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Temp Body Alt - Ratatosk

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Temp Body Alt - Ratatosk Empty Temp Body Alt - Ratatosk

Post  Croudo Tue Feb 15, 2011 6:31 pm

Name: Ratatosk
Race: Human
Hair: Blonde, with a single lock going upwards
Eyes: Red
Likes: Nature, Spiral Hill (most notably the tree atop)
Dislikes: Disrespectful people who would defile this sanctuary. People who oppose him.
Fighting Style: Wild and unrefined swordsmanship, but with natural agility.
Most used phrase: "You fool!"

Just like any other Milletian Ratatosk was born into Erinn through the powers of Nao. Walking through the forest of souls he admired the trees as he walked down the hill into Tir Chonaill. Simply not caring about the humans he ventured southward chancing upon a hill that spiraled upwards. Following the path he found himself the most majestic tree free of human confinement. "Yes, this is where I shall call home," he thought. Bearing no threat towards the wild animals in the area, he befriended them whist they took him in.

Its unfortuante that people find ways to disturb people's peace. Eager humans wanting to test their skills on his wolf friends, lovers that carved into the trees in the area, carpenters chopping at the tree with their disgusting axes. Ratatosk was outraged, no longer could he stand the human's presence on his humble hill. From that point forward he appointed himself the unofficial Guardian of Spiral Hill with the tree being the focal point. With his sword, he will mercilessly attack those who get in his way.
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

Posts : 54
Join date : 2010-10-09

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