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Taemo Lode (Temo Body Alt)

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Taemo Lode (Temo Body Alt) Empty Taemo Lode (Temo Body Alt)

Post  Temo Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:41 am

Name: Taemo Lode (Tay-moh Loh-day)
Nicknames: N/A
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Tuathan Human
Personality: Cheerful but can a little paranoid at times
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Brown
Skin color: Bronzed
Distinguishing Features: A vertical scar across his left cheek from a knife cut
Likes: Treasure, adventure, and travel, living, good health, donuts, cakes, sweets in general...but especially donuts
Hates: Violence, death, dishonesty, wine, and vegetables. Especially the evil green kind - traitorous scum.
Themesong: Cage the Elephant - Ain't No Rest for the Wicked ; Trigun - H.T.

"Couldn't Have Happened to a Nicer Chap"

Taemo was just your typical, cheery, poor random peasant off the street, though his clumsiness and knack for getting in trouble often left him on the bad side of some rather greedy and disagreeable people. It was something that ended up changing his life forever.

The job was a simple one - help prepare things for a particularly disgruntled but rich merchant's banquet. The man - who was addressed as Lord Borgene - couldn't stand him, and the feeling was mutual. The thing that kept them together though was the fact that Taemo owed him money, which he was working off under contract with him. The banquet was actually for the man's daughter and her fiance. It was going to be a big thing - food, song, dance, however much of Tara's population could fit into his house and yard, the works. And after work, Taemo was more than happy to hear he'd been invited to the party after having worked so hard by the groom, who was actually a bit nicer than his father-in-law to be.

Despite the disagreements he and his employer had, the night was very enjoyable. Taemo had himself a great time - even met a lovely young woman named Abigail, who he got along with surprisingly well. Perhaps too well, because after a night of song, dance, and heavy drinking, he somehow ended up waking in a bed with her by morning. Naked. He would have considered himself the luckiest man in the world at that moment, except for a few problems. One, the bed happened to be in the household of one Lord Borgene. Two, Abigail Borgene's fiance had just arrived in that room, searching for her when she hadn't been answering summons. Three, while Taemo couldn't remember much of anything that happened after drinking so much, she was clearly sober enough to acknowledge what appeared to be an act of infidelity; and he was the one all the blame was pushed on despite of this.

Of course, the nobleman was furious and called off the engagement, much to the Abigail's pleasure. Obviously she hated the man and liked Taemo - enough to sleep with him while he was drunk off his rocker anyways. Lord Borgene however, was equally furious. Not only had Taemo come between him and being brought into the family of one of Tara's wealthiest, but he was just a peasant who couldn't even pay off the smallest of bills. What kind of use was he or his family, if he even had one! It was unacceptable; but he simply could not tolerate marrying off an impure daughter to another noble, and rumors would be flying soon if not already. So he offered Taemo a choice: either he could accept the "damage" he'd caused and be so buried in debt it made his unborn grandchildren suffocate, or he could start building a better financial situation for himself and marry into the family. With some reluctant "help" from Lord Borgene himself.

That was what started Taemo's unending service to the merchant and his daughter, and it was quite a miserable service indeed. The jobs were long and grueling; and rather than having that kind, caring, and spirited woman who had become his fiancee overnight, he was tied to a two-faced and cruel little devil who didn't seem to be interested in stopping her affairs with Taemo. On top of that, Abigail seemed to be more reliable in doing whatever put things highly in her favor despite those around her suffering for it. Still, he could accept it all. It wasn't like the arrangement wasn't beneficial to a no-name peasant. He could always turn things around much quicker with money and friends in high places, or so he heard. It was a decent dream to have for his situation.

At least, that was what he thought until Lord Borgene called him into his office one day with an very important little task. He'd recently come into a lot of money, which needed to be transferred to the bank. In his service, Taemo had become trusted with running similar errands over time, though often under watch to make sure he didn't do anything like...take an advance on his pay or something. Honestly though, who would do such a thing? Yet there was no surveillance for the job this time. Lord Borgene said it would draw unwanted attention to his business, whatever that meant. Taemo didn't bother trying to understand the business outside of it being a vineyard - he was just the delivery boy, this was definitely a major step up on that ladder of trust, and he was eager to take it. After all, it offered him a chance to earn a larger paycheck as well! It seemed like that dream was one step closer to becoming a reality.

