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Glacia's Full Potential

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Glacia's Full Potential Empty Glacia's Full Potential

Post  Glaceon Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:19 pm

It's a corny name, but this is what it is.

Darkness Overcharge

<After years of training with her darkness abilities, Glacia has finally learned to control her energy, for the most part. Because of this, she is able to focus all of her energy and overcharge her abilities to unlock her full potential. While in this state, her health, mana, and stamina refill at alarming rates. Her stats don't go through a boost, but she gains powers she doesn't normally have. The abilities include the ability to shrug off any attack as if it did nothing and being able to send a collection of darkness at the enemy. She is also able to use her own dark powers to attack an enemy directly, or all enemies around her by sending her darkness out. However, this state doesn't last long, and is a huge drain on her, causing her to pass out instantaneously after it ends. However, her body remains shrouded in dark erg afterwards, as a self-protection. This eventually wears off [One ingame Hour]. >

Lay down of Powers:

Darkness Overcharge: Glacia focuses her energy and overcharges her darkness, giving her a serious boost in regeneration, and unlocking new skills. However, this state doesn't last forever, and upon leaving, Glacia falls unconcious for -at least- 3 ingame hours. For the first hour, Glacia's body is wrapped in residual darkness from the overcharge as a self-protection. OOC as Demigod. Cosmetic Change to make the Demigod dark IC. The residue darkness is IC, hopefully shown by the motto break when I get Glacia into a family again.

Veil of Darkness: Glacia uses the overcharged darkness to create a veil of darkness to envelop her, rendering any attack useless. However, enough damage soaking can cause the veil to shatter, making attacks hit Glacia normally again. OOC this is Eclipse of Wings. The veil takes 5 normal hits, 3 powerful hits, or 1 Very powerful hit to destroy. Powerful is defined as a smash, half-charged(3-4) firebolt. Very Powerful is Fireball, Full charge Firebolt, or a very powerful smash (I.E. Teo's Smash)

Wave of Darkness: Glacia forms a concentrated collection of darkness above her, and hurls it at her opponent. It explodes upon impact, and anything within it's path is infected with the darkness, and suffers from a bit of damage. OOC this is Wings of Rage.

Shadow Wave: Glacia uses her darkness in a different method, sending it along the ground as a shadow at her target. She is also able to release it too all nearby targets if she wishes. However, this attack requires immense amount of darkness, and thus isn't used often or is used in little amounts. OOCly, this is Shadow Spirit.

ICly, her Demigod is pure black, wings and all. Cosmetic change pretty much. I didn't include anything on Spear and Fury of Light, because I don't plan on switching to those for a long while. When I do, I'll add it to this post what they are. Pretty much all Glacia's Demigod things are a pulsing black darkness, since that's where the majority of Glacia's lethal abilities come from. When Demigod ends, Glacia pretty much becomes knocked out, but for one ingame hour her body releases the excess darkness. This darkness is purely cosmetic. However, after the ingame hour, she is safe to do whatever with. Knock Out time varies, but will always be at least 3 ingame hours.

Last edited by Espeon (glacia) on Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:24 pm; edited 2 times in total
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Glacia's Full Potential Empty Re: Glacia's Full Potential

Post  Xeek Sun Mar 27, 2011 9:29 pm

Okay, this is just for me... but next time can you separate the powers a little?

About the shrugging of attacks, I don't really like that. I do know the nature of Wings of Eclipse. But, it does have a limit. Very strong attacks can shatter through it.

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Glacia's Full Potential Empty Re: Glacia's Full Potential

Post  Glaceon Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:39 pm

Fixed it up in a better format. Also gave better descriptions of what each power does. Their functions overall are the same as OOC. Shadow Spirit/Shadow Wave is rarely used, as I rarely have it charged. Comments? Concerns? Or is it good?
Glas Ghoblehht
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Glacia's Full Potential Empty Re: Glacia's Full Potential

Post  Teoxihuitl Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:38 pm

How many hits would it take to break through the veil?

How hard must you concentrate to activate the veil?

Can your concentration be broken before you go into your full potential?

What is the cool down of the veil?

How hard are you getting hit through the veil?

Do you feel the the hit?

When Demigod ends, Glacia pretty much becomes knocked out, but for one ingame hour her body releases the "excess unstable energy" in the form of dark erg, and those affected by it would be affected. However, after the ingame hour, she is safe to do whatever with. Knock Out time varies, but will always be at least 3 ingame hours.

The bolded in general is what confuses me, but the entire statement in general is problematic. Could you please explain it more clearly?

