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New Member - Dranis

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New Member - Dranis Empty New Member - Dranis

Post  Dranis Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:29 pm

Character Name: Dranis

How You Heard About The RP Society: I actually put up a " Looking to Rp " Dungeon Party and got a note from a person named Kalamiko, who told me I could apply to the guild by visiting this site if I was interested.

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? I discovered roleplaying about four, to four years and a half ago, and have been roleplaying ever since.

Is English Your First Language? Yes.

A Short Biography Of Your Character: Dranis is a 19 year old human mage who has always wanted something more. throughout the years of his life has wanted to gain full control and knowledge over magic. In his young years while he was outside sitting on the grass alone infront of his home he noticed a lone figure walking by who was muttering to himself while reading out of a strange looking book. Out of curiousity he went around gaining as much information about this strange book that caught his eye as possible. After weeks of researching he learned that it was a spell book, since this day he has strived to gain more knowledge of magic. Thus giving him an obsession over magic which has left him physically fragile. In his travels to gain more knowledge over magic and obtain the highest skills of magic to his ability, he came to the world of Erinn. After running into a stranger know as Nao he learned that there was even more magical abilities that could be learned in Erinn. This lead him to take up residence in Erinn.

What type of character do you play? I usually play a mage, warrior, or a knight. Occasionally a sneaky traveler, who is not to be mistaken for any type of rogue.

What is your Mabinogi schedule? My Mabinogi schedule changes here and there. Sometimes I am online for hours on end for days, and sometimes I will not be online for a couple days, In which I normally let whomever I can, know ahead of time.

Last edited by Dranis on Tue Feb 02, 2010 7:56 pm; edited 7 times in total
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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New Member - Dranis Empty Re: New Member - Dranis

Post  Dellinger Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:34 pm

Personally, I'd like to see the application a little more fleshed out.
And if possible, check spelling and grammar. There were a couple of mistakes in that.

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New Member - Dranis Empty Re: New Member - Dranis

Post  Dranis Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:50 pm

Well I was in the middle of Modifing it when you posted your reply. For I did realize a couple mistakes. I know my grammar is not up to spiff, I haven't had to be grammatical for a while now so it has slacked and I will need little time to gain it back. My puncuation is not as well as it should be, I have never really been too good with it. If my spelling if off I am sorry, I have looked over my post over and over again to make sure that there was no spelling mistakes.
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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New Member - Dranis Empty Re: New Member - Dranis

Post  Jaeden Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:52 am

Looks pretty stable to me. Definitely has potential. Don't worry too much about grammatical mistakes, we're not grammar sharks around here. Everyone makes them. I'm glad Kalamiko pointed you out in our direction!

Your name is so similar to my last name that it's creepy. Embarassed

I give my approval! Looking forward to meeting you~.
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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New Member - Dranis Empty Hmmm...?

Post  Kalamiko Wed Feb 03, 2010 12:08 pm

I don't know if i can give my approval, since i invited him, but even if it counts, you have my thumbs up! cheers
Kosher Dill Troll
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New Member - Dranis Empty Re: New Member - Dranis

Post  Captincrunch Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:57 pm

I will wait till the needed third approval and then wait for the application to show up at the guild stone. Wink

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New Member - Dranis Empty Re: New Member - Dranis

Post  Dranis Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:28 pm

I'm too excited and too scared to be able to form words. Why am I always so nervous about my applications being accepted or not. Embarassed

Last edited by Dranis on Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:30 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : So nervous that I accidently Capitalized the t in the word " too ")
Gummy Bear
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New Member - Dranis Empty Re: New Member - Dranis

Post  Dellinger Wed Feb 03, 2010 10:09 pm

Approved, but I'd like to see the character develop a bit in game.
Just a -wee- bit. XD

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New Member - Dranis Empty Re: New Member - Dranis

Post  Dranis Wed Feb 03, 2010 10:24 pm

That was sorta my plan to be honest. I kept the bio short because I wanted to be able to have something to rp off of from the start. Create a kind of mysterious outlook in the begining to try and make things a bit more interesting.