He could almost swear those thugs knew he was coming though...

A day later, Taemo awoke in one of Tara's many alleyways - battered, beaten, and missing one very important envelope. Apparently, news of his failure had already reached the ears of Lord Borgene while he was unconscious, and it painted Taemo in a very bad light, it seemed. He could understand the miser being angry over the loss of a lot of money, but was it really so much that Taemo had to have a price of 5 million placed on his head? Alive or DEAD? Reading on, he could see why; but everything was all wrong. According to the wanted posters, Taemo had been blamed for some rather horrendous crimes - the brutal rape and murder of the merchant's daughter, theft of his life savings, the razing of his fields and house...were it not for his investments, the poor guy would've been just as bad off as Taemo had been.

But really, when he left, the man's place was perfectly fine; and his daughter was certainly lively enough to be seen dragging her most recent beau off to the wine cellar. This had to be some kind of mistake! Who was going to believe a lowly peasant who had been treated like dirt all this time though? It scared him that it didn't seem very surprising even in his own mind when he thought about it. So he did what he figured any man caught in his situation would do.

He ran like hell.

These events happened about a year ago. Taemo's managed to avoid capture and death on countless occassions, all the while trying to find any leads that could clear his name on the tragedy he became the scapegoat of. His detective skills aren't exactly the best though, so the alternative to that has been somehow finding the money to pay off all the damage he didn't cause, hoping it would satisfy Lord Borgene's pockets enough so that Taemo could try making a new living without having to dodge swords and arrows of bounty hunters. A casual and everyday job would never cut it with the price on his head, so he went to the next best thing his rattled mind could think of - that kind of money didn't grow on trees, but it certainly could be unearthed in ruins and dungeons all about Erinn.

Being a treasure hunter wasn't exactly the most promising kind of work, or the safest, but it was better than nothing and wouldn't harm anybody else, would it?

Last edited by Temo on Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:54 am; edited 1 time in total
Burrito Bison

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Join date : 2008-04-13
Age : 39
Location : WATCHING. O__O

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Taemo Lode (Temo Body Alt) Empty Re: Taemo Lode (Temo Body Alt)

Post  Kenelm Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:41 am

The band is "Cage the Elephant"

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Taemo Lode (Temo Body Alt) Empty Re: Taemo Lode (Temo Body Alt)

Post  Temo Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:53 am

Right. I keep putting that despite knowing it, sorry. It just sounds better in my head. Fixing. XP
Burrito Bison

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Age : 39
Location : WATCHING. O__O

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Taemo Lode (Temo Body Alt) Empty Re: Taemo Lode (Temo Body Alt)

Post  Auramune Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:12 pm

Awh.. what happened to him hooking up with this chick..?

Taemo Lode (Temo Body Alt) Profoundly-ugly-woman

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Age : 38
Location : Aplington, Iowa

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Taemo Lode (Temo Body Alt) Empty Re: Taemo Lode (Temo Body Alt)

Post  Temo Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:19 pm

I changed my mind. I liked this story better. xD
Burrito Bison

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Age : 39
Location : WATCHING. O__O

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Taemo Lode (Temo Body Alt) Empty Re: Taemo Lode (Temo Body Alt)

Post  Adhamh Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:30 pm

Auramune wrote:Awh.. what happened to him hooking up with this chick..?

Taemo Lode (Temo Body Alt) Profoundly-ugly-woman
Oh man, what the hell is that and how do I kill it?! Q_Q And how much will therapy cost?
Cromm Crunch
Cromm Crunch

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Taemo Lode (Temo Body Alt) Empty Re: Taemo Lode (Temo Body Alt)

Post  Zeffie Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:42 pm

Auramune wrote:Awh.. what happened to him hooking up with this chick..?

Taemo Lode (Temo Body Alt) Profoundly-ugly-woman
This Lady... o__o I must tell her...

Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

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Taemo Lode (Temo Body Alt) Empty Re: Taemo Lode (Temo Body Alt)

Post  Temo Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:37 pm

You know I kinda feel bad for her now. Getting her face plastered all over the internet in such a manner. HAVE YOU NO SHAME!? ;3;

...waitaminute, this is Photoshop'd! o.O
Burrito Bison

Posts : 4020
Join date : 2008-04-13
Age : 39
Location : WATCHING. O__O

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