Last edited by Teoxihuitl on Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:39 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Cause I can?)
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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Glacia's Full Potential Empty Re: Glacia's Full Potential

Post  Glaceon Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:52 pm

All the questions about the veil are simple...whatever the limitations for the skill OOC are, are what they are for the skill IC. Pretty much, everything is just a fancy name, and the "crows" in the skill are darkness concentrations. The aftereffect of the skill is just excess energy. Pretty much, characters react to dark erg different ways. It's like being around Hyu for too long in his Bobbi. Similar effect to that, but it only lasts a set time. Everything else is just the Demi skills renamed with a cosmetic change.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Glacia's Full Potential Empty Re: Glacia's Full Potential

Post  Teoxihuitl Mon Mar 28, 2011 10:03 pm

I asked those questions so you could place limitations on the ability. Saying that the skill is limited to the skill as it is ooc is very broad. You could take 5 hits one day and have it break and take 139573453495834958345 hits the next day.

I cannot approve the ability without you clearly answering those questions.

Leaves way to much open for interpretation.

Those are my two cents though.
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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Glacia's Full Potential Empty Re: Glacia's Full Potential

Post  Mithos Mon Mar 28, 2011 10:26 pm

I have to agree with Teo. If you don't have clear limitations, the power is too vague. You should probably place the limit somewhere you can keep up with when you activate the skill (exp wise). We know that Demi skill exp isn't very consistent, but if your rank is fully trained and you use it against Teo... it would take him a bit to break it. But if you go up against... let's take Aura... and you don't have much Exp, she could break it in a single Mandolin swing.

I don't know if I'm making any sense... I'm super tired. Anyway, point here is consistency with the skill.

Also... Another question.

When Demigod runs out, you'll be using the play dead skill right away, right? Or does she stay councious for a bit before fainting?

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Glacia's Full Potential Empty Re: Glacia's Full Potential

Post  Glaceon Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:35 pm

It will be as instant as she can make it.

and to place "limits" on the veil, what if I said this. The strength of her veil depends on how overcharged she is. The more concentrated and overcharged she is, the stronger the veil will be. Even if there were a limit, saying you have to do this many hits wouldn't be fair, because some people could easily dish out much more damage than others. And then you have someone like Teo taking down the shield in the same amount of time as a much weaker person, like a Mabi beginner taking it down. So by making limits, you solve problems, but then cause more. The main issue with the skill is that you can't really put a limit on it. Pretty much what you are saying Mithos. It's going to have to be based on how much energy she overcharges, similar to Shadow Spirit. Because if I'm not trained in the skill, and we say it's X amount of hits, it may very well end up being less, just due to OOC matters.

the veil is essentially the shield/dome you see come up. So in a sense, you are hitting that, and not glacia herself. So you would be damaging the shield, and not the user. So she wouldn't feel anything, nor take damage from the attacks.

As for Cooldown. It's going to be limited to once per overcharge. Once it's gone, she can't use it again until she overcharges again. Which, because she passes out after the overcharge ends, prevents abuse.

now if you want a concentration period for her to focus, I have an idea. My idea is the length of a certain magic perhaps, like healing. It's not too quick, but not too long either. 2 seconds is easily enough to go and break the concentration. If you are too far, then you are outta luck I guess. The load time would be her creating the veil.

So right now, the hits to break is the only issue with this skill, seeing as it ranges in how much exp I have.

As for Mithos's Question. I was planning on having it be more of the overcharge ends, and Glacia just falls unconcious. So yes, play dead right away. And the 3 IG Hour wait time begins from there. Rounding up. So if the clock said 2:30, she would be able to regain conciousness at 5:40, not 5:30 as it may be closer to 2:40 than to 2:30. The excess energy discharged would last til the rounded down, in this particular case, til 3:30. However, the minimum time of unconciousness is 3 IG hours. If I decide, I can leave her for more, depending on the situation.

Now for the excess dark energy. It is released in the form of Dark Erg, similar to that of what Hyu constantly let's out, his Bobbi. Depending on the CHARACTER who gets near Glacia when this is happening, if they react a certain way towards Hyu's Bobbi, the same effect would be felt. Like say if Joe Somebody got dizzy and weak when around Dark Erg, if Joe tried to help Glacia while her body was letting out the excess energy, he would get dizzy and weak. It's pretty much Glacia's body's way of setting her darkness and erg levels to normal.

I think that answers everything. If you two can think of a better way to fix the Eclipse issue, please post. Otherwise, the other option is just to moot it.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Glacia's Full Potential Empty Re: Glacia's Full Potential

Post  Xeek Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:20 am

Okay, I am pretty much tired of over charges, leaks, and such like that.

I am tired of people being "so cold" they freeze things around them
so electric that touching that sparks fly out of their bodies
so dark that even when knocked out, their body still produced darkness.

Where does Glacia get all the dark erg from? If Glacia has this much dark erg in her, that means she would die instantly. Or have very small amount of HP.
And she can't run on Dark Erg.

