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New Member - Soifa

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New Member - Soifa Empty New Member - Soifa

Post  Guest Sun Feb 28, 2010 2:03 am

Character Name: Soifa

How You Heard About The RP Society: Met Captincrunch at the cooking contest, and inquired about the guild. It sounded like what I was looking for.

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? I am going to estimate about 3 to 4 years.

Is English Your First Language? Yes. I am not fluent in any other language, but do know a rather...tiny amount of French.

A Short Biography Of Your Character: An elf with deep blue eyes radiating sadness, matching hair frames half her face. As depressed as her face makes her look, Soifa puts on an arrogant front. She likes to appear strong for her sister, Roze. Soifa ignores the elf-giant war entirely, and secretly has feelings for a giant by the name of Teoxihuitl. Family history is kept a close secret between the sisters, most suspect something really bad happened to them, but when Soifa is asked, she merely shrugs and changes the subject. Soifa has a love for fancy clothing and fancy food, and tends to spend much of her money on things like expensive outfits with matching hats and delicious treats for her and her sister.

What type of character do you play? Arcane ranger, dabbles in cooking and music playing, with a cocky personality and a love of hats.

What is your Mabinogi schedule? I get on a good amount, almost every day. Sometimes I miss a day, though. I attend college, all my days start at 8:30 am (central time), the earliest it ends is 11:30am, but some days go on to about 4pm.


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New Member - Soifa Empty Re: New Member - Soifa

Post  Dalvar Sun Feb 28, 2010 2:21 am

Very much approved.

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Join date : 2008-08-14
Age : 32

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New Member - Soifa Empty Re: New Member - Soifa

Post  Temo Sun Feb 28, 2010 2:22 am

I COULD approve on it, but I'd like to hear a little more about her life story and less about her personality. Though she does seem to be a sweet girl. Surprised
Burrito Bison

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New Member - Soifa Empty Re: New Member - Soifa

Post  Guest Sun Feb 28, 2010 2:47 am

Very well, here is more history. Hope you enjoy! Very Happy

Born in Filia, Soifa has only hazy memories of her parents, them having left shortly after Rozenetta was born. Only 4 years old at the time, Soifa had no one she could truly rely on. When Castanea took the sisters in, Soifa always felt unwanted and out of place, like something was missing. Once she became 15, Soifa felt she was old enough to explore the world to find what she was missing, and when she left, she had Roze stay behind. Soifa traveled to many places, and picked up many different hobbies, but nothing filled the emptiness she felt. After a few months, Soifa grew tired of the world, though she knew she had not explored it all, and settled in Tir Chonaill for a while, doing jobs and honing her skills to earn money. It was in her stay in Tir that Soifa finally decided to get her henna, done by herself of course. She couldn't trust a human with something so important. This was also the place where Soifa first met Teoxihuitl, a giant who she became friends with quickly, and shortly fell in love with. She has yet to tell him, as the Elf-Giant War has her scared, even though Soifa tries to ignore it. After a while, Soifa decided that, even though she never fit in, she should at least send Castanea a letter to let her know she was alright.

Shortly after the letter was sent, Soifa was pleasently surprised to find out Roze had seen the note, and tracked her down to Tir. Roze stuck close to her once they were reunited, something Soifa didn't mind in the least. Soifa was told about Teyh, about the love Roze held for him, and about how he had disappeared. She promised her sister she would help her find him, but soon found out he had passed away. Soifa never told Roze this, and had since tried to keep her mind off her missing love and focus her on moving on.

Soifa is currently just casually exploring the world of Erinn with her sister and her small group of acquaintances she has begun to trust.


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New Member - Soifa Empty Re: New Member - Soifa

Post  Temo Sun Feb 28, 2010 3:46 am

Alrighty, I'm sold. :3

*Stamps for approval!*
Burrito Bison

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Age : 38
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New Member - Soifa Empty Re: New Member - Soifa

Post  Captincrunch Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:41 am

And people say its a waste of time to participate in the cookoffs Rolling Eyes
I won't say anything since I'm the instigator in this case. Wink

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New Member - Soifa Empty Re: New Member - Soifa

Post  Guest Sun Feb 28, 2010 12:45 pm

I know that giant. *Flails* DX


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New Member - Soifa Empty Re: New Member - Soifa

Post  Guest Sun Feb 28, 2010 1:08 pm

Ha ha, really? I'm kinda dating him in real life, but alas...our elf-giant love may never be in our fantasy life. D:

Cooking contests are the best use of time...ever.


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New Member - Soifa Empty Re: New Member - Soifa

Post  Dalvar Sun Feb 28, 2010 3:13 pm

I will be a good enough cook to take part.
One day...

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Age : 32

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New Member - Soifa Empty Re: New Member - Soifa

Post  Elissa Sun Feb 28, 2010 7:15 pm

Dalvar wrote:I will be a good enough cook to take part.
One day...

Yeah.... One day XD
Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

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New Member - Soifa Empty Re: New Member - Soifa

Post  Xeek Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:19 pm

Dalvar wrote:I will be a good enough cook to take part.
One day...

You will Dal, but.. Lai will always be ahead of you :3.

On a more topic related note. I approves. *nodnod* With all these elfs/giants ignoring the war, is there really a war?

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New Member - Soifa Empty Re: New Member - Soifa

Post  Jtipton Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:32 pm

I approve...For what it's worth. xP

...To answer you as well, Xenark...The elf-giant war is being led by a big cry-baby warmonger on one side, and a soul who abuses the ability to remove memories to keep everyone loyal to them on the other. There is enough evidence on both sides that those with a lick of sense would likely refuse to fight their war.

Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

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New Member - Soifa Empty Re: New Member - Soifa

Post  Temo Mon Mar 01, 2010 5:51 am

Would the alliance for the incidents in G9 be seen as something separate then? Maybe sympathizers or those attempting to put an end to the fighting? Though both sides still do talk of tension between the races...
Burrito Bison

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New Member - Soifa Empty Re: New Member - Soifa

Post  Captincrunch Mon Mar 01, 2010 8:18 pm

I think that a threat greater than the both of them has forced those willing to save their people to work with the others.
The enemy of my enemy is my ally even if I hate his guts ..... or some such.

Now back to the topic of this thread.
I see 3+ positive responses and questions raised addressed.
So by the power of Greykull .... ahem .... I welcome our latest member into the guild.
I now pass responsibility onto the mentoring team. *skulks away*

Posts : 2470
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Age : 113
Location : Armpit of '

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