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Missing Piece

Hyuponia Kana
Mari Eir
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Post  Mari Eir Fri May 06, 2011 3:29 am

Everyone in Tara knew her. She was one of the Royal Alchemists in the area, Lady Mariella Kana. She was rich, beautiful, fashionable, had a gorgeous family and was respected by her peers. People who were not particularly close to the peculiar dragon woman were unaware of the emotional problems she tended to have (anger included). Her life was a storybook.. what could make a woman like her do anything but smile and look pretty?

That was exactly it this particular day. She had no smile, no glow. She walked through the streets in tight leather, commanding the attention of ignorant onlookers and rubberneckers. Her normally neatly tied and curled hair lay around her shoulders and down her back in it's natural wavy state, occasionally catching the wind in light crimson wisps. It was not odd of her to post in Tara, or any major town. What was odd.. was to wear her emotions so plainly for everyone to see. The Fairytale was over.

It has recently occurred to me that my life is missing something. Something so great that, without it, I am utterly miserable. Everyday is like a waking dream from which I am snatched back into reality. Nothing is tangible. I can't grasp anything in this life. As each day goes by, I begin to understand more and more why my own sister chose to end her life. I have everything that one could hope for in life and yet... Here I am, at an end seeking any and everything. I don't want to feel this miserable. I cannot turn to my family. Not anymore. I am at the mercy of anyone who reads this. Please... help me. I don't know what to do with myself. I can't hold onto happiness for more than a few days at a time without feeling miserable for just as long. It's a pitiful existence. It hurts physically.. emotionally. I need to find that one thing.. or multiple things I lack. If you feel this way or ever have.. or just have the time to respond, then please. Send me a letter. I can't take this pain anymore.

--Mariella Kana

The dragoness soon walks away after posting this, back into the crowd. To some, she must have looked cool. Unapproachable. Strong. She was none of these things. She had never been more frail in her life.

((Mariella is possibly heading toward the largest character development I've put her through since she first awoke as a dragon. xD I'm currently open to any and all possibilities right now as Mariella has no visible path laid out before her.))
Mari Eir
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Post  Glaceon Fri May 06, 2011 3:42 am

Espeon, on her routes through the towns as she was just going around, noticed this. "This is oddly the same case as my sister....but she chose the worse method. Maybe I can help Mrs. Kana out a bit." Espeon quickly scribbled a reply up and posted it for Mari to see.

Mrs. Kana.

It's me, Espeon. It sounds like you are going through a tough time, and I know someone close to me who went through something very similar to this. If we can set a date up, I feel we should talk about this, as I would hate to see you follow the same fate my sister went through. Take care, and I hope to see you soon.


"With any luck...Mariella won't go into a full rebirth. It always pains me knowing I'll probably never know who my sister is again....I'd hate to see Mari go through a similar process." With this thought in her head, she headed off to the Jousting Arena, which is where Espeon had moved into since Glacia had "poofed"
Glas Ghoblehht
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Post  Hyuponia Kana Fri May 06, 2011 3:49 am

He had watched her go. Given her permission, no less. It was torture. A pain so thorough and so complete that should he had actually been physically tortured, it would have been a mercy. Mariella was gone.

Find what is missing.

..He read the bulletin again. People he vaguely knew passed him by and snickered various things to each other. Nobles. Behind his back, but just loud enough to be heard...Try and provoke reaction.

Played for a fool...
Such an inept husband...Surrounding her with trinkets so you don't have to actually spend time with her..
Ignorant Fomor, did you really think you stood a chance with her? She used you, and left in good form.

But he wasn't there. Hyuponia couldn't hear. It was a chore to even breathe almost anymore. He was to blame for this. All of Mariella's time with him had been nothing but fantasy. A pleasant dream that dragged on far too long and at last became dull. He was a dream creature. The words hurt him, infinite little incisions upon his heart that ran deep and pained him bitterly at each movement and thought. He couldn't give her what she needed. All he gave her was pain. It was his existence to cause it and even now, it was inescapable. If Hyuponia did not exist...
Mariella would have never gotten this way. If the King of Sorrow did not exist...He could stop hurting people. Anyone who saw him now, would have been amazed at how calloused he had become. His eyes focused on individuals. But there was nothing in them. Not a glimmer of warmth or the remotest hope. All that remained was a simple promise, to go on. No matter how much it destroyed him inside. He would have to go on, and take care of the children so long as it made Mariella happy.

