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New Member- Trenativno

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New Member- Trenativno Empty New Member- Trenativno

Post  Trental Sat Jan 01, 2011 10:14 am

Character Name:Trenativno (Due to an email issue, I had to create several forum accounts in order to get in. "The real" was just added to show my main forum account, and to give me a unique username for the process.)

How You Heard About The RP Society: I saw several of their members on my travels.

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? Around 5 years, 4 of those have been as a high level administrator at a couple of large, high quality Roleplay servers in Garrys M o d, and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. References can be given upon request.

Is English Your First Language? Yes.

A Short Biography Of Your Character:

Trenatvino awoke to the sound of wings, and blinding white light. When his eyes finally adjusted, before him stood a tall, VERY tall woman, with smooth white skin, and an intricate black dress. He was nervous, unsure of what was going on, or who he was. He learned from her where he was, his name, and that he was an Elf. He also realized the woman was so tall, because he inhabited the body of a child.

He was not afraid of these things, if anything, the information gave him relief in finally knowing what was going on. He asked many questions, but finally he had to leave. He bid this woman good bye, hoping to see her again, and then there was another flash of life. He felt himself falling, the sound of air rushing past him. He looked down, and saw a large land mass, several islands, and he was falling towards them. The close he got, he realized he was aiming for a large desert. Closer and closer he got, the wind wiping at his hair and clothes, he could see a town on the edge of the desert, surrounding an oasis, and he was heading right for it. Just before he was 200 feet from the ground, another white light engulfed him, and he appeared on a stone platform with 4 large spires around him.

Near the platform, there was a girl, and a glass ball on a stand. He talked with the girl, who taught him many things about this world, and many skills he would need to survive there. He spent about a week hunting, fighting, and exploring. Once he had done and asked all he could of her, he said goodbye, just as he had said goodbye to the other girl, and once again entered the light.

This time, he awoke standing in the town he had been falling towards. He was greeted by a much older woman, maybe as mature as both of his previous acquaintances combined. There he was taught more skills and information about the world. He spent about 2 months in the village, helping out, and learning. He received a bow, this one, speaking to him, answering the many questions he had. He learned how to use Magic, and use it to heal people. He was taught about combat, and the various skills needed to survive. He was taught everything he knew.

But then, after about two months there was an incident...and he was forced to flee. Crossing the Desert didn't seem like enough, he boarded a ship, and crossed the sea, escaping the reach of the Elven people. He took up residence in a small village, not unlike his last home, but this one was green, and cool. Here he was able to carve out a sustainable lifestyle, helping out the villagers, taking magic classes, practicing his Lute, but always wearing a robe to cover his ears and Elven marks on his face.

After a while however, he realized he needed to leave this town. He could not remain in it forever or the Elven guards may someday find him. In his time around town, he saw many groups, mostly hunting parties, or groups of warriors heading to a dungeon. After the incident, he had no wish for combat of any kind, so he steered clear of them. But after a while, he began to notice groups of people who would mainly talk, laugh, and have a good time. They didn't seem to be out for blood, or gold, just the sake of living. He was interested in this group, and wanted to try and join them, but first, he had to set himself up to have something to offer. Maybe then, they would accept him with few questions asked...

What type of character do you play? Solid Support. Will do any skill that isn't in red. Focusing on healing, music, cooking, and campfires. Really hates to fight but knows that sometimes its a necessity, but he isn't very good at it. Will NOT grind experience on creatures when other people are around.

What is your Mabinogi schedule? Random, but mainly Late EST. Many times after 12:00, and Most times after 21:00EST(-5:00)

Last edited by The Real Trenativno on Sun Jan 02, 2011 2:04 pm; edited 2 times in total

Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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New Member- Trenativno Empty Re: New Member- Trenativno

Post  Adhamh Sat Jan 01, 2011 10:22 am

Amazingly detailed and exceptional bio. I spot absolutely no problems, but that just might be my untrained eye. I hope to RP with you sometime soon, good luck! Hope you get the three colored approvals.
Cromm Crunch
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New Member- Trenativno Empty Re: New Member- Trenativno

Post  Jaeden Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:13 am

Adhamh - - It's surprisingly easy to tell what's acceptable and what isn't as far as an application goes. If it makes you sit back in your chair and grin because you can't help but think that this is the exact type of person you want in your guild... Well. You know the decision you need to make.

