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New Member - Rairii

Mari Eir
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New Member - Rairii Empty New Member - Rairii

Post  Reiria Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:54 am

Character Name: ...... Rairii M. Shadow (the Midnight Archer) .....

How You Heard About The RP Society: ...... Met(saw) some members a long time ago and became interested, however was currently guilded elsewhere and told entry to RPsociety was unlikely. After a long and inevitable leave has returned and searched for the guild, having decided to attempt approval to join .....

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? ...... In mabinogi- not tried due to lack of roleplayers, in total over 4 years of roleplaying in various environments accumulated .....

Is English Your First Language? ...... Yes .....

A Short Biography Of Your Character:
Rairii is many things, but first and foremost she is a hunter. Unlike many who spent months, years, or even lifetimes to obtain a spirit bow, she inherited hers through a bloodline she cannot remember, transferred to her from mother to Tarlach to Rairii. This highly uncommon and unlikely occurrence drove Rairii to seek answers about her past and destiny, as she began training with her companion Mortanima, the Death Bringer, her bow. The spirit in the bow had laid dormant for a long time before coming into Rairii's possession, and so while it claims to have once been the most powerful bow in all existence, it lacks strength and has a broken memory due to lack of proper care and use, and thus cannot recall even its previous owners or most powerful techniques.
Possibly one of the most significant events to happen to Rairii, and her reason for becoming a full-fledged adventurer, is the fact that she became helplessly lost in Longa Desert at a very young age while attempting to train. An adventurer stumbled upon her just as she began to suffer from starvation and dehydration, and taking pity on her led her to Filia, where she vowed to her savior that she would become strong like them, and not need to rely on anyone ever again. While the identity of that person has been lost to the sands of time, her vow has not and to this day she trains to become the best to ever have wielded a bow.
It is noted that she was, for a time after being saved, cared for by an Erinn family, and while her parents were adoptive they treated her as an Erinn born child, using age potions to help retain her youth so that she would not find out too soon. The flaw in their plan is that she one day began to refuse the 'medicine' and as she aged differently than her Erinn born parents she realized that she'd been lied to. As such she currently seeks her true parents, family, and any relations she may have from whatever place she may have come from.
Having little to no memory of her past or family, she has taken the apt surname of "Shadow", and self-proclaimed title of "the Moonlight Archer" for her love of both the bow and the night sky.

What type of character do you play?
((Short: Adventurous, shy, tenacious, aggressive in combat, reckless in combat, music lover, part-time merchant, generous))
Adventurous Archer, Rairii, the Shadow of the Moon. She often dislikes talking to people, or interacting with others, not because she dislikes people but because she is shy and slow to make friends. However, as shy as she is to talk with others, she's very quick to draw her bow in a fight, and will actively combat entire hoards of crushingly strong enemies without fear or hesitation. This aggressive stance and active tenacity means that she will often fall to her enemies in combat, but still be feared as she will usually return ready for more. Her approach to combat may be viewed as strange, but even stranger still is her approach to leisure. She can often be found panning for precious jewels and metals, has great love of music, and will sometimes perform acts of great generosity for complete strangers.

What is your Mabinogi schedule? ...... Varies greatly from day to day .....

Last edited by Reiria on Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:41 pm; edited 2 times in total
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member - Rairii Empty Re: New Member - Rairii

Post  Guest Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:15 am

Hello~ :>

An all important question: Milletian or not?

Reiria wrote:told entry to RPsociety was unlikely

Who said that? ._.


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New Member - Rairii Empty Re: New Member - Rairii

Post  Reiria Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:18 am

If by Milletian you mean from the soul stream then yes (hence a meeting with Nao) :3
And I can't remember who said it, it was a very long time ago...
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member - Rairii Empty Re: New Member - Rairii

Post  Mari Eir Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:23 am

Ok, a few things...

1. A spirit weapon cannot be passed down from one person to another. They typically bind to their owners and don't let go. I won't argue it hardcore, just know that doesn't typically happen.

2. Your character SOUNDS like she was born in Erinn; bloodline, a mother. That means she can BY NO MEANS see/interact with Nao. Only Milletians, those from the Soulstream can.

Speaking of Milletians... If your character is born within Erinn, that means if they die (not in a dungeon, but say falls off a cliff or something), they're dead for good. Milletians, however, are the ones capable of Rebirth. If their body gets destroyed, they come back after three real days.

Other than that, she's your typical mysterious amnesiac? Does she have no memory of her mother, or was her mother around and she just doesn't remember much about the bloodline?
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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New Member - Rairii Empty Re: New Member - Rairii

Post  Adhamh Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:43 am

Mariella Kana wrote:but say falls off a cliff or something
Cromm Crunch
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New Member - Rairii Empty Re: New Member - Rairii

Post  Xeek Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:54 am

Mariella Kana wrote:Ok, a few things...

1. A spirit weapon cannot be passed down from one person to another. They typically bind to their owners and don't let go. I won't argue it hardcore, just know that doesn't typically happen.

