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EVE Online

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EVE Online Empty EVE Online

Post  Dellinger Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:03 pm

I know I've harped on this before.
If anyone would like further information on the game as a whole, the corporation my friend and I run, or just the backstory, give me a heads up on this forum and I'll be pleased to acquaint you with things.

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EVE Online Empty Re: EVE Online

Post  ZeroEnna Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:10 pm

Fun concept for a game but it horribly lacks.

No manual controls for your ship just target, orbit, fire.
Skills take to long to 'learn'.
Very high price for a p2p game.

Though it is a grand idea (for making money) I don't think its worth its price tag.
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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EVE Online Empty Re: EVE Online

Post  Dellinger Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:37 pm

ZeroEnna wrote:Fun concept for a game but it horribly lacks.

No manual controls for your ship just target, orbit, fire.
Skills take to long to 'learn'.
Very high price for a p2p game.

Though it is a grand idea (for making money) I don't think its worth its price tag.

Comparatively speaking however, since you bring it up, the price for this pay-to-play game is at the same level of games such as "World of Warcraft," "Everquest," "Lineage," etc. EVE Online costs $14.99 a month with an account start-up fee; considering most games you buy require you to spend $20 dollars on a box with the disk that has the programs, a $15 start-up isn't unreasonable. EVE Online also has the same scaling for longer subscription fees as all of these other games, so stating that it has a 'very high price' for a Pay-to-play game is not just wrong, but is inaccurate. These prices are actually bordering on average; anything lower is actually out of the norm, from what I have researched (One of many sources: AverageGamer).

Manual controls are actually available and are part of more advanced space-ship maneuvers. If you're talking about having a huge ship-interface in front of you on a screen that you have to run through a thousand buttons to make your ship work, no you don't have that. My opinion is that the interface is basic enough yet comprehensive enough to understand, play, and enjoy the game. As well, considering the game is much more complicated than "Point, Click, Shoot," strategy and a thorough understanding of your ship is needed for really good PvP. This isn't a game where you just grind and walk out of high-sec being the best; it's a game where you actually have to make sure you know your stuff before you walk out. But knowing your stuff means new-guys can kill old-vets; that's what I enjoy.

Learning skills is different in this game; EVE understands that everyone can't sign on for 4 hours a day to grind their character into higher levels. What have they done instead? They've given everyone equal oppurtunity to earn specific skills. Yes, it may take some time to learn the skills, but if players are more concerned with getting everything done in the beginning of the game, what is the point of building up? I find a lot of the time when I'm waiting for something, I'm learning something new about ships I'm already piloting or piloting any ship in general. It might take you a month to get into the super-expensive versions of some ships (the increase in ISK is normally worth the increase in power), but that month -should- be a month where you're learning things about the ships you'll be leaving behind and, most likely, will come back to sometime during your EVE career.

Now, I'll admit, EVE can get draggy sometimes, but that's not to say it isn't 'worth the price tag.' It's a different gaming experience. If you don't like that sort of experience, don't play the game. EVE requires a lot of thought before the battle, before you walk onto the field, and when you're on the field, it requires just as much thought since most of your original plans have failed and you need to adapt. It's a great game for people who like strategy and thinking about things. For those who might prefer mindless smashing, however, the game might not be for you (unless you're part of GOONSWARM, that is). =D

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EVE Online Empty Re: EVE Online

Post  Kenelm Fri Apr 15, 2011 1:05 pm

An RSS feed news report:

Do note the above comments on something that happened in null security space amongst the more veteran players.

When all core ship and module skills are fully trained, all of the ships you have available to you have potential to become a force to be reckoned with. (This also depends on where you choose to specialize.)

