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New Member-Yataku

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New Member-Yataku Empty New Member-Yataku

Post  Yataku Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:09 am

Character Name: Yataku

How You Heard About The RP Society:

I wanted to join since I was lvl one =w=

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying?

Eh, a while.
Is English Your First Language?

That it is.
A Short Biography Of Your Character:

My name is Bartos Yataku Qubaki. I don’t like to brag but I think it is a grand name. Now, Im sure you are all dying to know the man behind the name. I don't blame you really. My inner most thoughts makes even the deepest poet at a lost for words~

My personality has been called many things. I find it hard to put into words but, if I must, it is a beautiful one. I am the kind of person who can see the beauty in everyone no matter how hard they try to hide it. I am someone who is in love with love. Yelling, fighting, violence, all things I like to avoid. the old saying "Im a lover not a fighter" I think fits nicely. Like all people I have a fault or two. Like, for one, I'm too kind. Yes, I am too nice for my own good sometimes. Once in a while I have been told I have a slight ego but, comments like that are few and far between.

With that out the way..

Now, how I came to join this world.

Like Erinn, my world also had use of magic. Its was a common practice for families but, there were a select few who were above and beyond the norm. Of course, there were those who used the magic for personal gain at the expense of others. That is why my, Id guess you'd call him, teacher was one of the people loved so dearly by my land. He, along with a few others, had taken it upon themselves to do away with any threats to innocent people.
I was given opportunity to learn all that he had to teach. and to take his place if the time came. I have to admit, I was not the best at it. many mistakes were made but, he didn't get cross.
Why was I picked?
I was a perfect choice. There was no time for play, no time to spend with family. There was no time for much of a personal life. All things that I was lacking to begin with. I was born with a medical condition. My body, for lack of a better term, was toxic. From my first victim, my mother, to the many others who had gotten to close, I had ended their life with my touch. The effects were not long and painful. No. At least, they were all quick and painless.
As my skin comes in contact with another person, toxins are transferred. If exposed for more then four minuets of constant contact, you will, without a doubt, be killed. How I came to carry this, is unknown to me. It is rumor that it was a curse set on my mother or father. Still, this is only rumor.
After the connection of me being the cause, I was, of course given no physical affection. And little emotional. Im told I took my sisters life as well as a din mother I had. Other deaths were those who did not know of my condition and grew ill soon after meeting me. Yes, it is possible to live from a light touch of my body, it is still something that can end in death.
Back on topic......
I had been with him years. He was the only person who was not afraid of death by my hands. I knew that I would always be careful to make sure I didn't break this unspoken trust.
Then, came that day.
A dark mage, much too strong for my skill level, had invaded our area of protection. I was told to stay back. And like a coward, I did. I watched them fight. I watched the dark mage use the most foul play of skills. Still, my teacher held his own without any signs of struggle. I knew who would win. My teacher was hardly using energy with this threat. Clearly, the dark mage knew, because his sights now laid on me..
You know where this is going, right?
As dark matter was sent toward us both, I froze. Caught off guard by the sudden attack. Shielding both himself and I, my master had to use a great amount of his strength to make sure I lived. The second shot aimed only at my teacher again was taken without the smallest of barriers.
A large hole now sat center of his chest. He was hit and was slowly dying. Fallen over on his stomach, he took strained gasps for air. There was nothing I could do. My healing skills were not even close to handling this. Even in his bodies state of shock, he was in pain. So, I did the only thing Icould do for him. I gave him the numbing touch i possessed to make its death painless.
The only person didn't fear my touch life was ended just like all the others.
When the darkmage targeted me. I didn't care. Even if by some chance I did live, I had no reason to keep going.
That is my past in a nutshell. Still, I have come to like this world~ Sooo much touching and no death! Of course, I would like to know why exactly I was picked above, say, my teacher, but I'm told there are no coincidences. maybe I had to reason to live in my world. But, just maybe, Ill find one here.

Type of character you play?
Mage ;D

What is your Mabinogi schedule?

I play too often

I RP in third person ><'

LIke I said, i never RPed on a game o-o how does one like.. start?

Last edited by Yataku on Fri Sep 25, 2009 3:29 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : WANTED D=<)
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member-Yataku Empty Re: New Member-Yataku

Post  Temo Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:33 am

I like this, though I do have a small question - it doesn't really affect my decision but I'm curious. Is that... "ailment" stuck with him in Erinn too? o.o

Approved, btw.
Burrito Bison

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New Member-Yataku Empty Re: New Member-Yataku

Post  Yataku Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:56 am

Gatemo wrote:I like this, though I do have a small question - it doesn't really affect my decision but I'm curious. Is that... "ailment" stuck with him in Erinn too? o.o

Approved, btw.
Yes >> << Yes it does.
But because of no death, I thought of his touch just being numbing or sickening
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member-Yataku Empty Re: New Member-Yataku

Post  Jaeden Fri Sep 25, 2009 6:04 am

I very rarely say anything on the registration forms, especially if I don't already know the person. However your story is extremely interesting. Almost like Rogue from Marvel's X-Men, a favorite of mine. I think you'll fit in perfectly.

As for role playing in third person, I personally feel that it actually looks better than first person actions. You'll find several other people who feel the same way.

