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New Member - Lenis

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New Member - Lenis Empty New Member - Lenis

Post  Lenis Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:09 pm

Character Name: Lenis

How You Heard About The RP Society:
Well I’ve been hanging around the human starting area for a while now (Sorry the name always eludes me.) And I’ve seen the obelisk when I go to beat up on White Wolves. I ignored it at first because I wasn’t sure if the guild was active or not, or really how guilds work. But I’ve been playing for about 27 levels now and I saw some of the members hanging around in a dungeon entrance which made me want to join because it wasn’t just one or two members.

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying?

I’d say about a solid thirteen or fourteen years, I started way back in the day during the end days of Second Edition DnD, moving on to third edition. I’ve also played in multiple forum role plays and chat room role plays. To this day I still roleplay every rather consistently, though I’ve been concentrating it to mostly City of Heroes type roleplay of late. I find roleplaying to be a cathartic experience, I’ve been doing it long enough that I’ve gotten to the point where the occasional ooc drama doesn’t bother me anymore, I’ve also gotten to the point that I do it for the pure joy of being able to create characters.

Is English Your First Language?
English is not only my first language, but my future major as well.

A Short Biography Of Your Character:

Where do we come from?

Lenis looked at her hand as the raindrops pooled in the creases of her hand, they were creases that she knew subconsciously but couldn’t for the life remember what they had held or done before coming to this world. She had no idea what kind of person she had been, and that thought alone was enough to scare her into a sense of overarching loneliness a feeling that was not helped by the fact that she was sitting under an oak tree in the middle of a field trying to avoid the pouring rain. It didn’t matter where she sat really, her clothing was still soaked through to the skin, her wavy red hair heavy against her face and head as it drooped, and the distant cry of wolves could still be heard through the rhythmic drum of the rainfall.

There had to be something before the soul stream, something before she had come to Tir Chonaill that defined who she was and why she had come there in the first place. She certainly wasn’t like any of the locals, they seemed to have life experiences and information that she herself didn’t. Even Nao, the first person she had ever met seemed to know more about her than she herself did. Everything she had done up to the point that she sat in the rain and thought about things was purely reactionary, experiences that should have been ingrained into memory seemed instead to be ingrained into her subconscious. She knew how to walk, run, talk among other things; the feeling of gripping a blade to fend off wild animals was as natural to her as breathing.

What she did know was that these were not lost memories, it certainly never felt like she had lost anything, she still felt like the same person she always was. She was still a rough and tumble girl, who preferred getting her hands dirty over dressing up fancy and gossiping with other girls. She still presented herself as a tough person even though she wasn’t any stronger or more skilled than the next person; in most cases in fact she was rather weak. What she did have going for her over most people was a subtle tenacity, and quiet grace under pressure in that she was stubborn and unmoved by things that happened around her.

No, she hadn’t lost anything… Rather it was like starting over all again, even her body seemed to be something vaguely familiar, a ten year old girl, she could faintly recall that she had been that age before and experienced it. However for the life of her she couldn’t remember what the experience was like.

Rather than fret over it though, Lenis resolved that since she was in a new world with many people of the same general position that she wouldn’t let it affect her. Instead she would push on and create new memories and experiences, hopefully she would eventually overwrite her missing experiences with brand new ones. It was a whole new world and she was a being of unlimited potential, of unlimited age and wisdom, it was hers to conquer.

What type of character do you play?
Lenis is a somewhat like a typical tomboy type girl, she can a little crass and overconfident given the situation. Overall however she’s stubborn, once she takes a position it’s nearly impossible to convince her otherwise as she staunchly refuses any other possibilities. As of right now Lenis doesn’t have any goals as she’s currently trying to better understand the world around her, though in a far off goal she always hopes to attain perfect mind and body.

What is your Mabinogi schedule?
As of right now my schedule is random, I usually play late afternoon to early morning, I live in Mountain time so you’ll need to adjust it from that.

RPS Recruit

Posts : 3
Join date : 2009-08-09

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New Member - Lenis Empty Re: New Member - Lenis

Post  Dalvar Sun Aug 09, 2009 10:24 pm

If I could give multiple seals of approval I would.

Not that I think you will have any problem in getting more.

I preemptively welcome you to the RPS and hope to see you in Erinn!

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Join date : 2008-08-14
Age : 32

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New Member - Lenis Empty Re: New Member - Lenis

Post  Xeek Sun Aug 09, 2009 10:36 pm

*thumbs up* ;3

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Age : 31

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New Member - Lenis Empty Re: New Member - Lenis

Post  The Kerrins Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:06 am

Approval number three.

I don't normally see this level of detail until people get around to posting up a bio
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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New Member - Lenis Empty Re: New Member - Lenis

Post  Kayeori Mon Aug 10, 2009 3:04 am

Just to help you out its the Qilla Base Camp, and the Rano region if that matters. An amzing bio and very detailed. I most certainly give my vote for you admittance into the guild. *throws a few pebbles Cap's way* Your up fearless leader.
Dessert Dragon
Dessert Dragon

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New Member - Lenis Empty Re: New Member - Lenis

Post  Xeek Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:20 am

That is... 10 votes! *puts 7fingers up* Capt. :3

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Age : 31

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New Member - Lenis Empty Re: New Member - Lenis

Post  Captincrunch Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:01 pm

Suspect Xeek? Do I have to do something with those fingers? Suspect *There is a skeleton standing nearby carrying a full field kitchen ready for use*

WOW .....
A fish of approval here...
New Member - Lenis 64005_-_sm
New Member - Lenis 2zqsg20
And even Chuck likes it....

I'll process things when I get back home tonight.

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New Member - Lenis Empty Re: New Member - Lenis

Post  Xeek Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:13 pm

My common senses are tingling!(Deadpool) Skeleton....Xeek smash! *Tries to smash the skeleton with its own kitchen utensil (tools, I tried my best at spelling).

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Age : 31

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New Member - Lenis Empty Re: New Member - Lenis

Post  Captincrunch Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:05 pm

*The skeleton screams like a young girl and cowers behind Cap. Everyone else sees a young woman in a maids outfit*
*Cap sticks his fishing pole out to try to trip Xeek before dropping both books on his head (dictionary and thesaurus)*

Sorry about that little bit of mayhem.

One last thing before I can process the application.
I need an application at the guild stone.

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New Member - Lenis Empty Re: New Member - Lenis

Post  Xeek Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:39 pm

Xeek: Ow T_T *mushed under the books*

Me: Thank you it was only his head~ He is really hard headed.. in both sense of the pharse.

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Age : 31

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New Member - Lenis Empty Re: New Member - Lenis

Post  Lenis Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:10 pm

Okay, I've applied on the Guildstone.

RPS Recruit

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Join date : 2009-08-09

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New Member - Lenis Empty Re: New Member - Lenis

Post  Captincrunch Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:52 am

OK - Registration resolved and topic moved.

Welcome to the booby hatch geek

Posts : 2470
Join date : 2008-04-16
Age : 113
Location : Armpit of '

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