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Glacia's mystical magics

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Glacia's mystical magics Empty Glacia's mystical magics

Post  Glaceon Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:03 am

IC Skill Name: Mana Strings
Power Class: Magical
OOC Representation: Wire Pull, Puppet's Snare, IC actions
Description: Glacia studied the magic behind the mana in wires from the control bars, and has such learned to simulate the wires using her own magic. She only learned basic manipulation, and thus is only able to use the strings to interact with objects, and is unable to do tasks such as control a puppet. Basic tasks include, but are not limited to, Pulling, Tripping, whipping, lasso-ing, snaring.
Explain relation: Basically Glacia can use the "puppetry" wires in a method using her magic. This is used to do things such as pull an object to her, hold someone in place(With permission of course), or trip someone for fun. Pulling and holding someone in place can be shown with the two wire skills themselves, while tripping or whipping would need to be through RP. The limit for pulling is about a hippo's worth. Anything else she would attempt and fail. Things around Hippo weight would cause her to strain a bit before finally moving.If an object not normally throwable OOCly, like a giant boulder or so, is thrown, damage is shown by windmill. The boulder would hit an area and push surrounding people/enemies back from force of impact.
Notes: Let it whip.
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Illusion
Power Class: Magical
OOC Representation: Pierrot Marionette, Control Marionette
Description: Using her magic, Glacia has found a way to produce an illusion of herself, and has found how to control it using her magic. The illusion itself is simply that, and cannot physically interact with anything. Upon being "hit" or what would hit it, the illusion would instantly vanish, and the attack would continue through as if the illusion was never there. The use of the skill is more for disorienting and distraction purposes. Due to the need to constantly use magic to produce the illusion, Glacia can only be a certain distance from the illusion, or else it would dissipate. Glacia also only has enough concentration and ability to produce a single illusion at a time. If an illusion is "shattered", Glacia isn't able to produce another one instantly, but has to wait a small bit to focus and produce another one. Due to using her own mana to use this, and thu being the caster, the illusion takes the appearence of Glacia as opposed to anyone else.
Explain relation: That is good I think. Mana drain can be shown with mana shield. Actions that would hit the illusion will shatter it, causing it to disappear. The "distance" is shown by the string length and max distance before control is lost. The puppet will ICly look like Glacia, and not be transparent until hit, in which the mana dispels and dissipates into the air. Since one puppet can be used at a time, one illusion at a time. Otherwise, I think everything is explained. The illusion cannot attack, so no puppet skills will be used, it's simply an illusion conjured up with magic.
Notes: No notes, I think any notes are in the explain relation.
Level: 1, Maybe a 2?

Anyways, It's been a while since I made a power post. Ideas, comments, CONSTRUCTIVE criticism ,problems?

Last edited by Glaceon on Sun Dec 02, 2012 1:54 am; edited 2 times in total
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Glacia's mystical magics Empty Re: Glacia's mystical magics

Post  Soifa Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:18 pm

I know I was talking to you via MSN about this, so I'm just going to bump your thread to let you know if you edit anything, make sure to let


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Glacia's mystical magics Empty Re: Glacia's mystical magics

Post  Glaceon Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:32 pm

Added in the things we talked about, new info shown in blue.

For now the illusion will only be her, but over time she might push into uing magic to replicate more different illusions. (If this does happen, it will be another power. This one is for the self-illusion.)

I can has approvals?
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Glacia's mystical magics Empty Re: Glacia's mystical magics

Post  Glaceon Sun Dec 02, 2012 1:19 am

le Boomp.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Glacia's mystical magics Empty Re: Glacia's mystical magics

Post  Soifa Sun Dec 02, 2012 1:53 am

What we talked about(lolagain) and I approve.

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Glacia's mystical magics Empty Re: Glacia's mystical magics

Post  Glaceon Sun Dec 02, 2012 1:54 am

Added the "whatwetalkedabout" again.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Glacia's mystical magics Empty Re: Glacia's mystical magics

Post  Auramune Sun Dec 02, 2012 5:57 am

Funny enough, these are practically the same magics I am going to post for Aura for these skills. When I'm not feeling lazy to make the post. Though Aura's mana strings is more like a whip-shape. *snaps whip!*

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Glacia's mystical magics Empty Re: Glacia's mystical magics

Post  Glaceon Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:02 am

Yea, I think about interetsing stuff when I am out walking for food. One day it was like "You know what, I could use the puppet to show Glacia's illusion magic."

And the wire stuff is because why shouldn't a strong mage know how to use strings out of mana.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Glacia's mystical magics Empty Re: Glacia's mystical magics

Post  Dellinger Sun Dec 02, 2012 12:26 pm

Why not? Approval for now. Same considerations for powers as normal. o7

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Glacia's mystical magics Empty Re: Glacia's mystical magics

Post  Dellinger Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:53 pm

-bump for opinions / approvals-

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Glacia's mystical magics Empty Re: Glacia's mystical magics

Post  Dalvar Tue Dec 11, 2012 6:51 pm

This is fine. Approved.

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