Actual in game RPing will come to you. I used to only RP through forums and e-mails (still hate doing it through messengers for some odd reason) and it was difficult for me to get into the groove of doing it in a game. There's different ways of saying the exact same thing. Some people try to do forum style type replies, using quotations and brief descriptions. Other people achieve the same thing just through using ** to denote actions. If you want an extra boost, you can ask one of our lovely members to walk your character around ~ they're all quite friendly and tend not to bite. Except for Xeek.

I'm still a neeb at it =P
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

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New Member-Yataku Empty Re: New Member-Yataku

Post  Yataku Fri Sep 25, 2009 6:16 am

Jaeden wrote:I very rarely say anything on the registration forms, especially if I don't already know the person. However your story is extremely interesting. Almost like Rogue from Marvel's X-Men, a favorite of mine. I think you'll fit in perfectly.

As for role playing in third person, I personally feel that it actually looks better than first person actions. You'll find several other people who feel the same way.

Actual in game RPing will come to you. I used to only RP through forums and e-mails (still hate doing it through messengers for some odd reason) and it was difficult for me to get into the groove of doing it in a game. There's different ways of saying the exact same thing. Some people try to do forum style type replies, using quotations and brief descriptions. Other people achieve the same thing just through using ** to denote actions. If you want an extra boost, you can ask one of our lovely members to walk your character around ~ they're all quite friendly and tend not to bite. Except for Xeek.

I'm still a neeb at it =P

XD I guess it is kinda like her. +1failpoint for me.

Yeah, I was a RP chat person/messanger (Emails never got me because I never knew when tochange scenes or something x.x ). The main reason I didnt join sooner is because I was not sure how game RPing worked. But, I might take you up on the walk around.
Im now scared of Xeek D:!
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member-Yataku Empty Re: New Member-Yataku

Post  Jaeden Fri Sep 25, 2009 6:18 am

DX Don't be afraid of the Xeeks! They just like to gang up on top up people and gnaw on their heads :3
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

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New Member-Yataku Empty Re: New Member-Yataku

Post  Jinnhin Fri Sep 25, 2009 6:37 am

You're in without a doubt or a need for a mentor.
A mentor can still remain an option that you can take at any time you wished.
This is a semi-rare sight. Agreed?

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New Member-Yataku Empty Re: New Member-Yataku

Post  Yataku Fri Sep 25, 2009 6:41 am

Jinnhin wrote:You're in without a doubt or a need for a mentor.
A mentor can still remain an option that you can take at any time you wished.
This is a semi-rare sight. Agreed?

Dayum D:
A+ or F-

Worse Day Ever!
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member-Yataku Empty Re: New Member-Yataku

Post  Jinnhin Fri Sep 25, 2009 6:42 am

I would say an A+

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New Member-Yataku Empty Re: New Member-Yataku

Post  Jaeden Fri Sep 25, 2009 6:48 am

Jinnhin wrote:You're in without a doubt or a need for a mentor.
A mentor can still remain an option that you can take at any time you wished.
This is a semi-rare sight. Agreed?

Agreed =) Very, very awesome thing to wake up to in the morning!
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

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New Member-Yataku Empty Re: New Member-Yataku

Post  Dellinger Fri Sep 25, 2009 9:47 am

Very nice bio overall. I would say I thoroughly enjoyed the read last night
(when I was half conscious)
and right now
(when I was still half conscious but not as "Grr... My friends need to stop drinking when I want to sleep").

One comment.
Technically, the only rule that applies to death in the guild applies to dying by combat.
If you can die in other ways (big loophole is death of the soul),
you may be able to die.

That's mainly for RP purposes, and I believe the 'No Death In RP' rule
may come under a scrutinizing eye here soon.

But, I digress.
I say let'm in.

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New Member-Yataku Empty Re: New Member-Yataku

Post  Captincrunch Fri Sep 25, 2009 10:08 am

*wakes up a bit* Oh... Oh! Okay, okay! I'll right on it. *sigh* [ hangs up the phone]
*wanders over to the Guild Stone to confirm the acceptance*
You did do an application at the Guild Stone right?
See you all tonight when I get back home.

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New Member-Yataku Empty Re: New Member-Yataku

Post  Dalvar Fri Sep 25, 2009 4:32 pm

I'm late, but he gets my approval.
Man, no guild stone application?
Fix this.

I'll help you get the hang of RPing in Mabinogi if you'd like.
Just drop me a line when I get on.

Last edited by Dalvar on Fri Sep 25, 2009 4:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

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New Member-Yataku Empty Re: New Member-Yataku

Post  Yataku Fri Sep 25, 2009 4:36 pm

Dalvar wrote:I'm late, but he gets my approval.
Man, no guild stone application?
Fix this.
I did apply at the stone o.o...Least I thought I did x.x
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member-Yataku Empty Re: New Member-Yataku

Post  Dalvar Fri Sep 25, 2009 4:39 pm

Cap seems to think otherwise.
Maybe you did it after he checked.

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New Member-Yataku Empty Re: New Member-Yataku

Post  Yataku Fri Sep 25, 2009 4:45 pm

Dalvar wrote:Cap seems to think otherwise.
Maybe you did it after he checked.

I dunno x.x
BUt thank you for the offer to help Very Happy
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member-Yataku Empty Re: New Member-Yataku

Post  Captincrunch Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:58 pm

Heh - It was just a friendly reminder - you wouldn't beleive the number who do one application and forget the other. Rolling Eyes

Besides, I was on my work Comp - no Mabi access [ I like getting paid ]
OK - Done and now this thread is moved to where it belongs.

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