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*Bulletin* Class is in session!

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*Bulletin* Class is in session! Empty *Bulletin* Class is in session!

Post  Lilieath Sun Jan 22, 2012 11:36 pm

A woman with dark red hair in a classy brown suit leans against the bulletin with a sigh. She'd just been told that if she couldn't keep at least one of her classes full, she could lose her new job so soon after getting comfortable with it. "Well, it's worth a shot." Lili tacks up the note, scanning it over once again with her large round reading glasses. It still baffled her why history and folklore were separate classes. Given the state of Erinn and the fantastic things that happen, the two may as well be one in the same. Looking it over again, she frowns slightly and scratches out a few words with a quill.

Interested in history, folklore, literature or combat? There are still many openings in all of my classes, so feel free to come down and sit in! Basic courses are free of charge. One on one tutoring with a cute redhead is also available ;D

-See Lilieath, Dunbarton school building.
Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

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*Bulletin* Class is in session! Empty Re: *Bulletin* Class is in session!

Post  Temo Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:56 am

Larcen tilted his head thoughtfully as he came across the bulletin. He always felt he was too old for school now; but now that it crossed his mind after reading, what DID he know about Erinn? Aside from the bandits on the road and random, non-chronological tales he'd heard from a few travelers, he couldn't say he knew much. So then, maybe this was what he needed? All the courses offered were things that'd be a necessity if he was going to be living in this new world. Dunbarton school...he'd be sure to check that out the next time he was passing through with goods to sell! Hopefully, if there were children in the class, they wouldn't mock him for his age or inexperience...
Burrito Bison

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*Bulletin* Class is in session! Empty Re: *Bulletin* Class is in session!

Post  Cyler Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:04 am

((I suggest putting this on hold since the CL didn't get word of it yet. Razz))
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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*Bulletin* Class is in session! Empty Re: *Bulletin* Class is in session!

Post  Auramune Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:05 am

<<It's not town effecting, has nothing to do with CL.>>

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*Bulletin* Class is in session! Empty Re: *Bulletin* Class is in session!

Post  Cyler Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:09 am

((But wouldn't he at least need word of this? I mean he would know where all the NPC's worked, but if a random person came up and took a job without his knowing, it would make him raise a brow. That's why I suggested at least sending the leader a note or something as an application.))
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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*Bulletin* Class is in session! Empty Re: *Bulletin* Class is in session!

Post  Auramune Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:16 am

<<Not really enough for you to say stop to something. CL react to things, and discuss larger plots with people. Not just every day plots. Think of it this way.. you get a new job in RL. Do you have to have it okay'd by the mayor before hand? CLs don't have a tight enough grip on cities to know everything about everyone and stuff like that.>>

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*Bulletin* Class is in session! Empty Re: *Bulletin* Class is in session!

Post  Xeek Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:20 am

(( There is no formal applications for work yet. Maybe someone should make a thread for that? -Kidding-
IC, a CL is nothing more than a Mayor. OOC a CL is a plot developer. If anything major, or something that requires a large part of the city's reaction, is going down, the CL (OOC) should give the okay first.
Ex. You still Candy from the grocery store. You don't need the CL approval.
Ex. You plan to destroy the library(Again), while you attempt doesn't require the approval of the CL, the CL is the one who works out what happens after you attack.
It is designed so people can still do average RPs in the cities without hunting down a CL each time, but at the same time stop possible abuse of NPCs and Guards.)

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*Bulletin* Class is in session! Empty Re: *Bulletin* Class is in session!

Post  Auramune Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:31 am

<<steal* on Xeek's post. And sorry for the thread discussion, Lilieath xD.>>

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*Bulletin* Class is in session! Empty Re: *Bulletin* Class is in session!

Post  Cyler Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:41 am

((Just thought for a particular event such as jobs, plots, random acts of violence one would be arrested for, would most likely need the CL's hearing. xD; Yes, I am sorry also. Any further replies should be through PM. OOCly to my reply that is XD; ))
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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*Bulletin* Class is in session! Empty Re: *Bulletin* Class is in session!

Post  Cyler Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:20 am

A young black haired woman walked up to the post, interested, mumbling to herself "This would be a good place for Len, Jamie,and Rin to go..." she quickly went to notify the teacher without hesitation.
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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*Bulletin* Class is in session! Empty Re: *Bulletin* Class is in session!

Post  Lilieath Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:57 am

A note is posted, written by a shaky hand. It's written on the back of one of Manus's healthy eating handouts.

C l a s s w i l l b e h e ld in the c l i nic unt i l fu rt h e r no t i c e

~ Li Li e a t h
Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

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*Bulletin* Class is in session! Empty Re: *Bulletin* Class is in session!

Post  Temo Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:36 am

Lilieath wrote:A note is posted, written by a shaky hand. It's written on the back of one of Manus's healthy eating handouts.

C l a s s w i l l b e h e ld in the c l i nic unt i l fu rt h e r no t i c e

~ Li Li e a t h

[[...I'd ask, but I think I know, and all I have to say is...GG! XD;]]
Burrito Bison

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*Bulletin* Class is in session! Empty Re: *Bulletin* Class is in session!

Post  Lilieath Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:31 am

((Oh no friend... The going was not so good XD ))
Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

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*Bulletin* Class is in session! Empty Re: *Bulletin* Class is in session!

Post  Lilieath Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:48 pm

Classes are to be held in the school building again. Thank you all who bothered attending classes while I was in the hospital. Please have your essays on Tir na Nog ready for the next class. I still expect all my students to learn of their own initiative when they can, of course.

Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

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*Bulletin* Class is in session! Empty Re: *Bulletin* Class is in session!

Post  Lilieath Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:27 am

Classes are suspended for the season, and will resume again in the next month. While I hope you enjoy the vacation, I expect all my students to keep themselves well-read and studious, especially the Milletians in the class since a month-long vacation is a few years for you! I too will be out of town on vacation so if you need me send an owl my way.

Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

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*Bulletin* Class is in session! Empty Re: *Bulletin* Class is in session!

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