Thankyou very Much you have no idea how excited I am. I couldn't wait since the day I started reading up on everything ^^
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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New Member - Dranis Empty Re: New Member - Dranis

Post  Temo Thu Feb 04, 2010 5:16 am

Approved for use of the word "spiff". Razz
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New Member - Dranis Empty Re: New Member - Dranis

Post  Dranis Sat Feb 06, 2010 7:52 pm

*( Edit to my biography ) ( It's a must read if you are interested in knowing anymore or if anything I have Rped about has confused you.)*

Name: Ditaris. (Changed to Dranis)
Element: Dark.
Race: Human.
Class: Mage.
Sex: Male
Equipment: Robe of darkness; it's a specially made robe from Dranis You can see some runes on the his robe. He also holds Dagger hidden within the robe.
Appearance: All you can see about him is his human and male outline; other than that the robe covers every other aspect about him. He has silver hair and maroon red eyes.
Age: 19
Weight: Unknown
Height: 6’0”
Skin Color: You can't tell, for his skin is hidden; for his hands, it's hard to tell because of all the scars, but they might be a tan color.
Tattoos: Runes cover the robe he wears; there are some on his body as well.

Mental Description: Well, simply, he’s seems somewhat keen and quick thinking.
Physical Description: All you can see is the outline of the body showing one that's human, everything else the robe covers.

Background: Ditaris once commanded a small reserve army of the Imperium. After years of honorable service and the training of several of the Imperium’s finest troops, he died of a massive wound through his chest. After his death, unable to go to heaven or hell, he soon haunted his now decrepit and abandoned barracks. Unbeknownst to him there was already a ruler of this place that had made a pact with nature long before his lifetime. This ruler was a powerful warlock destined to become protector of the land whom had died prematurely, during a battle which barracks was made to honor. The battle was a battle of wills which left Ditaris with thousands of scars.

After this battle with the warlock, he realized that if he started to practice this art he would become more powerful. After he started to practice the arts of a warlock, he tried the ritual to make him an accomplished warlock. The ritual he used almost tore his body apart, and he was unable to continue. The ritual had failed because he needed to have a pact with a more powerful creature than himself, one that was everlasting. After binding his will to one such an element he finally succeeded. The divine essence of darkness was his master.

The worlds of darkness gave him a new body and restored Ditaris to the world of the living once again. His body, however, was fragile and weak. Unconcerned about his health, he tried to practice the arts of a warlock once again, and though he got farther then before, he failed again, miserably, almost killing himself. But because of the darkness supporting his body, he was able to recover. He then covered his body with powerful runes. Quickly realizing the positive effect on his body and his mind. Ditaris continued the agonizing process and eventually covered somewhat of his body in runes. Thus it helped him gain even more power then he ever dreamed of. Doing this was the first step toward proficiency in his new art.

He was now able to unleash the latent warlock powers that had been hidden deep inside him and commune with nature. Obsessed with his newfound power and strength, he trained his body, mind, and soul to be able to handle the full extent of his power. After a few years of rigorous training, Ditaris was able to obtain the powers of a truly accomplished warlock. His old bones, which by now should have been turned into dust, grew and strengthened back into their prime. His eyes became keener then that of a human along with his hearing; the rest of his senses were restored to their living state, and along with this new found power and body Ditaris gave himself a new name, Dranis.

Finally getting used to his new powers, he decided to make due use of them. He made his own cloak out of his runes, silk, cloth and the powerful elements. Dranis channeled his own energy, life blood, and some of his darkness powers into the cloak. Thus the cloak is now merely an extension of his being: not like an arm or a leg, but like a second skin. Thus, like his own skin, no-one else could use the cloak because it was channeled with his own mind, energy, and power.

Still not satisfied with his power, Dranis strived to gain more of it. He went searching throughout the world of the Imperium, hoping to find more knowledge of the power he had gained and even more hope to gain more of it. In his searching he came acrosssed yet another power being of darkness that had seemed to only be found in the depths of the Eternal plains.

He transported his body through a hole of time which warped him to the Eternal plains, this being such an agonizing process it forced to him take refuge in hiding in the Eternal plains for a couple days. After days of nothing but rest to be rejuvenated back to his extent of power he went searching for this creature of darkness. unknown to him the extent of the creatures own powers.