That's all he had left now.
Hyuponia Kana
Hyuponia Kana
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Post  Kayeori Fri May 06, 2011 5:04 am

Just leaving this as a reminder for me to post here. Can't really post a lot at work, plus I need to think a little on how to words things! Very Happy
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Post  Auramune Fri May 06, 2011 5:12 am

"It's great. He'll love it." She chimed out happily as she offered Hans a handful of gold. He wrapped the painting up and handed it to her; and off she went. Only a mild curiosity caused her gaze to sweep over the board. She did this occasionally. It helped keep her in tune with the world around her. Familiar names were the ones sought out first; and it was a very familiar name that caused her to stop and turn completely.

Did Hyuponia die?
Even now, she couldn't muster up enough hatred to respond in any sort of fashion one who was burned by an old friend, might feel. Only sadness in the pit of her stomach, for someone she had once admired for her strength.. revealing a weakness in such a public and humiliating way. It was probably her fault.. whatever happened. ...and still, it makes me.. sad. Mortal creatures should not become immortal. They don't have the mind set to last eternity. The ears under her hat twitched, and she took out a music scroll from her bag. Aura scribbled down a note and placed it on the board, hoping Mariella would pass by to see.

If you build an empire based on lies, it will crumble under the weight of truth. What you desire deep down is truth, and only you will be able to find out what that is. But it has to be something real. Something you want, because you want it. Not because it's what's expected for someone to have to fit in to society.

So, what do you want Mariella? Do you know?

She left it unsigned, although it wouldn't be difficult to tell who wrote it. And looking over the letter, Aura thought on what she truly wanted in this life.. and her last life. Friends and family never approved; but some how Aura found the strength to take what she wanted and damn the rest of the world if they voiced their opinions in negativity towards her. Maybe it was easier for her, being a social outcast. The only opinion that mattered was his.

She remembered the painting in her arms and quickly returned home. I really hope he likes it. ^_^

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Post  Mithos Fri May 06, 2011 7:39 am

((I'll post a reply when I come back from school Dx Have no time right now. I'll edit this post xD))

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Post  Dellinger Fri May 06, 2011 11:18 am

A short, stubby man had been asked a long time ago when the guild had been sit to make sure that the one called Mariella Kana remained at least relatively ok when the guild leader returned. Mr. Stubby had no idea why the guild leader seemed to care, especially since this woman would have probably hunted him down for the bounty on his head just because the law said so back in the day. But Mr. Stubby was required to pass on this little bit of information from the bulletin board, which he checked fairly often. After a couple of owls, the letter Mr. Stubby wrote that had been copied of the Kana post reached the desk of an old acquaintance of Mariella.

If Mariella still accepts owl-mail, she'll receive a rather ragged looking owl with the tag "Xenophilus" wrapped around his left talon. The owl drops off a package it was carrying when Mariella is fairly isolated. The note on the top of the package says "Open while alone."

Inside the package is a nicely constructed tan cloak, with a white piece of cloth and what looked to be traveling supplies. Most of the stuff did not seem expensive, so it probably wasn't an individual thinking just these gifts would make everything better, but on closer examination of the cloak, a second note is found.


How long has it been since we talked in the amphitheater of Emain Macha, discussing some matters in which I believe you were concerned with your family, friends, husband, and other, possibly more concerning things. It hasn't really slipped my mind that you were troubled that day, and I am not too happy to see that you have fallen into a state of despair once more. You helped me when others would not; you gave me food for yet another day so that I may survive on the streets of Emain Macha. Allow me to do the same for you.

