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Mari Eir
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New Member SHINRASIA Empty New Member SHINRASIA

Post  SHINRASIA Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:30 pm

Character name: Shinrasia (ic HOPEFULLY Tina)

How You Heard About The RP Society: through Maxinition

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? Off and on since I was 12-13 ish (I'm 16 now.)

Is English Your First Language? English is my first language, and you tend to see me being a grammar nazi, however, there are words like hopsital (Hospital) and ocifer (Officer) that I cannot say, and therefor spell them the way I say them.

A Short Biography Of Your Character: Fell from a very high place, not remembering most of her life (Not that she had had a long one, as she's almost always a 10 yr old), but found a doll lying next to her. Wandering around, she found herself in a city, then slowly wandered into a castle, where she accidentally dropped the doll. She went to pick it up, then decided to play with it, not noticing the giant seated across from her. What she also didn't realize was the prank one guard had played on another by replacing his washing water with a clear glue. Stuck fast, she began a conversation with the giant, and found he was named Max. (apparently has a family, but does not remember them very much >.>)

What type of character do you play? I play an all around character. I have r1 refining, smash, counterattack, defense, windmill, fireball, ice spear, all r1 bolt magic. I also have r1 arrow revolver, magnum, and r9 crash shot. I have r6 thunder though Very Happy As I said, I'm an all around character, and may ask you what you want me to be, like before going into a dungeon or Shadow Mission, I may ask "Mage or Melee?" as my bow is always on for backup.

What is your Mabinogi schedule? I'm on almost all day every day, being summer break. During school I play when I get home, 3PM Pacific standard time until I go to bed. (That is, unless I'm guildless, which makes my client crash a lot, and therefore making me rather unwilling to play)

Last edited by SHINRASIA on Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:31 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I got bored AND VERY IMPATIENT. Sorry.)

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Member SHINRASIA Empty Re: New Member SHINRASIA

Post  Vayne Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:03 am

Shin! <3 ShinShinShinShinShin! <3 <3 <3 Ohmygosh I want to give my approvalRIGHTNOW. But, my curious mind is a bit annoying. Could you elaborate the biography just a 'tad, if you could? And I assume by falling, she died? And thus is a milletian?

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New Member SHINRASIA Empty Re: New Member SHINRASIA

Post  SHINRASIA Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:27 pm

Lolol okay, but Shin is Henry to me, the original owner of the account. Henry is a somewhat chubby (but very cute and awesome >.>) asian who speaks fluent mandarin, so people calling me Shin weirds me out just a touch. And yes, I believe she is a milletian.

And since I'm not good at elaborating because...Well, I'm just not, we'll go for a more detailed bio, but this time we'll try for first person, if you don't mind, of course. Be warned, it's pretty detailed.

-just waking up- <W...Where am I?...More..Importantly...Who am I?....>-opens eyes, looks up to see a huge cliff and blood around me- <I...Must have fallen...> -checks body- <Bleeding, but in one piece....>-looks around, appears to be in a desert area, mutters- Oh joy...-notices a blue object laying on the ground labled "Tina"- <Is that....Mine?> -picks it up, notes that it feels familiar, pulls self to feet- <Well, this promises to be an adventure...> ((We are to later find out that she woke up in Errans Gorge, but as she hasn't discovered the names of places, we'll leave that out))-walks around, noticing a village- Oh...<They should help me, right?>....-walks toward village, elf aims bow at character- <Wha...What? I didn't even say anything rude!> -Arrow lands a foot from character's toes, begins running away, elf then ignores her- ((We are later to find out this is because she is giant allied, but again, she doesn't know that, so let's leave it out))

