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Serafina's altered sprite magics

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Serafina's altered sprite magics Empty Serafina's altered sprite magics

Post  Auramune Sun Jan 06, 2013 8:14 am


IC Skill Name: Sprite Form
Power Class: Elemental/Transform& Regenerative
OOC Representation: Fire Sprite Transformation & Rp
Description: She is able to take form in to a fire sprite. In this form she's restricted to minimal skills, but also in this form is she lays in fire, it heals any wounds she might have.
Explain relation: Transformation is transformation.
Notes: She will not have the dream catcher IC.
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: That ow-pains me
Power Class: Weakness
OOC Representation:RP
Description: In sprite form, she is weak against enthralling, cold(ice or water), and just water in general snuffs out her flames. Other forms of taming may work, but not guaranteed. In human form, she is weak against water. If wet, she will be unable to use her magic. Cold water is especially painful.
Explain relation: Just rp stuff
Level: 0

IC Skill Name: Fire Wall
Power Class: Defensive
OOC Representation: Fire Shield(other shields to show duration of skill as well)
Description: In a small radius around her, she can create a bubble of flames to encase. Unlike the game's version, it's physical fire that would possible wound/burn anyone without fire resistance that goes through it. It lasts as long as she's able to concentrate(requiring her to remain untouched.) It will also disappear if she runs out of mana. It's contained in shape by magic, so the flames won't spread.
Explain relation: Shape and mp usage required for the skill.
Level: 2

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Age : 38
Location : Aplington, Iowa

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Serafina's altered sprite magics Empty Re: Serafina's altered sprite magics

Post  Dalvar Sun Jan 06, 2013 4:41 pm

Numbers 1 and 2 are actually part of the sprite template.

Number 3 looks good, mostly, but normal fireshield only lasts for a set amount of time and has an annoyingly long cooldown.

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Serafina's altered sprite magics Empty Re: Serafina's altered sprite magics

Post  Auramune Sun Jan 06, 2013 5:42 pm

1 and 2 are altered slightly from the template. To show what does and doesn't effect her.

I'm aware, that's why it's mostly an RP tool. (It's actually just like 16 seconds after the skill is over.) But that's why I put that I'm using all the shield to represent the duration of the skill and mana loss. Cycling through all 4 shields, once you're at the 4th one, the first one is done. And you can keep going through them. Does that make sense?

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Serafina's altered sprite magics Empty Re: Serafina's altered sprite magics

Post  Dalvar Sun Jan 06, 2013 5:52 pm

Makes sense to me, I approve.

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Serafina's altered sprite magics Empty Re: Serafina's altered sprite magics

Post  Glaceon Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:33 pm

but also in this form is she lays in fire

Should that be if she lays in fire?

-typo cop rolling out-
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Serafina's altered sprite magics Empty Re: Serafina's altered sprite magics

Post  Auramune Sun Jan 06, 2013 8:32 pm

Nopes! is.

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Serafina's altered sprite magics Empty Re: Serafina's altered sprite magics

Post  Soifa Mon Jan 07, 2013 12:05 am

Yeah okay, approved.

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Serafina's altered sprite magics Empty Re: Serafina's altered sprite magics

Post  Auramune Mon Jan 07, 2013 6:26 pm

Need 1 mooore

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Serafina's altered sprite magics Empty Re: Serafina's altered sprite magics

Post  Dellinger Mon Jan 07, 2013 7:33 pm

As it's a level 2, just making sure I ask the necessary questions about fire wall:
  1. When you run out of MP, does the passive shield run out for your sprite? Sprites normally have the passive fire shield, if I understand it, but you're saying yours runs on mana and turns off. I assume you're replacing the normal passive fire shield with this active one. Is this correct? Or are you assuming you have the passive and this other ability?
  2. I know how fire shield works, but as a level two, I have to ask: Can you move while 'concentrating' on the fire shield?
  3. How does this interact with the weakness?

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Serafina's altered sprite magics Empty Re: Serafina's altered sprite magics

Post  Auramune Mon Jan 07, 2013 7:43 pm

1. Passive shield, as in the elemental immunity?
2. Nope. Restricted to the motion of the in game skill. Which is just standing in one place. The most she can do while using this is speak.
3. Since the fire shield isn't touching her directly, it would just steam if water hit only the shield. The the water were to hit her(someone getting through the shield and hitting her/water pouring on her, or like rain) then it would shut it off immediately.

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Serafina's altered sprite magics Empty Re: Serafina's altered sprite magics

Post  Dellinger Mon Jan 07, 2013 7:59 pm

  1. Yeah. Do you not have elemental immunity with this off, or what exactly does it do? Or is fire shield primarily now just a "Fire Ball Shield" for you? Sorry if I'm being confusing, and feel free to hit me up over the game client to clear this up if we need to.
  2. Is this true even in sprite form? IE, floating in one place?
  3. Awesome! Glad we clarified that. At what point would water plausibly 'get through the shield'? You can use ice bolt and water cannon for examples, if you want.

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Serafina's altered sprite magics Empty Re: Serafina's altered sprite magics

Post  Auramune Mon Jan 07, 2013 8:10 pm

1. No. Elemental immunity is more of a what her skin does? Passive that requires no mana(shown by elementals in the clothes.) So even if she runs out of mana, it will still have an effect as long as I'm wearing the elemental resistance gear(which is her default gear.)
2. It would, but(my bad for not stating this) she can't do this in her sprite form, just humanoid.
3. A constant attack would get through the shield. For example, 1 ice bolt wouldn't. But using 2 in a row would cause the second to fly through and hit her without melting. Water cannon would be the same, but because it splashes it may effect the fire more, making it easier to break through. It's not an exact science, more water = easier to get through. if that makes any sense.

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Serafina's altered sprite magics Empty Re: Serafina's altered sprite magics

Post  Dellinger Mon Jan 07, 2013 8:11 pm

Awesome. Approved. Have fun.

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