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New Member - Teanae

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New Member - Teanae Empty New Member - Teanae

Post  Teanae Thu Sep 05, 2013 5:11 pm

Character Name:

How You Heard About The RP Society:
From a member of the guild, called Minamiko. She kinda helped me and then, she told me about this guild. I found out that it was a RP guild and I got excited, so I was like. "Why not joining?"

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying?
2 years

Is English Your First Language?
No, but I can speak english well.

A Short Biography Of Your Character:
Teanae is a teenager and a naive bard, that follows the path to become a great artist at music. She's already aware that to reach that position, she has to go through a lot of hard moments on her life, but even so, she's totally determined to reach that skill. One night, she was awake, watching TV, as her parents and little brother were sleeping. It was 2 AM, too late, but even so, she was not feeling so sleepy as usual. Suddendly, a bright yellow light appeared right in front of her and then, with curiosity, she got inside the light and got immediately teleported into another dimension, looking like what the sky is mentioned to be. She was stepping on a bunch of clouds and with fear, she was completely paralyzed, looking around, a lot nervous as well. Until a silver haired girl, with black vestiments, with wide and cute eyes appeared right in front of Teanae. Even so, she wasn't able to move, still paralyzed and shocked when noticing that strange girl appearing. After talking with the strange girl, Teanae chose living in Erinn, because his life on Earth was horrible for her and maybe the life on Erinn could turn better, so, she got immediately teleported there, with a farewell coming from the same strange girl. Nowadays, she's living in Erinn for like 1 month and she's loving it, still feeling a little odd from living there, cause she was living on Earth for a bunch of years and Erinn was completely different from there.

What type of character do you play?
Teanae is friendly and social, but if something bad happens, like someone starts joking with her, she gets a lot quiet and sad, cause she is shy and feels that is weak to answer the problems and make them go away.

What is your Mabinogi schedule?
I can stay on my computer whenever I want, until my school starts, that it will happen on the next week, September 10. So, until then, I can always be on the line. When school starts, I will only be able to play on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. If something happens, like my school being closed or a few small holidays, I'll be able to be on the computer, like I am now. Obviously, I will always have my household duties that my parents will be giving me and my meal time, bath time, sleeping time, etc...
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

Posts : 7
Join date : 2013-08-21
Age : 26
Location : Portugal, Lisbon

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New Member - Teanae Empty Re: New Member - Teanae

Post  Khunvyel Fri Sep 06, 2013 1:59 am

Not having any issues or questions! I might be on the fence with the way she was pulled into Erinn, like... "yay there is a light, lets get into it!" but then again, the Soulstream might have a funny day and pull in people from where-ever Very Happy Considering it is not completely under the control of the Gods.

thus, First approval given.

Posts : 467
Join date : 2013-02-11

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New Member - Teanae Empty Re: New Member - Teanae

Post  Kenelm Fri Sep 06, 2013 11:44 am

Approved on reapplication here on the forum. Once the third approval is in, I'll accept the application at the guild stone when I can get in-game tomorrow.

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Join date : 2008-06-24
Age : 36
Location : Dallas-Fort Worth metro, Texas, United States, GMT-6

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New Member - Teanae Empty Re: New Member - Teanae

Post  Mithos Fri Sep 06, 2013 12:22 pm

I might sound like a complete jerkbag here, but I can't approve of your application.

Let me explain what my problems are.

  • Milletians usually die in their home world before coming to Erinn through the Soul Stream.
  • If there's any exception, it's because the character used to be a god/had dimension travel abilities.
  • The whole bio just reads like it was done in minutes, not much thought put into it because it somehow needed up be up as soon as you announced switching characters from Soon.
  • It also reads like it was hastily written. I'm sure you can improve the English a bit more if you take your time.

Basically, I'd like to see a revision of the bio, with better english and better explanation as to how Teanae reached Erinn, if that's possible. Please take your time to come up with something that's a little bit better quality. As it is, it wouldn't sit well with me to approve of it. Sorry. :/

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Join date : 2010-07-08
Age : 30
Location : Candyland!

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New Member - Teanae Empty Re: New Member - Teanae

Post  Kenelm Sat Sep 07, 2013 5:00 pm

They're all valid points. Once they've been fully addressed, I believe we'll be able to move forward.

Posts : 1249
Join date : 2008-06-24
Age : 36
Location : Dallas-Fort Worth metro, Texas, United States, GMT-6

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