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New Member - Tyrje

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New Member - Tyrje Empty New Member - Tyrje

Post  Tyrje Sat Nov 17, 2012 8:09 pm

Character Name:
Tyrje "Tyr" Hathens (Pronounced 'tur-jay')

How You Heard About The RP Society:
I sold an item to Auramune, asked about the guild a tiny bit, and decided to investigate. I've also seen various guild members and the guild stone.

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying?
I've never done fully organized roleplaying, just some rinky-dink roleplaying with a few old friends on other games. I hope that's fine.

Is English Your First Language?
First and only~

A Short Real! Biography Of Your Character: Sorry if it's long. I got a little crazy with the story. This is the condensed version of it. Lol ._.
"I've been having some strange dreams, lately. I would fall asleep and wake up on a white platform with some owls circling above. Then, out of nowhere, a woman appears before my eyes! ..What do you think it means, Maggie?" Tyrje asks. He's lieing on the bed with tired eyes glued to the ceiling. His older sister, Magatha, is sitting at the window, staring out into the night. "Jeez, how should I know, Tyr? You probably just want a woman." He rolls his eyes. "C'mon. I'm being serious here!" Magatha huffs and begins to say something, but she is interrupted by a loud knocking at the door. The two don't move. The knocking starts again. "Please! Help!" exclaims a man who, by the sound of his voice, is elderly. Tyrje crawls quietly crawls into a hiding spot while Magatha stands and makes her way to the door, peeking out through some of the cracks and knotholes. Magatha doesn't see anybody outside. She opens the door. "..Hello? Don't play tricks on me! I'll---"
A strange noise bursts from the door. It sounded like someone had inhaled, exhaled, and coughed at the same time. Tyrje can hear Magatha screaming. He bursts from his hiding spot and faces the door, finding a giant black spider holding Magatha in a web. It instantly looks Tyrje's way. Without giving another thought, Tyrje makes a mad dash for his sister. He grabs Magatha and pulls her away from the beast, sprinting off in the opposite direction. He weaves through various pieces of furniture and leaps over the bed he was lieing on just minutes ago. The beast is in the house, and it's fast. The window seems to be the only immediate escape. Tyrje dives at it and breaks through, landing on the soft grass, face first. Magatha lands on her back and manages to free herself. "Come on! Get up, Tyr!" Tyrje scrambles to his feet, wipes his face, and looks back. The spider is breaking through the wall now. "Tyr! What are you doing! We need to run! NOW!" She pulls Tyrje's shirt and begins running.
The two stop running and decide to rest. It's been an hour since the attack. Their home, and more importantly, the spider, is nowhere to be seen. They settle down in the grass without a word and huddle for warmth. Tyrje's eyelids slam shut, and he's instantly asleep.
It's a beautiful morning when Tyrje wakes up. ...But something seems wrong. Magatha is missing. Tyrje stands up and scans the grassland. Not too far from his current spot is a little dent in the grass. That must be where Magatha is. Tyrje suspects that she's merely 'doing her lady business', so he waits and watches the dent. An hour passes. Two. Tyrje stands up and goes to the spot, wondering what's taking Magatha so long. "Maggie? What are you do---" He stops. Magatha is covered in small black spiders that have been feeding on her for who-knows-how-long. Tyrje squeaks and steps back, when a sharp pain pierces his back. Two giant, fuzzy, black mandibles wrap around his waist and he can feel foreign fluids invading his body. Tyrje slips into an unforgiving blackness.
Tyrje opens his eyes. The sudden contrast of black-to-white nearly blinds him. An owl hoots softly above. No.. Two. Three. Five. Tyrje can barely keep track. His head is spinning and he still can't see well. The confused boy manages to stand and his eyes adjust. He's standing on a white platform. "No.. this isn't a dream.. It can't be! It was too real! Maggie! Where are you?!" A soft footstep rings through Tyrje's ear. He slowly turns to the source of the noise, spotting the same woman from his strange dreams. Tyrje laughs, a bit maniacally. "How did I get here? I thought the monster caught me!" The woman smiles and explains the situation, and sends Tyrje to Filia with bread and a book.