(a bit later) -finally stops running, pants, notices a slip of paper hidden inside the bear with a list of names and species- <Strange...> -Calls out Mylilhorsie, a thoroughbred comes running up, notices that was marked on the paper- <Hmm...This could be useful.... -calls out name of Flyingpeacok, a thunderbird appears- <Does that say it can...Fly me?... -climbs on it's back, asks it nicely to fly, gasps as it takes off- Wheeee! -leans forward, the bird flies forward, watches the ground disappear beneath me- <Well this is rather convenient..If only I knew where I was going...-talks to the bird for a while, speaking of how she loved boats, remembering vaguely the feel of water under a study bow, then dozes off, allowing the bird to fly where it wanted. Soon enough we land in a place on the coast, whispers- Mr. Birdy...Where did you take me?...-notices a person standing there- E..Excuse me, Miss?...I'm l-lost...Wh...Where am I?... ((later to learn her name is Alexina)) -the woman begins to explain that this continent is Iria, and I was in Port Qilla- Port?! You-You mean there's a boat? Can I get on it? -She smiles and hands me a boat pass, saying that it was hers, but she liked it here too much to leave- Th..Thanks, Miss! -runs to catch the boat, barely makes it in time- Yaay! -soon falls asleep to the rocking of the boat-

-Wakes up, being shaken roughly by a young boy- "Lady! You gotta get off, this is your stop!" <Wha..What?....> -mumbles something, begins to disembark from the ship, tries to get on the bird and fly again, but it refuses to take off- <That's...Inconvenient....> -Calls out name of Mylilhorsie, mounts, giggles- Maybe you can take me somewhere! -horse takes off, holds on tightly, not controlling it, notices a town coming up- I don't really...Want to stop yet...-horse goes through the town as the character begins to miss the water, watches the scene go by- Hey pony, do you know of any places nearby with water? -horse continues, but turns at a crossroad, notices the horse is now straining to run- Oh...I'm sorry...Would you like a rest? -the horse slows, then stops, gets off of it, allowing it to roam free- Rest well, Pony! -dozes off in the sweet grass-

((Sorry about switching from tense to tense..It's early morning. May go back and fix it later)) -wakes up to a flash of light, then notices a little girl standing there that appeared to be my age- H...Hi there, Miss...-Her eyes snap to me- "Need something?" -tugs my ear, then scuffs the ground a little- Do you know where there might be a...Lake or something...Around...Maybe? -she points, then goes back to staring into the distance- <Wow...She's a little rude....> Th-thanks...-begins walking the way she pointed, forgetting about the horse, arrives in a town almost surrounded by water- Oh yay! -plays in the water, swimming at times, being careful to watch the little doll, it gets late into the day- Oh...I guess it's time for me to go....-pulls clothes on, begins walking into the town, notices no buildings that aren't shops that she would be let into- <I could sleep under the stars again...Explore the town in the morning...> -falls asleep next to a tree, happy for the cover and the warmth of the night air-

-wakens to a bright fresh day, gets up and stretches- Ready to explore the town, Miss Kitty? -speaking to the doll- -notices a huge building, and guards- Excuse me Mr. Guard? H-Hello? -guard leans down- A-am I allowed to...Go into the castle?...- The guard nods, then straightens and shiny floor on the other, doesn't notice anybody in there- Oh! a place I can play, maybe? -begins tossing the doll up and down, then back up- Th..Thanks....-walks into the castle, wandering around all the side rooms, then notices a somewhat scary room with cells on one side misses a catch, tossing the doll onto the bare floor, goes to retrieve it, then decides to play on the ground, still not noticing anybody, then notices hunger, and tries to get up- <St..Stuck? What!?> -then notices the giant seated across from me- H...Hi there...

((I know, it was really long. But, it kept me entertained for a while Very Happy)) ((Unfortunately, I'm not that great about breaking stuff up, but I did my best.))

Last edited by SHINRASIA on Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Member SHINRASIA Empty Re: New Member SHINRASIA

Post  SHINRASIA Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:40 pm

Okaaaaaay...So maybe your guild isn't as active as I want a guild to be. I'm sorry, I'm used to one day accept/reject policies. I don't want to wait a week to get accepted by forums, then another 3 days to get accepted into the guild on the game, then another 2 days to get a mentor and finish my mentor program. I'm sorry, but unless I can actually generate a response on my application within the next 3 days, I'm going to stop Rping with you guys and just find another guild. I don't even care if it's a negative response. I'm sorry, I'm a little impatient, so if this whole "Don't reply to her app for a week" is a test of my patience, then I fail wholeheartedly. I can't play until SOMEBODY accepts me into their guild, because when I'm guildless I crash. It's been that way since guilds came out. So unfortunately, a non-mabi-playing- Tina is a very impatient Tina.

