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Ashe Crimson, Wild at Heart

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Ashe Crimson, Wild at Heart Empty Ashe Crimson, Wild at Heart

Post  Ashe Crimson Tue Aug 16, 2011 11:39 pm

Character Name: Ashe Crimson
How You Heard About The RP Society: A friend
How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? 7 Years
Is English Your First Language? Yes
A Short Biography Of Your Character:
Son of a war hero, Ashe grew up as a struggling child living up to his father’s name. As a child he had to stay with his father, Arangalion Crimson, after his mother left his father to sail east, in the northernmost part of Filia. Unexpectedly, his father adopted a beautiful human girl from the harsh streets of Dunbarton, Ashe promised his little sister that he'd always take care of her. Unfortunately, His obligations to his bloodline outweighed his wish to fulfill his promise, Ashe was forced to learn the lucrative aspects of warfare from the military officer’s academy when his raw talents where discovered. At that time, he was sent to many towns outside of Filia and his passion for Nature began to bloom.

Growing up away from his family made Ashe focus in upon himself more and more. The rough tutelage of the military, in the ways of survival, created a tough ruthlessness inside him. Growing ever physically stronger as the seasons past, Ashe became skilled at using his physical environment around him in tandem with his abilities. While miles away, Ashe was learning the qualities of deception and trickery through political discourse, he was learning of the rawness of physical labor and patience of ambushing his prey.

Since his first learned Archery and learned of his talents he was always fascinated in the use of his bow and arrow, and decided to put them to good use to protect those dear to him. Preparing to ship out for countless battles, he would soon discover if he was ready for war, he was always showing off his skills to Angel and practiced by himself to train his skills. He spent most of his time Training & Studying on how to further develop his skills.

As a warrior and and strategist, Ashe shows traits that compare to both sides of the same coin. While Ashe is more prone to straight out physical assaults, he is also known as the thinker who uses deceptions and decoys to sidle up and strike. Though competent on his own, Ashe was always dependent on the fellowship between him and his allies when fighting straight up with other opponents. In turn, they were always dependent on his him to cause confusion on the field and create opportunities for them to attack while Ashe drew the enemies attention. Though all were quite individuals, their dedication to each other was unflinching.

Both at home in the woods, one a soldier by training and student of nature and deceit, the other a sympathetic ear always listening to his tales of adventure, the siblings were quite the team.

But one day, all the hopes and dreams of the two would vanish for an eternity...

It was the third day and final day of Ashe’s trip home. His father had sent word to return home in order to discuss some major changes that would determine the outcome of their future. In the message, Arangalion had mentioned that Ashe would be pulled from his duties and joining his Father's platoon and recieve a briefing on their mission to retake Sen Mag, little did he know their time together was coming to an end.

Ashe was not privy to why he was being forced to do this but he was not one to question his father's command. He thought his father wanted him to pursue his career in the political arena.

A chilling breeze snaked through the dense forest reminding Ashe that he was almost home. There was something else on the breeze though, not so much a smell, but a comforting familiarity.

As Ashe continued deeper into the wilderness, a since of being observed fell over him. Slowing his movements to a crawl, Ashe advanced like a panther, ears opened to the slightest disturbances. He knew there was someone or something out here.

Ashe stopped and crouched down low, becoming as still as a stone. The sensation was increasing like the swell of a wave before it breaks on the shore.

A light rustling came from the bushes immediately to his left. Not moving a muscle, Ashe slowed his breathing and concentrated on the sound. A twig snapped in the overgrowth to his right. He realized he was being pinned and needed to get to higher ground.

Looking up towards the heavens, Ashe saw the limbs of a large tree spidering through the canopy. Positioned in his crouch, Ashe tensed his legs like steel springs and launched himself to the first branch about ten feet above the ground.

Like a child born of the forest, he ascended the tree in a matter of moments, finding a perch about halfway up the wooden colossus. A bird of prey, he scanned the growth below, looking for the cause of the disturbance.

An acorn bounced off his head. Startled, he looked up quickly.

On a branch eight feet directly above him, where moments ago nothing had been, stood a shadowy figure. Wearing ash with long, ghost white hair, the man looked down at Ashe.

For moments they stood there, gazing into each other’s eyes saying nothing, but their eyes speaking a thousand words. It didn’t take long for Ashe to realize the terms of this meeting.


He quickly follows his father to the encampment where the rest of the men lie.

Ashe lies with the rest of the platoon.

Numb, Unemotional, non-feeling. Fear stains the archer’s memories as he reflects on a placid morning when he had stormed an Orc encampment while retaking Sen Mag. He had known this feeling all too well. Frightening images of the fallen scramble in his mind, their voices like static as he could hear the screams of his friends fall. Ashe knew these soldiers would experience it as well.

For them it no longer be a usual day as a member of The Last Sentinels. Preparing for war, blithely indulging in normal routine. Carefree...Content...Unaware... of the true horrors of war.

The boats crashed against the shore. A sudden blast startled the platoon.

A Glas Ghaibleannl!?!

Deafening eruptions penetrate the calm.
Sinuous voices now punctuated by chaos,
the demonic splintering the angelic.

Ashe hushes to the rhythm of pounding hearts. Orcs scream throughout the beach as terror burns itself on innocent faces.

Tick, Tick, Tick
lives are changed forever.
The sounds of bombs ignite horror through their veins and send chills that pinch the skin like needles.

