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The Story of the Wolf. By Dranis.

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The Story of the Wolf. By Dranis. Empty The Story of the Wolf. By Dranis.

Post  Dranis Wed Aug 25, 2010 1:18 am

The Story of the Wolf.

Chapter One
The battle of Grensvy

It was dark in the village of Grensvy the air was stiff and a fog seemed to linger in the nearby thick forest that surrounded the town like a natural barrier. Most everyone was asleep in the village, but a small force of imperial soldiers were called to the town due to the needs to enlarge the forces in the area. No one but the superior officer knew, He was a constant drunk though and would not give out any information other then the spurted out phrase to bulk the army. He would always say with a pint of dwarves sprites in his hand. Waving it around and laughing about it as if being in the town was all just a big joke. If you looked from afar you would see the town lit up like a beacon of light in the darkness from all the campfires going. There were 1 hundred soldiers in the village to reinforce it from what would seem like nothing. This village was always peaceful, hidden, and never attacked so everyone just shrugged the belief of some sort of attack off and just sit around campfires as they were told drinking, eating, telling stories and laughing. The only one in the ranks of the soldiers that was not doing anything other then keeping a look out in the bell tower, the tallest building in the town, which happened to be right in the middle of it, was the captain. He paced back and forth sensing that something bad was about to happen soon this night and he would be ready for it.

Indeed something did happen, something the captain nor anyone else excepted. I white wolf with fur as silky white as the moonlight, ran through the town dodging the attacks from the soldiers with swiftness and howling, everyone that was asleep in the village awoke with a frighten gasp and everyone that was awake jumped half scared themselves and half surprised. The wolf disappeared into the dark misty forest and everyone fell silent once more. The townsfolk now calmed down started to drift back to sleep and the soldiers back to there campfire stories.

Nothing was out of the ordinary in the town once more. Or so it so very well seemed. One thing was happening that no one thought was ever going to happen. Something flew over the down most took it as a bat or a bird, Only one person noticed what it truly was. The captain ran down the bell tower to the bell room and started to ring in alerting all the soldiers and awaking the townsfolk once more. A barrage of arrows flew towards the soldiers camping around the outskirts of the village those who grabbed their shields quickly kneeled and protected themselves, they were the fortunate ones. Those who either didn’t have a shield or did not pick it up from their sides either had multiple arrows sticking out of their armor or were dead.

Everyone was in a panic now, the townsfolk running to get their things and hide in whatever place they could, and the soldiers not knowing what was happening or what to do. The Captain Made it out of the bell tower and was now barking orders at everyone, the townsfolk and the soldiers.
“Get to the nearest building stay inside and lock all the doors” “get up get draw your swords, hold your ground damn it!” No one dared to ignore these orders and everyone did as they were told.

Everything seems to stand still for long moments. Everyone who was outside stood still and looked around, confused about what was happening yet frightened. The forest around the town suddenly seemed to move closer, and closer, as the forest moved closer what was actually moving was becoming more and more visible, it was an army of Orcs slowly moving forward and inclosing them, they were surrounded from all sides.

“charge the front!” a voice yelled, the soldiers screamed their battle cry and charged. “No! hold your ground” the captain yelled, but no one heard him over their battle cries. The soldiers ran right into spears, some made it through though and a heavy battle began to wage. The captain no being able to do anything else but join and help his comrades ran forward to save a man who lost his footing and was about to be plunged by a spear. Running forward the Captain made a side swipe at the spear knocking it to the side, then an upwards swipe at the Orc, the Orc fell with a groan. The captain lent a hand to help the fellow solider up. As the captain helped him up he noticed that this particular solider have different armor then the rest. This one had royal markings carved all throughout the armor. The captain shocked to see one of the royal family here hesitated to say more. A sword hit the captains armor with a clang and instantly the two went back to back to protect themselves.

“You shouldn’t be here” Redik the Captain said in a low tone. Redik said nothing as the orcs charged them. Being unskilled the orcs fell easily, the captain and Redik circled defending themselves from every Orc that charged them, making sure to keep their backs pressed together. Unseen eyes watched them from afar watching their blades swing in what seemed like a very large circle and with every swing an Orc fell.

The battle began to wane and the numbers of both sides dwindle. The sun began to rise and the orcs fled with the rising light. Everyone cheered as the orcs ran back into the forest. But their cheers died out fast as a rumble began to shake the ground beneath their feet. Everyone look towards the forest as the trees swayed and fell with a loud crash. The soldiers stood in a battle ready stance as whatever it was got closer. Suddenly with a violent scream the trees at the edge of the forest were ripped from the ground and flew towards the soldiers as six massive Orges burst from the forest. Some of the soldiers who didn’t get out of the way in time were crushed but many still stood.