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Member SHINRASIA Empty Re: New Member SHINRASIA

Post  Mithos Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:13 pm

Okay. I'll admit I'm guilty of being easily discouraged by long blocks of text since it doesn't separate ideas and get me confused a lot. =D

There is still something I still am confused about... Was Tina born in Erinn or did she die in her home world to come to Erinn as a Milletian?

On a completely unrelated note : If there ever is a next time, try to make paragraphs please? Huge text blocks are just discouraging. xD

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New Member SHINRASIA Empty Re: New Member SHINRASIA

Post  Mari Eir Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:29 pm

Um.. the person the account originally belonged to is completely irrelevant, unless you mean that he still has account access. Cause if so, we need to be notified of that. Neutral

You know what a Milletian is, right? You seemed a bit confused in your post. It's something that should be well defined right off the bat. A Milletian is someone who came through the Soulstream. If they die accidentally, they'll just be reborn. They are NOT born in Erinn.

A Tuatha is the term we loosely use for one born within Erinn. If they die, that's it. No coming back, no rebirthing IC or anything. And a Tuatha cannot become a Milletian except for VERY special circumstances. Those circumstances can never really apply to any of our characters, though, seeing as how they typically involve gods and that's a no-no in RPS. xD

And as for your patience... You could have stayed in your other guild until the application process was over. Weren't you informed you couldn't be let in until the application process was complete? o__O
Mari Eir
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New Member SHINRASIA Empty Re: New Member SHINRASIA

Post  SHINRASIA Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:11 pm

Actually, it makes a difference to me, because personally, when you hear your character name, you don't think of a chubby asian guy. I do. And once my guild was notified of my future leaving, I got booted as a troll. Yes hahaha, funny to me too, but I still crash when guildless. Henry does have acess to his account, as it is his account, but he doesn't want it back, he doesn't want to play, ect ect. But again, when I hear "shin," it makes me think of a chubby asian guy. I'M NOT A CHUBBY ASIAN GUY D: if any of you have skype, I can introduce you to him, and he's so COMPLETELY different from me, and he was shin for SOOOO long that it's weird to be called Shin. Also, milletian is an understood term. Thanks for making me feel like you are paying attention, and sorry about the big block of text, it was early morning. Will edit it when I get bored >.> (Seriously. I'm a skinny talkative white person who speaks only english. Shin is a chubby (but cute) asian guy who speaks other languages. TOTALLY WEIRD D:<) And sorry for being rude. ((She is Milletian. Sorry, I prefer to edit rather than make new posts. Most of my forums have a low post count. Like Hackshield forums have a post count of 86, when I've actually posted around 160-170 times, just with edited posts))

Last edited by SHINRASIA on Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Member SHINRASIA Empty Re: New Member SHINRASIA

Post  Mithos Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:18 pm

It's fine, but you still haven't answered the question =P

Is Tina Tuatha or Milletian?

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New Member SHINRASIA Empty Re: New Member SHINRASIA

Post  Mari Eir Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:14 pm

SHINRASIA wrote:Actually, it makes a difference to me, because personally, when you hear your character name, you don't think of a chubby asian guy. I do. And once my guild was notified of my future leaving, I got booted as a troll. Yes hahaha, funny to me too, but I still crash when guildless. Henry does have acess to his account, as it is his account, but he doesn't want it back, he doesn't want to play, ect ect. But again, when I hear "shin," it makes me think of a chubby asian guy. I'M NOT A CHUBBY ASIAN GUY D: if any of you have skype, I can introduce you to him, and he's so COMPLETELY different from me, and he was shin for SOOOO long that it's weird to be called Shin. Also, milletian is an understood term. Thanks for making me feel like you are paying attention, and sorry about the big block of text, it was early morning. Will edit it when I get bored >.> (Seriously. I'm a skinny talkative white person who speaks only english. Shin is a chubby (but cute) asian guy who speaks other languages. TOTALLY WEIRD D:<) And sorry for being rude. ((She is Milletian. Sorry, I prefer to edit rather than make new posts. Most of my forums have a low post count. Like Hackshield forums have a post count of 86, when I've actually posted around 160-170 times, just with edited posts))
I don't think you get it.. xD; We're never going to call you by anything you don't want to be called by so it's irrelevant to the guild. And DO try to avoid being rude because we take note of everything (yes, I see your apology for that). You'll be getting marks FOR yourself AND against yourself, even just from this thread. Neutral (As well if you are rude to others, they will respond in kind; but that's common knowledge Razz)

But it looks like you have everything in order. All we ask for is a bio, the character name (which we will gladly call you by, not one that reminds you of a chubby asian man), and whether or not they're a Milletian. So long as Shin will not be popping up onto this account, we're square. The reason for that being is you are responsible for anything that happens while someone uses your account, even if it's not you. Doesn't seem as though that will be a problem from my understanding, however.