Well, spirit weapons don't have to be binded. (Since you can delete yours and someone else put it with another name). What is for sure binded is the bond between you and the weapon.

2. Your character SOUNDS like she was born in Erinn; bloodline, a mother. That means she can BY NO MEANS see/interact with Nao. Only Milletians, those from the Soulstream can.

There is a potion that allows you to see Nao, I remember some of the old RPS members who were tuathan said they visit Nao on their birthdays.

To Reiria: The requirement to join the guild aren't very high. If you wish to see what may cause someone to be denied, we have a section for rejected applications.
Main reasons are ;
They didn't log back into the forums.
THey failed to fix any mistake in their application
They did not read the steps we provided for applications.


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New Member - Rairii Empty Re: New Member - Rairii

Post  Reiria Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:58 am

Alright, let me see what I can do to make the revisions...

Also, not trying to start an argument, just looking for answers:
Isn't it possible that people be bound to each other before coming to Erinn through the Soulstream? Just because they have no memory of the person doesn't mean they couldn't be connected somehow?

Or perhaps she was adopted and doesn't know it, thus believing she is Erinn born? I don't know, I like the idea of an heirloom spirit bow passed down from someone, but I can abandon the idea if it's problematic.

I know she sounds like an Erinn born but I do rebirth this character, so definitely from the Soulstream..

And yes, other than those things definitely the typical 'amnesiac searching for answers'

(Modified for new post:)
Thank you for pre-answering some of the questions before I made them! And I plan to be active as much as possible, when possible. But I do have an active offline life, which includes caring for a young child, AND my computer isn't quite 'up-to-spec', even for such low requirements as Mabi, so there will be times when I won't be around. However, I have gone over the threads that looked important, said they were important, said to read, or were linked to from such threads, and I think I've covered everything from application to powers (which I'll do later if I think I want or need them, since the potential of an amnesiac is usually unknown until discovered Razz )
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member - Rairii Empty Re: New Member - Rairii

Post  Guest Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:12 am

Reiria wrote:
Also, not trying to start an argument, just looking for answers:
Isn't it possible that people be bound to each other before coming to Erinn through the Soulstream? Just because they have no memory of the person doesn't mean they couldn't be connected somehow?

Possible. My character(Soifa) is the actual sister of another(Rozenetta), they've been sister since before they came to Erinn.

Reiria wrote:
Or perhaps she was adopted and doesn't know it, thus believing she is Erinn born? I don't know, I like the idea of an heirloom spirit bow passed down from someone, but I can abandon the idea if it's problematic.
Probable, and up to you in the end.

I would think, since I can delete my ego and remake it with the same name, that an ego technically CAN be passed down, but it loses memories/strength, so it's just a new ego when it reaches a new person.


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New Member - Rairii Empty Re: New Member - Rairii

Post  Xeek Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:15 am

Reiria wrote:Alright, let me see what I can do to make the revisions...

Also, not trying to start an argument, just looking for answers:
Isn't it possible that people be bound to each other before coming to Erinn through the Soulstream? Just because they have no memory of the person doesn't mean they couldn't be connected somehow?

Asking questions, or even defying what has been previously said (To an extent. Is one thing to argue about the stability of the game and starting a war.
Keep in mind, any rules and physics that we place are going with what we believe. The game wasn't so kind as to set everything in stone.)
won't be considered problematic. Unless well, you do start a war. Dispite what you may have heard, we won't ban you for little offenses, if someone was banned or not allowed in the guild we most likely have a good reason.

Isn't it possible that people be bound to each other before coming to Erinn through the Soulstream? Just because they have no memory of the person doesn't mean they couldn't be connected somehow?
How the soul stream system works is not exact, so it is possible that two people from the same world who knew each other, both end up in Erinn.
As I did with one of my characters, he came to Erinn, and later on his mother followed without memory, and she was reincarnated as a boy(Won't get into too much details now)

Or perhaps she was adopted and doesn't know it, thus believing she is Erinn born? I don't know, I like the idea of an heirloom spirit bow passed down from someone, but I can abandon the idea if it's problematic.
Adoption is possible. Specially if she lost her memory, though, Erinn-borns and Milliteans do age differently. So, it would be easy to tell the difference after a few in-game years. (Real life weeks)
Though, an alternative, is that the adoptive parents keep feeding her age-potions, thus keeping her the same age for a while.
I know she sounds like an Erinn born but I do rebirth this character, so definitely from the Soulstream..

Also, the issue shouldn't be problematic, as Soifa and I stated. But it will not have the same strenght as it did for the previous person.

(Modified for new post:)
Thank you for pre-answering some of the questions before I made them! And I plan to be active as much as possible, when possible. But I do have an active offline life, which includes caring for a young child, AND my computer isn't quite 'up-to-spec', even for such low requirements as Mabi, so there will be times when I won't be around. However, I have gone over the threads that looked important, said they were important, said to read, or were linked to from such threads, and I think I've covered everything from application to powers (which I'll do later if I think I want or need them, since the potential of an amnesiac is usually unknown until discovered Razz )

We usually only cut inactives if we haven't heard from them in a long time (about 9weeks+) but, we all have real life issues, so we will understand. If you think you will be kicked for not being active too long, feel free to go to the forums (member's section) and letting us know. But as it seems now, we have a lot of guild spaces, so I doubt we will be doing a spring cleaning.

