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Kuralin's Bio's

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Kuralin's Bio's Empty Kuralin's Bio's

Post  Kuralin Sun Jun 05, 2011 8:49 pm

Name: Kur’Alin/Teal

Age: His current age is 15(was 131 years old when he left his world)

Birth Race: Ter’Alie(Foxie)

Game Race: Elven/Fox Hybrid

Homeworld: Tur'Lura

Groups Ex-Pack, Bandits

Character description Birth world: He had short brown hair with sliver highlights running through it. His skin was a light brown. His eyes were of sliver, his ears where long and pointed with tiny black hairs growing around them. In his left ear there where two ear rings one had a ruby and the other had a diamond. These two ear rings marked him as a healer of the lower class of Tur’Alin.

Current appearance:

Hair: Silver

Eyes: Silver

He was born on the night when the moon and sun focused upon the canopy. To his mother a healer and his father a musician. As time went on he grew to chariest life form his mother and the art of music from his father. He also became talented with the bow. Upon his journey's he came upon the village of Tora. He walk through the village, but saw no life expected for at the house of healing. He entered the house of healing and before him man, woman, and children where spread out upon mats. According to the village doctor, she could not find a cure. Their village was without healers and none were within a months ride. He started to work through the patients his body started wasting away, untill he could no longer move. He started to pray nightly unto his gods.
“He wished to escape.
The pain and suffering
The torture
The humiliation

He wished to escape.
To be among loved ones
To be among canopy of songs
To be where he belongs forever more

He wished for death
So there would be no more pain
No more suffering
No more tears

He wished for freedom
For his family
For his children
For his self"

As this is my pray grant it unto me. For I have suffered through this long enough. And wish to leave this plan and past onto the next.”

That night he passed on, but was guided to the soul stream and before him stood a tall white haired goddess. The Goddess introduced herself as Nao and guide him to his new world of Erinn.

Dream Land

A dark room, with paintings hung from the walls, cobwebs where covered them and their paint was faded. The furniture looked old, and unusable. As Kurail wonder towards the center of the room he noticed a glass case setting in center of the room, inside of the case was a boy of about the same age as himself. This boy had fox ears, black hair and a white mask covering his face. He was wearing the exacted same clothing as Kura, but they were white. Last of all the boy was missing his right arm. Kura walked slowly around the glass tome, tapping it every so often to see if there was any movement inside the tome, but the boy didn't stir. Then he woke.

He was in the dark room again. He noticed something had changed one of the paintings had filled up with color. It had grown women with short pink hair; her teeth were sharp points and dress up like a queen. She looked kind of like that girl who just attacked him, then he woke up in pain.

It was that room again, that awful room. He had spoken to Hana of it the other day and now he noticed she hung next to Soifa’s painting looking very
angry. He wonders over to the glass coffin, the boy now had his left arm behind his back. This scared Kurail, then the next thing he knew he was the one inside of the glass coffin, his face covered. He pounded on the glass trying to break out. Then he woke up finally.

He walked towards the middle of the room, holding a large rock in his hand.

Last edited by Kuralin on Sat Mar 02, 2013 7:58 am; edited 10 times in total

Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

Posts : 160
Join date : 2011-05-27
Age : 37
Location : State South of Canada

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Kuralin's Bio's Empty Eilar Hawker/Hawk

Post  Kuralin Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:23 pm

Name: Eilar Hawker/Hawk (Tolalin)

Age: Around 17 in appearance

Birth Race: Elf (Erinn born.)

Game Race: Elf (Playing as human.)

Hair: Black

eye Light blue

Bio: It was Beltane when Eilar entered the house in Bangor, being about 17 years in appearance his body hurting from the brushes covering his body. Looking over at the clock, which said 9:15 pm, Eilar began to worry as he headed towards the kitchen. He entered the kitchen he smelling blood, Eilar didn’t remember leaving out any fresh meat, his father always got angry when he did that. Over by the kitchen table his father was stumped over a chair Eilar’s mother holding his father’s hand. Neither of them seemed to be moving, or even breathing.

Eilar whispered “Maybe their sleeping, at least I hope their sleeping.” Worry seeming to come through his voice. He moved quietly as his elven blood permitted towards his parents. Looking first at his hatefully human father whose throat had been cut. Eilar whispered to himself “He can’t hurt me anymore.” He then looked towards his mother’s corpse who had a dagger of fomor make sticking out of her elven throat. Tears covered his face as he flied the house, grabbing the fomor dagger and his flute.

combat style: Alchemy (till that new gun thingies comes out), music, and martial arts (daggers IC).

Currently scared of Soifa.

Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

Posts : 160
Join date : 2011-05-27
Age : 37
Location : State South of Canada

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Kuralin's Bio's Empty Elain FirVinal

Post  Kuralin Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:25 pm

Name: Elain FirVinal (Tealan.)

Age: 25

Appearance: Female

Birth Race: Half-Dragon.

Game Race: Human

Profession: Dragon Hunter

Hair: Red

Eye: Red

Bio: It was a mostly normal day for the season of harvest. In her mind it should have been filled with the song of birds for the day of her wedding. She still wonders what the third son of the dragon lord was like. In her mind he should have been handsome, volent, and a loyal mate. The carriage slowly moved into the inner city, the sand blew around it, her hair blew all around her face, her control over this form was somewhat lacking. She though it strange that her people had to hid their true form from the people below them. Then suddenly the carriage came to a stop.

She stepped out of the carriage to see who in the world would stop her carriage. A large group of armed man and woman, there armor was plan without the markings of any of the houses. But she felt something strange within herself, the magic that had always been part of her was blocked and she was trapped in this weakened state. She then Demanded “Who would dare trap me in such a state.”

The smug man in a dark robe then stepped out from behind the man, marking him as the priest of the dragon lord. He was kind of on the short side, his hood was drawn up over his face hiding his features, but the black wings on his back marked him for a descendant of the demon. He then spoke “I’m to take you unto my lord the Third Prince of our land”
She nodded her head, realizing that these were likely body guards sent to retrieve her. But she still wonders why they would block her ability to change forms. She went back to her carriage followed by the priest. The priest told the driver to follow the guard; the driver nodded his head, not saying a word. The priest then started talking about nonstop about how great and honorable his lord was. He really was starting to get on her nerves when they finally arrived at somewhere. Looking over at the priest, to ask why they stopped here. She then felt a sting in the side of her neck.

She woke up then, she was tied to a table her eyes wondering about the room. It looked like a room attained for torture. Above her in a cage hung a creature in the form of a dragon. But it growled at her like some mad thing. Then she heard the footsteps coming down the stairs, the priest from earlier came walking into the room. His hood had been pulled down to show has shortly cut silver hair and silver eyes.

He spoke then “Do you know why you were brought here?” She shook her head, but she had a felling about what he was going to say next. “Will it was either to become my mate, or test subject. It is your choice to make.” She narrowed her eyes and said “I will not mate with such as you. I’d rather die.” The look on his face became glee full. He said “I think I shall give you too my friend the Third Prince hanging up there like I promised. I’m not sure what he will do too you though, he might mate with you, or eat you. I can’t tell which fate will be worse for you.” A look of fear had crossed her face.

The priest had stepped back slowly releasing the spell that healed the dragon that was in a cage above her head. The only thing she could think to do was to burry herself, until someone could free her memories. Soon she didn’t understand why there was a angry dragon above her head. The dragon sank his claws into her flesh; she screamed and screamed until there was no life left in her body.

Wakening up on a platform all felt she was an undying desire to kill dragons. Before her stood a young white haired woman who said her name was Nao. Nao told her that she was to enter on a new road of life, in the world of Erinn.

Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

Posts : 160
Join date : 2011-05-27
Age : 37
Location : State South of Canada

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Kuralin's Bio's Empty Talax

Post  Kuralin Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:26 pm

Name: Talax

Age: 10

Birth Race: Ter’Alie

Game Race:A Giant

Hair: Silver

Ears: Pointed

He had drained most of the life energy from the crystals embedded in his arms, the spell was almost casted. Then a man came charging towards him, with two swords within his hands and his guards ignored the man. He thought ‘Why in the world would they let him past.’ Then he noticed it was his own brother charging at him. He thought ‘Why is he doing….’ He felt the point of two swords entering into his eyes. The pain was so great that he released all the magic into his brother.

He woke up then, in the inn in Tir Chonaill. It was that strange dream again; it was all that he had of his past life. The birds had woke him up again, as always it was dark. He headed to the soft snoring of his partner, the dragon Orain. He had met her six years ago when he had first arrived on Erinn. She had been his guide to this new world, and now he was ready to explore it.

Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

Posts : 160
Join date : 2011-05-27
Age : 37
Location : State South of Canada

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Kuralin's Bio's Empty Tar’ilan

Post  Kuralin Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:27 pm

Name: Tar’ilan (Yraoin)

Age: around 30 years

Birth Race: Ter’Alie

Game Race: elf (human)

Hair: White

eye silver

Bio: It was the night of the blood moon, next to him sleep his beautiful wife of over 500 years. His arm rap around his wife’s neck, his eyes focused on her ageless face. She looked no older than 100 years (20 years), where as he looked over 700 years old (70 years). Why did she still love him, it was beyond him that she could see the beauty in these old evil bones. The murders he caused, the judgments he laid down. In the left corner was a long staff like weapon and could be used as a music instrument by playing notes on like a flute. Next to it was a harp used to influence masses through song and tales. Last was a sword that was used to punish the so called guilty. The Dagger in his hand would punish the truly guilty, but he had though so before, and been unable to perform the act. He felt a strange sharp sting and then he felt nothing anymore.

