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New Member- Anyllan

Mari Eir
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New Member- Anyllan  Empty New Member- Anyllan

Post  Anyllan Wed Aug 29, 2012 1:38 am

Character Name: Anyllan

How You Heard About The RP Society: I have a close friend who's in your guild, and has introduced me to Mabinogi roleplay.

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? I've been roleplaying since 2006 or 2007

Is English Your First Language? Yes

A Short Biography Of Your Character: Anyllan, a young yet violent Ice Dragon, disguised as a mere elf, had spent two decades developing her skills in survival and the magic’s of transformation, which was gifted to her out of every other egg from her clutch. Unlike her siblings who had left the nest once their wings had fully developed, Anyllan had stayed behind, caring for her new found den. As the years had passed, Anyllan had collected gold and the finest of jewels from across Iria, storing them in the depths of her darkened caverns. Collecting such things satisfied her thirst for the finest things in life, but when she had wanted more than just gems and small ounces of gold, she wanted more. She wanted gold coins themselves as well, other fine treasures she could store away.
With such tempting thoughts, Anyllan had acted out upon them, and acted out as a typical bed time story dragon. She would capture important individuals and hold them captive in her domain, saying if the people did not give her their treasures, she would behead their leader in front of the people, or simply, turn them into her play thing. She would torture them until unconscious or left in a sever state of condition.
But as the threats continued, and the kidnapping escalated, clans from across Iria rallied against the dragon, forcing from her den, Anyllan had fled to the dry deserts of Longa, and there she had used her abilities to hide among the elves. There she remained for a decade before fleeing once more to Erinn. There, she continued to hide in secrecy, picking up old habits and harboring jewels and gold.

What type of character do you play? I play as an elf, I practice in range and some bard (just picked that up recently. On accident) Since Anyllan had been hiding in Filia for a decade, she had picked up these skills and used them to her advantage.

What is your Mabinogi schedule? I'm pretty much on everyday, but the time varies, due to me being in college.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member- Anyllan  Empty Re: New Member- Anyllan

Post  Mari Eir Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:00 am

Mokimo wrote:Anyllana, young yet violent dragon
Oooh, my..~ *Sulu voice*

Anyway, are you saying this character us born in Erinn? The whole.. nest/siblings things suggests she's born in Erinn. Not being a Milletian means your character is mortal. And there ARE those who try to kill other characters.
Mari Eir
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New Member- Anyllan  Empty Re: New Member- Anyllan

Post  Anyllan Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:21 am

Mari Eir wrote:
Mokimo wrote:Anyllana, young yet violent dragon
Oooh, my..~ *Sulu voice*

Anyway, are you saying this character us born in Erinn? The whole.. nest/siblings things suggests she's born in Erinn. Not being a Milletian means your character is mortal. And there ARE those who try to kill other characters.

Yes, she was born in Erinn. And I thought I could add the dragon thing, since they...kinda live for a few millenniums. I'm not sure if there's a way to make a shape-shifting dragon could be made a milletian. o3o But...yeah. Very Happy
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Member- Anyllan  Empty Re: New Member- Anyllan

Post  Mari Eir Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:29 am

Actually, since shapeshifting dragons don't seem to be born in Erinn (unless by a Milletian with that trait), they ARE Milletian. My own character is a small, violent dragoness. XD

Here, reference this.
Mari Eir
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New Member- Anyllan  Empty Re: New Member- Anyllan

Post  Anyllan Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:36 am

Oh! Very Happy
So...does this mean my character's good to a Milletian? o3o
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Member- Anyllan  Empty Re: New Member- Anyllan

Post  Anyllan Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:59 am

Oh gawd, typos...
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Member- Anyllan  Empty Re: New Member- Anyllan

Post  Mari Eir Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:13 am

We have an edit button. And yes.

By following one of these templates, by the way, your character automatically gets the powers associated with them. They're not mandatory to follow, but it's easier. xD That way you have fewer stuff to request later on.
Mari Eir
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New Member- Anyllan  Empty Re: New Member- Anyllan

Post  Anyllan Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:35 am

Okie. c:

Wait...does...does this mean...I got accepted? Very Happy
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member- Anyllan  Empty Re: New Member- Anyllan

Post  Kenelm Wed Aug 29, 2012 8:42 am

You still need three approvals to complete the first part.

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New Member- Anyllan  Empty Re: New Member- Anyllan

Post  Vayne Wed Aug 29, 2012 9:07 am

Milletian, huh?

Vayne: . . . *MORE* of us..?! DX Whyyyyyyyyyyy?!

*Ahem* ...hi, approved. look forward to seeing you in-game. Add and message if you need anything. (Faivayne)

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New Member- Anyllan  Empty Re: New Member- Anyllan

Post  Guest Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:19 am

More dragons?

