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Shinnichi Takenaga (By Request)

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Shinnichi Takenaga (By Request) Empty Shinnichi Takenaga (By Request)

Post  Mari Eir Wed May 19, 2010 2:48 pm

Name: Shinnichi "Shin" Takenaga
Gender: Male
Race: Incubus
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Red
Likes: Humans, for some reason. He's very fascinated with them... (Think Tamaki Suoh from OHSHC regarding commoners, and you've got Shin in a nutshell).
Dislikes: Bad manners. People should be courteous to one another, despite race. And being "lower class" is no excuse for a lack of refinement.
Theme: Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy

How he came to Erinn: Karma

Bio: Shin, in his old world, was a rather rich man who had no regard for those lower than him. Poor? Trash. Different race? Haha, well if his daughter tried dating a man of a different race, Shin would have been put in jail for attempted homicide! He had no respect for women, either. Except his darling gem, Lola. He placed his beloved daughter on a pedestal. One day, however, the knock no parent ever wants to answer rapped upon his door. Police informed the man his daughter had been gunned down while out with her (rather rich) boyfriend. Gangs? No. Armed street urchins who killed to eat? Nada. Lola's rich boyfriend had gotten himself into trouble with drug dealers. Not of the street variety any hobo could attain, but "designer" drugs. The kind the rich often partook in. He learned for the first time that not every person of his social standing was worthy of what they had. To add salt to the wound, she was found with a rather poor woman who had attempted to protect her after her boyfriend had been shot. The woman, too, died in the crossfire. When Karma came to collect, it was not always gentle. Why did his daughter have to suffer for how he had raised her? Why could it have not been him? After months of mourning, Shin finally took his own life. Money no longer brought him happiness. The only joy he had really found was in being the father of such a bright, beautiful girl who had so much potential.

The next thing he saw was light. A platform of light with snowy owls circling overhead. A woman in black appeared to him. "If this is death, man is she hot!" is the only thing that crossed the man's mind upon seeing her. She introduced herself as Nao, then informed him that taking one's own life was the greatest sin of all. His punishment would be the continuation of life without Lola. He would be a creature viewed as a lesser being, but he WOULD have money. He already knew money would not lighten the burden of his penance. "What's more," she continued, "Someone you would never have even noticed had the jumped out in front of you, someone destitute in your world, will be higher than you. Once you encounter this person and are able to change them as you were so unwilling to change yourself, you will achieve then enlightenment you need..."

"Enlightenment!? Who said anything about me needing enligh--!" Before he could finish his sentence, he found himself in a wooded area. He was a child, from what he could tell. His back was hurting, both the small and his shoulder blades. Scared and confused, he crawled to the closest source of water, a lake, and peered in. Shin screamed in terror as he beheld his new appearance. Black hair... and red eyes. He also now had horns adorning his head. He was a monster. His early days in Erinn, however, he was shown compassion by humans. He learned he was called a "Fomor", something normally terrifying to their kind. For the first few months in this strange world, he did not speak. Though a human family had been kind enough to take the young boy in, he did not feel worthy of their kindness. He was a monster, a lesser being. Though the family he stayed with did not feel this way about him, the villagers were not so kind.

They came in the night, setting fire to his home. He and the family made it out safely, but the other villagers grabbed him in the ensuing chaos. His family protested, the mother screaming "That's my son!!" in the distance. They took him to the outskirts of the village, throwing him down in front of a large structure. A castle. He was told his kind did not belong among them. Everything that happened next was a blur. He felt coldness pass over him, then turned to see the humans that had brought him there encased in ice. The ice shattered from around them some falling dead instantly, others clinging to life. Shin felt himself grabbed by the arm quickly, his feet off the ground as he was pulled into the castle. When he finally gained his bearings, he looked up to see a winged man with a tail and horns. like his own, dragging him into the depths of the mysterious structure.

"Your back is always hurting right?" he asked curtly. Shin, still horribly confused by the events that had unfolded within the past hour, nodded stupidly. "Well then," the man continued, "We will have to take care of that, won't we~?" He was led down a dark corridor, then through a large door. Others looked up as the door flung open, their leader having returned. It was odd for him to leave the castle himself. Though it was also odd to meet a Milletian Incubus. "Ready a bed! His wings and tail come out tonight, even if we have to force them!" This man spoke with such confidence, conviction, and... volume, that it was hard not to be impressed, even in Shin's confusion.

Women with wings adorning their heads hopped off of one of the beds in the room. Getting a better look, Shin realized they were in an infirmary of sorts-- WAIT, WINGS AND A TAIL!? Shin glanced up at the man, fright evident in his face. "W-w-w-w-in...."

