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"I Was a Teenage Dragon" and Other Ramblings

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"I Was a Teenage Dragon" and Other Ramblings Empty "I Was a Teenage Dragon" and Other Ramblings

Post  Mari Eir Fri Apr 30, 2010 3:34 pm

A brand new journal. Every other page is lined, it's opposite left completely blank for sketches or photos. The entries themselves appear to be the ramblings of a scatter-brain....

Temo is always carrying one around, so I thought I would start a journal too! ^o ^ My name is Mariella Tihkruvor Shehad. I'm 16 and go to school (sometimes) at a private academy! I'm a dragon and like flying, breathing fire, and Temo!

A lot has happened in my 6 years on Erinn. I first woke up in the Muyu desert, a familiar feeling emanating from the trees of the Karu forest. Some travelers found me eventually, and took me to Uladh Where I was put into a school in Tir Chonaill. I only took the academic classes, too scared of the magic. Plus I didn't really know how to speak like the people in Erinn, so they had to take extra time teaching me. Years have passed since then, until one day I met members of the Society. Nilios, then Kenelm, then Temo... And the rest is history~! I found a brother, Thomas, sister, Marialice, another brother, Creepy, and of course, Mama Soifa! I found my REAL sister too, Vorelanon, though I lost most of my soul doing so. But it's alright 'coz we are good friends now and she has a baby with Xeek! His name is Kenet Ixenkitril Shehad-Cersone! He's really cute, but since I kidnapped Fenrir and Roza and Katsu and Xenark and some elf named "Kemmy the Wench", They won't let me hold him. Isn't that mean!? >` O'< Oh well.

In recent events, I need to stop drinking! Temo wants me to, but Mama is ok with it. What to do~? Maybe not tell Temo and keep drinking sometimes? And Link seems really shy! We went to the hot springs together and he didn't want to get in! Temo went to beef up at the muscle-y spring, but when I got in, my chest grew! We must have been there a long time, 'coz poor sensitive Link got a nosebleed just then >__< So we left the springs and he spent the night at my house when Temo went for his nightly walk. He doesn't sleep, bleed, maybe even BREATH, that Temo. But I love him sooooooooo much~! He always knows how to make me feel better ^___^ That's all for now until something else happens! I'll make sure to write EVERYTHING down!

The entry took several of the lined pages, leaving all of the unlined blank except for the first. Here, a quick sketch was made

This is little Kenet~! I drew this while I was at my sister's house!
"I Was a Teenage Dragon" and Other Ramblings Kenet_10
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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"I Was a Teenage Dragon" and Other Ramblings Empty Re: "I Was a Teenage Dragon" and Other Ramblings

Post  Mari Eir Mon May 03, 2010 1:42 pm

The overall mood of this entry is far different from the first. In a few, spots there appear to be marks indicating that water drops or tears may have landed on the writing.

I don't know what to do. So much has happened. Death is truly every where, isn't it? We Milletians. Is living here in this world we we cannot die but out friends and comrades can some sort of punishment. Then again, we ourselves kill them as well. I got drunk again... Katsu found me. I was told she loved Temo and I just got so upset. I led her to the water near my favorite spot in Emain. The one with all the pretty white flowers. I tricked her into going in and tried to drown her. But she didn't die. Whiffle and I fought her, but others came along and stopped me. Katsu is a little girl and yet everyone forgave me. I even fireballed for the first time at everyone who tried to help. Aura, Angron, Kaye... even Temo. Katsu healed. Even she forgave me. I made her a necklace from a shell I told her to get. The trick I used to get her into the water. She still loves him, but I made sure she saw Temo kiss me to show her who was dominant. He's mine and mine alone, I don't care who I have to kill to prove that.

After this happened, we met Thomas and Acanthus, the vampire. He's kind of a weird man, but he seems trustworthy. We went to see Fenrir. Thomas was willing to kill some Emain army commander named Wolfe. Acan agreed as well, and this all seemed to please Fenrir. Thomas just wanted the war to end, as long as everyone else remained safe. I wasn't going to participate until I found out Wolfe believed Zwei about Xeek working for Fenrir. What if they try to kill him? Vorelanon would be left to raise yet another child alone. But Xeek is a Milletian. I just don't know. I don't want to risk it. Not with so-called death gods lurking around. I will have to make sure Wolfe dies before anyone finds out Xeek works for Fenrir. I don't care if Wolfe is a Milletian or not. He will be dead before this war arcs.

