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The Elven Mage Feraimyth

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The Elven Mage Feraimyth Empty The Elven Mage Feraimyth

Post  Kayeori Mon Apr 26, 2010 10:01 pm

Name: Feraimyth
Age: 50+ (Looks like a Teenager)
Race Origin: Unknown
Game Race: Elf
Family: None
Hobbies: Reading and Studying things that interest him
Weapon of Choice: Wands (Knowledge may be power... but books are not weapons.)
Hair: Eweca blue
Eyes: Eweca Blue
Favorite Food: Undecided
How he came to be in Erinn:
It is unclear just how Ferai came to be in the world of Erinn. The earliest memories he has is of Castanea telling him about the land and that he was the newest Elf fresh from the Soul Stream. From that moment forward he was told about the history of the Elves and how they were plagued with the troubles caused by the Physis Giants. He had been warned many times never to fight a Giant on his own, but to report the sighting to the guards. He watched as other Elves took to the bow like any other, and the few who did not took up sword and shield. He on the other hand was not skilled in either. In time he learned how do use a bow effectively, but close quarters combat he could never grasp. If things came to that he would either faint, literally, or go invisible to escape. He had heard about magic from a few of the elders and began to research it in his spare time. Thus far he has learned to cast the heal spell, but worries about attempting to learn other spells. He had been told before that relying on magic alone would surely seal his fate. Aside from trying to dodge his turn at dungeon patrol he had taking a liking to traveling from time to time. It was refreshing to get out of Filia and the desert. Visiting places like Cor village and the Qilla base camp in Rano seemed like really nice places. The sight of the ocean called out to him to go further, but his task was finished and the need to get back to Filia was more pressing. But maybe... Maybe one day...

The character through the eyes of the player:
I made this character for two main reasons. The first was because I really wanted to make a male elf. This was just because I wanted a male and female of each race. So I now have that. The second reason was simply because Sulia made Lunneth and I was like omg I wanna make a pure mage too! Yes I know I'm such a follower sometimes.
Dessert Dragon
Dessert Dragon

Posts : 1655
Join date : 2008-04-30
Age : 41
Location : Chillin in Sulia's pants.

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