"Yes, WINGS!" the older Incubus proclaimed, rather excitedly. "And they WILL hurt~" As he said it, he nodded sympathetically, then his demeanor changed again to excitement. "WELL, PREPARE THE BUCKETS! This one looks like a bleeder...." TO BE CONTINUED IN A DEVOTED THREAD (even though this technically IS a devoted thread, I mean story board).

Type of Character: Mage, I have every intention of starting on Ice Spear for this one Wink

Last edited by Mariella Kana on Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:25 am; edited 1 time in total
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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Shinnichi Takenaga (By Request) Empty Re: Shinnichi Takenaga (By Request)

Post  Xenny Mon May 24, 2010 1:06 pm

I love him!

Kosher Dill Troll
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Shinnichi Takenaga (By Request) Empty Re: Shinnichi Takenaga (By Request)

Post  Mari Eir Mon May 24, 2010 1:07 pm

Creepy wrote:I love him!

Ya, I'm actually quite surprised at how well received Shinny has been Shocked
Mari Eir
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Shinnichi Takenaga (By Request) Empty Re: Shinnichi Takenaga (By Request)

Post  Auramune Mon May 24, 2010 1:10 pm

He's really charismatic and polite. I'm not really surprised, xD.

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Shinnichi Takenaga (By Request) Empty Re: Shinnichi Takenaga (By Request)

Post  Dalvar Mon May 24, 2010 3:37 pm

Kitsune wrote:He's really charismatic and polite. I'm not really surprised, xD.
And crazy.
And surprisingly insightful.
He's a keeper.

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Shinnichi Takenaga (By Request) Empty Re: Shinnichi Takenaga (By Request)

Post  Krystal Mon May 24, 2010 8:29 pm

I must meet him! -nods- Crusade is probably one of the few humans out there that views fomors as equals and comrades.
Buckwheat Dragon
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Shinnichi Takenaga (By Request) Empty Shin (02-16-11)

Post  Mari Eir Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:40 am

Name: Shinnichi; True name Phoenix.
Gender: Male
Race: Reformed Incubus
Hair color: White, but seems to be darkening into a sandy color
Eye color: Green
Likes: Children, the simple life, Lymilark's teachings.
Dislikes:Over complicating things
Loves: Dalvar, with all his heart
Hates: HYUPONIA!!!
Theme: Hush - Coheed and Cambria

Bio: Love. It was a classic theme. It spurred many onward to their goals or got others out of ruts. It was an almost magical force. When Shinnichi married into the Takenaga family, he thought he'd found it. Love with Lady Kanaboshii Takenaga. He thought that there he would finally get his reward.. be reunited with his beloved daughter. Her soul HAD to be somewhere in this world. But Kana bore him sons... Not that he didn't love Shotarou and Zennosuke. If only he could have been there for them longer. The Twilit War resulted in the end of Shin's marriage. He had told a great lie to keep them safe, the ones dearest to him. Little did he know he would find salvation near a lightpost...

Having stopped on his way home for a smoke in the cool night air, Shin couldn't help but notice the priestess under his usual lightpost. Dalvar. A woman who would change his life. Even while stilled married, before the war had reached its final arc, he knew it was love. This love would lead him on a journey, one ending reform. He was cursed to be a Fomor, borne into this world as a monster as penance for the sin of suicide. He was not like other Milletians in this sense... He coped for years before love made him realize something: there is always salvation. He would repent for his sin, leaving on a pilgrimage that would lead to reform. This wasn't much unlike what Kristell, the priestess in Dunbarton had done. She had transformed herself into a human from Fomor out of love for the druid Tarlach. She, however, kept her red eyes; these served as a reminder for what she truly was. Shin, at the end of his journey, decided to keep his Incubus appearance, though was no longer burdened with the hunger of one. This demonic appearance would forever be the symbol of his sin. His white hair and green eyes, along with the loss of his diabolical appetite would serve as the symbols of reform; that with willpower and love, anything can be accomplished.

Later, it was much to the disdain of the former Incubus that despite no longer having his Cubic hunger, his horns, wings, and tail were still extremely sensitive. Touching them had the same effect as before, though did not cause his hunger to increase...

Last edited by Mariella Kana on Tue May 24, 2011 1:05 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Dalvar's a nag >.>)
Mari Eir
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Shinnichi Takenaga (By Request) Empty Re: Shinnichi Takenaga (By Request)

Post  Mari Eir Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:26 am

Shinny's now by request FOR THE MOST PART. I may play him on a whim.
Mari Eir
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