I can offer my first approval, which will hopefully help your Mabi withdrawals.
Mari Eir
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New Member SHINRASIA Empty Re: New Member SHINRASIA

Post  SHINRASIA Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:45 pm

Lol...Henry would never be rude, and I try not to be actually rude to somebody, unless I'm totally joking with them, which generally, if I am, and I think you don't know me, I'll say "jk, jk" at the end of it. So future apology for any rudeness. Also future apology for my segmented typing, when I'm ooc I tend to type in a form somewhat like this;

"Well I'm
Applying for this guild
because I'm not really
that serious about leveling
ANd I like to help people
ANd this seemed like a good guild to
help people without grinding too seriously"

((Gotta love random generic sentences. And I'm aware I make really big posts, I'm sorry. I won't do that when I get used to you (as a guild). It's more of a somewhat nervous kind of bored reaction to being on a new forum))

And Henry gets mad when you talk about mabi to him, so I really don't think he's coming back. However I'm about 50% sure english is his second language, although he speaks it very fluently with no accent, he doesn't type very well, so we're pretty easy to tell apart.

(Yes, I really do tend to capitalize the second letter of the beginning of certain segmented sentences. It's an accident, because I type too fast and don't release shift fast enough for my computer to change the capitalized letter into a lowercase.)

Last edited by SHINRASIA on Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:51 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : GENERIC SENTENCE IS GENERIC (and awesome))

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Member SHINRASIA Empty Re: New Member SHINRASIA

Post  Auramune Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:28 pm

I'm not even going to lie.. I'm so very completely confused on this entire application. =| So I'll try to respond from what I've deciphered.. correct me if I'm wrong though. @_@

If I'm understanding this correctly, someone had your account prior to now(someone named Henry?) and now you have it(Tina?). As long as Henry(?) doesn't have access to your account information anymore I don't see a problem. But if you're sharing an account with somebody else, that's pretty important information to know. And if that's the case, then you are still held accountable for what is done if that person is on the account when you're not. They should also be aware of the rules and such.

As far as the name thing goes, at first you may be called by your handle or a shortened version of the handle "Shin" or "Shinrasia." Some people get annoyed by this for whatever reason, but you should learn to politely just ask them to call you something else until it stick. "Hey just call me Tina ok? Smile" You'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

Also, is your character a milletian? Or born in Erinn?

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New Member SHINRASIA Empty Re: New Member SHINRASIA

Post  SHINRASIA Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:38 pm

Yes, the account Shinrasia is Henry's, however when my account was hacked and I got locked out of it, he gave the account to me, and won't be coming back. However, as many times as I have told people nicely that I am "Tina," somebody else used my character, and got people into the habit of calling me "Shin" (Ashleytwirl was the user, however she is not allowed on the account anymore as far as I am aware)

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Member SHINRASIA Empty Re: New Member SHINRASIA

Post  Mari Eir Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:05 am

SHINRASIA wrote:Yes, the account Shinrasia is Henry's, however when my account was hacked and I got locked out of it, he gave the account to me, and won't be coming back. However, as many times as I have told people nicely that I am "Tina," somebody else used my character, and got people into the habit of calling me "Shin" (Ashleytwirl was the user, however she is not allowed on the account anymore as far as I am aware)
I'd certainly hope she doesn't have your info. Neutral Nothing personal, but she's a banned former member.

And Aura, she's said a few times already she's Milletian. Unless that was a joke. >.>
Mari Eir
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New Member SHINRASIA Empty Re: New Member SHINRASIA

Post  Auramune Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:31 am

No I was serious, but she told me where it was after I posted. Idk how I bypassed it when I read it. XD

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New Member SHINRASIA Empty Re: New Member SHINRASIA

Post  SHINRASIA Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:53 am

Lol..."Ashley" aka Brittany had my info a while ago, due to Henry's bad decision to let her "share the account with me" needless to say, an argument ensued, I got the account back, and she has been bitter and getting her friends to be rude to me ever since. It's stopped because one of my friends told her off. But she doesn't currently have my information, no.