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EVE Online Empty Re: EVE Online

Post  ZeroEnna Fri Apr 15, 2011 2:07 pm

Just posting an opinion on it.. I'm not good enough at debates to write lengthy posts on why I dislike it.
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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EVE Online Empty Re: EVE Online

Post  Dellinger Tue May 17, 2011 12:48 am

For those who like true beauty when they see it, this is for you:

EVE Online Ximret10
This ship is called "Sigil of the Morning," a new ship within the fleet of our corporation in EVE, and it has a little story behind it, actually, as I just got and fit this baby today. I have been playing this game for just about a year now, and during the last four months I have been working hard to get the in-game currency and skills trained for this ship. Tonight, after much blood, sweat, and empty asteroid belts from my incessant, almost obsessive-compulsive mining streak, the Proteus you see before you was fully fitted and flight-worthy. I'm proud to say that I got this ship of my own accord, and hopefully you will at least, if nothing else, admire the sight of this ship, because she's a beaut.

Last edited by Dellinger on Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:18 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : changed the name)

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EVE Online Empty Re: EVE Online

Post  Dellinger Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:21 pm

New update in regards to the corporation we have in EVE; we're still hiring, but that's always a given as long as people aren't going to be dicks after they join (we finally had someone start trolling and drama-llamaing in the corporation; kicked him as soon as a number of us voiced that we didn't want to spend the next X amount of time tolerating him). The corporation has a set industry now selling specialized salvaging vessels on the open market along with some other popular equipment. A fairly decent mining team has formed within the corporation, supporting the industrial side. A number of us mission runners are now running the hard-mode missions in EVE, including lvl 4 reward missions and doing some wormhole exploration.

Just a heads up; the corporation is now following the NRDS rules of engagement for the time being. NRDS stands for "Not Red, Don't Shoot," which basically states that you are not to pirate or do anything shady unless you -really- need to and there is no alternative, such as if you get attacked. If you join up and expect to be the pirate lord, I'd advise steering clear of our corporation. But we're always willing to take new guys. =P

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EVE Online Empty Re: EVE Online

Post  Dellinger Tue Jun 21, 2011 6:45 pm

EVE UPDATE: Incarna arrives.

Welcome, all pilots, to looking yourself in the mirror in the privacy of something outside your infernal, confined ship. Feel free to stretch your legs, sit down on the couch, and watch some news while we wait for future Incarna updates to give us more.

EVE Online Incarn10

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EVE Online Empty Re: EVE Online

Post  Dellinger Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:13 am

Much has happened as of late, for those of the mind to hear it.
As of July, I became the CEO (aka, guild leader for those familiar with Mabi) of Xim-Retni, our corporation.
We have reached 9 members, and have recently made a net-profit of 1 billion ISK.
A great success.

As well, a number of us are beginning to enter the RP scene.
You saw an earlier post as to CCPs rules.
Here is an example of how people create bios for them: Zachary Dellinger, CEO of Xim-Retni

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EVE Online Empty Re: EVE Online

Post  Kenelm Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:32 pm

EVE Online's fifteenth expansion, Crucible, is slated for 11/29/2011.

One of the biggest highlights in this expansion are new battlecruisers. These will require level three in the Battlecruisers skill, and the respective weapons systems skills for the large turrets and/or launchers.

Features page:

In other related news: Xim-Retni has about twenty player characters in it.

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EVE Online Empty Re: EVE Online

Post  Nilats Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:43 pm

I actually just started playing the game two weeks ago. Add me, I'd love to join your corp. The game's learning curve is massive, and joining a corp would probably make it a lot easier. Names John Forestter
Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

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EVE Online Empty Re: EVE Online

Post  Dellinger Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:17 pm

Just got your message, give me a heads up when you reply to it in game.

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EVE Online Empty Re: EVE Online

Post  Dellinger Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:49 pm

Nilats, you planning on playing EVE still? We have you on the roster, but you haven't signed on in a bit;
we've been thinking of doing some spring cleaning with inactive members.

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EVE Online Empty Re: EVE Online

Post  Dellinger Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:47 pm

If anyone has heard from Nilats, it would be awesome if you could get him in touch with me.
This actually relates to our corporation and it's smooth operation.

Thanks guys.

