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Mari Eir
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NEW MEMBER - Durent Empty NEW MEMBER - Durent

Post  Durent Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:32 am

Character Name: Durent Zilean
How You Heard About The RP Society: Honestly, I just started playing Mabinogi recently, always been a fan of roleplaying, a friend had told me about the game and how he was on Tarlach, how he had heard of your guild and how strict it is in roleplaying. That appeals to me as I've always enjoyed a good roleplaying community. =)
How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? Oh, a good 15 years now, easy.
Is English Your First Language? Aye.
A Short Biography Of Your Character: Durent Zilean is from the world of Temuair, and had spent many a Deoch there as a great Priest and mentor to many. As it so happens, one day he was traveling from Mileth to Abel to attend a regular literature contest when a great wind had kicked up... The hero had blacked out and when he had awoken there stood a beautiful maiden in a dark dress. She had addressed herself as Nao and had told him she was there to guide him to a world called Erinn where he would be embarking on a new adventure....
What type of character do you play? Usually something magicky. Heals, Elemental spells, etc.
What is your Mabinogi schedule? Hmm, that's really anytime I want it to be, don't really have a set schedual, but definitely around more during the "after work" hours.

Thank you for your time and consideration. =)

Durent Zilean.

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NEW MEMBER - Durent Empty Re: NEW MEMBER - Durent

Post  Glaceon Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:43 am

I'll be the first to say a very nice bio, and direct in that you are a Milletian. I see no real flaws. Just wait for approvals from higher ups now.
Glas Ghoblehht
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NEW MEMBER - Durent Empty Re: NEW MEMBER - Durent

Post  Dalvar Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:44 am

I approve.

And really hope to be able to get on to RP with you at some point.
Dal always loves talking to priests from other worlds.

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NEW MEMBER - Durent Empty Re: NEW MEMBER - Durent

Post  Mari Eir Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:48 am

Wait, so this wind KILLED him? That wasn't direct in stating whether or not he is a Milletian at all. Tornado or what?

*Edit* Ok, he obviously came from another world, but I just want it to be clear for argument's sake later. Been having issues with this sort of thing lately.
Mari Eir
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NEW MEMBER - Durent Empty Re: NEW MEMBER - Durent

Post  Glaceon Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:53 am

I overread the blackout part, I assumed a wind blew and Nao appeared in his world to guide him to Erinn.
Glas Ghoblehht
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NEW MEMBER - Durent Empty Re: NEW MEMBER - Durent

Post  Auramune Thu Feb 03, 2011 3:53 am

Approved. =)

Is it wrong the bio made me laugh a little? I recall, a few years ago, a large gust of wind came through my neighborhood and completely uprooted a healthy tree that's stood through several storms. Wind is crazah.

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NEW MEMBER - Durent Empty Re: NEW MEMBER - Durent

Post  Adhamh Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:08 am

Only thing "crazah" here is you, Aura. >_>

Anyways, wind can be pretty sharp as well as contain many dangerous objects in its midst. An uprooted tree...a gas station sign..a know how it is.

OOOOH Magic! 8D! (Btw, I tend to be fond of most magic-users.) If he's a healer, he should meet my character Auron, he's the founder of "EMA" (which has been quiet lately, I have to admit), stands for Erinn Medical Association, basically a group of people who heal for free. Razz

Anyways x2, great bio overall, looking forward to your monies- err RPs.
Cromm Crunch
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NEW MEMBER - Durent Empty Re: NEW MEMBER - Durent

Post  Kenelm Thu Feb 03, 2011 9:52 am

You have my approval, too.

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NEW MEMBER - Durent Empty Re: NEW MEMBER - Durent

Post  Guest Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:04 am

-puts a hat of approval upon this thread-

Hats are good, but Soifa will dislike the priesty. Roza will have a new friend, though.

..because everyone is her friend. EVERYONE.


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NEW MEMBER - Durent Empty Clarification.

Post  Durent Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:30 am

Alright so just to clarify for those who were a little on edge by my lack of details in my biography.

No. It was not a tornado *Grin*. As was said, a strong wind had kicked up, which Durent had noticed, but there had been something different about this wind, it was almost as if he could hear the faint sounds of song from within it. Tune from a world not of his own. While curious of this musical wind, Durent was late for his Literature meeting in Abel, and so he kept walking. The wind had seemed to follow him wherever he had gone, whether it be straying from his chosen path or not.
With Abel now in sight, he quickened his pace, but the wind did not give way. It seemed to surround him from all sides when....

