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New Member - Levi

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New Member - Levi Empty New Member - Levi

Post  MikiOno Thu Apr 30, 2009 9:42 am

Hello guys, it's me again! I realized I had a character without a guild that I RP with a lot. He's a male character, but I've RP-ed as one before, so I can stay in character pretty well. If you all remember, I actually had him apply a long while ago, but to be perfectly honest I was a little intimidated by the rules. xP

Character Name: Levi

How You Heard About The RP Society: Though me? lol Just from seeing the guildstone.

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? Maybe six or so years.

Is English Your First Language? No. I speak "Typo". lol. Yes, it is.

A Short Biography Of Your Character:
Levi was a young man who grew up in a large community near a castle, raised by a family known for their close ties of knighthood to the royal family. He was sent on an errand to a nearby settlement, and upon his return, found his city completely desolate, torched and ruined. Running to his house, he found his family dead, aside from his father, who was still hanging onto life by a thread. He told Levi of a powerful wizard that had come, offered his services to the King, but when the King saw evil in the wizard's heart and refused, the Wizard immediately turned on him and destroyed the town with powerful spells.

As his father died, Levi vowed vengeance on the man and took his father's sword. He ran to where the wizard lived, but was cast into the Soul Stream of a far away world by the wizard. Levi is now trying to grow in strength to defeat the wizard, and find a way to return to finally deal justice.

What type of character do you play? This guy... is really the opposite of Kelynn, lol. He's a swordsman and lives to prove himself and grow in battle. He fights for challenge's sake.

What is your Mabinogi schedule? Well, I still think I'll probably be on Kelynn more often than Levi, but I just bought a lot of things with Levi, so he'll be a little more active at least. I'd say maybe every other day.

Also! I have a question. The rules said that I should change my name to my most active guild person name thing. Does thaat include Kelynn, or since I'm actually applying to the guild with Levi, should I change my username to that?
Wolf in Designer Clothing
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New Member - Levi Empty Re: New Member - Levi

Post  Captincrunch Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:53 am

Well that particular rule was put there to limit the mass confusion some people get with names not matching (like me)

As you may have noticed, there are a number of members who have alternative and secondary characters in the guild - so I and therefore the guild is fairly flexible if you have 2 role play characters or more.

If you are going to predominantly play one over the other, especially for role play, I recommend a name change, else no worries. Wink

I'll check this evening for the guild stone application for the new character.

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New Member - Levi Empty Re: New Member - Levi

Post  MikiOno Thu Apr 30, 2009 5:31 pm

Thanks a bunch! I sent in my application a couple hours ago. I hope you didn't check it before I put it in, lol. ^^;

Oh! By the way, I have maybe one more question about the rules. I frequently use faces in my roleplaying including


And there are probably others. <<; Will this be a problem? Should I cut them out? If I need to cut them out, it'll probably take a while to break the habit, but I'll definitely try. x.x;
Wolf in Designer Clothing
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New Member - Levi Empty Re: New Member - Levi

Post  Nowaki Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:22 pm

I don't see it as a big issue, as long as your character's speech is written properly. Like, you can get away with "O_O" instead of "*eyes go wide*", but no "lol" instead of "*laughs*", if that makes any sense. Of course, using action emotes is always a nice touch, but the text emotes make it so that players can see your reactions even if they don't have their camera tilted to look at your character at the time. Hope that helps!
Kandy Korn Ogre
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New Member - Levi Empty Re: New Member - Levi

Post  MikiOno Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:35 pm

Yeah, okay, I get it! ^^ I might slip up from time to time (Mabi has conditioned me! x.x; Before playing Mabi I almost NEVER typed "lol", and now I do it all the time x.x; ) so please bear with me. ^^; However I'm mostly around Roleplayers with Levi anyway, so my poor OOC habits probably won't slip in as much at all. =P

EDIT: I'm TERRIBLE with the in-game emotes. x.x; I mean, I have the gestures on my shift-hotkeys, but the face expressions... I have no idea which one is which. x.x;
Wolf in Designer Clothing
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New Member - Levi Empty Re: New Member - Levi

Post  Nowaki Fri May 01, 2009 2:46 am

Hehe, don't worry, I 'lol' all the time too. It's more a matter of drawing a line between acceptable in-character speech and out-of-character speech. While proper spelling and grammar are smiled upon in any circumstance, during roleplay you have to resist the urge to say "brb afk" and instead have your character say "I'll be right back." or "Hold on for a minute.."

I decided to look up facial expressions on the MabinogiWorld Wiki, and I found some helpful tips!

Alt + number keys are hotkeys for facial expressions. Here's a quick key:
1 (laugh)
2 (angry)
3 (serious)
4 (jeah)
5 (confused)
6 (pain)
7 (eyesclosed)
8 (surprised)
9 (love)
0 (sad)

Furthermore, there are more expressions that aren't pre-hotkeyed. To access them, you type them manually. Here's a list:
(naive) (angry) (serious) (jeah) (confused) (pain) (eyesclosed) (surprised) (love) (sad) (question) (happy) (wink) (shy) (sparkling) (vacant) (cry) (suspicious) (puzzled) (mischievous) (happytears) (cute) (warm) (lucky) (sympathy) (shriek) (close2tears) (whatthe) (evil) (relief) (sour) (fart) (fear) (cool) (wicked) (yawn) (selfcontrol) (naive) (impressed) (hazy) (perv) (justice)

But wait, there's more! If you want to maintain an emote for longer than usual, just put a space between commands. For example, typing "(sad) (sad) (sad) (sad)" can keep you in an emo funk so long, you'll go through three whole Linkin Park CDs! (...I like Linkin Park but I had to make the joke)

I hope this helps some! And if in-game emotes are still too cumbersome, don't worry over it too much. Well-written roleplay always makes up for little frills like facial expressions. Very Happy
Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

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New Member - Levi Empty Re: New Member - Levi

Post  MikiOno Fri May 01, 2009 9:08 am

lol at the Linkin Park comment! xD

But, yeah, that helped! It'll take a long time before I can get any kind of mastery with them but I'll practice. =D Thanks!
Wolf in Designer Clothing
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New Member - Levi Empty Re: New Member - Levi

Post  Temo Fri May 01, 2009 10:11 am

I think there's a few more emotes that weren't listed, but I can't remember them off the top of my head. Or maybe those were just the redundant ones. Either way, there's a book sold by Aeri...Air...that book lady in Dunbarton. She has one that explains emotes and lists the commands to use them if you haven't checked that out already or just need a reminder on 'em. :3
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New Member - Levi Empty Re: New Member - Levi

Post  Kenelm Sat May 02, 2009 4:22 pm

Don't forget the ones found in the action menu. (Hotkeyed to N)

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New Member - Levi Empty Re: New Member - Levi

Post  MikiOno Sun May 03, 2009 10:52 pm

Right! I love those, lol!
Wolf in Designer Clothing
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New Member - Levi Empty Re: New Member - Levi

Post  Kayeori Sun May 03, 2009 11:44 pm

I know I don't post often, but I have to say this... The Kaye loves emoting people!! Yes. Yes she does. *nods all sage like!* Yes I did say emoting, not to be confused with emo... o.o Lets just not go there. Its depressing.

I know I am random... Love me anyways.
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New Member - Levi Empty Re: New Member - Levi

Post  MikiOno Mon May 04, 2009 11:58 am

lol, I don't like emo-ing people. xD
Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

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