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New Power for Liiam/Mordeus

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New Power for Liiam/Mordeus Empty New Power for Liiam/Mordeus

Post  Darian Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:34 pm

After thinking about it for a longlonglong time and realizing that I'm two levels from hitting R5 in SoC I'm decided to post up this power for review.

"I Hang With Dead People". Liiam is capable of speaking with the dead and learning information from them. He cannot contact spirits that have fully passed on, only those that are stuck on the 'earthly' plane. Also, he can see and recognize ghosts and other spirits for what they truly are. This includes undead such as a skeleton in disguise or a vampire (if they ever show up again).

Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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New Power for Liiam/Mordeus Empty Re: New Power for Liiam/Mordeus

Post  Dalvar Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:43 pm

Well, this power is fine and all [I approve].
But when are you ever... You know... Going to be able to USE it?

And most people in Erinn are dead.
So what about them?
[I'm talking soul streamers, here]

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New Power for Liiam/Mordeus Empty Re: New Power for Liiam/Mordeus

Post  Darian Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:48 pm

Well, I don't know. My back-up idea was that he could sense the particular 'evils' that he's known to take vengeance for (murder, rape, oppression of poor people), but he's not famous enough right now.

Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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New Power for Liiam/Mordeus Empty Re: New Power for Liiam/Mordeus

Post  Dalvar Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:52 pm


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New Power for Liiam/Mordeus Empty Re: New Power for Liiam/Mordeus

Post  Veleth Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:56 pm

The first idea I don't see an issue with, merely because of Dalvar's statement. Most people in Erinn are dead.

As for the second idea, I'd want a great deal of information on it. I mean, anyone who has completed G2 would be a murderer and you'd need a specific murder of what type of people... Pretty much everyon has killed fomorians on a regular basis.
Gummy Sandworm
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New Power for Liiam/Mordeus Empty Re: New Power for Liiam/Mordeus

Post  Jtipton Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:07 pm

Strictly speaking, you can get through G2 without directly committing murder...Accessory during and after the fact, yes, but not murder. The paladins will happily slaughter the murder case in Math if you don't, and as for the final part...Well, it's not murder if the other party is in the middle of attempting to kill you, a certain red-head's stupid rantings aside. In that particular case, the worst you could be accused of is involuntary manslaughter, since the death was more the result of trying to kill someone else without knowing he'd die as a result.

...Er, more on topic, I can't see much wrong with the first power. Being that most Soul-streamers are technically undead and most undead creatures can be seen by anyone, the only real difference is communication with them outside of 'NOT THE FACE! NOT THE FACE!!!'

...The second one, I can't really say yea or nay on. O_o

Kandy Korn Ogre
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New Power for Liiam/Mordeus Empty Re: New Power for Liiam/Mordeus

Post  Veleth Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:20 pm

I was speaking more about the innocent person who was killed by the user. *mentions the word 'user' and immediately thinks "Warning.... Incoming Game... Warning... Incoming Game"

Where was I?
Gummy Sandworm
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New Power for Liiam/Mordeus Empty Re: New Power for Liiam/Mordeus

Post  Captincrunch Wed Apr 28, 2010 3:09 pm

Just outside the dinner on Baudway

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New Power for Liiam/Mordeus Empty Re: New Power for Liiam/Mordeus

Post  Darian Wed Apr 28, 2010 4:48 pm

Hmmm, well I really can't think of how my back-up would apply to the game since it would depend, solely on people being willing to divulge info in a honest manner.

"I CAN SMELLZ UR EBIL" (Title is Work in Progress)

Liiam is able to detect the after-effects of a violent or extra-ordinarily selfish act for a short time. Since he is more about punishing the wicked and those who take advantage of the innocent and helpless, only those crimes committed with evil intention will linger. The 'scent' fades quickly with even major crimes disappearing without too much delay. The act must have been done with selfish or malignant intent. Therefore, the Paladins of Emain while complete dilweeds would not qualify because they were too stupid to get what was going on (using the G2 example). The rate the smell would disipate equals 1 major transgression (murder for pleasure or money) or 2 minor transgressions (inducting a unfair taxation policy) per RL day.