The Orges stood about three men in height and their hulking bodies were as large as a small house. Their teeth that were so big poked out of their mouths, dripped with drool as the looked at the fresh warm meat of the solider. The Orges charged ripping soldiers apart with their hands and bashing other with their very large spiked clubs. The captain could only watch with horror as his men were helplessly mutilated.

One of the Orges not satisfied with his kill alone looked around savagely and noticed the captain and Redik. It charged without hesitation. Redik and the captain got in a ready stance to fight the on coming enemy. The Orges reached them and the two pulled away form each other swiftly allowing the Orge to run passed them. Then they swiftly turned and stabbed at the Orges legs making it stagger. As the Orge staggered the two skillfully jumped on it’s back stabbed in it the back of the head and slid off landing on the ground the Orge falling with a groan behind them. As the other Orges heard their brother fall the screamed with raged and charged at them. Redik turned and jumped out of the way, But the Captain was too late, the Captain turned around right into a giant hand. The Orge picked up the captain with ease and tore him in two, this happen so fast the Captain didn’t even have time to get a scream of pain out. Another Orge struck at Redik with it’s club but Redik jumped back, the club hitting the ground with such force caused it to rumble fiercely and Redik lost his footing. The Orge then picked up Redik by the leg and lifted him above it’s head, getting ready to swallow Redik whole for a tasty snack after battle. Redik Dangled as he was lowered to the gaping mouth of the Orge, The Orge’s eyes suddenly widened in pain and it’s mouth closed slowly. The Orge and Redik both fell to the ground with a crash. The Orge cried in rage and began to charge passed Redik towards the forest.

Redik was starring up at the sky his back on the ground Dazed from the fall. As he stood up slowly staggering, he saw an arrow fly a above it head striking an Orge in the neck. And then another. The Orge fell with a gargle. But the Orges did not stop their charge. Redik stood still and watched as the Orge fell one by one, when the last of the Orges died a figure emerged from the borders of the forest, cloaked in a brown cloth furred robe holding a bow in his left hand. Redik stood still in awe as the figure walked towards him.

“sorry I could not save your friend” the figure said with a strange accent. Redik blinked and regained his compositor “he was a brave man and fought valiantly He will be remembered for that” Redik said, trying not to show his sadness. The figure now reached Redik and removed his hood revealing pointed ears and a handsome face with golden eyes and long dark brown hair. “your father sent me to retrieve you Redik.” I am Tarlanis we must go with haste to see your father, it is on an important matter. This mess will be cleaned up afterwards” the elf turned and stood still. The elf said a few words, in a low voice, in an unknown tongue then turned back to Redik. “Let us go.” Redik simple nodded confused and awed with what was happening. But knowing his father he could not refuse. The elf pulled up his hood and not turning again Redik followed, the too walked into the forest not turning again at the horrible sight behind them and disappeared.

The townsfolk walked out of their houses knowing noticing the silence. They simply stared in horror at the sight of the battle, The women walked back into their houses with their children and the men walked towards the battlefield to burry the dead properly, All did these tasks with a saddened expression. The dead took days to burry and the battle field another day to clean of the blood. The town and the townsfolk were never the same after the battle they soon called the battle of Grensvy.

Last edited by Dranis on Wed Aug 25, 2010 1:21 am; edited 1 time in total
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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The Story of the Wolf. By Dranis. Empty Re: The Story of the Wolf. By Dranis.

Post  Dranis Wed Aug 25, 2010 1:20 am

If anyone likes my story and wants to read the next chapter let me know and I'll post it. Smile

And please. Let me know what you think.
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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The Story of the Wolf. By Dranis. Empty Re: The Story of the Wolf. By Dranis.

Post  Captincrunch Wed Aug 25, 2010 4:17 pm

You don't need to ask to post your story here... just keep posting and PG-14 tongue

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The Story of the Wolf. By Dranis. Empty Re: The Story of the Wolf. By Dranis.

Post  Kenelm Wed Aug 25, 2010 6:48 pm

The read was a little difficult. It needs more punctuation, grammar corrections, and punctuation corrections. The first name to appear should be within the quotation marks, otherwise your intention is confused.

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The Story of the Wolf. By Dranis. Empty Re: The Story of the Wolf. By Dranis.

Post  Dranis Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:51 pm

I wasn't asking to post the story. I was asking if anyone liked it enough to want to read more of it. If no one wants to read more of it why even bother posting it.

Thankyou Ken, I will try to work on all that stuff a bit more in the future. I am still a beginer writer and I dont do it often.
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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The Story of the Wolf. By Dranis. Empty Re: The Story of the Wolf. By Dranis.

Post  Temo Wed Aug 25, 2010 9:00 pm

Take a look at the number of views you got for your first posting, sir. If that alone doesn't say people were interested in reading it or more, hard to say how much more words can do. Razz
Burrito Bison

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