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New Member - Rairii Empty Re: New Member - Rairii

Post  Reiria Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:20 am

Soifa wrote:
Reiria wrote:
Or perhaps she was adopted and doesn't know it, thus believing she is Erinn born? I don't know, I like the idea of an heirloom spirit bow passed down from someone, but I can abandon the idea if it's problematic.
Probable, and up to you in the end.

I would think, since I can delete my ego and remake it with the same name, that an ego technically CAN be passed down, but it loses memories/strength, so it's just a new ego when it reaches a new person.

Alright then, the current history should hold up right? I still don't mind changing it, but as a writer I don't like anything I write, ever, so if I don't decide on one thing it'll never get done XD

Xeek, stop sneaking up on me D:
The idea of early childhood treachery is very interesting, age potions and all, I think I really like that idea! And they had to give me up when they realized that tactic was useless. I think I'll use that, actually, not often I use the idea of someone else in my work so blatantly... Also, the possibility that she still has family that passed through the Soulstream and has some clue about would give some drive to find and meet people, though she wouldn't have that information yet or she'd have been looking a while now.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Member - Rairii Empty Re: New Member - Rairii

Post  Mari Eir Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:08 am

Reiria wrote:Alright, let me see what I can do to make the revisions...

Also, not trying to start an argument, just looking for answers:
Isn't it possible that people be bound to each other before coming to Erinn through the Soulstream? Just because they have no memory of the person doesn't mean they couldn't be connected somehow?
People CAN be bound to one another, yes. Just know that most people die to get to Erinn, so you'll ALSO need a backstory as to how she got here in the FIRST place.

Or perhaps she was adopted and doesn't know it, thus believing she is Erinn born? I don't know, I like the idea of an heirloom spirit bow passed down from someone, but I can abandon the idea if it's problematic.
As they said, it wouldn't have any memories, but technically the only way to unbind an ego is to DESTROY it. The spirit, however, does not die. It just loses memories as already stated.
I know she sounds like an Erinn born but I do rebirth this character, so definitely from the Soulstream..
Rebirthing OOC is TOTALLY unrelated to rebirth IC xD We ALL rebirth, but some people play Erinn born.
@Xeek: That's a sp[ecial condition for seeing Nao. An NPC doing it doesn't mean a PC can, so I wouldn't even bother bringing that up. It's like any of the other special cases that occur in gen quests.

And yes, other than those things definitely the typical 'amnesiac searching for answers'

(Modified for new post:)
Thank you for pre-answering some of the questions before I made them! And I plan to be active as much as possible, when possible. But I do have an active offline life, which includes caring for a young child, AND my computer isn't quite 'up-to-spec', even for such low requirements as Mabi, so there will be times when I won't be around. However, I have gone over the threads that looked important, said they were important, said to read, or were linked to from such threads, and I think I've covered everything from application to powers (which I'll do later if I think I want or need them, since the potential of an amnesiac is usually unknown until discovered Razz )
Don't have enough time to individually quote, so just added my answers in red.
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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New Member - Rairii Empty Re: New Member - Rairii

Post  Mari Eir Fri Aug 26, 2011 12:48 pm

Ok, Double Post;

Forgot to mention, Nao has NOTHING to do with Spirit weapons. Only druids know how to handle them other than their wielders, so it'd have to be Tarlach.
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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New Member - Rairii Empty Re: New Member - Rairii

Post  Reiria Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:42 pm

Mariella Kana wrote:Ok, Double Post;

Forgot to mention, Nao has NOTHING to do with Spirit weapons. Only druids know how to handle them other than their wielders, so it'd have to be Tarlach.
I'm absolutely fine with that change, actually! So I made it Very Happy
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Member - Rairii Empty Re: New Member - Rairii

Post  Mari Eir Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:51 pm

Yar, that was my bad. I derped earlier. Having on off day e__e; I don't have any other issues, I think you understand where everyone's coming from. xD
Mari Eir
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New Member - Rairii Empty Re: New Member - Rairii

Post  Guest Fri Aug 26, 2011 6:16 pm

I like it.

Hat of approval is given!


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New Member - Rairii Empty Re: New Member - Rairii

Post  Reiria Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:09 pm

I get a snazzy new hat too? I love this guild already!
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New Member - Rairii Empty Re: New Member - Rairii

Post  Dalvar Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:46 pm

Everything seems to be in order, you get my approval.

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New Member - Rairii Empty Re: New Member - Rairii

Post  Mari Eir Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:14 am

Alrighty, confirming mine as an approval. Moving~
Mari Eir
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Post  Auramune Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:46 am

Make sure you apply to the guild so one of us can let you in. Smile

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