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New Member - Arthmathos

Mari Eir
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New Member - Arthmathos Empty New Member - Arthmathos

Post  Arthmathos Tue Nov 08, 2011 6:23 pm

((Okay, almost took me a week to gain up the courage to post, but here we go...))

Character Name: Arthmathos Erostoana

How You Heard About The RP Society: I've mostly seen people wandering around with the guild name in-game and it piqued my interests because I can't seem to find any other RP guilds around. I also used to casually RP with Vulasuw for a little while when he was still in the guild (He's in Paradox now I think).

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying?: Almost seven years now. I've participated in several mediums of RP including forum, email and instant messenger. I've also done a little roleplaying in Mabinogi with my fiance, Nadirah (Khyla). I found it to be lots of fun, hence why I'm looking for a network of other people who are into it too.

Is English Your First Language?: First and only.

A Short Biography Of Your Character: ((Sorry if this is a little long, trying to cram a lot of backstory into one small chunk)) Arthmathos was the prime example of the classic "rags to riches story". Born into a humble and almost impoverished existence, he grew up never expecting too much and appreciating what little he had. He spent the majority of his younger years helping out on the family farm and taking care of his single, sickly mother until Tara's military draft came to town. Reluctantly Arthmathos joined, dismayed at the prospect of having to fight, but glad to have an opportunity to better support his mother.
During his time spent in training, the boy made several friends, namely Nadirah, the future love of his life, and her childhood friend Selreth, the one who would tear them apart. As the three steadily climbed through the ranks, Arthmathos and Nadirah fell for one another, leaving Selreth alone to grow bitter as his closest friend was stolen from him.
Several years into his military career, Arthmathos achieved the status of a war hero as his level-headed leadership saved the lives of his battalion and lead them to victory in an important mission gone horribly awry. He was knighted for his deeds and granted a seat in Tara's royal court. He immediately chose Nadirah as the head of his personal guard and Selreth (now at the head of Tara's intelligence division) as his adviser to keep them close by.
Selreth's jealousy did not fade with his newly acquired position and if anything, it grew worse. Finally he snapped and started a rumor that Nadirah had gained Arthmathos' favor by becoming his chambermaid.
The rumor spread like wildfire, and almost immediately Nadirah was removed from her position, stripped of her rank and exiled. Arthmathos was rendered helpless throughout the entire ordeal, unable to protest because Selreth's rumor was half-true; the common girl was indeed his secret lover. Soon after Nadirah was banished, Arthamathos' council worked in haste to cover up the scandal and a marriage to another more wealthy nobleman's daughter was arranged. Neither Arthmathos or his wife were compatible in the least and they spent as much time apart from one another as possible. Still to this day, Arthmathos does everything he can to avoid the woman. He frequently sneaks away from his manor in Tara in an attempt to unwind from the tension of the court and revisit the simplicity of his younger days, silently hoping to cross paths with his missing lover once again.

What type of character do you play?: I looooove villain roles though I rarely get a good opportunity to play them. Aside from villains I like to play the happy-go-lucky, easy-going optimist. I'm starting out with Arthmathos because he's a pretty basic character type who meshes well with various storylines and characters.

What is your Mabinogi schedule?: It varies from day to day. I've been known to get on as often as every day to once a week. It all depends on what I've got going on in the real world. When I do get on, I'm usually on around noon to late.

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member - Arthmathos Empty Re: New Member - Arthmathos

Post  Xeek Tue Nov 08, 2011 6:25 pm

This is the wrong side, don't worry a XXXX will move it soon.

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New Member - Arthmathos Empty Re: New Member - Arthmathos

Post  Guest Tue Nov 08, 2011 6:34 pm

This belongs in registration, right?

I'll move it.


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New Member - Arthmathos Empty Re: New Member - Arthmathos

Post  Auramune Tue Nov 08, 2011 6:38 pm

Why does this sound very familiar to me.. scratch

I think it's cute that it took you a week to post.

What's missing is whether or not he's an erinn born or milletian.

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New Member - Arthmathos Empty Re: New Member - Arthmathos

Post  Arthmathos Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:56 pm

Gah sorry about that! I had a bit of a hard time figuring out exactly where this needed to be posted... Anyway, I appreciate the move.