After Durent had awoken from his slumber, which seemed to be forced upon him, there was a beautiful, and fair looking lady, who called herself Nao. She advised him that she was there to guide him to a world called Erinn.
Durent had no worldly thought of what was happening to him or what would wait for him in this world called "Erinn", but alas, he knew that any challenge put in front of him in the past was taken care of by any means necessary.
Durent felt a strong sense of excitement and sadness at the same brief time before he was quickly blacked out again, both of those feelings stemming from his strong connection to his previous world, Temuair. Excitement was due to the new challenges that awaited him, as well as the new connections he would make, and sadness was due to the strong connections he had with his students and friendships in his apparently, now lost world.

Now, when he awoke he was in a strange world, nothing of the like he had seen before. Yet something unexpected happens to him again.
All of a sudden his vision blurred and a familiar feeling crawled over him...
When he awoke there was nothing but blackness with a light shinning ever so slightly far off in the distance. A voice was heard, asking him if he was able to hear her. It was a soft but seemingly knowledgeable voice. A vision, or so it seemed, of a woman with large black wings made of feather, was asking for his aid.
Since then, these blackouts and/or visions are commonplace for Durent while he has been traveling in Erinn. He has yet to get a grasp of their meaning.

Hopefully that will help at least a little bit into more of a backstory for myself. If any other questions or inquiries, feel free to ask at any time.

As for your question, Auron. Aye, I am a magic user. I focus mainly on the healing and helping of others as much as I can, but if needed I DO have the ability to call up the elemental forces. I look forward to meeting you. *Smile*

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NEW MEMBER - Durent Empty Re: NEW MEMBER - Durent

Post  Auramune Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:47 am

Ohh I love the added in biography!

Was he wooshed away by Mario 3 flutes? :O!

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NEW MEMBER - Durent Empty Re: NEW MEMBER - Durent

Post  Adhamh Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:14 pm

Any preference in elements? Razz
Cromm Crunch
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NEW MEMBER - Durent Empty Element Preference

Post  Durent Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:50 pm

Absolutely, glad you asked. I prefer the lightning and/or ice/water elementals.

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NEW MEMBER - Durent Empty Re: NEW MEMBER - Durent

Post  Adhamh Thu Feb 03, 2011 3:22 pm

..Ice <3 -high fives-
Cromm Crunch
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NEW MEMBER - Durent Empty Re: NEW MEMBER - Durent

Post  Dalvar Thu Feb 03, 2011 8:57 pm

Auron wrote:..Ice <3 -high fives-
Ice mages unite! =D

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NEW MEMBER - Durent Empty Re: NEW MEMBER - Durent

Post  Xeek Thu Feb 03, 2011 10:12 pm

Ralv: Pfft, alchemy is better >_>

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NEW MEMBER - Durent Empty Re: NEW MEMBER - Durent

Post  Thomas22 Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:56 am

Thomas: *Stares at Ralv*
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NEW MEMBER - Durent Empty Re: NEW MEMBER - Durent

Post  Kayeori Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:14 pm

With plenty of approvals let me officially welcome you to the RP Society. If have not yet done so please submit your app at the guildstone. It's located on the right side of the road as you're leaving Tir Chonaill.
Dessert Dragon
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NEW MEMBER - Durent Empty Re: NEW MEMBER - Durent

Post  Adhamh Fri Feb 04, 2011 3:14 pm

Thom, Dal, I say we "take care" of this alchemy user. * _* -cracks knuckles-
Cromm Crunch
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NEW MEMBER - Durent Empty Re: NEW MEMBER - Durent

Post  Durent Fri Feb 04, 2011 3:54 pm

Thank you for the official welcome, and thanks for all the approvals guys and gals. Glad to be a part of the RPS.

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NEW MEMBER - Durent Empty Re: NEW MEMBER - Durent

Post  Glaceon Fri Feb 04, 2011 4:22 pm

Glacia: Alchemy...Magic...Alchemy.....Magic.... I CAN'T DECIDE!!
Glas Ghoblehht
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NEW MEMBER - Durent Empty Re: NEW MEMBER - Durent

Post  Veleth Fri Feb 04, 2011 4:50 pm

*whispers to Glacia* Crossbow.
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NEW MEMBER - Durent Empty Re: NEW MEMBER - Durent

Post  Glaceon Fri Feb 04, 2011 6:04 pm

-pulls out my Lizard Caliburn Crossbow- LET'S DO THIS!!
Glas Ghoblehht
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