If you've been working on this for as long as I've seen you on this morning, then I gotta tell 'yeh--it shows. I love it. Absolutely love it. Shouldn't have said that last part at the end there, though. You've inadvertently signed yourself up to be my dungeon buddy. Look forward to healing me! I certainly look forward to meeting you.
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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New Member- Trenativno Empty Re: New Member- Trenativno

Post  Trental Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:51 am

I wrote this up in about 30 minutes, but I've been thinking up the story all yesterday evening.

Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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New Member- Trenativno Empty Re: New Member- Trenativno

Post  Auramune Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:55 am

Approved. Loved the bio.

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New Member- Trenativno Empty Re: New Member- Trenativno

Post  Trental Sat Jan 01, 2011 12:37 pm

Ok, so I've been reading around, and I'm still a little fuzzy on the approval process. I understand the mentoring part, but as for this post, do I need a certain number of approvals, or approvals from certain people? I'm just curious.

Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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New Member- Trenativno Empty Re: New Member- Trenativno

Post  Auramune Sat Jan 01, 2011 12:46 pm

3 approvals by colored members (pink, blue, or red) or by Temo and Myself since we are currently uncolored but have "colored" stat.
(And Galin? I think?)

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New Member- Trenativno Empty Re: New Member- Trenativno

Post  Krystal Sat Jan 01, 2011 1:15 pm

Ah. Glad to see you got the email up and going. Great bio and I hope to RP soon with you.
Buckwheat Dragon
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New Member- Trenativno Empty Re: New Member- Trenativno

Post  Guest Sat Jan 01, 2011 3:04 pm

Here's another approval. :3

-thumbs up-


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New Member- Trenativno Empty Re: New Member- Trenativno

Post  Trental Sat Jan 01, 2011 3:08 pm

Awsome, if my count is right, that makes 2 official approvals, right? I'll be on for a long time today, and probably tomorrow as well. I've gotten myself in a stable starting position in terms of stats and supplies, so I'll probably be hanging around the Inn most of the time.

Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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New Member- Trenativno Empty Re: New Member- Trenativno

Post  Trental Sun Jan 02, 2011 10:08 am

Sorry to bump, but I edited my character type a bit after realizing the downfalls of never Grinding.

Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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New Member- Trenativno Empty Re: New Member- Trenativno

Post  Kenelm Sun Jan 02, 2011 11:15 am

Saying you've updated the initial post doesn't hurt.

Also: You have my approval.

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New Member- Trenativno Empty Re: New Member- Trenativno

Post  Trental Sun Jan 02, 2011 11:56 am

So, that makes three, correct? Which Mentor Should I contact if I wanted to hire them for an escort mission?

Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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New Member- Trenativno Empty Re: New Member- Trenativno

Post  Auramune Sun Jan 02, 2011 12:12 pm

You'll be getting the mentor letter soon. It'll have all the information on there.
Until then, it'll be safe to contact anyone with a red name on the forums. ^_^

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New Member- Trenativno Empty Re: New Member- Trenativno

Post  Dellinger Sun Jan 02, 2011 12:15 pm

Please apply at the guild stone, or put the actual name of the character you applied with there.
Thank you very much.

Guildstone is in the south-western most part of Tir.

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New Member- Trenativno Empty Re: New Member- Trenativno

Post  Trental Sun Jan 02, 2011 12:38 pm


Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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New Member- Trenativno Empty Re: New Member- Trenativno

Post  Dellinger Sun Jan 02, 2011 12:41 pm

It is done!
Release the flying mentors!

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