Note: I actually don't really like this . . . It's um . . . dull? I mean, I guess it kind of works like a 'detect evil' spell in D&D but I have *no* idea how I'd represent it in game. Except with Arat berries? I got an idea for a different one that might actually work better.

"Answer to your prayers"

If someone feels they have suffered a great evil or are currently suffering one, they (if they know to) can call out to Mordeus and he will hear them. He will know who is calling, what the nature of the evil is and who the perpetrator is. Naturally, this would work best if I was logged on all the time, but TOO BAD. The function would be almost identical to 'owls send mail!' except it could be done even in the middle of combat. I figure this advantage would be mitigated by the fact that you could count the number of people who would do this on one hand.

Note: I actually like the 3rd one more, so I'd like to offer that one up for review. I don't think it'll be too overpowering because the only thing it does is allow him to show up and not needing an explanation as to who needs saving/killing. Alternatively, I could just hold it in reserve and wait on it?

Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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New Power for Liiam/Mordeus Empty Re: New Power for Liiam/Mordeus

Post  Dalvar Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:31 am

Liiam wrote:I figure this advantage would be mitigated by the fact that you could count the number of people who would do this on one hand.
Liiam is not quite up-to-date on the number of people who know that Mordeus exists, is he?

Edit: I really like the third one.
And it has a catchy title!

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New Power for Liiam/Mordeus Empty Re: New Power for Liiam/Mordeus

Post  Darian Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:43 am

Dalvar wrote:Liiam is not quite up-to-date on the number of people who know that Mordeus exists, is he?

Edit: I really like the third one.
And it has a catchy title!

Um, no? Apparently not? How many?

Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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New Power for Liiam/Mordeus Empty Re: New Power for Liiam/Mordeus

Post  Veleth Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:10 am

The only way my characters know about Liiam/Mordeus is via Jaeden's explanation that he's her 'boss'. Galin's my only character to have met him personally.

As for the 3rd power, I see no issue with the 3rd power other then a single point. "what the nature of the evil is and who the perpetrator is"
Can you explain how this works as it would be subjective. I mean, technically this could be used by anyone who knows who he is, correct?
Gummy Sandworm
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New Power for Liiam/Mordeus Empty Re: New Power for Liiam/Mordeus

Post  Darian Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:35 am

Galin wrote: As for the 3rd power, I see no issue with the 3rd power other then a single point. "what the nature of the evil is and who the perpetrator is"
Can you explain how this works as it would be subjective. I mean, technically this could be used by anyone who knows who he is, correct?

Yeah, basically. Heh, that might be better as it could give him the chance to be wrong for once. I know that ICly Dalvar is tired of Liiam saying 'Toldja so'.

Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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New Power for Liiam/Mordeus Empty Re: New Power for Liiam/Mordeus

Post  Dalvar Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:42 am

Dal's gotten... Five people to believe in him?
[Soon to be more... Dal told Al she'd tell him about the gods of Erinn.]
And that isn't including Jae, Sy, and Dal herself.
And anyone they have told about him.

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New Power for Liiam/Mordeus Empty Re: New Power for Liiam/Mordeus

Post  Dellinger Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:28 am

Just a note, because Dal's got it wrong.
Syiano doesn't believe in Liiam as a God, per-say.
He's seen very little proof, but had that one talk with Liiam.
He worships what he considers the 'real' Gods of Erinn.

Remember, natural born priest.

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New Power for Liiam/Mordeus Empty Re: New Power for Liiam/Mordeus

Post  Dalvar Thu Apr 29, 2010 1:00 pm

I thought he decided that Liiam was a god but not a native one and therefore not worthy of worship.
Or something of that.
I dunno.
I stand corrected.

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New Power for Liiam/Mordeus Empty Re: New Power for Liiam/Mordeus

Post  Darian Tue May 11, 2010 9:02 am

Okay, I'm going to go with 'Answer to your Prayers' with the idea that as long as someone calls out his name, willingly invoking a god/random guy known for stabbing people he can be aware of their prayer as well as the reason for it. He only knows what's going on from *their* perspective not the truth of the matter.

