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Atlantica Online

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Atlantica Online Empty Atlantica Online

Post  Glaceon Fri Apr 15, 2011 7:54 am

So, this is the Game that Nexon got fro Ijji. I have to say, it's quite addicting if you are into Turn-based RPGs. Every battle is turnbased, but the graphics are similar to PWI. I got into it just playing the "Lite" Version, which is ~735 MB Filesize, and essentially is a demo of the game. I'm going to be getting the full version, if that shows how much I like it.

Also, lag seems to vary. Heavily crowded areas near major towns seem to take a big chunk of the lag, while the lesser populated areas, around monster spawns and such, aren't laggy, to nearly lagless.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Atlantica Online Empty Re: Atlantica Online

Post  Xeek Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:01 am

Espeon (glacia) wrote:So, this is the Game that Nexon got fro Ijji. I have to say, it's quite addicting if you are into Turn-based RPGs. Every battle is turnbased, but the graphics are similar to PWI. I got into it just playing the "Lite" Version, which is ~735 MB Filesize, and essentially is a demo of the game. I'm going to be getting the full version, if that shows how much I like it.

Also, lag seems to vary. Heavily crowded areas near major towns seem to take a big chunk of the lag, while the lesser populated areas, around monster spawns and such, aren't laggy, to nearly lagless.

TURN BASED = NO. I don't like standing around waiting to get slapped

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Atlantica Online Empty Re: Atlantica Online

Post  Auramune Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:03 am

I actually like turn based in games like FF. But this game looks like another game that was nothing but a grinding fest from the jump.. which name I can't remember.

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Atlantica Online Empty Re: Atlantica Online

Post  Xeek Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:05 am

Auramune wrote:I actually like turn based in games like FF. But this game looks like another game that was nothing but a grinding fest from the jump.. which name I can't remember.

maple story? PWi? Any turned based MMO? xD

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Atlantica Online Empty Re: Atlantica Online

Post  Auramune Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:07 am

Nooo... It was Rappelz. I dont think Rappelz was turnbased in fighting, but it looked very similar to this game.

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Atlantica Online Empty Re: Atlantica Online

Post  Glaceon Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:08 am

It requires a sense of strategy, which is something I like. It's an MMO, it's an RPG, it's also Turn-based Strategy.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Atlantica Online Empty Re: Atlantica Online

Post  Xeek Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:11 am

Espeon (glacia) wrote:It requires a sense of strategy, which is something I like. It's an MMO, it's an RPG, it's also Turn-based Strategy.

Turn based as unfair games. They are unfair for those who have a good response time. And they get annoying when your opponent doesn't go.

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Atlantica Online Empty Re: Atlantica Online

Post  Glaceon Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:13 am

Just look it up, I'm not here to explain everything about the game. But you are gettign the wrong idea of what it is IMO.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Atlantica Online Empty Re: Atlantica Online

Post  Dellinger Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:24 am

Just a heads up; if you don't like the game or the game type, you don't really have to post. I believe Glacia made this post to make others aware of the game and, if they would be interested, get more people to have fun with. Stating your opinions on the game, while understandable and your own, are fine; however, let's remember that while we all don't like certain types of games, others may.

This forum, I believe, is most certainly to talk about other games, but opinions on a genre specifically don't tell us much about the pluses or minuses of whatever game we're talking about specifically. After all, we are just talking about how we have fun in certain games.

I know I'd like some constructive criticism on the game: Glacia, Aura, or Xeek, any specific critiques you have of the game-play in general? I know the negatives of turn-based normally; I'm wondering how this game pulls it off.

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Atlantica Online Empty Re: Atlantica Online

Post  Glaceon Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:35 am

All I can really say about critiques are to look it up. The Battles are all turn based, and each "mercenary" and weapon style has it's own attack range. Turns are done on an Action Point based style, meaning you need to have 100 ap to be able to take your turn, and each action is a certain amount of AP to use. also, you arrange your party in a formation within a 3x3 grid, the enemy side will also be doing the same. The fights aren't all pvp, most is PvE in this style of fighting. There is a crafting portion, but you have to fight to do crafting. The community is overall nice. There isn't much in terms of party play, but there are dungeons where you get a group of 3, yourself included, to run dungeons where you can essentially get up to 3 encounters in the same battle. Overall, it's a very interesting approach on turn-based strategy, and it's also nice that they have the "Lite" Version, which is a demo of the game, for people who want to try it out first hand. Turns are timed, so you can't really stall, but you have to manually trigger the fights. Also, a nice feature is the auto-walk feature they have. Pretty much you can use it to get to your next quest or quest area. The quests do involve killing, but each battle is multiple types of enemies, so when it says kill 3 -enemy-, it normally takes one or two actual battles. It is slightly grindish, and the class variety when you start out isn't too great, but once you get higher, you discover more classes and what not. And there is a database ingame, but most of it requires getting info on the mobs by fighting them.

All I can really say is if you are interested, try out the Lite Version, it's about 735 MB, so it's not that big, like a 20 minutes download time?
Glas Ghoblehht
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Atlantica Online Empty Re: Atlantica Online

Post  Glaceon Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:37 pm

More info on the game

Only in the full version, which I finally got, do you get to do a little pvp, and go into a Turn Based Strategy Feel, more so like Fire Emblem games. Each unit has a movement count, a range of attack, and a sight. So it's all based on "Fog of War" style fighting.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Atlantica Online Empty Re: Atlantica Online

Post  Krystal Fri Apr 15, 2011 11:04 pm

Having played this game for several months prior when Ndoors had it, I can tell you a great deal about the game as well.

