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The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated!

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The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated! Empty The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated!

Post  Higura Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:45 pm

Walking up confidently to the notice board in Dunbarton Square, she pulls out a carefully written paper, with an image on it, painted with the utmost detail. Tacking the notice onto the board, she read it over quickly, to make sure it is all in order.

The Order of the Knights of the Rose Declaration of Establishment and Recruitment wrote:
The Order of the Knights of the Rose

Milliteans and Tuathas, do you ever feel like Erinn is not safe enough? Do you feel the war with the Fomors is a pointless battle? Do you wish Aid would reach those in need? The Order of the Knights of the Rose believes these things, and wishes to make Erinn a much better place. Death and violence does not solve problems, only if those who are threatening you, should lethal force be used. By negotiating, and solving problems, we aim to make the future a brighter tomorrow.

Further more, the O.K.R. will be in direct competition with Dunbarton Adventurer's Association. The Head Knight, Admiral Hina Gainishigi, is a seasoned Adventurer-Millitean, who has served over forty years worth of time, exploring, adventuring, and Relaxing, in the great expanses of Iria when she was newly founded. The mass amount of money gained during the period, helped fund this Order.

Where is it? O.K.R. Can be found in south Dugald Aisle, to the east side. This building has been newly constructed, just to celebrate the formation of the Order. (Library in Dunby IG.) We are always recruiting eager faces, regardless of race, gender, or age. Anyone willing to help shape the future of Erinn, for a better tomorrow may join.

All those willing to join should contact Admiral Hina Gainishigi by owlmail, to set up a meeting.

The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated! 34eq9ma
We hope to see you with us soon!

Hina giggles softly, thinking she probably should've hired someone to assist her in writing, but thinks nothing of it, readjusting her hat, as she continues about posting notices around, hoping Eaven won't mind that she's advertising for a group that will rival her own.

Order Information: -Posted in the main hall of the Order-

Admiral: Hina Gainishigi

Leader of Knight Division: Acanthus Erikkson
Knight of the Rose: Thomas

Leader of Treasure Hunter Division: Alexei Castille
Treasure Hunter: Lina Erra

Security Captain: Gorgak

Official meetings:
Meetings will be held every year during Imbolic. Do try to show up. The future of Erinn is in our hands.

Basic objectives:
Bring peace to Erinn

Restore the Economy to an acceptable level

Find treasure, learn about the ancient Irinid, plan adventures, plan charities, etc.


"As of the month of Baltane opens, we find ourselves opposing a powerful foe. A powerful Arc Lich any of his supporters are our enemies, and should be dealt with on sight. Remember to use the buddy system while out on patrols. Details will be discussed during emergency meetings when I see fit.

- Hina"



The first post is updated.

Order members may 'post' stuff to the Order Notice board. This content is only viewable from inside the Order headquarters in Dugald, so I doubt everyone is going to run by and be 'omg lets read it all lol'. Or.. Idk. It's a work in progress Idea. (Just write a response post, members, and other members will respond accordingly.)

Last edited by Higura on Tue Apr 05, 2011 4:32 am; edited 2 times in total
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated! Empty Re: The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated!

Post  Temo Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:57 pm

[[Hm. Jack may pay a visit when I return.]]
Burrito Bison

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The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated! Empty Re: The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated!

Post  Auramune Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:01 pm

<<Once I get Pally, Kirinne may look in to this. =D She likes helping people.>>

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The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated! Empty Re: The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated!

Post  Glaceon Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:04 am

((Glacia: More people for me to hate? Right on -thumbs up from the SR-
Espeon wouldn't be interested much, she likes helping people because she can, not because she would have to. She loves helping, but dislikes organizations.
Glacia would hate it completely.))
Glas Ghoblehht
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The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated! Empty Re: The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated!

Post  Mithos Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:00 am

((Maiztan will totally try to join to bring some chaos in this order >_>!))

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The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated! Empty Re: The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated!

Post  Thomas22 Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:23 pm

Gorgak stopped by the board, and saw an interesting ad. "...Maybe I should join this...or at least give it a try."

He took out a piece of paper and wrote

I am interested in joining your order, not as a negotiator, but rather as security. I am not much of a talker, but if worse comes to worse, I can fight with the best of them.

He nodded and whispered the name on the add to an owl, then let it go.
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated! Empty Re: The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated!

Post  Kalamiko Wed Mar 16, 2011 3:50 pm

Rieken slowly poked his head out of the metaphorical hole that he's been in for so long.
Riding his tiger, they stroll past the board, where he notices this well, notice.
He quickly sent a letter to Hina, except he forgot to leave who wrote it.
Ah, hello. Yes, I'd like to set up a meeting for that OKR thing? Yes. Thank you.
Kosher Dill Troll
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The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated! Empty Re: The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated!

Post  Soraina Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:44 pm

((Mero already hired me for the groups personal Mercenary Razz))
Wolf in Designer Clothing
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The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated! Empty Re: The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated!

Post  Croudo Thu Mar 17, 2011 1:11 am

((Is this at Spiral hill!?))
Gummy Bear
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The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated! Empty Re: The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated!

Post  Guest Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:23 am

A note is tacked up under the original notice, it's short and has rather large letters on it.

This is a group of morons that think Metus is a good place to get shelter. Join them for semi-suicidal fun!


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The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated! Empty Re: The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated!

Post  Higura Tue Apr 05, 2011 4:24 am

Approaching the notice board in the O.K.R. Headquarters, Hina tearfully writes something under the 'current news' section, still completely distraught over her sudden realization, due to the words of the Arc Lich. The words are clear, concise, and to the point. She storms out of the building in a fit of rage and sadness, her feelings conflicting with one another.

(See first post: 'Current News' section.)

(No, it's not at Spiral hill? o.O It's in the dirt patch, where the capture the flag game is held.)
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated! Empty Re: The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated!

Post  Temo Tue Apr 05, 2011 1:06 pm

[[Is this current news thing something that -anybody- can see, or is it indoors or someplace where only authorized personel can view it?]]

[[...and joy, the hole Temo's in just got dug a little deeper. o-o;]]


[[Is it even known who all is pal'd with Archie?]]
Burrito Bison

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The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated! Empty Re: The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated!

Post  Higura Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:08 pm

(As stated in the OOC section above. It's inside the Headquarters of the Dugald Order building. So, honestly, ANYONE could see it, if they wanted to go inside, sneak around the whole freaking building, find it, read it, and sneak out.

And no, not all of Archie's Pals are known right now. Only Dalvar. o.o)

As of mid-Baltane, several Tuatha Mercenaries have been hired to patrol the Dugald Headquarters, and the southern Dugald region. They should not interfere with traffic between Dunbarton and Tir, or else their contract will be forfeit. They will only question those approaching the headquarters, or attack nearby wild animals.
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated! Empty Re: The Order of the Knights of the Rose - First Post updated!

Post  Hoenheim Sat Apr 09, 2011 8:45 am

Maybe the people in this world aren't so bad.

I'm not much with words, but I'm physically capable, I can help.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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