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Secret World - In Progress I'm Lazy Shut Up. [WIP]

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Secret World - In Progress I'm Lazy Shut Up. [WIP] Empty Secret World - In Progress I'm Lazy Shut Up. [WIP]

Post  Vayne Tue Oct 16, 2012 1:49 pm

People are inherently fearful beings. That's in our nature. It's made for survival. However, when Survival Mode becomes obsolete, the tendencies to reject anything that may be 'dangerous' stays. This is an Erinn where the fomors are supposed myth, and the defiinition of 'fomor' is much more broad. Elves, giants, and humans live in relative harmony--coexistence, though the standard problems of putting several people in the same place still exist. The fomors, however, are feared. Bedtime stories and the subject of many a horror movie. While the populace is enthralled with them as a source of entertainment, every fomor knows that the moment one of them was spotted, they'd be killed--or, worse, taken in to be researched.

Never being as prevalent as they are in their real-Universe counterpart, the fomors have managed to remain fairly elusive. As time went on and superstition dulled into movie night and storytime, the fomors found their opportunity to slowly integrate into society; even if secretly. Through simple illusion magic and, in some cases, commonplace cosmetics and fashion, they remain in hiding. A group of families known as The Triad rose to prevalence in the fomor's secret society and created an autocratic rule--what the Families say, goes. Granted, there can be a lot of confusion since they fight each-other with relative frequency to exert more control. There is, however, a common rule that's been agreed upon regardless of which Family currently exerts the most control: you must not be known to humans. If you are discovered, we will not help you. We will turn our heads to you. You are at their mercy. And historically, they've had none.

They live among us, with unseen law. Going to our schools, working alongside us. A few even choose to attempt living with mankind with...mixed results.

The Triad

Each Family started off as a literal family. However, their numbers grew and others were brought in making "Family" more of both a bond and status than anything. With the exception of the Second, the families are..quite large. Of course, not everyone belongs to them. They are just the...enforcing, deciding, ruling bodies. Name's pending. If there is not enough interest for them, I'll control the families as I see fit. However, I'd much rather actually give control of the Families to players who belong to the Families.

The First: Also the largest, they are more of an eclectic cast of varied faces. Known to be the most affable Family, they have time and time again tried to take steps to make the world of Man safe enough for them to make themselves known. A number of them have gotten into sectors of Uladh's government and are working behind the scenes--with a few knowing allies--to prepare the world for an eventual convergence. Despite their end goals, they feel it's still much too dangerous to make themselves known to the general public. As such, they enforce the same rules of the other two, albeit with sadder faces.

The Second: The smallest, and having close ties and usually good relations with the First. however, they had a rather sketchy past and many a deal with the First go sour. Many of the First's officials in the government are actually just willing partners from this family. Charistmatic and diplomatic, The Second family is composed almost entirely of 'cubi and is the smallest in size. Very small, actually. However, through diplomacy and guile, they have become just as powerful (if not slightly moreso) than the First and Third. While holding similar ideals to The First, the Second prefers do subvert society in silence, not through public relations. A law here, a law there to make life easier for them. A rumor there, and an intentional sighting here to slowly build awareness and curiosity on the part of Man. On a..less desirable note, they have a pesky habit of playing the role of the Peacekeeper, no matter the cost.

The Third: Large, but not as large as The First and certainly less broad. Their ideals are narrow and their beliefs are dogmatic--Man is bad. Man should be hated, because they hate us. Militaristic in nature, The First and Second, despite their occasional quarrels and sour deals, work together to keep a close eye on The Third which is..sadly, growing. They believe the only way to achieve peace is through extermination. The Fomors are stronger. The Fomors could easily come together and squash man if they chose. They just need time, and people willing to join their cause. Befriending man is treason in their eyes, and have been known to not only refuse shelter to one who's made themselves known, but seek out and kill if a member of their Family.

The World

Tir Chonail is a sleepy country town without much ever going on. Shop-vacs and community get-togethers in the town, and quiet farmlands on the outskirts. Hospitable. Everyone helps everyone, everyone knows everyone. Sure, the gossip is annoying and the quiet can make others get on your nerves. But as a whole, the town has each-other's back. Unless, of course, you are a scary monster thing. But that's anywhere. The town is famed for it's orchards and cooking, which make it a local tourist spot in the fall seasons. Apples and Pumpkins galore; and savory dishes fresh from the farms.

Dunbarton is a college town. Several Universities have sprung up in that mid-sized town alone, but Jacques-Renna University (Yes, blatantly named after two briefly used characters of mine, and this name will show up in the normal U too), a private school with..suspiciously cheap tuition and wonderful academics has become prevalent in recent years. Only about fifteen years old, it's managed to become the top school in the area. The Dean is rarely, if ever seen, and she's known to actually spend very little time on campus. Being home to ADD college kids, there's plenty to do in the area--a mall, many cheap restaraunts, arcades, theatres, etc.

Emain Macha

Posts : 1073
Join date : 2008-10-17
Age : 32
Location : Behind the mirror. Pay no attention.

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