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Former RPS member Re-enlistment - Arrucard

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Former RPS member Re-enlistment  - Arrucard  Empty Former RPS member Re-enlistment - Arrucard

Post  Arrucard Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:34 am

Character Name: Arrucard Relan Isicoru

How You Heard About The RP Society: I was a member back in the day, and I have missed the guild terribly. The only one I felt welcome in anyways.

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying: Well, RPing, comes natural. Sure I may not be the most literate, but I RP as often as I can and have been doing for about two three years now?

Is English Your First Language: Yup Sure is.

A Short Biography Of Your Character

Arrucard Relan Isicoru, Was not born in Erinn.
He came from the land of Regnogia, which was a populace of Animal and Human Hybrids.

Now, how Arrucard Came to Erinn will be discussed soon enough. But one must know of the past and the history of Arrucard to know why he came to Erinn.

Arrucard was a Canid hybrid and was born in Regnogia under the Blood Moon. A Red celestial body that only appeared every ten years and In Regnogian culture it was cursed, and Every child whom was born on that night was deemed to be slaughtered for fear of what the curse would do.

Arrucards parents refused to kill their child, and they fled Regnogia to Foumusa a sea fairing city to leave the continent and start anew in the land rumored as Finoah. A place where they could start anew and not be hunted by the Regnogian. But, Sadly. Arrucards parents could not afford to purchase a pass to board any of the ships to Finoah.

But it was not long before Regnogian soldiers came to Foumusa and caught word that a Blood Moon born child was in the city. 
Arrucards parents stowed him away on a shipment of Sheep going to Finoah where only moments later, Regnogian troops came looking for him and killed his parents for refusing to tell them where he was.

The ship set sail for Finoah Arrucard aboard that night and the city of Regnoge began to fall to a plague killing all of the population that remained in the city. They blamed Arrucard for all of it. and would not rest till the child of the Blood Moon was slain.

With Arrucard setting sail for Finoah it was pure chance a stowaway was in hiding with the sheep as well. But it wasn't human, it was a Wolf named Alasar.
He found Arrucard, sensing part Canine in him he drug him out of the Sheep pen and watched over him as his guardian.

After the ship came to Finoah, Alasar began to raise Arrucard just like he would any other Canine.
He taught him how to hunt, how to fight, and how to survive and this lasted untill Arrucard was the age of 10

In which Alasar became sick and passed away, Lost without his mentor, his only friend he explored the world of Finoah avoiding the humans, even though some tried to assist him, whether it was healing his wounds or trying to give him food, he would Growl at them or attack to make them stay away.

Sadly Arrucard, came to his demise when he attempted to steal a slice of meat from a butcher.
He was able to steal the meat but he was spotted by the guards and was thrown into a chase with his pursuers whom left him limp with a sword through his heart. Vision fading to black he gave his last breath and his soul drifted away to the soul stream.

But this was not the complete end to Arrucards Journey, As grim as things were, the main character in this story did not actually die.. completely.

His soul had gone to the soul stream and there he was reborn in a new form, into the world of Erinn.
He awoke in a strange world unfamiliar to him, new smells, new faces.
Memory Gone, and no Idea where he was or how he got here. 
He was frightened and scared only to worsen the nightmare by having haunting visions of a white haired female, her voice echoing through his mind calling out to him.

Through much struggle in Erinn, he came to Tir Chronail, and while fighting off foxes from his freshly killed sheep, a Healer named Dilys Tried to take him under her wing in an effort to "Humanize" him, kicking and screaming all the way through.
She raised him as her own, taught him the language of Erinn.. Well to the best of her ability.
He went to school, like a normal Erinn born but was mocked and teased for his ears and his inability to speak the language of Erinn.
Called stupid and humiliated throughout his life he ran away from Tir at the age of 12 fleeing to the city of Tara living on the streets with the rest of the dogs.

Arrucard, may only be 12 but he has so much hatred for humanity and mankind, that when he found a piece of Dark Armor.
Thoughts of power and revenge consumed him, and the dark armor lured him on. To become whole once more. Corrupting  Arrucard's mind, till he became one with the dark armor and took revenge on those whom had hurt him in Tir.

He roams through Erinn, tortured by the things he has committed. Blood that will never wash away. Still haunted by the white haired female, he still seeks to grasp more of an understanding to whom he is and why she brought him here.

Slowly losing his sanity at a young age due to the Corruption of the Dark Armor. But his sanity is not the only thing hanging in the balance of time, even being brought to Erinn and born a Millitien the curse has not left him. As time goes on, Arrucard will become nothing more than a paw print in history.

What type of character do you play: I play a Jack of all trades, and a Master of none. Well versed through Ranged Combat, to Melee, to Magic. (( And working on Alchemy! ))

What is your Mabinogi schedule: Well I do try to play as often as I can.. But I have an Internet connection that has a bandwidth  cap =w= So I play as long as I can till.. well no bandwidth :/

Character Description: 

Height: Max Height is 6' 3" Current 4' 7"
Weight: 136lbs
Markings: He has Scars all throughout his body and he has two birthmarks, one on His shoulder in the shape of a Howling wolf ( Sort of Tribal Designed Razz ) and one on the base of his neck that goes down to the right side of his chest in a Vine like pattern. Also in the center of his chest is a dark spot that grows out like spider legs across his chest. 

Hair: Long, White fur like hair.

Eyes: He has one Amber eye and one Red Eye.

Accent/Voice: He can't speak perfect English and he has an accent to his voice which is almost Russian sounding.
(Vat? Vat do you mean der is no Wodka!?)