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EVE Online Empty Re: EVE Online

Post  Glaceon Wed Dec 28, 2011 8:00 pm

Next time I see him in the vent, I'll poke him.
Glas Ghoblehht
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EVE Online Empty Re: EVE Online

Post  Nilats Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:28 am

Yeah, financial problems prevent me from resubscribing to the game. Sorry :/ Hate to be kicked out, but I'd understand.
Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

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EVE Online Empty Re: EVE Online

Post  Dellinger Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:15 pm

No issue. Give me a heads up if you ever come back to the game. =D

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EVE Online Empty Space is a beautiful place

Post  Dalvar Mon Jan 02, 2012 4:57 am

... Let me show you it.

We'll start by taking a walk around the Amarrian Captain's Quarters, which is sort of like a hotel room all capusleers get when they dock at a station in the Amarrian Empire.
EVE Online StationScreen
This is the lovely living room of the captain's quarters. The middle screen acts like a TV with links to news articles scrolling across the top and real-time updates on the goings-on in New Eden in the center. The left screen links me to information about the corporation I'm in and the right links me to information about this planet along with any I already own (none, as of now). On the table, we have a list of agents available to me so that I can easily find jobs and a interactive holo of my ship that allows me to access it's stats and fittings as well as check what is in its cargo hold or pick a new ship to fly from my hanger.

To the right of the living room is...
EVE Online StationMirror
A mirror and bed! From the mirror you can access the clothing you own and change your outfit, as well as color and style of your hair and the color and dilation of your eyes. You can not change the shape of your face or body, something only done during character creation.

Down the hall, we have...
EVE Online StationShip
The hanger. In front of me floats my new Maller. It's a good ship that cost me around 7.5mil ISK, but it's not my favorite. I'm sure I'll take a liking to it eventually. To my right is another interactive ship holo able to do all the same things as the one in the living room, with the added benefit of being able to actually see the ship while I do it. To my left is my capsule or "pod". I use it both to get in to my ship and pilot my ship. When plugged in to my pod in my ship, I am able to fly it using my brain, eliminating the need for a crew on all but the largest ships.

And now it's time to leave the station. But, as I said before, I don't like my Maller because it's big and heavy and slow...
EVE Online Docking
So before I give you a look at the system, I'm going to dock at another station where I have my smaller, cheaper, and faster Coercer.
EVE Online StationLooking
After that, it is a simple matter of picking the Coercer out of the ships in my hanger and setting it as my active ship before I'm good to go again!

Now we go for a quick look about the system at a few of the beautiful planets...
EVE Online Mimen1
EVE Online Mimen6
EVE Online Mimen7
... And a strange artificial moon...
EVE Online FakeMoon
... And we go back to home to roost.
EVE Online Docking2
Goodnight, everyone.
Fly safe.

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EVE Online Empty A CEO Reporting

Post  Dellinger Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:39 am

EVE Online 2011_010

The man walks into the middle of the screen, taking a hand out of his pocket and smiling fairly wide. A loose strand of hair falls in front of his eyes, which he quickly bats away with his hands. "If I may also interject, here are some of our recent endeavors fighting infamous pirates such as the Sansha's Nation, the Angel Cartel, and the Blood Raiders."

EVE Online 2011_111

"From left to right; Annara Shardani's Maller, my own Proteus, and the Drake owned by an individual known as the "Lord of Time."

EVE Online 2011_112
EVE Online 2011_113

"Here, you can see a Battleship, Dominix-varient, flown by our own Pegasus Crendraven, taken the damage of at least 5 enemy battleships and countless frigates and cruisers while the rest of the forces, such as the Maller of Ms. Shardani, attempted to cut the enemy down to size."

EVE Online 2011_114

"Just some tasteful photos I found taken by a spy drone before I destroyed it. They were too good to delete."

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EVE Online Empty Re: EVE Online

Post  Kenelm Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:44 pm

I think this is worth sharing:
CCP Sreegs wrote:Dearest Internet Space Pilots,

Earlier this month we announced a crackdown on RMT which began with a single circle of actors. With those gentlemen out of business we've been able to focus our sights on some new sources and I'd like to share some numbers with you. This isn't going to be my longest blog ever but it is going to contain some numbers and things that are sure to please most (heh) of you and give you some thoughts about how we're going to proceed.