What type of character do you play?
I'm going to play a warm-hearted Elf man. He practices Martial Arts and loves to draw/paint in his free time. He doesn't like talking about his past and will probably tear up a little if he talks about it. He makes money by selling various hunting products, art pieces, and doing an occasional Shadow Mission or Dungeon.

What is your Mabinogi schedule?
I try to play every day for a fair amount of time, but with afterschool Band/Social activities popping up everywhere, daily is not guaranteed.

Other Info: I thought I could add some other info so people can get a better feel for my character.
Race: Milletian Elf
Hair Color: Light Olive, though he dyes it occasionally.
Eye color: Basil Green
Likes: Drawing, Painting, Adventure, Creativity,
Dislikes: Spiders, Secrets, Darkness, "Office" Jobs
Personality: Again, he's a warm-hearted man who loves to draw in his free time. He likes to try new things! He looks at the world in a positive way at all times if possible. "Why cling to a past you don't like if you can shape a future you DO like?" Extreme optimism! However, he can be serious when he needs to be and knows when too much is too much. He doesn't mind getting his hands dirty. He actually loves it! However, he's not exactly fond of rolling around in mud.

Please tell me if there's anything else I need to explain or revise! Very Happy

Last edited by Tyrje on Sun Nov 18, 2012 6:53 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Changed all "Ty"s to "Tyr")
Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

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New Member - Tyrje Empty Re: New Member - Tyrje

Post  Dalvar Sat Nov 17, 2012 8:14 pm

You seem excellent to me.
I approve and hope to see you in game.

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Age : 32

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New Member - Tyrje Empty Re: New Member - Tyrje

Post  Tyrje Sat Nov 17, 2012 8:20 pm

Thank you! Haha~
Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

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New Member - Tyrje Empty Re: New Member - Tyrje

Post  Auramune Sat Nov 17, 2012 9:09 pm

Oh hey! Glad to see you checked it out.


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New Member - Tyrje Empty Re: New Member - Tyrje

Post  Teoxihuitl Sat Nov 17, 2012 9:30 pm

I like it.
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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New Member - Tyrje Empty Re: New Member - Tyrje

Post  Tyrje Sat Nov 17, 2012 10:31 pm

Awesome~ Just one more approval now, right?
Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

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New Member - Tyrje Empty Re: New Member - Tyrje

Post  Auramune Sat Nov 17, 2012 11:31 pm


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New Member - Tyrje Empty Re: New Member - Tyrje

Post  Soifa Sat Nov 17, 2012 11:47 pm

And here it is, the final approval!

-struts around with an 'approval' sign-

Curious question, how do you pronounce that name? Tear-jeh? Tire-juh? tur-jeh? Turge?


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Join date : 2012-09-08

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New Member - Tyrje Empty Re: New Member - Tyrje

Post  Tyrje Sun Nov 18, 2012 12:59 am

ohlol, I was always saying Turge in my head, but I had conflicts in my head, too.
Honestly, I don't really mind if you say it wrong. Just as long as you spell it right. xD That's why I gave him the nickname "Ty". Super easy to remember.

Thanks for the approval~

awkward edit 1: After I looked at it, tear-jeh looks more correct, but sounds phonetically awkward. Then again, I guess turge does, too. Hmm..
lol edit 2: Lol, now I can't NOT pronounce it as tear-jeh. Ah well. Pronounce it however you want. Razz
okay too many edits edit 3: If you say 'tear-jay', it suddenly becomes 100% easier to say.
... It's time for me to sleep.
Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

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New Member - Tyrje Empty Re: New Member - Tyrje

Post  Kasutoro Sun Nov 18, 2012 1:45 pm

Dat character bio~ seems awesome! (our chars have something im common, troubled past)

Hope to see you in_game!
Gummy Bear
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New Member - Tyrje Empty Re: New Member - Tyrje

Post  Soifa Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:56 am

Moving to approved section.

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Join date : 2012-09-08

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