Also, being knocked out for 3-ingame hours isn't a stable IC time. What if someone AFKs those three hours?
As for the viel itself, since we have no way of telling how much EXP you have, you can make it last how ever long you want.It would be better to put another restriction for it.

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Glacia's Full Potential Empty Re: Glacia's Full Potential

Post  Glaceon Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:04 pm

Dark Erg, Darkness, I am using those interchangeably. She has Darkness from previous events, which she has honed to use as her IC transformation, which was approved. And people can run on Dark Erg, just ask Mari about her twins she had. They seem to only be "healthy" around dark erg. And D'mitri himself, you have said yourself, lives off his darkness from his Dark Knight Transformation. Do we really have a set difference between Darkness and Dark Erg? If so, I'd like to hear it. If it is different, I can change Dark Erg to darkness being expelled, not sure if it would affect anyone.

3 hours IC is a stable time considering people don't afk. If RP has to be paused, then the time unconcious would be paused as well, and resume when the RP continues.

Not sure who is "so cold" they freeze things around them, I usually have Glacia use Ice Spear or Icebolt to freeze things. I used the term "overcharge" for lack of a BETTER term/name to call this.

Also, if too much dark erg is bad, then how do we survive for hours on end in the shadow realm. I believe someone can switch from using regular erg to using dark erg to survive, or building up a tolerance for it.

As for the veil's restrictions, I'm open to ideas. Maybe a set damage limit? Set number of hits if it's higher than normal? And if it's lower than said hits, that means the veil was at a weaker state. The ability can be pulled off the character at any time, so after X hits, I can cancel the effect. What would be a good number of hits? 5? 10?

We don't really have a set definition for what exactly the "Darkness" that the Dark Knight Transformation gets it's power from is, so I'm just assuming it would be Dark Erg. If I'm wrong, correct me please so I can change it up. I'm seeing this as a different way to use her darkness than her IC Trans.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Glacia's Full Potential Empty Re: Glacia's Full Potential

Post  Xeek Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:41 pm

Espeon (glacia) wrote:Dark Erg, Darkness, I am using those interchangeably. She has Darkness from previous events, which she has honed to use as her IC transformation, which was approved. And people can run on Dark Erg, just ask Mari about her twins she had. They seem to only be "healthy" around dark erg. And D'mitri himself, you have said yourself, lives off his darkness from his Dark Knight Transformation. Do we really have a set difference between Darkness and Dark Erg? If so, I'd like to hear it. If it is different, I can change Dark Erg to darkness being expelled, not sure if it would affect anyone.

3 hours IC is a stable time considering people don't afk. If RP has to be paused, then the time unconcious would be paused as well, and resume when the RP continues.

Not sure who is "so cold" they freeze things around them, I usually have Glacia use Ice Spear or Icebolt to freeze things. I used the term "overcharge" for lack of a BETTER term/name to call this.

Also, if too much dark erg is bad, then how do we survive for hours on end in the shadow realm. I believe someone can switch from using regular erg to using dark erg to survive, or building up a tolerance for it.

As for the veil's restrictions, I'm open to ideas. Maybe a set damage limit? Set number of hits if it's higher than normal? And if it's lower than said hits, that means the veil was at a weaker state. The ability can be pulled off the character at any time, so after X hits, I can cancel the effect. What would be a good number of hits? 5? 10?

We don't really have a set definition for what exactly the "Darkness" that the Dark Knight Transformation gets it's power from is, so I'm just assuming it would be Dark Erg. If I'm wrong, correct me please so I can change it up. I'm seeing this as a different way to use her darkness than her IC Trans.

Dark Erg is the counter part of Erg, Erg heals us. If you are made of Dark Erg, the healing spell is your weakness. Why do you think nothing else lives in the shadow realm? Except fomors, which can questionable have dark erg. But even so, the shadow realm has dark erg, doesn't mean we absorb it. Darkness is the opposite of lightness, (hur hur hur?). Spear of LIGHT would hurt darkness. Not Erg.

And what I thought for the viel.

Normal attacks (punch, slash, ect) 5 would break it. Strong attacks (smash, 3-4 charges of firebolt, ect) 3 would break it. And powerful attacks (Crit smash, 5 firebolt, fireball, ect.)1 would break it.

Not exactly those, since Teo's smash would be considered a powerful attack.

And Erg is not something you build tolerance too. Your life is erg, dark erg is against it. Unless you are requestion to be made of dark Erg? Then Dalvar would be Teo for you.

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Glacia's Full Potential Empty Re: Glacia's Full Potential

Post  Mithos Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:44 pm

Also... Just sayin'... The thing about Dark Erg... You can't be a Milletian if you run on Dark Erg, because the soul is sustained by Light Erg. Light Erg and Dark Erg are like Fire and Water, none is stronger than the other, they just collide and battle. It's all about concentration. If you have more Dark Erg in your body than Light Erg, you're pretty much dead, since the Dark Erg will win over the Light Erg.