And Aura it may sound familiar because my fiance applied for this guild with her character, Nadirah. We wrote their stories together so if you think you've heard it before, it's likely you read over her character's side of the story (that or someone else in the guild has something similiar. I wouldn't know).

As for the Milletian/Erinn Born thing, I didn't see anything on the form about it, so I figured that was still up for discussion. I'm thinking about making him Erinn Born because the whole concept behind the Milletians seems a little grand for this character.

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member - Arthmathos Empty Re: New Member - Arthmathos

Post  Mari Eir Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:30 pm

Holding this application.
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New Member - Arthmathos Empty Re: New Member - Arthmathos

Post  Mari Eir Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:42 am

Unholding. Mmmmcontinue~
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New Member - Arthmathos Empty Re: New Member - Arthmathos

Post  Guest Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:48 am

Well..if he's Erinn-born, the typical warning needs to be applied.

Erinn-born characters, when killed, stay dead. They get one life.
Milletian do not. They eventually return.


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New Member - Arthmathos Empty Re: New Member - Arthmathos

Post  Arthmathos Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:29 am

I'm pretty sure I'll stick to Erinn Born simply for the sake of keeping as much of Arth's original story intact as possible, though I have a few questions regarding the rules of RP character death (I've only done one RP where a character actually died, and it was me killing off my own character). I heard something in one of the guideline threads that in-game deaths, like getting killed by a monster in a dungeon, don't count as an actual death. Is that right?

Also how does an RP-related death work? Does it require the player's permission or can anybody just kill your character off if they see fit to? If it's the latter, I think I'll switch to Milletian by saying Arthmathos was stillborn and entered the soul stream as an infant. That way he can remain native to Erinn while keeping the rebirth option open. Would that be acceptable?

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Member - Arthmathos Empty Re: New Member - Arthmathos

Post  Guest Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:31 am

When it comes to RP deaths, no, you cannot kill anyone as you see fit.

That would be in the realm of auto-hitting/auto-killing, and that's against the rules. XD Generally, people mention something like "Hey, my character is probably going to try to completely wipe the floor with the corpse of your character, just a heads up". And then we giggle and laugh. Normally, I like to make sure the person is OK with my character killing theirs, and if not I find that perfectly acceptable. Just know that if your character gets in a situation where there IS no escape, there probably isn't much anyone can do to help him.


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New Member - Arthmathos Empty Re: New Member - Arthmathos

Post  Arthmathos Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:13 pm

Alright, that sounds fair. 'Nother quick question regarding Milletians; If your character dies and rebirths do they have any memories of what happened in their previous life, or do they come back a clean slate? Either way, I'm thinking about leaning towards the Milletian now that I've found a way to implicate it without interrupting my original story (plus I'd hate to have him die when I still have Selreth to add in the future). Also having Arth die and rebirth would be a bit of a shock to him, considering he didn't know he was a Milletian. By the way, I still need to know if that idea is acceptable. I rarely ever do RPs in pre-existing canons so I'm not really sure what's okay and what's not here. ^^;

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Member - Arthmathos Empty Re: New Member - Arthmathos

Post  Guest Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:14 pm

Either or, really.

Some people have their characters force an amnesia when rebirthing, but generally you keep your memories(it's how you remember your skills and stuff).

I'm not sure if someone in Erinn can die and become a Milletian, I'll ask and have someone more knowledgeable on that bit of lore comment.

-runs to poke Mithos- >3>


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New Member - Arthmathos Empty Re: New Member - Arthmathos

Post  Mari Eir Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:36 pm

If they were born in Erinn, they cannot become Milletians. We've gone over this in other threads. The only time Tuatha rebirth are for special reasons, like hosting the Caliburn. Seeing as how NONE of our characters are NEARLY important enough to do something like that, it ain't gonna happen. Neutral
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New Member - Arthmathos Empty Re: New Member - Arthmathos

Post  Arthmathos Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:41 pm

Well no, the idea that I had was that Arth was stillborn in another world and came into Erinn through the soul stream as an infant, not that he was necessarily born in Erinn. I was going to go with the "woman finds random baby in the woods" thing to explain how his mother found him and why he didn't just flat-out starve to death when he got there. With that story, he could still be a Milletian, but never know until he actually dies because his mother just assumed he was just someone's abandoned, Erinn-born child.