This info is stuff Glacia may have said but... Here are highlights from it

  1. Quest intensive. Literally the way to progress in the game is via quests.
  2. Levels come rapidly with the quests due to the amount of training needed in each chain
  3. Turn-based, one of the few MMOs that do it well, as well.
  4. Each turn takes about 20-30 seconds at the most to finish
  5. PvP system is decent, which you unlock after level 20. Nothing lost in the tourneys (Free League) that take place every 3 hours. You even get things for losing.
  6. Equipment can be upgraded at the cost of the same level equip, though the increase is well worth it.
  7. Market system allows you to buy and sell anything you can
  8. Foes are decent and strong enough to quickly harm your party
  9. 3x3 grid, so 9 mercenaries max at level 90 (Max level is 150 I believe)
  10. Mercenaries: Each mercenary is different and has different set stats, skills, and abilities. The most basic go like this, but there are many others using similar weapons.
    • Swordsman: Sword, single hit, uses a high damage magic attack. Decent attack and high defense.
    • Gunner: Gun, Column hit, uses a high damage magic attack on 2 enemies in a column. High attack, low hp and def
    • Bowman: Bow, single hit, any target, uses a Silence skill to block opponent skills. A higher level allows them to hit a row, then the whole party (Not skill, merc level). High attack, low def
    • Spearman: Spear, 2 targets (Frist and the one directly behind it in that column), uses a lightning hit that reduces AP. Med Attack, Def, and HP.
    • Viking: Axe, Row hit, uses a stunning skill to stun opponents. Higher level allows from single, to row. High hp and defence, low attack
    • Cannoneer: Cannon, Cross shape (Adjacent targets, not diagonal), Skill inflicts a status that allows you to see their HP. Again, can hit the whole party with a high level merc (not skill). Med attack, med def
    • Monk: Staff, buffs the party and passive heals the main character. Can cure stuns and use a buff to prevent players from using skills on the target. Low def and attack.
    • Shaman: Staff, healer. Heal ranges from single, to row, to full depending on merc level. Low attack, Low def.

Now I don't know how to get the full version, but I suppose it's as Glacia said, which makes me want it more now.

Last edited by Krystal on Sat Apr 16, 2011 11:27 am; edited 1 time in total
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Atlantica Online Empty Re: Atlantica Online

Post  Glaceon Sat Apr 16, 2011 1:19 am

I just uninstalled lite, reinstalled it and said yes to the blurb that asked if I wanted to get the full version

Also, to add to what Krystal said. Another highlight or 2 or 3:

-At Level 20, you are able to have a feature called TBS, which is pretty much Fire Emblem/Advance Wars style feel. You can do this with a party of 3, and the rewards are quite decent. However, this is Full version only, and the main quest hits this part, meaning you can only play Lite version to a certain point, but grinding doesn't stop.
-you can upgrade your units as they level, and the items aren't too hard to get for the regular mercs. More advanced ones require more rare jewel, to costing about 3m to advance. But these units are quite good on their own in basic form.
-Another interesting thing that happened to me. People sometimes send you money randomly. I've gotten 240k out of this before. The community is overall very helpful.
-Once you get to a point, you can exchange lower level items for a chance to get higher level. Not items directly, but chests and skill books.

Btw, I play in Delphi Server.

The game's map spreads across the world. And not a random world, I'm talking Planet Earth. Rome seems to be the main hub spot, but You visit places like India, Japan, Europe, and even New York. I don't think it goes into South America though. And there is a tiny part in Africa.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Atlantica Online Empty Re: Atlantica Online

Post  Krystal Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:22 am

Glacia that's because a quest at about level 40 (Yes main quest) throws a mission at you saying to send someone a gift. You can also get rare items from them, but the best is getting 10m from someone.

Also we have crafting. Virtually everything within the game is craftable. Every weapon, armor, crystal, jewel, medicine, ring... everything is either used in crafting or is a made from it. To craft you simply set up the crafting, then go kill stuff to increase workload. Stronger foes give more to your craft and so on.
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Atlantica Online Empty Re: Atlantica Online

Post  Glaceon Sat Apr 16, 2011 2:09 pm

I think the quest was to send something to a beginner, which is classified as Below Lv30
Glas Ghoblehht
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Atlantica Online Empty Re: Atlantica Online

Post  Krystal Sat Apr 16, 2011 2:54 pm

Mhm. Oh... fyi I play on Skiyon server.
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Atlantica Online Empty Re: Atlantica Online

Post  Cyler Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:02 pm

Lol I just got into this game a bit since Mabi won't stop messing with me...(As in random D/C's and can't get on for a certain period of time)

Thebes server and Sain plays with me too. I am level 35 and he is level 30. Surprised
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Atlantica Online Empty Re: Atlantica Online

Post  Glaceon Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:53 pm

I never got back into it, got bored around the 49ish Level I think
Glas Ghoblehht
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Atlantica Online Empty Re: Atlantica Online

Post  Cyler Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:50 pm

Ah, aiming for a house since it's only 500 mil and leveling is pretty easy, especially having a good referrer and being a mentor to many. Very Happy
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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