What I believe you need right now is to travel, or at least an experience away from what you have become so accustomed to for a little while. Maybe a bit of exploring, maybe a bit of excitement, maybe another chat with me if you really need that. Either way, I have sent these items as I felt obligated to help you as you helped me once. Do with them what you will, but if you decide to travel, send a note of your travels to the short, stubby man in a red vest that frequents the trading guild's bureau. He'll make sure I get the letter, and if you would like to chat or would just like some accompaniment on your travels, it would be my pleasure to hopefully lend you a hand.

I hope you fare well, whether you take this offer or not,
The Beggar from the Amphitheater

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Post  Jaeden Fri May 06, 2011 11:31 am

Dellinger wrote:...If Mariella still accepts owl-mail, she'll receive a rather ragged looking owl with the tag "Xenophilus" wrapped around his left talon. The owl drops off a package it was carrying when Mariella is fairly isolated. The note on the top of the package says "Open while alone."

((So -that's- what happened to Luna Lovegood's father! He came to Erinn! Well written my friend, well written...))

It has recently occurred to me that my life is missing something. Something so great that, without it, I am utterly miserable. Everyday is like a waking dream from which I am snatched back into reality. Nothing is tangible. I can't grasp anything in this life. As each day goes by, I begin to understand more and more why my own sister chose to end her life. I have everything that one could hope for in life and yet... Here I am, at an end seeking any and everything. I don't want to feel this miserable. I cannot turn to my family. Not anymore. I am at the mercy of anyone who reads this. Please... help me. I don't know what to do with myself. I can't hold onto happiness for more than a few days at a time without feeling miserable for just as long. It's a pitiful existence. It hurts physically.. emotionally. I need to find that one thing.. or multiple things I lack. If you feel this way or ever have.. or just have the time to respond, then please. Send me a letter. I can't take this pain anymore.

--Mariella Kana

How vaguely familiar.

Of course she had checked the bulletins. Wasn't there the slightest possibility he had placed the effort to warrant her where-abouts? And what was she expecting, to find 'MISSING' in bold letters and a reward for her safe return, like a lost dog? She certainly felt like one. Yet, in a manner, this letter had struck her attention though she had been searching for writing of others. Grief was a magnetic thing, and even after she read the printed text, she felt compelled to read it a second and third time as though once was not enough to grasp a full understanding. Unexpectedly, Jaeden felt a desire burn within her: she must seek this dragon out, this old frenemy of hers. She paid for proper rental of an owl, and used the side of a brick building for a writing tablet.

Fight. Action. Doing. We should meet, and we should do it together. I like doing things. When I'm doing things, it's harder to think when you're... not doing things. Don't you think so?

Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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Post  Kenelm Fri May 06, 2011 1:29 pm

Dalyn hadn't been lucid in quite some time. Mariella's message had triggered something, and he wrote a response letter (book).

The wording is obviously that of a madman's. The cadence is catchy, the phrasing is laughable, and the tone is completely serious. The word salad describes in detail what went wrong where and why. The best possible of the most likely results are also touched on before Dalyn provides some expert feedback.

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Post  Mari Eir Fri May 06, 2011 1:35 pm

((So will more come later? Razz))
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Post  Retributix Fri May 06, 2011 1:37 pm

Piaculum made his grand debut, straying from his tree in Tara long enough to walk around. Onlookers were quite distraught at his lack of clothing, but he just looked at them with a smile. Reading the notice, he nodded to himself, and bought a piece of paper and a pencil. "Pencils... Such a waste of trees." A tear escaped his eye, before he finished his note and tacked it up on the board.

Dear Miss Mariella Kana,
I've had the exact same problem in my last life. You see, I am a Dryad. In a sense, I am a tree.
And as you can guess, being a tree can be boring at times.
So what did I do? I experienced something new. For the first time in my life, I went swimming. It was wonderful.
I met the love of my life, and I do it again almost everyday.
Even though you might not go swimming, just do something new. Something radical. Something totally OPPOSITE of what you do in your daily life. Something good might even happend to you.
If you want to talk, I'd be happy to chat with you. Knock on the tree near right of the castle gate after you walk in.

