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Dueling Tips

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Dueling Tips Empty Dueling Tips

Post  Teoxihuitl Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:14 am

So I am waiting for class to start at 12:30 so it gives me an hour and a half to write this, got bored out of my skull since Soifa is in class >.>

These are the GENERAL rules that apply to dueling others outside of the guild unless otherwise said so by the participants.

  • No Final Hit.
  • No potions of any kind besides Stamina potions.
  • No Mana Shield.
  • No poison.(Even though if you do poison someone it is very lulzy, doing so will most likely throw all rules out the window)
  • No Demigod.
  • No Trans.(Trans can be used if both players agree to it beforehand, but using trans when the other doesnt have it will most likely end in the other person using Demigod)

Useful tips that should already be known

Use a shield.
Normally use armor.
Dont spam anything unless you want to be called a noob.
Range hurts dont let it hit you.
Flame burst REALLY hurts dont let it hit you if you allowed CC to be legal in the fight.
Counter is your friend.
Counter is your enemy.
Dont windmill too often.
Windmill if you are in need of a miracle.
Windmill if you are pretty sure the gods will let you crit and set up an epic comeback.
Smash is strong but if you arent lagless it might hurt you more than you hurt the opponent.
Charge>Range unless you cant load it then it is Charge<Range.
Evade can dodge range and some alchemy attacks but it can also leave you open for a Smash.
Duel Wielding is very powerful in duels, the normal combo it gives is hard to stop, BUT you are giving up defense for power which can come back to hurt you if the opponent pings.
Dont use CC wands. (It's frowned upon)

Last edited by Soifa on Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:45 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : problems/Fixed spelling :D)
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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Dueling Tips Empty Re: Dueling Tips

Post  Teoxihuitl Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:15 am

Ok. . .accidentally pressed send instead of preview.

I'll add more when I can.
Feel free to add more tips.
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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Dueling Tips Empty Re: Dueling Tips

Post  Guest Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:46 am

And if you fight Mithos, there are no rules! Very Happy


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Dueling Tips Empty Re: Dueling Tips

Post  Auramune Mon Sep 26, 2011 1:05 pm

Dont use CC wands. (It's frowned upon)<-- Do egos in general fall under this rule? Or just cc wands/ego wands?

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Dueling Tips Empty Re: Dueling Tips

Post  Glaceon Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:51 pm

Don't Use Egos. Yea they are becoming weaker than other weapons, but it's still stupid imo.

While not a rule, if using alchemy, don't use Frozen Blast, people hate it.

Bring antidote potions, incase other person likes to poison.

Try not to be repetitive, it makes you easy to read, try switching it up once in a while. (Love standing with smash, opponent thinks it's counter.)

Remember: You can hold shift to walk.

Magic stuns, this can help you.

Magic stuns, leaving your vulnerable.

After being hit with magic, you can load counter, defense, or windmill.

I think that's all the tips I can come up with.

Last edited by Ace Glacia on Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:52 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Egos aren't just bows, glacia.)
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Dueling Tips Empty Re: Dueling Tips

Post  Xeek Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:10 pm

Adding a bit.

Be deceptive, if you see others are catching on to your tricks, switch them up. Load illogical skills at safe situation.
Ex. When you know your enemy will back off if you load counter, load smash instead.

If you are fighting range, don't charge until you see they pull their bow up.

If you are range, load counter instead of RA to avoid charge.

Always carry two different sets of weapon, all classes should have an a shield, even if just back up.

Like flame burst, water cannon can hurt, if you aren't good at evading try to keep your distance until they fire, water cannon only knocks you back if you are close.

Alchemist should befriend wind blast, and embrace it.

Do not wind blast an archer, it can be painful.

Don't give arches (Specially elven) a chance to breath, they can load as they are being knocked down.

Assault jump is friend, not food, unless it's used against you, then it's very unfriendly.

Play as different classes, this way you know what each class is like, their strategies, and you'll know how to counter them.


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Dueling Tips Empty Re: Dueling Tips

Post  Glaceon Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:09 pm

nother thing:

If Giant: Don't abuse your smash time, it's really stupid.

-just dueled some giant where all he did was smash spam-

Also, if you are interested in dueling, I am willing to assist in teaching basics, since I play all classes.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Dueling Tips Empty Re: Dueling Tips

Post  Teoxihuitl Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:54 pm

Alrighty I am now ready to bash my head through a open window, so most tips.

I am going to replay some scenarios from time to time here, so people have a different way to approach things.

First rule to fighting a giant: Don't.
Second rule to fighting a giant: If you don't follow the first rule, avoid letting them spam stomp, wind guard, or smash on you.

When I start a fight I tend to keep my distance from the opponent, keep in mind that you may lag at the beginning of a match so this extra space is a nice cushion in case you do.

Once you clash whoever got the first hit will normally work out their slashing combo then follow it up with a windmill-assault-windmill/smash/counter.

Here is your opportunity to retaliate if you hadn't pinged.

While you are on the floor you must either load smash or windmill I prefer windmill because there is a smaller chance of getting countered into another combo.

Its an old glitch but smash and windmill cancel each other when they are about to clash. THIS is the time to take advantage of the momentary surprise the opponent will have. They are always surprised if they don't know about the glitch. Personally I can pull of a smash here and assault and start dishing out damage, but if that isn't the case then you should start a slashing combo and follow by a bolt/windmill-assault/smash if you dont lag much.

That little tip will turn the tide in most duels unless you are already at extremely low health or lag into death.

More will come in a bit.
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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