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Glacia's Full Potential Empty Re: Glacia's Full Potential

Post  Glaceon Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:00 pm

Alright then, replace the dark erg stuff with darkness, that was my bad.

that Veil set up looks good to me. I'll toss it in the first post.

Glas Ghoblehht
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Glacia's Full Potential Empty Re: Glacia's Full Potential

Post  Xeek Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:17 pm

Espeon (glacia) wrote:Alright then, replace the dark erg stuff with darkness, that was my bad.

that Veil set up looks good to me. I'll toss it in the first post.

Can't you make it that you don't wet yourself with darkness every time you are knocked out?

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Glacia's Full Potential Empty Re: Glacia's Full Potential

Post  Glaceon Fri Apr 01, 2011 12:14 am

It's only after the skill is used, and I don't plan on having her use the skill much. I don't even use her IC trans much. But I could take it out if needed.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Glacia's Full Potential Empty Re: Glacia's Full Potential

Post  Xeek Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:29 am

Espeon (glacia) wrote:It's only after the skill is used, and I don't plan on having her use the skill much. I don't even use her IC trans much. But I could take it out if needed.

I would prefer it taken out, it's silly, and sorta stolen Razz

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Glacia's Full Potential Empty Re: Glacia's Full Potential

Post  Glaceon Fri Apr 01, 2011 8:35 am

Stolen? A lot of powers seems to be reworded or stolen nowadays. I didn't really look at anything before creating this, so it's came from my mind, not another post.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Glacia's Full Potential Empty Re: Glacia's Full Potential

Post  Temo Fri Apr 01, 2011 12:01 pm

Xeek wrote:
Espeon (glacia) wrote:It's only after the skill is used, and I don't plan on having her use the skill much. I don't even use her IC trans much. But I could take it out if needed.

I would prefer it taken out, it's silly, and sorta stolen Razz

I think you gotta base reasons for wanting that out on something better than this, man. And she's got a point. Neutral
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Glacia's Full Potential Empty Re: Glacia's Full Potential

Post  Xeek Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:17 pm

I said "prefer" xD If she wants leak "Darkness" not Dark Erg, she can.

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Glacia's Full Potential Empty Re: Glacia's Full Potential

Post  Xeek Sat Apr 02, 2011 6:25 am

So, are you going to take it out or not?

By the way, will it still have "bobbi" effect?

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Glacia's Full Potential Empty Re: Glacia's Full Potential

Post  Xeek Mon Apr 04, 2011 7:38 pm

Ding dong.

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Glacia's Full Potential Empty Re: Glacia's Full Potential

Post  Glaceon Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:17 pm

I think I'll keep it in, but it's purely cosmetic. The effect will be pulled off in same manner as Hyu's "Bobbi" effect, once I make/join a family. If it gets just too dull, I'll take it out. but it will just be residue darkness from the skill. It will "look" intimidating, but it's cosmetic and is harmless.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Glacia's Full Potential Empty Re: Glacia's Full Potential

Post  Xeek Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:47 pm

Espeon (glacia) wrote:I think I'll keep it in, but it's purely cosmetic. The effect will be pulled off in same manner as Hyu's "Bobbi" effect, once I make/join a family. If it gets just too dull, I'll take it out. but it will just be residue darkness from the skill. It will "look" intimidating, but it's cosmetic and is harmless.

So... will it have the same effect?
If so, please post the effect.

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Glacia's Full Potential Empty Re: Glacia's Full Potential

Post  Glaceon Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:01 pm

Xeek wrote:
Espeon (glacia) wrote:I think I'll keep it in, but it's purely cosmetic. The effect will be pulled off in same manner as Hyu's "Bobbi" effect, once I make/join a family. If it gets just too dull, I'll take it out. but it will just be residue darkness from the skill. It will "look" intimidating, but it's cosmetic and is harmless.

So... will it have the same effect?
If so, please post the effect.

Please define what you mean by effect. I thought I summed it up cleary, but I must not have.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Glacia's Full Potential Empty Re: Glacia's Full Potential

Post  Guest Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:07 pm

Espeon (glacia) wrote:
Xeek wrote:
Espeon (glacia) wrote:I think I'll keep it in, but it's purely cosmetic. The effect will be pulled off in same manner as Hyu's "Bobbi" effect, once I make/join a family. If it gets just too dull, I'll take it out. but it will just be residue darkness from the skill. It will "look" intimidating, but it's cosmetic and is harmless.

So... will it have the same effect?
If so, please post the effect.

Please define what you mean by effect. I thought I summed it up cleary, but I must not have.

You said the effect would be pulled off like Bobbi.

I think you meant the visuals. The smoke around you after breaking family rules, yes? Has no actual EFFECT on people?


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