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SWSH: F&S - Chapter 1. (Sword and Shield: Faith and State) --- (Revised Draft)

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SWSH: F&S - Chapter 1.  (Sword and Shield: Faith and State)  --- (Revised Draft) Empty SWSH: F&S - Chapter 1. (Sword and Shield: Faith and State) --- (Revised Draft)

Post  LaminaNight Sun Aug 25, 2013 12:27 pm

Chapter 1: I heard a noise . . .
“Big Sis . . ?”
“Big Sis! . . .”
That voice . . . Christiné thought to herself as she sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes tiredly. The moonlight was shining through her window, illuminating the lavish bedroom: It contained a large white bed with a curtain to each side, an ornate wooden dresser which held the clothing she was to wear each day, a bookcase which contained numerous stories of heroes and history, a nightstand beside the bed which had a lantern and small pouch placed on top of it, portraits hung around the room of various people - a red haired male with piercing red eyes, a blue haired female with beautiful aqua eyes, and even one of a young black haired female with green eyes standing next to another young female with blonde hair and blue eyes. Lastly, a large mirror stood on one end of the room, in which Christiné remembered carefully examining her appearance each day that guests arrived.
She was still young, ten years old to be exact, but her body looked a bit older --  though not by any extreme. She was taller by a few inches than the average ten-year-old, though she was slender. Her hair was long, flowing blonde that went down to her mid-back, her eyes were a deep blue, she was definitely a noble-born child by the look of her.

It was so late . . what could her sister want so late? “Amy. . . ?” Christiné said softly, the tiredness seeping through into her voice as well. She looked at the door, where she saw her sister standing, holding a pillow tightly in an embrace that suggested she thought it would protect her..
“I heard a scary sound. . “ Amy said, although a full two years younger than Christiné, she looked Christiné’s age, her hair was almost as long as her sister’s -a few inches shorter to note. Iit was a stunning midnight black that shone in the light of the room as well as the moon that was shining through the window, her eyes were a bright green that Christiné would always end up staring into for a few moments before being brought back out of the trance they caused.
“A sound . . .? What kind of sound?” Christiné questioned, knowing that her sister was easily scared she figured that it had probably been one of the maids working late, like they always did.
“It was a roar! Like a bear, or a lion!” Amy said, shaking a bit with each word.
“It’s okay, Amy . . you can sleep in here, it’s safe. I promise.” Christiné said, smiling reassuringly, hoping that she could calm her sister down. “Promise?” Amy said, warily, she had obviously been shaken by what-ever it was that scared her.
“I promise. . . here, you can use my pillow. . “ Christiné said, patting a pillow next to her as she yawned. Amy climbed onto the bed and waited for Christiné to lay down and instead she put her head on Christiné’s chest and put her arms around her in an embrace - though she could not reach fully around, being the younger of the two - Christiné made a small smile and rubbed the back of her sister’s head as she pulled the blanket up with one hand, drifting away into sleep.

She dreamt that she was in a large black room, it contained a chair, a desk, a painting -which upon closer inspection was blank- a quill and inkwell, but was otherwise barren. She approached the desk cautiously but was soon stopped by a strong invisible force, which then proceeded to restrain her arms up above her head. Christiné struggled as the force started to reveal itself - what little there was to see - it was a mass of . . . darkness, characterized by that and bright red eyes that shone like wicked rubies. “L...Let me go!” she cried, almost whimpering, attempting to appeal to the creature before her. It did not respond, instead it crept closer, slowly changing into what passed for a humanoid form. “Christttineee....” It said in what seemed like a pained moan.
She started to sob as it completed its humanoid form, it was a tall and slender woman with black hair, it wore a laced black dress and its hair matched the color of the dress, going down past its shoulders. Its eyes were hidden by bandages which blood leaked from underneath, its mouth was bleeding as well and stitches were still visible on the lips which they once held together, its wrists were cut as well, though the bleeding was less severe, all in all it was a horrific sight for most, much less a small child.
“W...What do you want?” Christiné managed, trembling in fear as tears went down her cheeks.
“Revennnggge...” The stranger moaned. “But . . . i . .  “ Christiné stuttered out weakly. “Killlled meee...” It finished for her. “W...What?” Christiné whimpered. The strange woman raised one of her arms, holding a kitchen cleaver that was covered - and infact dripping with - blood, the woman also developed a smile that was wicked and seemed to be pure evil. “Blood... for... blood...” it said as it drove the knife into Christiné, It was then she awoke.
“Quid pro quo” - “An eye for an eye”

( Keep in mind the aspect that these are only Revised Drafts and may not be entirely finished. Also note that this contains much more chapters than simply five or six, it contains at the moment a collection of thirty chapters and is growing with each passing week as i add more - slowly - to it )
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

Posts : 16
Join date : 2013-08-13
Age : 211
Location : Erinn, Mabinogi.

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