Also, I got Life Drain so I'm going to assume it's okay to edit that particular part of the powers section to reflect that.

Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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New Power for Liiam/Mordeus Empty Re: New Power for Liiam/Mordeus

Post  Temo Tue May 11, 2010 12:18 pm

Right so...I'm sorry, but I'm a little lost on exactly which powers we're supposed to be reviewing now. Would you mind putting everything into one post to look at? Or am I just blind and missing it? Sad
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New Power for Liiam/Mordeus Empty Re: New Power for Liiam/Mordeus

Post  Dalvar Tue May 11, 2010 12:20 pm

This power, Gate. -->

Liiam wrote:Okay, I'm going to go with 'Answer to your Prayers' with the idea that as long as someone calls out his name, willingly invoking a god/random guy known for stabbing people he can be aware of their prayer as well as the reason for it. He only knows what's going on from *their* perspective not the truth of the matter.

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New Power for Liiam/Mordeus Empty Re: New Power for Liiam/Mordeus

Post  Darian Tue May 11, 2010 12:27 pm

(This is the new applied for power below.)

"Answer to your prayers"

If someone feels they have suffered a great evil or are currently suffering one, they (if they know to) can call out to Mordeus and he will hear them. He will know who is calling, what the nature of the evil is and who the perpetrator is. The function would be almost identical to 'owls send mail!' except it could be done even in the middle of combat. I figure this advantage would be mitigated by the fact that you could count the number of people who would do this on one hand. All information gained in this way is based entirely off the sender's perceptions and is therefore subject to their misinterpretations. IE: If the people who are 'suffering' are wrong about something than Liiam's information going into the situation is wrong in the same way.

(The one below is a bit late, because I've used it. I didn't realize before that it counted as a 'power' since it's more of a disadvantage than anything.)

"Owls don't like me." This is a 'power' in that Liiam uses crows and ravens in the same way as others use owls. He cannot see through their eyes or know their thoughts but they can repeat a message verbatim in a creepy/croaking voice, instead of a letter. Advantages over owls? It's scarier. Disadvantage, he can't receive owl messages in the wild. I've RP this for a while, but I figure it's something I should put up.

(I'd also like permission to change the existing approved powers thread to read that he *has* Life Drain instead of saying that 'it will count when he gets it', since I got it recently.)

Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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New Power for Liiam/Mordeus Empty Re: New Power for Liiam/Mordeus

Post  Veleth Tue May 11, 2010 12:31 pm

I have no problems with this, as long as he doesn't instantly appear at their side or anything like that. And it certainly has it's drawbacks. I'll feel bad for Liiam if his enemies get knowledge of this, because he'll be dealing with a huge headache all the time.

I see no issue with the use of crows instead of owls. Purely cosmetic though I must do this because you failed to report it. *unleashes Perin on Liiam* Sorry. Had to be done.
Gummy Sandworm
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New Power for Liiam/Mordeus Empty Re: New Power for Liiam/Mordeus

Post  Darian Thu May 13, 2010 8:29 pm

Soooo can I edit the approved powers set to reflect what we've been talking about?

Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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New Power for Liiam/Mordeus Empty Re: New Power for Liiam/Mordeus

Post  Darian Sun May 16, 2010 1:04 pm

*whines* Pay attention to meeeeeeeee . . .

Can I edit the 'approved power list' with these modifications?

Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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New Power for Liiam/Mordeus Empty Re: New Power for Liiam/Mordeus

Post  Captincrunch Sun May 16, 2010 9:02 pm

Yup - just edit and put them here as a new post .. italicize or highlight the changes to make it easier for the reading challenged.

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New Power for Liiam/Mordeus Empty Re: New Power for Liiam/Mordeus

Post  Darian Sun May 16, 2010 9:05 pm

Just discovered, THAT I CAN'T. It's locked to mods only. Thanks for approving it, though, Cap.

Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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