A few days later, Katsu was taken by her owner, Serth. He owned her soul and could track her with the binding contract that proved it. I sniffed Temo out, finding him in Vales. We met a man named Threse who turned out to be Serth in disguise. He had Katsu in a house wrapped in blankets. She was really sick. Thankfully, J and Thomas were there as well. Temo said that Serth needed to pay for the souls he took. A life for a life. They subdued him. J tortured Serth until he died, then Thomas used a feather to revive him. He died again. They had cut off his hands and seared the wound so he wouldn't bleed out. They then cut off his nose... I took mental note seeing as how just the other day, I realized I may have to subdue someone in this manner myself. If Wolfe is a Milletian, he will suffer the same way Serth did.

There is no label on the sketch
"I Was a Teenage Dragon" and Other Ramblings Journa10

Last edited by Mariella on Mon May 03, 2010 7:14 pm; edited 2 times in total
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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"I Was a Teenage Dragon" and Other Ramblings Empty Re: "I Was a Teenage Dragon" and Other Ramblings

Post  Mari Eir Mon May 03, 2010 1:57 pm

Though it starts off dreary, the mood is light. At least lighter than the entry prior.

After leaving Vales, I went back to Emain. My friend Azarune (Aza for short) was there. We talked about our past lives and how useless we had been to our people as their leaders. Before I was a dragon named Tihkruvor. A mighty warrior to my race known as the Jabberwock. I was beheaded by someone I trusted wielding the famed Vorpal sword. My sister Vorelanon (remaned Ignatia "Ichigo" Fields in Erinn) fell weeks before me. We were so useless against that damned sword...

Later, Xeek finally let me hold Kenet, he's almost a year old! He can understand what people say now! Well kinda > o< I also found Xenark. He wants to make friends and since i can nearly kill people and still keep my friends, He came to me! He fought Acanthus when he showed up though. Acanthus drinks blood and when Xenark was bleeding asked If I wanted to drink his. Creepy was there, and he's scared of blood, so I said no. I DO still wonder what it's like though! >__< Acan flipped when he saw a poster about a hunting group not wanting people like him around and he started destroying things. Creepy helped out with one of his golems and I chased him down. I lost him but, but Creepy followed. I found them in the forest, he was holding Creepy so I fire bolted him. He dropped him and ran away, I chased. Eventually, I found him killing Paladins-in-training. He was sucking their blood after, but when I grabbed Acan, more paladins were on the way. We ran and hide and Acan came back to his senses. When they were close to finding us, we ran into Coill forest. Acan destroyed the gates, locking the paladins inside while we ran

We went to Bean Rua, a good place to duck out. He was in disguise of course. Acan ordered rum for me. Temo was there too, writing in his journal. I don't remember much until I found myself in my underwear shivering from having swam in the water of Temo's favorite fishing spot. He fell asleep so I put my clothes back on and took him to the spot with all the flowers. Temo had never slept before, So I didn't wake him. Instead I fell asleep next to him, perfectly content.

This is a picture I drew of Acanthus from memory. He always scowls!

"I Was a Teenage Dragon" and Other Ramblings Journa11
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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"I Was a Teenage Dragon" and Other Ramblings Empty Re: "I Was a Teenage Dragon" and Other Ramblings

Post  Mari Eir Mon May 10, 2010 11:57 am

It happened. The day for Thomas, Acan, and myself to kill Wolfe had come. Thomas said it could stop the war. Fewer casualties would be nice. But Zwei got in the way. Xeek got hurt and we failed to kill Wolfe. The war continued as planned. I left with Thomas to go see Fenrir after we had managed to escape Wolfe's forces. I had blown the bridge out with a fireball, and with nothing but water surrounding, It would be hard for the armored Knights to chase us. We ran into another small force along the way. Enemies. They let us slip past though, still being in my old school uniform may have helped. From what I heard from my sister, she fought too. She went to find Xeek and Vorelanon really can't resist shooting things..... She says Xeek won the final battle and she's glad to finally have a "real winner". I wonder if Temo will ever be a "real winner", but I like him the way he is now. He said that if it came down to it, he'd die for me though, and that he really DOES like me more than other people...