Dranis soon found the creature and confronted it. This was yet to become the worst mistake Dranis had every made in his life. The huge creature turned. The horns on it's head curled as if they were alive and started to be shrouded in a pitch black essence of darkness, its mouth opened and red liquid started to drip from it, sparkling silver fangs showed which also in turned started to be covered in a pitch black shroud of darkness. The creatures massively huge bulking body started to be covered in this darkness. Its all seeing white eyes which glowed with intelligence became one with the shroud, At this moment, Dranis realized he had confronted a wielder and devourer of darkness, but this realization was too late Dranis could do nothing but stand there and wait for it to be over, If he tried to fight it off with his magic the magic would only be absorbed in which would only increase the creature's powers.

What he experienced was the same agonization he felt when he gained his powers of darkness, but only this time it was reversed. Instead of feeling the darkness latch onto his will, he could feel it being tugged. Although the creature was a powerful wielder of darkness it did not have the potential to control the darkness latched to Dranis's will In satisfaction that Dranis's dark magic could not be pulled away from him, he was able to pull off a smirk which would torment the creature for the rest of it's life, for Dranis was the only one the creature had ever in countered that was able to defy the creatures will.

In a bloody rage the creature charged Dranis, it's huge bulky body moving unnaturally fast for it's size. The creature pinned Dranis to the ground with it's giant clawed hands and started to tare him apart. The pain Dranis felt in this moment was horrible but not agonizing, It was over quite fast. As Dranis saw blackness the creature saw red. In satisfaction of it's kill the creature howled and stomped off looking for yet another foe of darkness to feast upon.

Dranis then awoke and jumped to his feet. He looked around like a frightened squirrel not knowing where he was. the place he was in was white, white was everywhere. Only a second ago everything was black and now everything is white, where was he did not know. A figure appeared in front of him at first it was blurred and then the body took form of a female, She was tall and beautiful her eyes sparkling with life. She spoke a few words but in his panic Dranis only heard that her name was Nao and he had stumbled upon the sprirt world of Erinn. This Lady offered him a new life in which his soul would be transferred to the living world of Erinn. Dranis taking this as a second chance Took the opportunity and allowed the lady who called herself Nao to transfer his body, and thus began his life on Erinn.

Note: I am sorry if it seems a bit long, but it's the full biography. I know it doesn't really connect with the bio from my application but It is infact Dranis's full biography.

Also note that none of this is actually ment to be known in character. I plan on Rping out the information.
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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New Member - Dranis Empty Re: New Member - Dranis

Post  Kenelm Sun Feb 07, 2010 12:48 am

A character's past is the character's introduction.

The complete biography is a nice read, and with various corrections it will be easier to read. I'll leave the finding to you, Dranis.

It would have also been approved, as it explains how he came to Erinn.

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New Member - Dranis Empty Re: New Member - Dranis

Post  Dranis Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:03 am

Ya, the thing is though, I spent litterly four hours spiffing it up and checking for mistakes and all that. So if there is any, there are none I would be able to find. I didn't put it in my application For I found it way to long, I didn't think such a long biography was needed in the application till a later date.
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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New Member - Dranis Empty Re: New Member - Dranis

Post  Jaeden Sun Feb 07, 2010 12:45 pm

Great, Dranis! I really enjoyed reading it, and I love how you've played your character so far. He's been very interesting =)
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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New Member - Dranis Empty Re: New Member - Dranis

Post  Dranis Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:01 am

To clear things up Dranis was neither Erinn born or Milletian. Dranis was Niltsiar. Niltsiar was Dranis one soul got split into two halves when they entered Erinn. one righteous and good the other shadowy and evil. (if you need a reference kinda like kami and picolo from DBZ).

I apologize if I did not tell you this early, I thought I told everyone about the soul thing..
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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New Member - Dranis Empty Re: New Member - Dranis

Post  Krystal Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:03 am

Ahem. Dran, Sorry to be a bother, but post in Bio thread, not "New Member" Thread.
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New Member - Dranis Empty Re: New Member - Dranis

Post  Dranis Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:20 pm

This is my bio thread...o.o is it in the new character section still? O.o
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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