Look at the reason for editing...Pikachu's original voice actress!!

Last edited by SHINRASIA on Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:56 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing :

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Member SHINRASIA Empty Re: New Member SHINRASIA

Post  Guest Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:28 pm

Why am I not surprised at the name of the person that is annoying and rude is Ashleytwirl?

I'm going to just throw an approval hat here and go get some tea while I giggle.


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New Member SHINRASIA Empty Re: New Member SHINRASIA

Post  SHINRASIA Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:07 pm

I. Love. Google. Chrome. When you enter an incognito window (aka, a window that doesn't leave abrowing history on your computer and has no tracking cookies) This is the warning message that appears. The funny part is in bold.

You've gone incognito. Pages you view in this window won't appear in your browser history or search history, and they won't leave other traces, like cookies, on your computer after you close the incognito window. Any files you download or bookmarks you create will be preserved, however.

Going incognito doesn't affect the behavior of other people, servers, or software. Be wary of:
Websites that collect or share information about you
Internet service providers or employers that track the pages you visit
Malicious software that tracks your keystrokes in exchange for free smileys
Surveillance by secret agents
People standing behind you

What's really funny is when your chrome page crashes...It displays a dead puzzle piece and the words "He's dead Jim"

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Member SHINRASIA Empty Re: New Member SHINRASIA

Post  SHINRASIA Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:33 pm

Also, as far as mentors go, I dunno who is most active, but I need a really very active mentor, as in a regular day I participate in about 15-25 dungies, 10 sms, and even a few boss hunts, and I can RP as many time as there are available ones for me to join in, however, to join with me on most things, unless you want me to seem like a total pro and run rundal HM three times, you have to be active and over the total of around 1k-ish >.> Being total 3k makes it hard to be not-pro, even if I try gaming as fail as I can. >.> ((Not trying to show off. More of a warning for anybody who tries to randompvp me))

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New Member SHINRASIA Empty Re: New Member SHINRASIA

Post  Auramune Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:52 pm

I'll approve. Make sure you apply at the guild stone. Smile

Just to touch up on a few things, dungeon mentoring isn't necessarily about how easily/difficultly you can kill or fly through a dungeon. So even if you end up running through something a bit weaker than an HM dungeon(although I'm sure we have the perfect mentors who'd give you just that*eyes Teo Soi and Mithos*) you may fail by attitude, unwillingness to listen, or being unprepared even if you run the actual dungeon flawlessly.

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New Member SHINRASIA Empty Re: New Member SHINRASIA

Post  SHINRASIA Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:12 pm

No, I just mean active because if I get the right mentor, say one that logs on every day for more than 10 minutes, I can get the little mentoring program done within a day of getting into it. And the dungeon thing is more about watching people do what they do and responding to it (to me) in the appropriate way. I feel that if you're good at dungies, you shouldn't need orders, and should be watching the other player at all times to be assured of two things 1: being that they aren't in danger and two, making sure you aren't about to attack what they're attacking, unless they're in danger and need you to do so. So if you order me...There is a high chance I'm not gonna listen...And if you ask me to do a weak dungeon, I'll end up overkilling you and failing by attitude, not on purpose, but because in everything but hardmode, most things are one-hit-killed. I'm what you call a "social Gamer" though, because while I CAN solo just about everything, I get lonely and end up quitting about halfway through.

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Member SHINRASIA Empty Re: New Member SHINRASIA

Post  Dalvar Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:26 pm

Don't sweat it, we have strong mentors in our guild, just grab one of them for dungeon.
Teo and Soi about big on Peaca, for example.

On a related note, you aren't assigned a mentor, it's on you to notice when one is on and grab them for an RP/dungeon.