He heard the singing of strange birds above him, he blink his eyes open before him stood Nao, she told him she was sending him somewhere called fillia.

Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

Posts : 160
Join date : 2011-05-27
Age : 37
Location : State South of Canada

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Kuralin's Bio's Empty Tealen

Post  Kuralin Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:30 pm

Name: Tealen (Yraoin's body alt)


Race: Thunder Dragon/Human

Birth Race: Dragon

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Red

How he came to Erinn: Death


Time as Yraoin, of the Dragon

Yraoin flew over the enemy forces towards the demon; a creature who had taken the form of one of the Qeris, with long silver hair, silver eyes and small silver hairs growing around his ears. The demon had killed his father, the lord of the Qeris; stole his people, birthright, and destroyed his mates mind and caused her to kill their children.

He flew towards the demon, who was at war with the Tur’Alin. The demon began to drain the life energies from his forces, causing them to quicken in ageing to cast a spell upon him. He quickens his speed to reach the demon before the spell was casted. Just when he was about to place his claws within the demons flash he hears the demon say “I SEND YOU UNTO EIRNN, TO THE SERVANT OF THE GODDESS, NEO, IN THE FORM OF AN HUMAN”
He woke up, lying on the ground, and slowly rose up off the ground, he had trouble standing on two feet. He looked around the platform and saw a white haired women standing before him he asked her “Do you know the Demon of the Qeris?”. Neo just appears confused.

Of Life on Erin

He had been living around Maiz Prairie for the past 4 years. During that time he had change the color of both his hair and eyes. Misguided, he want to look for treasure rumored to be within Karu ruins and then onto the ruins in Maiz Prairie. All he got for this was final hit and a loss of all his gold. He then smuggled himself onto a boat heading to Cobh. He entered the bar in Cobh where he overheard a elf and a fomor discussing the new trade routes that had recently opened.

About six years later he was part of a group of bandits. They had not attacked anyone in the past three days and then they noticed a man, pulling a cart. He was dressed in a dark red robe, with long sliver hair. The sliver haired man approached their locations. There were two small groups of bandits with three men each. Each group was hiding on left and right side of the rode within the ruins along the road through Sen Mag Plateau. Both groups then charged man the a red robe, Tealen being in the middle group. The red rode man began to chant in a strange toung and then castes his spell on the group. Then he fall down laying flat on the ground.

Tealen woke up on the side of the road in surrounded by ruined buildings. He was unable to see through his left eye. He turn himself to the right noticing a cart, he used this to slowly pull himself up. up. He realized then that he couldn't remember who he was and all that he remember was Tealen. He this assumed had to be his name.

Fighting style:He favors using two swords and alchemy.

Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

Posts : 160
Join date : 2011-05-27
Age : 37
Location : State South of Canada

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Kuralin's Bio's Empty Re: Kuralin's Bio's

Post  Kuralin Sat Mar 02, 2013 9:19 am

Name: Luily (Kura body alt.)

Birth Race: Ter’Alie(Foxie)

Game Race: Kitsune

Home world: Tur'Lura

Hair: Silver

Eyes: Silver

Bio: A bullet shot through the air into Luily’s neck, slowly eating away at her flash. Then she woke up her body covered in sweat and her eyes open wide, she started feeling her neck for fresh bullet wounds. Then she realized she was still in the cabin that the bandits had found in the middle of the woods south east of Tir Chonaill. Her bandits, really or maybe the big guys, but still.

Then the door opened and a man in a Muffler Robe walked in, taking off the robe and hanging on a chair. He was covered in light blue scales and reminded her of the tales of the Toe’Ru or maybe in this worlds tongue dragon people would have been a better term. Tealen spoke to her “We need food from that Tir Chonaill town, place. Ok I don’t, but the others do.” She still wasn’t sure what he met, by that, but nodded anyways. Teal looked at her strangely speaking up “You know…Nevermind it’s unimportant.” A look of uncertainty crossing his face, but then it quickly disappeared. Then he said “Will I need a gas to knockout that little girl who guards the granary in the village? And you’re quite good with herbs and that bow of yours. So go work on it.” She nodded again as she got up to prepare.

Note: She’s mentally mute. Also Luily is that name that Teal gave her.

Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

Posts : 160
Join date : 2011-05-27
Age : 37
Location : State South of Canada

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