Surprised there's not a dragon hunter yet...Hmmm... >3>

Approved. <3

(Mostly for the avatar)


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New Member- Anyllan  Empty Re: New Member- Anyllan

Post  Anyllan Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:15 pm


Is there already too many dragons?
I thought there'd be a lot of succubus/formor rper's, and thought being a dragon would be more...interesting.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member- Anyllan  Empty Re: New Member- Anyllan

Post  Glaceon Thu Aug 30, 2012 12:02 am

There are a lot of dragon because SOMEONE has like 6 of them.

I have one. That's all.

Mari has like...6-10, or some stupidly high number.

Xeek has like 50...but like 95% have no bio.

Also, it's Fomor, not Formor. And there ARE a lot of Succubi and Incubi, more so the Incubi.
Glas Ghoblehht
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New Member- Anyllan  Empty Re: New Member- Anyllan

Post  Anyllan Thu Aug 30, 2012 12:52 am

Oh. ;o;
I only have one dragon.

And sorry for misspelling fomor.
I was really tired at the time.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member- Anyllan  Empty Re: New Member- Anyllan

Post  Dellinger Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:16 am

I'd request you not pull the dragon bit out until you finish mentoring, but other than that, approved.

Btw, as you're in Longa, remind me to hit you up in character. My organization might just accidentally meet you.

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New Member- Anyllan  Empty Re: New Member- Anyllan

Post  Auramune Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:32 am

Glaceon wrote:There are a lot of dragon because SOMEONE has like 6 of them.

I have one. That's all.

Mari has like...6-10, or some stupidly high number.

Xeek has like 50...but like 95% have no bio.

Also, it's Fomor, not Formor. And there ARE a lot of Succubi and Incubi, more so the Incubi.

Xeek only has like 3. 4 if you count his dragon-pet. Rex, D, and Xeek all have bios.

If you're going to make a snide comment, at least be correct about it eh?

Since those are pre-approved powers/race, wouldn't it be okay for someone new to use? There's no level requirement for any of the template powers. Only getting level 1+ approved. But templates are pre-approved, and require nothing posted except in the bio. Not to call him out, but Zeznik was allowed to come in as a kitsune.

Overall, not my call. But just wanted to post this. *shrug*

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New Member- Anyllan  Empty Re: New Member- Anyllan

Post  Dellinger Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:55 am

My comment is primarily to make sure we get a proper read on the character and RP ability, nothing more. Racial templates are great, newbies launching fireballs at everyone because it's 'hip-happenin' since Soifa's doing it, and that's all the rage'... =P

Also, it's only a request. It doesn't have to be followed unless I say "don't do this." I always feel more comfortable when people get powers when they finish mentoring. If they dno't want to for racial templates, that's fine. =]

Anyways, be sure to apply at the guild stone. We love you!

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New Member- Anyllan  Empty Re: New Member- Anyllan

Post  Anyllan Thu Aug 30, 2012 2:02 am

I love you too, you beautiful...majestic creature...

-Cups face and looks deeply into his eyes- Ohgawd.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member- Anyllan  Empty Re: New Member- Anyllan

Post  Dellinger Thu Aug 30, 2012 2:12 am

You also have 3am Dellinger approval. It overrides normal Dell approval.

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New Member- Anyllan  Empty Re: New Member- Anyllan

Post  Auramune Thu Aug 30, 2012 7:40 am

Dellinger wrote:newbies launching fireballs at everyone because it's 'hip-happenin' since Soifa's doing it, and that's all the rage'... =P

But launching fireballs is fun! =D

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New Member- Anyllan  Empty Re: New Member- Anyllan

Post  Dalvar Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:02 am

I'm fine with her being a dragon from the start.
After all, someone ELSE was *CoughXeekcoughJabbercough*

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New Member- Anyllan  Empty Re: New Member- Anyllan

Post  Guest Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:18 am

Auramune wrote:
Dellinger wrote:newbies launching fireballs at everyone because it's 'hip-happenin' since Soifa's doing it, and that's all the rage'... =P

But launching fireballs is fun! =D

At churches!...right?

Right Dalvar? Aura?..C'mon~

Edit: Wait, what am I doing? When did I throw a fireball recently? WHY IS THIS MY FAULT?


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New Member- Anyllan  Empty Re: New Member- Anyllan

Post  Glaceon Thu Aug 30, 2012 12:45 pm

I was talking about the 500+ kids Aura and Xeek have that are unnamed and bioless. Who knows how many are dragons. They aren't ALL Kitsunes.

Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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New Member- Anyllan  Empty Re: New Member- Anyllan

Post  Auramune Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:21 pm

Glaceon wrote:I was talking about the 500+ kids Aura and Xeek have that are unnamed and bioless. Who knows how many are dragons. They aren't ALL Kitsunes.

You don't know what you are talking about, so stop saying stuff as if you know about them. If you want to further discuss this, feel free do it else-where. Not someone's application.

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New Member- Anyllan  Empty Re: New Member- Anyllan

Post  Glaceon Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:24 pm

Forget I said anything. Apparently I'm not allowed to joke around without getting 50 glares at me from the SAME PEOPLE.

Anyways, once the application is approved, I imagine you'll just need to post somewhere saying "Oh hi, my character uses -insert template here- template." And it should be good to go.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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