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New Member - MaeAtNight

The Kerrins
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New Member - MaeAtNight Empty New Member - MaeAtNight

Post  MaeAtNight Sun Sep 20, 2009 2:26 pm

Character Name: Mae-Sama

How You Heard About The RP Society: My lover Tom and others I've meet on Mabi.

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? Id have to say a few years.

Is English Your First Language? Yes it is.

A Short Biography Of Your Character: Mae-Sama is a very nervous and anxious girl who hates to be alone and is very easily upset. Her family is not very well put together, which may have been one of the reasons that her personality is so difficult, they always seemed to fight and argue over the most pointless things, and the one she may care for the most lives far away so she has no one to really comfort her. She went into withdrawal and came to find that she was slowly gaining a disease, multiple personality disorder, she would at times become very violent, scared, sad, or just angry maybe even more then one if she was unlucky, sometimes this would happen for no reason what so ever. No matter how much she wanted she wanted she couldn't escape her family and their constant bickering and blaming her even though she did what ever they asked with no complaining, so she picked up hobbies, like playing instruments, or fighting with the bow and arrow, depending on her current "mood," was would decide what she was doing at that time. She loves listening to bilingual music especially Japanese music or the vocaloids, which are music voice programs, drawing or reading, and sometimes but rarely, horseback riding and singing. Mae-Sama is very clumsy and can be a dit's when she is in her normal mood, she has been called things like, "weird, interesting, funny, freak, and dork," which makes up most of her original personality, until she snaps then she is like a completely different person. Slowly she is loosing herself, she cant differentiate between herself and the other selves, making it difficult for her to decide what and who she is, so she slowly looses her mind one day she might forget completely who she is.

What type of character do you play? An Archer, Elf

What is your Mabinogi schedule? Every other week, Mon-Fri 9-11, Sat-Sun 1-6 and 8:30-11
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New Member - MaeAtNight Empty Side Note

Post  MaeAtNight Sun Sep 20, 2009 2:28 pm

Hmm, oh I hope I did an ok job, I don't like to sound stupid or not good enough. `Is a complete nervous mess.`
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New Member - MaeAtNight Empty Re: New Member - MaeAtNight

Post  Dellinger Sun Sep 20, 2009 3:40 pm

Question really quick.
How did she end up in Erinn?

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New Member - MaeAtNight Empty Re: New Member - MaeAtNight

Post  The Kerrins Sun Sep 20, 2009 10:05 pm

That's a core question, Zach, but one other is more burning in my mind.

How come she is to be addressed as Mae-sama?
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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New Member - MaeAtNight Empty Re: New Member - MaeAtNight

Post  Captincrunch Sun Sep 20, 2009 10:43 pm

As far as I know sever mood swings with apparent change in personality is a manic disorder of some type but I am not a Psych major so I could be wrong on that.

I await answers to the questions and 3 positive reviews thereafter.

Note: Forum Name = Mabi Name

Also, could you apply at the guild stone so that once everything gets cleared up here I can process the application in Mabi quickly. Thanks.
[ hint: you are almost there so don't be so nervous - OH, only Xeek bites but we muzzle him around new members ]

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New Member - MaeAtNight Empty Answers (Mostly)

Post  MaeAtNight Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:58 pm

Captin - Yeah, Tom was going to take me to the stone when I got on, but when I could he had to leave because of his step. Ill get it tomorrow when I am on Mabi and get to it.

Dellinger - I'm super new to Mabi so im not sure what you mean by ended up in Erinn.

The Kerrins - -Sama, is used as a polite term of address to someone noticeably older or of higher status than yourself so not everyone has to use it, or -San, serves as a mark of respect, is fine to call her by that if you want to also. To speak just Mae is fine by me also (-Sama is more for a nickname for the character I suppose.) So what im trying to say is call her Mae, Mae-Sama, Mae-San, Mae-Chi (another nick name.) I don't really mind or care, but I thought id make a complicated explanation I'm so confusing myself, sorry if im making everything complicated heh.
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New Member - MaeAtNight Empty Re: New Member - MaeAtNight

Post  The Kerrins Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:20 am

Tis fine, and I did know the meaning of the honorific when I asked.

I just wanted to know what higher status Mae actually holds
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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New Member - MaeAtNight Empty Re: New Member - MaeAtNight

Post  Jaeden Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:29 am


Personally Mae, I think you did a good job (b'.')d

But I think you're just slightly off on your Japanese suffixes there. Once more, I'm not exactly sure if "Japanese culture" is something that influences Erinn life at all - and I imagine if there was any type of culture influence, it'd be Korean. But that really isn't an issue at all, and I doubt anyone would mind. It's just that I don't think regular people of Erinn would know exactly why you wish to be referred to as this strange sama name Smile

And as a refresher for the commonly used suffixes, so that anyone who reads this will know exactly what is meant here:

-Sama is a VERY HIGH form of respect, JUST under God. It means "Lord" and is reserved mostly for nobility, or if you're really trying to kiss some higher-upper's butt.

- San is as you were led to believe - it's simply a Ms. or Mrs. in your case.

- Chi I haven't heard, but I'd assume it'd be the same thing as referring to someone named Usagi as Usa-ko. It's merely an endearing way to say their name.

