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Missing - Tekaro of The Meabh Family

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Missing - Tekaro of The Meabh Family Empty Missing - Tekaro of The Meabh Family

Post  Tekaro Tue Jun 05, 2012 5:57 pm

A large poster hangs near the housing boards of all cities


Tekaro Meabh

Last Seen: Entering the Shadow World with Cynari [Last name withheld by request]

Description:Silver Hair, Light blue eyes, about Fourteen years of Age. He is usually seen with his horse Naofa. He is skilled with a blade for his age, and is considered friendly. He wears the Claus armor issued to Knights of Emain, and his skin is a light fair tone. Both ears are reduced to stubs and chest has a wide scar.

Presumed: Alive, but needs medical attention immediately to take care of existing wounds.

Additional Information: Our source has told us that a group of criminal Dark Knights are hunting this young boy down, If you have any information on these criminals, please send an owl to Miss Caoimeh Dealg Meabh, the young boy's Mother.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

Posts : 20
Join date : 2012-05-11

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Missing - Tekaro of The Meabh Family Empty Missing - Cynari

Post  Tekaro Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:01 pm

Another large poster hangs near the housing boards of all cities



Last Seen: Entering the Shadow World with troops from Tailliteann & Tara

Description:Dark brown skin, black hair, golden eyes. A young seventeen year old woman with an affinity towards Alchemy and the study of Formorians.

Presumed: Dead, but there is hope as the surviving commander, Sir Vardak Rozan had seen a Red Dragon carry her away to safety. If this be a hallucination from massive blood loss or not. We must assume the worst until the best can be proven

Additional Information: If found in the Shadow World, return to Tara and find the Regiment that is going back in to resume the operation to save the boy, do not try to be a hero and save her alone.

A new note is placed in front of the old

Cynari was found by her parents, she had suffered many injuries, but is expected to recover quickly. We thank you for your assistance in tracking one of Taillitean's Alchemists. However, we must find Emain's Knight, Tekaro Meabh. Please come forth if you know anything about the boy's location."
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

Posts : 20
Join date : 2012-05-11

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