Vorelanon said that Xeek now owns Dunbarton.. Even though paying for half of the contractors is coming out of our wallet. I always liked Dunbarton. She said she wanted to rename the school "Cersone Academy" and just to be polite may rename the library "Fenrir Hall". She wants to turn Stewart's old office into a nursery as well. She loves kids. I plan on living there with my whole family, we'll be like aristocracy! Temo said he would visit often too. Speaking of Temo, I stuffed a bunch of gems into him. Well, he only ate one, the other three he absorbed through his hands... It was really weird, but I guess that's what spirit weapons normally do. But afterward, he got really emotional (or as emotional as Temo gets). He looked like he was about to cry and started talking about a woman and a baby. If this is part of his memories, I don't like it, especially since he started to experience heartache. I just wanted him to be able to feel in other places, UGH! It's not fair that he can feel pain, but not love...

Oh, and I figured out what Temo likes to see on a woman!! But I'm not gonna write it here BECAUSE VORELANON HAS BEEN READING MY JOURNAL!!! And I am NOT going to put something here that she can tease me with = A=

Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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"I Was a Teenage Dragon" and Other Ramblings Empty Re: "I Was a Teenage Dragon" and Other Ramblings

Post  Mari Eir Tue May 18, 2010 11:39 am

A lot has happened since I've last had time to write. Really good things, horribly bad things, and some things that have just been confusing. Aura's baby, Flower is a year old now and Kenet is three. They're both really cute, and if Aura can keep Flower alive, I bet they'll be the best of friends! Vorelanon and Xeek are doing a good job with Dunbarton, even with the strange creatures around. A few people in the town died, though. Not all people can be convinced that Fomors aren't always bad. I was able to convince Ryuu Zen however, along with Vorelanon's help. He may look kind of scrawny, but he's really good with a bow! Vorelanon is talking about enlisting other people, too. She wants to go to Rabbie and Math and talk to the Fomors there. But I'm worried about her. Kobolds don't always like talking to people, Fomor or not, and my sister is really pretty so what if the Succubi attack her? Maybe she should take one of the domestic Cubi with her. The good thing is that even though times are bad, a lot of friends are helping out! Aza takes care of the children at the nursery, Krystal and Temo have joined the guards like Ryuu Zen did. They can see beyond Xeek's position as a soldier for Fenrir. Even though We don't really support Fenrir. My sister says she supports herself and her family, I will do the same. I hope Mama is alright in all of this chaos. Haven't seen her in a while and she caused trouble with an ogre guard a while back...

On a different note, I did some bad things. Things that Temo should hate me for. He gave me his heart, a pendant, like the one I gave him, and he says he loves me. And I didn't even have to teach him to say it, like how to give me massages or clean the house. He says it on his own!! He forgave me though, and told me that he is who he is because of me. And that even when I do bad stuff, he still loves me. No one else but my family feels that way about me, so it makes me really happy! I think I can finally forget about my time with Dranis. Or at least I thought I could until he came to visit. He said he was "visiting old friends". I didn't buy it, but he didn't try to pull anything, so it wasn't that bad. Tumtum seems to still love Dranis a lot, though. Stupid plant, doesn't know he tried to kill me. Dranis said he didn't have a choice. Eventually, I had to go to Dunbarton to help out with stuff, Vorelanon says it's kind of like my job and that I owe her for all the stuff she sent me before she was sealed away. We're still rich, so what's the point?

There is a page devoted to a list of sorts after the main entry.

Good points:
-Temo loves me!!! That's the best one!
-People are warming up a little more to the Fomors in Dunbarton!
-All the little kids at the nursery, they're so cute! Even though I don't want my own...

Bad points:
-Weird attacks on a lot of cities, people are dying!
-Was really mean to Hyuponia. I need to apologize...

-Since Kenet learned to call "HELP!", I can hold him more often!!
-Thomas spanked me. Still not sure how I feel about that...
-Haven't seen Katsu in a while. Sure she's fiiiiine, though!
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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"I Was a Teenage Dragon" and Other Ramblings Empty Re: "I Was a Teenage Dragon" and Other Ramblings

Post  Mari Eir Sat May 29, 2010 11:00 am

It would appear as though the writer has purposely omitted the use of certain names, only referring to them as "him" and "her"

I just don't understand anymore. First, he told me he loved me, then he told me he loved her as well. I tried teaching him about love since he had learned farming. I told him love was like a farm and if you tried to take care of two in only the time it takes to take care of one, they'll both wither and die. You can only nurture one since there are many plants, like a lover's emotions, that need to be tended to. Oddly enough, I think he understood. He made his decision, which one of us he'd choose. He chose to let us decide for ourselves. I hate him, or rather wish I COULD hate him. He's tearing my heart apart and I'm letting him.

