spot. No doubt it was from the information I found rather than being impressed by my journey. She didn't want that information shared and I figured that out almost immediately upon seeing her face. She'd marry me to keep my mouth shut.

The following spring, we were indeed married. We had two children, Vorelanon and Tihkruvor. She taught them to fight, I taught them everything else that was important. They were very talented children. I picked a good bride. The rest is not really for me to tell, but for them to. Both died alongside mother and I and are present in this world. They will be responsible for the following chapters.

Whoever is meant to see this tome, thank you for reading.

PS - I hunted for Lenora until the day I died.
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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Age : 35
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