Some run. Some stand paralyzed in shock, numbness engulfing all emotions. Billows of arrows blanket the bridge, creating ghostly images. Ashe looks through the delicate webs of fire and see the fruits of hatred. Arrows shatter souls and invades bodies, as malice sears the souls of the cult.

A priest prays;
another hides in stunned confusion;
a warrior bleeds.

Like children
they are helpless,
longing to be in mama’s arms.

Screaming.... frantic....Why?

Two faces are plastered against the ground. The horror in their eyes strips away Ashe's consciousness. His first instinct is to run; He ducks as arrows spray the beach.

Osna Sail is now the grounds of warfare-
mortal fighting in the fields of bombs and arrows. Weapons that have fallen into the wrong hands have only one purpose and they are trying to kill them and all Ashe hears is the whispers of arrows looming overhead.
Crackling, Crackling,
Humming, bursting, screaming, ringing, what now,

Too much
Too soon,
Too young,
So scared
Help us.

Ashe whispers as he struggles to escape but he is slowed as he trudges through the crimson water. Through the shattered windows of his eyes he sees milky clouds that absorb the sun;
He sees a golden light and sunburned sand; He cannot get there fast enough.

He is almost at the shore.
An arrow ricochets off the pane of a nearby cross.
The round swirls like a droplet into the water.
creating rings that shiver and spread,
shattering as Ashe dashes to the shore.

All is silent.
But he hasn't escaped hell.

there is a hill
where ten broken bodies lie in wait and where others play dead. In the darkness that shrouds the beach, angels embrace the lifeless, and their wings flicker light against a hill of helpless shadows. Morrigan now wraps her arms around the beach and gathers the souls of the lost, making strong the souls of the weak,
and cries for the violence on Sen Mag.

Time picks up an some are vulnerable, insecure.
A sadistic goblin's bark screams like animals.
Who to trust?
Our haven is destroyed, and we are scattered.

Ashe sits in the hill, immobilized . While anxiety and guilt wraps themselves around him.

An piercing ringing erupts in his ears as a nearby explosion hurls him towards a pile of burnt bodies, as he arises from the sand, he sees a familiar man lying in a the crimson river, his legs dismembered from the rest of his body. As he appoaches to help he galnces into the man's eyes. There was no mistaking the eyes. They were his eyes as well.

His lip quivers, as he holds his father's face between the palms of his hands.
His father's trembling hand reaches into his burnt bag and reveals a letter. He's thrusts it into Ashe's chest as his breathes grow more faint with each passing moment.

There he mutters his final words, and Ashe listened intently, knowing that a man's dying words are seldom spent in vain.

"What makes a great soldier, is it his brain..or his heart?"

When it came time for Ashe to answer he just froze, not knowing the answer to appease his father.

His father gave a weak smile and chuckled. "Heh..either you're a fool or you are wiser than I..."

Ashe clutches his father's hand tightly as he passes on to lie amongst heroes have fallen .

In his stupor, he comes back to his senses when a comrade rushes over and shrugs him on the shoulder.

"Hey we did it! We retook Sen Mag! We can go home now!"


the words resounded within his mind with a lasting emptiness.


What home did he have left to go to?

"I was born on a battlefield. Raised on a battlefield. explosions, sirens and screams... they were my lullabies... Hunted like dogs, day after day... driven from their ragged shelters... That... was my life. Each morning, I'd wake up... and find a few more of my family or friends dead beside me. I'd stare at the morning sun... and pray just to make it through the day...."
What type of character do you play?: He is always been the observant one in situations. Ashe is very cool,calm, and collect to most people, he likes to maintain a peaceful and carefree style, worrying not about none other than what matters to him. He isn't afraid to speak his mind, and often decides to in most situations. He is often neutral in tensions that don't really concern him. His constant carefree attitude triggers unexpected reactions from others. Though he has his own agenda to settle with his life, he seems to care much for others' concerns. He shows remorse for his actions, but believes he is not suppose to focus on the past but act on the present, as that is what ultimately determines the future. Not being one to think matters through, he is known to act on impulse rather than reasoning.

At heart Ashe is a very honest dedicated young soldier, he loves learning new things and gaining wisdom. He is a very smart young man, yet he possesses a ruthless spirit in battle. His main flaw is that he is constantly making choices based on his emotions. He is disgusted by war, and loves observing animal and plant life and discovering different insects. From his unique interests, he often finds the most unconventional tactics to stop the forces that oppose him. He is quick to adapt to all types of environments and uses his survival instincts to guide him in a fight. His love for the nature is a recognizable trait shown especially in his flicker of a grin as he records data about his observations in his journal.

While in school, he does focus on his studies and puts it above everything. He finds time in his life to make conversation just to keep the day flowing well. Naturally a very positive person, assuming everything will go well if he says it will, even though sometimes it doesn't. He catches himself willing tending to help others in need, but eventually in the end it is always for a price. He will always repay his debt to the copper when he says and is definitely a man of his word.

Although outer appearances are deceiving, under that cool exterior is a cold and brutal man who will stop at nothing to get what he wants.
Just a short summary of the character style - An Inquisitive Half-Elven Archer
What is your Mabinogi schedule? Random

Ashe Crimson
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

Posts : 5
Join date : 2011-08-15

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