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New Member - Alirlen

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New Member - Alirlen Empty New Member - Alirlen

Post  Alirlen Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:38 pm

Character Name: Alirlen Zan Sias

Character Nickname: Alir or Zan are common nicknames for Alirlen.

Race: Human-Milletian

Race Description: An average human brought into Erinn after facing an unfortunate fate in his old world. He is no different than the average Milletian.

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Gray/Dark Gray

Appearance: Alirlen (if height could be customized) would stand at about 5'11" or so, without much room to grow since he is seventeen already. Generally, he tries to maintain a lean but toned body so that he can balance the speed and strength of all he does. Despite being outside a lot, his cloak keeps him from tanning heavily - in fact, he manages to keep all around fair skin. Since coming to Erinn, Alirlen has grown his hair to be long and somewhat covering his face. A warrior has no time for a trim, he says. While it's a bit worn, it maintains a decent style. His hair is black, which wasn't his natural color - just something he ended up with when entering Erinn though many say it fits him quite well. His eyes maintain an overall innocent, but heavily determined look in their dark gray color (another change that occurred upon entering Erinn). As far as equipment goes, Alirlen definitely favors clothing to armor - often wearing some simple clothes with a gray cloak that fits loosely off his small body. His actual clothes vary, based on how he feels.

Personality: Alirlen prefers to keep to himself, as he is distrustful to everyone. While some may view his silence as a cold disposition, it's really because Alirlen is afraid of much social contact. He was raised in a way that kept him from really associating outside his family, and as such - he doesn't particularly interact with others with ease. However, he will never turn someone away because of this. He will not reject all sociability, he just lacks the know-how to get involved in conversation. Perhaps if someone were to obtain his trust, he would feel more free to speak and associate with more people. For now, he will be the one with the apparent cold disposition and the silent longing to become apart of the community around him.

How You Heard About The RP Society: I googled "Mabinogi Roleplay". You guys are pretty high on google search for that. I was later convinced by Cyler to actually try to join.

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying?
A very long time. About 4-5 (Maybe 6?) years MMORPG Roleplay (never on Mabinogi), and about 6-7 on play by post boards.

Is English Your First Language? Yes, so feel free to butcher my every error with vigor.

A Short Biography Of Your Character: Alirlen was born in some strange world far off from Erinn, which he refers to as Kaide. While Alirlen doesn't retain all his memories from Kaide, he occasionally sees a small bit or peace. The year he has spent in Erinn is often trying to piece it together for himself. As far as he can tell, he lived in a small village with his family on the outskirts as farmers. He was being brought up to take over the farms that his family owned, which was fine with Alirlen. Of course, he was an only child on the outskirts of a village and so he lacked in social aptitude. Often on trips to the village's center, Alirlen was sit to the side and watch the small group of boys who aspired to become defenders. A distant watcher to a world he wanted, Alirlen slowly turned to be more and more introverted.

As time went on, he became more and more distant. It would be his time, soon enough. When he was 15 or so, his father died and his mother sold the farm to live in the village. It was here that Alirlen was required to work for some of the villagers, but there was still something off about him. He was a daydreamer he spent all his time alone, or locked up at his home to idle time away with whatever it was he did. Of course, as it's mentioned, it was nearly his time. At the dawn of Alirlen's seventeenth birthday, disaster would strike.

You see, Kaide was a warrior's world that held no mercy. That's why most boys became defenders, rather than farmers or other occupations, until they were too old to fight. Villages slaughtered other villages, only to lose their old village because they left it unguarded or some nonsense. It was always brutal, and eventually brought about the extinction of sentient species in Kaide - but this isn't the story of Kaide, it is the story of Alirlen. As you can imagine, that dawn would bring an army to the south of Alirlen's village. It wasn't a siege, battle, or even a skirmish - it was a slaughter. Alirlen rushed to aid his village but would not return. Instead he would black out and awake... Well, he would awake elsewhere.

Whiteness consumed his vision when he woke up, and he encountered a girl in a black dress which sported an intricate pattern. She had azure eyes, and her name was Nao. Alirlen, who never trusted anyone, immediately assumed he was in a dream. He wasn't in a Soul Stream and he wasn't being sent to someplace Erinn, Alirlen was just having a strange dream. However, it was no dream. Despite his denial, he would be dropped in Tir Chonaill as a human Milletian in a confused state. After a day or two, Alirlen realized that perhaps this was an opportunity rather than a curse or a dream. Perhaps, he figures, this was a chance to become the warrior he couldn't be in Kaide. As such, Alirlen took up swords as his choice and began to pursue to life of a swordsman, hoping to one day be considered a Sword Master. Regardless, such a dream is too far off for the naive Milletian to worry about. Let's just hope his naivety won't put him in a place where his swords cannot speak for him.

What type of character do you play? Alirlen takes the role of an introverted swordsman, aspiring to master his art of dual blades before all else (but he will proceed to other weaponry as time goes on).

What is your Mabinogi schedule? Weekends are pretty random, but I can usually afford anywhere from 4:30 PM to 10 PM CST on weekdays.

RPS Recruit

Posts : 2
Join date : 2012-09-20

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New Member - Alirlen Empty Re: New Member - Alirlen

Post  Kenelm Fri Sep 21, 2012 8:39 pm

Looks great. There is more than enough here to get you past phase one.

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Age : 36
Location : Dallas-Fort Worth metro, Texas, United States, GMT-6

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New Member - Alirlen Empty Re: New Member - Alirlen

Post  Mithos Fri Sep 21, 2012 8:49 pm

I like it. Like, a lot. So I'm going to approve =P

I trust you know that while Milletians cannot die forever, death comes with a "Three real-life days (or 120 In-Game days) to respawn" penalty. If you didn't... Well, then. Now you do!

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New Member - Alirlen Empty Re: New Member - Alirlen

Post  Alirlen Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:16 pm

I had known of that, but I appreciate the tip regardless. ^_^ I'm glad you enjoyed the character. I will not lie, it's not my best but I'm not as well versed in the world of Erinn as I am elsewhere.

RPS Recruit

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Join date : 2012-09-20

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New Member - Alirlen Empty Re: New Member - Alirlen

Post  Teoxihuitl Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:29 pm

Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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New Member - Alirlen Empty Re: New Member - Alirlen

Post  Soifa Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:29 pm

You were sent by Cyler?


J/k, approved. I'll see if Aura or Jab are online to let you in and move this thread.

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New Member - Alirlen Empty Re: New Member - Alirlen

Post  Kenelm Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:38 pm

This is one of the quickest entries into phase two I've seen in quite a while...

Posts : 1249
Join date : 2008-06-24
Age : 36
Location : Dallas-Fort Worth metro, Texas, United States, GMT-6

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