~Piaculum, Sole Dryad of Erinn
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Post  Mari Eir Fri May 06, 2011 1:40 pm

Retributix wrote: Piaculum made his grand debut, straying from his tree in Tara long enough to walk around. Onlookers were quite distraught at his lack of clothing, but he just looked at them with a smile. Reading the notice, he nodded to himself, and bought a piece of paper and a pencil. "Pencils... Such a waste of trees." A tear escaped his eye, before he finished his note and tacked it up on the board.

Dear Miss Mariella Kana,
I've had the exact same problem in my last life. You see, I am a Dryad. In a sense, I am a tree.
And as you can guess, being a tree can be boring at times.
So what did I do? I experienced something new. For the first time in my life, I went swimming. It was wonderful.
I met the love of my life, and I do it again almost everyday.
Even though you might not go swimming, just do something new. Something radical. Something totally OPPOSITE of what you do in your daily life. Something good might even happend to you.
If you want to talk, I'd be happy to chat with you. Knock on the tree near right of the castle gate after you walk in.

~Piaculum, Sole Dryad of Erinn

((EVERYTHING involved in his response was a waste of a tree.. pencil.. paper... the BOARD... xD))
Mari Eir
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Post  Retributix Fri May 06, 2011 1:45 pm

( Shh, don't tell him that. )
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Post  Xeek Fri May 06, 2011 1:54 pm

He didn't feel he should post his advice for the whole world to know, he was a little surprised she didn't just ask for help, instead of asking strangers. As he read the bulletin, he thought of his flower, happy he didn't go down that road. Mariella had caused him much pain, but if she hadn't he would have never had met Nia, and he would be hurt now. He thought for a while, got his paper and pencil out.

Mariella, lets meet up somewhere.

He sent the letter off with an owl, hoping it would find her.

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Post  Mari Eir Fri May 06, 2011 4:15 pm

Walking through Tara once more, Mariella lays eyes on her bulletin. As she does, surrounding strangers who'd read it and recognized her whispered and snickered. Despite them, she read through every post that had been there in addition to the personal letters she'd been sent. She decided to make one post to respond to them all in the meantime.

Thank you everyone for your replies. I truly appreciate every one of your words. I will be traveling around for a while in search of myself, taking (what I hope is) temporary leave of my job. Ill be going back to where it all began. Each segment of my life. If I see any of you along the way, I'll talk to you. And by all means if you see me, don't hesitate to approach the woman with the red hair and wings.

I will continue to read any replies. Post them on any board and title them "To the Dragoness". I will find them, I assure you.

Thank you again.
--Mariella Kana

((Edit: People who know Mariella very well would probably know where some of these places are. If they have any questions, surely Hyu would know.))
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Post  Bartholomew Fri May 06, 2011 4:18 pm

(( Bah, it's times like these I hate my net. Nuke some other time, will you?! D: ))

Bartholomew silently read over the posted bulletin, a right hand discreetly adjusting the slightly-larger-than-necessary robe he was wearing that day to hide his wings. A small frown eventually cracking a neutral expression.

Whether it was out of concern or an obligation of sorts, he decided to send his response by owl.

Miss Mariella,
Since our last conversation, I was vaguely reminded of a promise I made. Whenever you get the time, I would like to talk again. I'm not entirely certain how I can or if the attempt would be successful, but I would still like to try helping you.

I'll leave it up to you on where to meet up.

Kosher Dill Troll
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Post  Mari Eir Sun May 08, 2011 4:15 pm

A little girl with flowing curly, light brown hair eagerly runs through town. She finds the bulletin her mommy had posted when she was sad and stares up at it. It's much higher than she first thought, so she ends up jumping up and down to try and take it down. Everyone said mommy was short, but this was STILL too high! Luckily her big brother was not too far behind her. After giggling, he gives her a boost to take it down. She smiles back at him as he sets her back on the ground, then takes his hand. Together the two walk off toward the candy shop giggling and talking about the sorts of things normal, happy kids would.
Mari Eir
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Post  Adhamh Mon May 23, 2011 7:41 am

Walking past the boards, Adhamh decided to leave Mariella a note as a sort of...reminder.

I hope ya liked our game o' tag, I'm pretty sure I did. Send an' owl my way when ya want my help again.

-Adhamh Animalia

((>_> *first to find her* That is all.))
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