After the first wave of action we've improved our methods a bit. Because of our focus on this subject we've seen some anecdotal things around the internet that aren't exactly scientific but do point somewhat towards impact.

  • We've seen the cost of illegal isk go up
  • We've seen illegal isk sellers having supply problems

Apparently, despite the chest-beating protestations of self-professed internet "experts" on the subject, when you buckle down hard enough on the supply-side of the problem you do indeed create ripples in their capacity to operate. When you ban all the suppliers the sellers need to look for new ones. When you increase the risk by taking out the sellers people are less likely to do so. In many cases we've been able to not just take out the supply networks, but immediately key in on the new supply networks and take those out as well. We have done this over and over and over again for the past 3 weeks and the results are telling:

  • 1268 accounts of both sellers and suppliers have been banned permanently. Of these 90% or so are accounts that are very young. This is important because it helps to underscore the fact that these aren't good customers who have been tempted over to the dark side. These are illicit businessmen who could really care less about their impact on New Eden so long as they can buy a new tiger skin rug or a pair of signed purple Jordans.
  • 524 accounts have had their illegal transactions reversed.
  • No exact number here but we are seeing a great many customers realize the error of their ways, reversing the transaction to the illicit seller, then spending the cash on PLEX, which is absolutely the only right way to do this. For whatever reason people take risks, but when they are ultimately found out and have their proceeds taken they want to "go legit".
  • Number of account cancellations due to reversal is around 10. People are understanding what they did was wrong but they still love EVE and tend to want to stay engaged.
  • 1.5 Trillion isk has been reversed from people's accounts because they purchased it illegally.
  • 4.2 Trillion or so isk in assets has been seized from RMTers or suppliers.

The lesson that begins to appear from this is one that starts to put a real dampner on the "common" "wisdom" that it's not profitable for us to crack down on this activity. While 1268 accounts had to be permanently banned they were not what we would qualify as "EVE Players". Buyers tend to be people who make a poor decision and try to save a couple of bucks by doing something illegal, but still want to be engaged in the game. We negative this activity and give them an opportunity to continue enjoying the game and they stay loyal customers, which helps to make New Eden a more enjoyable place for everyone. Instead of people sending cash to some shady dude running a sweat shop out in *insert country name here*, they purchase a PLEX, which can be used by you to fund your game time and the money goes into developing a better spaceship game instead of buying the equivalent of a digital drug dealer a cool new diamond-covered blingy case for his beeper.

Going forward we're going to keep twisting the knife on the sellers. Ultimately we do not believe this activity should continue and we will focus and do every single thing in our power to ensure that they are no longer able to take advantage of our customers and try to profit from our hard work. We're also exploring opportunities for how to get this messaging out to new players of the game. One of the things people mention fairly often is that they're concerned that new players can fall into this trap of "easy" isk by being targeted by these terrible isk sellers. Along with going after the supply-side of the problem we're doing a deep dive on what the best ways to reach out to new players is so that this never becomes a problem from the beginning. Part of this is word of mouth and dev blogs such as this, but we'll probably also see things like splash ads on login, news items, things in the launcher and some other stuff that's been thought of but is still being tweaked.

We're really hoping that by taking a layered approach to this we can solve this problem which will in turn have a net positive impact on both New Eden's economy and our ability to devote proper resourcing to the things that matter to you as a customer and, if I may say so... Internet Space Friend. Please feel free to post in the associated thread and let me know if you have any comments or anything. Unfortunately RMT tears are a bit harder to harvest but if you can find a way feel free to share (don't link the site) and I will give you a virtual hug in my head.

Until next time Space Friends!


ps. I need to give a shout out to Team Security, CCP Arkanon, CCP Peligro and CCP Stillman. They put a lot of hard work into this stuff and they deserve a hi five.

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EVE Online Empty Re: EVE Online

Post  Kenelm Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:23 am

The eighteenth expansion is due on or around December fourth.

Additionally, Xim-Retni needs capsuleers who can help with ice collection and processing, and planetary interaction producing robotics. Both require a paid account. The processed ice and robotics are needed to maintain deployed equipment.

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EVE Online Empty Re: EVE Online

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