Special features: ( Geez sounds like a Dvd... ) He does have Canine like Ears on the top of his head, a sign of him being a Regnogian. ( I did have a .dds that added those Ears but the .dds didn't work anymore :/ )

Personality/Demeanor: He is very quick tempered especially to things he doesn't understand, he resorts to violence quickly and he is very loyal to those whom he can trust. He hates most humans and see's them as stupid and ungrateful.
But there are a few whom have gotten past Arru's tough exterior, and gotten to know him quite well. But those people are gone in his life, even though he wishes more then anything if one of them would return. The one he called "Mother"

Why I'm Applying: Well.. I thought I could see a shot at Redemption, even though the faces have changed, the game is still the same is it not? And Maybe things can be different.

*Edit* x6

Last edited by Arrucard on Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:46 am; edited 7 times in total
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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Former RPS member Re-enlistment  - Arrucard  Empty Re: Former RPS member Re-enlistment - Arrucard

Post  Kayeori Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:16 am

Well being a past member there is no need to actually apply again. We'll go ahead and place you into the mentoring program, if nothing else then to brush up on your skills. Welcome back Arru!
Dessert Dragon
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Former RPS member Re-enlistment  - Arrucard  Empty Re: Former RPS member Re-enlistment - Arrucard

Post  Guest Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:38 am

-places a hat on Arru-

Welcome back, person I have yet to meet! :3


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Former RPS member Re-enlistment  - Arrucard  Empty Re: Former RPS member Re-enlistment - Arrucard

Post  Glaceon Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:33 am

I see one issue. You can't SAIL from one world to another. Erinn is a different world in it's own. You are either born into it or delivered through soul stream via Nao. There may be lands beyond Uladh and Iria, but it's still ERINN.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Former RPS member Re-enlistment  - Arrucard  Empty Re: Former RPS member Re-enlistment - Arrucard

Post  Arrucard Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:36 pm

Glacia Eon wrote:I see one issue. You can't SAIL from one world to another. Erinn is a different world in it's own. You are either born into it or delivered through soul stream via Nao. There may be lands beyond Uladh and Iria, but it's still ERINN.

Well I guess I should change it then, Should I put it as Uladh?
Gummy Bear
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Former RPS member Re-enlistment  - Arrucard  Empty Re: Former RPS member Re-enlistment - Arrucard

Post  Glaceon Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:17 pm

Sailing to Uladh would make more sense.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Former RPS member Re-enlistment  - Arrucard  Empty Re: Former RPS member Re-enlistment - Arrucard

Post  Adhamh Sun Jan 30, 2011 5:05 pm

Though if he were sailing to Uladh, that'd mean it be from Iria. There are no cities in Iria.

Also, that would make him Erinn-born.
Cromm Crunch
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Former RPS member Re-enlistment  - Arrucard  Empty Re: Former RPS member Re-enlistment - Arrucard

Post  Arrucard Sun Jan 30, 2011 5:18 pm

Adhamh wrote:Though if he were sailing to Uladh, that'd mean it be from Iria. There are no cities in Iria.

Also, that would make him Erinn-born.

Well what if it was from the south or north?

Former RPS member Re-enlistment  - Arrucard  S6w6X
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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Former RPS member Re-enlistment  - Arrucard  Empty Re: Former RPS member Re-enlistment - Arrucard

Post  Glaceon Sun Jan 30, 2011 5:24 pm

Adhamh wrote:There are no cities in Iria.

Qilla Base Camp, Filia, Cor, Vales, Calida Base Camp. Those are your cities in Iria.

But yes, I don't see why we can't just go north or south of the continents. Surely there is terrain beyond. You might even find someone from Uladh/Iria there (Do G8).
But before we jump to conclusions, let's see what any colored names have to say about this.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Former RPS member Re-enlistment  - Arrucard  Empty Re: Former RPS member Re-enlistment - Arrucard

Post  Adhamh Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:51 pm

Glacia Eon wrote:
Adhamh wrote:There are no cities in Iria.

Qilla Base Camp, Filia, Cor, Vales, Calida Base Camp. Those are your cities in Iria.

But yes, I don't see why we can't just go north or south of the continents. Surely there is terrain beyond. You might even find someone from Uladh/Iria there (Do G8).
But before we jump to conclusions, let's see what any colored names have to say about this.

Those aren't cities. Qilla Base Camp is what it is, a camp. Filia, Cor, and Vales are villages/towns. Calida is also a base camp. And there are no territories known to us north or south of Uladh/Iria.
Cromm Crunch
Cromm Crunch

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Former RPS member Re-enlistment  - Arrucard  Empty Re: Former RPS member Re-enlistment - Arrucard

Post  Kayeori Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:26 pm

It's very creative Arru, but unfortunately we can't say one way or the other about other lands in Erinn. I wouldn't deny the possibility, but yea nothing saying there is either. Of course there is also many ways to rewrite the bio in a similar way by making him a Milletian. I would suggest saying he awoke in Erinn, with little to no memory and then hash out the details a bit later. That's if you can't think of a way to revise this at the moment. Very Happy
Dessert Dragon
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Former RPS member Re-enlistment  - Arrucard  Empty Re: Former RPS member Re-enlistment - Arrucard

Post  Arrucard Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:40 pm

Well I have edited it.. So hopefully We are Kosher now :3

*Edit* Actually twice now haha. Galaxy Tab made words of it disappear.
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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Former RPS member Re-enlistment  - Arrucard  Empty Re: Former RPS member Re-enlistment - Arrucard

Post  Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 1:20 am

I still approve. -leaves hat-


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