Something happened between Creepy and I as well. We kept arguing over the dumbest stuff. And when Ms. Jaeden the cursed cow came along, he complimented her in that stupid disguise instead of telling me how pretty my new ribbon was. He said I was fat too, indirectly though. I was feeling really self conscious so we went to the springs. While I was "bathing", Creepy disappeared, so I went to look for him. He ignored me, but since he was fine I just left him. Later, "she" arrived and we got into a fight. Creepy said he could make me stop worrying about him and attacked me with his water cannon! I tried fighting him as a dragon, but I forgot I was wet and dragons hate water....

After the first fight, we started yelling and he threw a rock at me and then he used a golem. Probably because I tackled him. It hit "him" instead, then went to attack "her", but she countered it. I called Creepy Venyua, his real name. I had learned it a long time ago, I don't even remember how. But it was enough to make him stop. I called Mama to punish him. She fell from the sky juuuuuust when I needed her! But later she sent me a note saying she was no longer my mama.... What is happening? The one I love, the one I hate, my own little brother and now Mama... I just want to scream. And I did. I didn't know what to feel anymore, so I attacked the wyverns above the springs. My wings still have bandages on them. I guess I just wanted to justify all the pain I was feeling. It wasn't right that I could feel so much pain from another person (except Creepy) without being hit...
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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"I Was a Teenage Dragon" and Other Ramblings Empty Shinnichi's List of People to Keep Track of

Post  Mari Eir Sat May 29, 2010 11:39 am

List of people I have encountered:

Ichigo: Dunbarton, headmistress, co-leader of Dunbarton, gets along with Succubi surprisingly, very beautiful, fiery, red head, good with a bow, dragon, fiancee of Xeek, mother of Kenet, loyal wife.

Xeek: Dunbarton, co-leader of Dunbarton, thinks I hit on his wife, hates Cubi or just me, still not sure, very strong, very easily upset, dragon, dragon temper, red head, illiterate, father of Kenet, good father, kind of dumb.

Lady Dalvar: Light pole, ebony, grace, goddess, hell cat, gentle, love triangle, friend of Liiam, very bashful, pretty in pink

Azarune: Day care, manager, loves children, loves Zeffie, may have unearthed feelings for Aura, nice butt, wears green well, Incubus potential, needs to smile more.

Ms. Aura: Library, ivory, fox ears like horns - mustn't touch, fluffy tail, Flower's mother, bad at naming sons, good listener, "mate" of Angron, may have unearthed feelings for Azarune, short skirts, nice body, odd speech patterns, loves being naked.

Calvius: Library, young Incubus, lives on Qilla beach*, not raised around Cubi, mute, very fidgety, no outstanding feeling in horns, tiny wings, cute face, lots of potential.

Vayne: Bridge, wolf ears like horns? Tail, changes into wolf, spare the rod spoil the child, soft touch as a father, needs to discipline harder, lovely fiancee Krystal, hated by soon-to-be step son Bant, loved by Zennosuke <3, hated by most children actually, brazen, foolish, tries to do everything by himself, good listener.

Xenny: School, small, very cute but androgynous, shows her figure well in certain robes, good with ice, loves library more than people, ex-wife of Angron, blind but still "sees", shot Shota <3 down petty quickly. Boy needs more practice anyway.

Angron: Schoolyard, "mate" of Aura, soldier, MIA for two years, flower piddles on him, blonde, pretty boy face, unworthy of Aura.

Krystal: Vayne's house, very lovely, loves Fomors, looks strong, loves Vayne, mother of Bant Hallonna, has another son Ian, not a very firm mother, needs to spank children more.

Roza: Bridge, ill-behaved, loves snake, needs more discipline, needs a firm hand to her backside before she's too old, needs to go to school more, terrible grammar, striking yellow eyes, only listens to what sounds good to her rather than what IS good for her.

Soifa: Library, Elf? Eats nightmares, deathly allergic to iron, loves coffee, mother of Creepy Mariella and Ichigo, fears being trapped easily, can change into other things and people, useful against Fenrir.

Creepy: Library, has many nightmares, calls mother "Soifa" rather than mom, very tiny, Erinn born, very feeble and fragile, hates healers, stabbed in the jaw, may not be able to speak for a while.

Will write more later.
(*Have no been to Qilla beach, though Shotarou tells me it is absolutely smashing! I simply MUST take the family there!)
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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