- Chan is mostly used towards female friends, or those who are younger. It's a informal way of showing you have affection, whether it be friendship or what not, towards that person.

- Kun is a more masculine version of chan, used towards men or your upper classmen.

As for what Dell meant, to get it out of the way, he simply meant how did Mae specifically end up in Erinn.

In Mabinogi (Or rather, Erinn), everyone is a visitor from the soul stream except for a few key exceptions of people. Obviously, the NPCs are natives of Erinn, but us normal visitors are simply souls(dead or alive) guided by Nao to a new life.

So what he's asking is, what was Mae's past life - or at least, how did it happen that Nao should find her and lead her to Erinn.
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New Member - MaeAtNight Empty Re: New Member - MaeAtNight

Post  Dellinger Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:47 am

*points up* Jae hit that nail on the head. That's basically what I was asking.

In reference to Cap's post saying:

Captincrunch wrote:As far as I know sever mood swings with apparent change in personality is a manic disorder of some type but I am not a Psych major so I could be wrong on that.

This disorder you are referring to is bipolar disorder (aka manic depressive disorder), where one switches from a state of extreme elation (mania), loosely put, to one of depression. However, if her character has multiple personalities, it is not too hard to suspect the personalities have different aspects as well.

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New Member - MaeAtNight Empty Re: New Member - MaeAtNight

Post  Temo Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:35 am

Suspect *peeks in, opens his mouth to give input but sees everything he's wondering's been asked, so just continues on his way to raid Cap's fridge*
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New Member - MaeAtNight Empty Re: New Member - MaeAtNight

Post  Xeek Mon Sep 21, 2009 2:57 pm

Darn everything has been asked T_T...and..

HOLY *beep* She is a female version of Xeek o.o and a lot smarter XD. I guess that is what I will call it.. I never found the name that fits "multiple personality disorter". Xeek has a minor version of that. He randomly gets mad over any little things, but evil is included in there and so is being stupid....ermmm stupid-er. Now before I stamp this my characters need to say a few words.

Xeek: T_T You just offended me and you except me to speak?
Xenark: Is she single? *winks*
Knarex: Screw you, *censors my name* I am dead DX
Ryuu-xen: How much is the bounty on her head? o.o

*stamp* New Member - MaeAtNight Xeekap10

(P.s.: Xeek"s" do not bite, but causing them aggression can result deadly. Do NOT feed a wield Xeek. -Inside joke.- Eeek eek Xee ^^)

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New Member - MaeAtNight Empty Re: New Member - MaeAtNight

Post  Dalvar Mon Sep 21, 2009 4:07 pm

Xeek wrote:
Xenark: Is she single? *winks*
Ryuu-xen: How much is the bounty on her head? o.o
Both of you go sit in a corner!
NOW! D:<

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New Member - MaeAtNight Empty Re: New Member - MaeAtNight

Post  Xeek Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:20 pm

Dalvar wrote:
Xeek wrote:
Xenark: Is she single? *winks*
Ryuu-xen: How much is the bounty on her head? o.o
Both of you go sit in a corner!
NOW! D:<

Xenark: But but what I do? T_T
RyuuXen: I hungry DX

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New Member - MaeAtNight Empty Erm...

Post  MaeAtNight Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:27 pm

MaeAtNight: `blinks` eto... keeping up is a bit hard.
O-O to many big words.

erm eto eeeeh.

To clear up the name subject lol I really don't care what people say its Mae (-Suffix here if you wish) xD I've never run into name difficulties before I hope that I don't cause frustration.

Bounty on her head? eh? `still looks confused`

im going crazy trying to understand everything `ditzy side`

I do know for sure she has someone she cares for, but he lives very far away so who knows `wiggles eyebrows.`

Oh and she holds no older status were I checked must have been different D: shes not special `in that sort of way xD`
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New Member - MaeAtNight Empty Re: New Member - MaeAtNight

Post  Xeek Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:32 pm

I think you got three votes, all you need is for Capt to see yer application and move it.

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New Member - MaeAtNight Empty Re: New Member - MaeAtNight

Post  Wolfe_Reaver Tue Sep 22, 2009 4:21 pm

Wolfe: *clings Mae* Shes mien! *Sticks out tongue*

I did take her to the stone last night and she applied ^-^
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New Member - MaeAtNight Empty Yay

Post  MaeAtNight Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:49 pm

:3 yay hehe ok, well ill patiently wait for that then, thanks everyone `holds out cookies` ;3
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New Member - MaeAtNight Empty Re: New Member - MaeAtNight

Post  Eranor Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:04 pm

Id like to mentor her for a little bit first though, if its ok with the rest of you fine people?
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New Member - MaeAtNight Empty Re: New Member - MaeAtNight

Post  Xeek Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:23 pm

Acan wrote:Id like to mentor her for a little bit first though, if its ok with the rest of you fine people?

Xenark: Back off she iis taken! (is a joke, ermmm at least not taken by me XD)

Me: Is fine by me. Ask Capt tho :3

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New Member - MaeAtNight Empty Re: New Member - MaeAtNight

Post  Eranor Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:21 pm

Yes Xeek sir.
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