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Rules for Forum RP (Rough Draft, subject to change)

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Rules for Forum RP (Rough Draft, subject to change) Empty Rules for Forum RP (Rough Draft, subject to change)

Post  Mari Eir Sun Jan 01, 2012 2:15 am

Due to the current state of Mabinogi, we are prematurely opening the Forum RP section up. This is not finalized and subject to change at any time; the original post will be edited and the thread will be bumped to inform members of any updates. For the time being, enjoy this work in progress; we will continue working on officially finishing this.

Any OOC chatter for the above subsections (or questions about this thread) should be made in this area (not here, but the nice little area below this thread).

1. There will be an established posting order, decided by all players involved with the current RP. While this seems unfair in consideration with activity, the fact of the matter is that as a whole a Forum RP does move a lot slower than one in game/realtime.

2. When initiating an RP in an area, when a segment of an RP is carried over into another place (Such as going from Tir to Dunbarton) create the new thread in the appropriate area with the same name as the first. (Tir: Awesome RP! Dunbarton: Awesome RP! (Cont.) ) Hyperlink the first thread to the next, having the last post in the threads being the links to the next part of the story continuity. Likewise, if story elements pop up in places such as personal homes(Such as people's journals or letters) hyperlink them in if these are accessible to read.

3. ALL forum RP is in alternate time-line from regular game play. Until the forum RP is complete IT HAS NOT HAPPENED IN GAME! When a RP is completed, the thread will be moved into the Archive, which it will then be recorded as having happened. In the Archive you can view past completed RPs. They will be locked, and readable only. Upon ended an RP, the OP should change the title to mark the thread for archiving. IE: Awesome RP! (Archive).

4. Due to rule one any and all forum RP can be called into question, IE challenged. Forum RP is not for trying to quickly get an instanced shoved into a part of the normal game time-line. Unless you can clearly validate how your character(s) pulled it off, the Evoker/GM of the arc approves, and the council also approves your forum RP CAN and WILL be nullified.

5. All rules and guidelines for the guild apply in every forum RP. This includes swearing as well! If your character has a habit of swearing fine. Either choose *** or an action of something like -swears- -curses- or other similar possibilities.

6. Not all forum RP's are open to everyone. Even if your character knows the characters in the RP, the OP or any members participating have the right to challenge your character's presence if it seems out of place or proves to be too much of a stretch for the circumstances therein. This should be done outside of the RP thread.

7. Please no OOC comment posts in the RP forum. All threads and replies are to be IC ONLY. Save the OOC comments for pm or guild chat. The reasoning for this is to make archiving individual scenarios easier and more enjoyable to read. This forum is more or less a storybook.

8. Forum RPs tend to be graphic in nature do to not being able to SEE what's going on regardless. This usually means you have to describe in detail segments of violence. For a lot of people this can be hard to stomach as a thorough writer can and will make others squeamish if images are strongly painted enough. In light of this, segments of violence must be put into
so that it can be chosen to read. Sexuality must be approached in the same way. If characters are being flirty, this is fine. If things are getting hot and heavy however, remove away to a PM or messenger. No one wants to see that stuff. (I am lying, but formally it should be frowned upon for sake of decency.)
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

Posts : 4397
Join date : 2010-03-04
Age : 35
Location : Seattle

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Rules for Forum RP (Rough Draft, subject to change) Empty Re: Rules for Forum RP (Rough Draft, subject to change)

Post  Mari Eir Mon Jan 02, 2012 2:45 am

Edited number 3.
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

Posts : 4397
Join date : 2010-03-04
Age : 35
Location : Seattle

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