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Member - Arthmathos Empty Re: New Member - Arthmathos

Post  Auramune Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:47 pm

I think that's possible. Or, rather, I don't see why it would be impossible.
I know that one of Xeek's characters died as an infant, and was reborn in to a normal child's body coming in to Erinn. So she had a baby mentality, even as a 10yo.

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New Member - Arthmathos Empty Re: New Member - Arthmathos

Post  Arthmathos Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:53 pm

Wow, that sounds like it'd be quite the challenge to write. That idea's got me wondering though. Would it be possible to keep Arth as an infant Milletian when he entered the world or do children and infants under the age of ten enter Erinn in the bodies of ten year olds by default?

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Member - Arthmathos Empty Re: New Member - Arthmathos

Post  Glaceon Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:58 pm

Not by default for sure. I know Glacia came as a 10 year old from her previous world, but time moved like half as fast, so 10 in her world was 20 in this world, but she stayed young since she liked the freedom. However, she has been all over the place in terms of age.

I think a better example might be Soifa's character. Not exactly sure on details of it, but maybe she will post for us about it.
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New Member - Arthmathos Empty Re: New Member - Arthmathos

Post  Mari Eir Wed Nov 09, 2011 2:25 pm

I honestly don't know.. Milletians are meant to fight, but that's not to say they can't come in young and grow accustomed to the idea. I wouldn't QUESTION someone coming in younger than 10, but it's definitely a conversation starter.
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New Member - Arthmathos Empty Re: New Member - Arthmathos

Post  Arthmathos Wed Nov 09, 2011 2:35 pm

I figured it would be an odd character trait at best as well for an explanation as to why he seems so at home in Erinn. He does join the military later in his life and excels in his field, so maybe that has something to do with his Milletian status?

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Member - Arthmathos Empty Re: New Member - Arthmathos

Post  Glaceon Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:05 pm

Well it's also possible to create the character that has spent some time in Erinn already maybe? Don't quote me on that, wait for confirmation. I know Glacia (I'm using my character a lot based on experience) came into Erinn before I applied, but I started her out, guildwise, as a milletian with a history in Erinn. However, I'm not sure whether coming into Erinn as younger than 10 would be possible, as 10 is the youngest age we are shown for Milletians, since babies born in Erinn are Erinn-born, and don't get given Milletian properties (I.E. Aging much faster than Tuathas/Erinn Borns)
Glas Ghoblehht
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New Member - Arthmathos Empty Re: New Member - Arthmathos

Post  Adhamh Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:10 pm

Iraselle Majaktobor wrote:but it's definitely a conversation starter.
"Hey guys, look! There's a nine year old! What a weirdo! It's a good thing we're normal at ten years old and super-strong!"
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New Member - Arthmathos Empty Re: New Member - Arthmathos

Post  Arthmathos Wed Nov 09, 2011 5:04 pm

Right now I'm just wondering if it's okay to overlook the game's minimal age limits for the sake of storytelling. If not, I'll find some way to adapt his story to bring him in at age ten instead.

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Member - Arthmathos Empty Re: New Member - Arthmathos

Post  Vayne Wed Nov 09, 2011 6:49 pm

Iunno, I wouldn't have a problem with it, really. By the by...I think I met you and Nadirah a few weeks ago. O_o Whatever! Certainly not everyone who gets through the SS is the 'ideal', perhaps this was just another fluke on it's part--a baby coming through insteady of going to wherever. I'd be okay with that, I really would. I'd also be okay with him being a Tuathan but, as others have said, I don't reccomend it. Whichever way is fine by me, so, do you want to bring him in as a child? Seems okay in my book, at least.

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New Member - Arthmathos Empty Re: New Member - Arthmathos

Post  Auramune Wed Nov 09, 2011 7:06 pm

If I'm reading it correctly.. You want his history to have him being a milletian as a baby, but by this time now, he's already an adult right?

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New Member - Arthmathos Empty Re: New Member - Arthmathos

Post  Guest Wed Nov 09, 2011 7:19 pm

Glaceon wrote:
I think a better example might be Soifa's character. Not exactly sure on details of it, but maybe she will post for us about it.

You mean Soifa?

She WAS a stillborn, but she came back in her old world as a Mara(undead nightmare eating demon). Then she died AGAIN and came to Erinn.


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