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New Member SHINRASIA Empty Re: New Member SHINRASIA

Post  Auramune Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:31 pm

SHINRASIA wrote:No, I just mean active because if I get the right mentor, say one that logs on every day for more than 10 minutes, I can get the little mentoring program done within a day of getting into it. And the dungeon thing is more about watching people do what they do and responding to it (to me) in the appropriate way. I feel that if you're good at dungies, you shouldn't need orders, and should be watching the other player at all times to be assured of two things 1: being that they aren't in danger and two, making sure you aren't about to attack what they're attacking, unless they're in danger and need you to do so. So if you order me...There is a high chance I'm not gonna listen...And if you ask me to do a weak dungeon, I'll end up overkilling you and failing by attitude, not on purpose, but because in everything but hardmode, most things are one-hit-killed. I'm what you call a "social Gamer" though, because while I CAN solo just about everything, I get lonely and end up quitting about halfway through.

That's not necessarily true. Just because you do the number of things required doesn't mean you'll automatically pass. If your attitude here is any indication of how you are in game, then I believe you have a few things you should work on. Teamwork being one of them. What I mean by failing by attitude has nothing to do with killing off someone else's monster, or steal-killing them. That happens all the time. A lot of times by accident. But if you give someone guff for not listening to what's recommended when they are just doing their job and see a possible flaw in fighting style or, for example, run ahead and obliterate rooms when they say to wait on them, that would give a bad mark. I'm not saying that you would do this, just giving examples of what may blemish the report done by your mentors if you choose to ignore their help.

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New Member SHINRASIA Empty Re: New Member SHINRASIA

Post  SHINRASIA Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:49 pm

The only time I really give anybody guff about not doing what I ask them to (this is normally on things I lead, such as rafts where I use thunder, or ice spear) is in voice chat, which is why I don't normally voice chat, because while online I am polite, chances are in rl, I'm usually saying things along the line of OMGYOUSTUPIDMOTHER@(*&^%$AHHHHHHHHH Unless it's a voice chat with somebody who isn't there, in which case it's more of the occasional ugh ARGH OMG and so on. But usually I'm pretty good about being polite and dungieing with people, although I tend to not dungie with people that aren't around my level due to the ease of which I do things. I will however, willing help out on any generation quests, or joking put a little sarcasm into my reply. I usually don't outright refuse a dungie run unless I feel that I cannot run whatever it is with certain people, which does happen. If I feel my fighting style doesn't mesh with yours, I will respectfully decline to dungie with you, instead of making everybody miserable by being rude. I may not be the most respectful person ever, but if you pull me aside or PM me and say you don't like something, usually I'll apologize and start working on not doing whatever it is. Unless you're telling me not to be sarcastic. Beliece it or not, I'm been working on the segmented sentences thing, and it's a lot better than it was, because it used to be like

Okay so
I'm a little
unhappy about
how long your
system takes to
get through
and I think you
might need to
update it
or revise
because it
kind of
tends to
turn active
people away
from things when
it takes a long time to
get through.

I'm really not gonna lie, I'm kind of sad about how it takes 4 days to get into your guild system, let alone get through it. And the whole online t thing isn't working out, because I can't get into the guild because I can't move without crashing, and I can't see if one is on if I'm not in the guild. >.> Also, when people afk, I may go a room ahead and take hours to complete it by playing dead and pet milling it because I'm bored, but most of the time I sit there and wait for them. And my attitude here is more about impatience. I'm a lot better when I have something to do that isn't mindlessly going through flash games for lack of something better to do.

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Member SHINRASIA Empty Re: New Member SHINRASIA

Post  Auramune Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:05 pm

Your post is dated on the 26th, and it's the 28th. So not 4 days xD. Our system is good, because people who are too impatient to follow through or don't realize that the members of the guild have lives outside of the game can go ahead and walk away if they choose to.

Anyways, like I said, apply to the guild stone and either Mari or myself will accept you in to the guild when we get on, since you have the approvals needed.

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New Member SHINRASIA Empty Re: New Member SHINRASIA

Post  SHINRASIA Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:44 pm

I can't move without crashing. applying to the stone isn't gonna work because I can't move. Unless somebody wants to be cool enough to come out to tail and right click me to add me, looks like I'm still playless xD. I will be in the little chat messenger here, so if anybody gets on and is willing and able or already by the tail sm altar, please tell me so I can hop on and be invited Very Happy I would sit on mabi and wait, however my computer is a little on the not-so-awesome side and Mabi lags my computer if I have it running.

Last edited by SHINRASIA on Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:04 am; edited 2 times in total

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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