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New Member - Pyroclasm

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New Member - Pyroclasm Empty New Member - Pyroclasm

Post  Pyroclasm Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:40 pm

Character Name: Pyroclasm a.k.a. "Pyro"

How You Heard About The RP Society: I saw your members doing their own RP's and I found the idea of a roleplay within a roleplaying game very fun. I've always done roleplays in the past (in two forum based RP's as of this application ) and I don't see any reason to stop now.

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? Off and on since I was about eight.

Is English Your First Language? Why yes it is. It's also part of my heritage. XD

A Short Biography Of Your Character: Pyroclasm, born among the wandering tribes of the canyons, recieved his name due to his penchant for fire - and tending to light things that potentially explode, such as their store of oil. Mischevious as a young child, the tribe soon grew tired of his tricks and placed him under the tutorship of their Warmaster - both to beat sense into the youngster and to teach him how to defend himself. It was here that Pyroclasm found his calling in life: to be a mighty Warmaster like his teacher, and to bring great honor to his tribe. Once in his early adulthood his teacher saw him fit for excavations within the hidden ruins of the canyons and sent him on one expedition into the high mountain - the last time Pyroclasm would be seen among his tribe again. Upon entering a strange room in the middle of the excavation Pyro tapped the altar in the center, bringing the magics hidden within to expire in a violent burst, sundering the mountain that hid the ruins from view. From there, Pyroclasm awoke in a white void with a suspiciously short woman with long white hair. From there he was introduced to Erinn - To a region called Physis, a land of ice and snow the likes of which he had never seen before. From there he had to learn once again how to survive in a harsh environment and how to fight like the people he was brought among - the Giants - to gain acceptance with them. once he had established himself within the community he went abroad, seeking a way back home...

In his personality Pyroclasm is extremely loyal to his friends, and enjoys simple fun more than anything. He also enjoys drinking - the stronger the burn the better - and he seeks a challenge in everything he does. He isn't the brightest tool in the shed when it comes to high-minded topics like magic or alchemy, but he enjoys and excels at combat scenario's. He is far from the brilliant tactician like his teacher but he is learning. His favorite colors primarily consist of warm colors such as red or gold but he hates orange colors. He also holds a distrust to those who believe themselves better than others simply because they excel in one area.

What type of character do you play? The character I play here is the fun-loving guy who isn't afraid to get in a fight - armed or not - to protect his friends. getting him angry, however, is a quick way to make him your enemy.

What is your Mabinogi schedule? Saturdays - I am often on from 10-am to around 2-pm. The rest of the days I log on lightly for 1-minute checkups and to harvest homestead stones/etc. but this may change at a later date.

Last edited by Pyroclasm on Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:47 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Check two! Editied for introducing Physis.)
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member - Pyroclasm Empty Re: New Member - Pyroclasm

Post  Adhamh Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:52 pm

Very well-written. I love it. +_+

Anyway, you need to know that Erinn-born characters do NOT rebirth. Once they die, they die. (I don't mean in dungeons and whatnot. I mean if say someone were to fatally wound your character, they wouldn't rebirth like Milletian characters. You'd have to create a new character.) Milletians on the other hand, died in a non-Erinn world and were brought into here through the Soul Stream yadda-yadda-yadda. They -do- come back after "death". I'm just making sure that you're completely aware of the consequences of an Erinn-born.
Cromm Crunch
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New Member - Pyroclasm Empty Re: New Member - Pyroclasm

Post  Auramune Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:56 pm

The world of Mabinogi is called Erinn btw Smile.

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New Member - Pyroclasm Empty Re: New Member - Pyroclasm

Post  Pyroclasm Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:03 pm

ah, so that's how you roll eh? I intended to make him a milletian but I wasn't sure if you'd accept death as an easy mode. I figured something similar to the stonehenge taking him there (as is the subject of a fanfiction I am writing). Yeah, i'll change it so that the altar exploded or something - make him live up to his name. XD

Whan I was reading the rules they said 'world of mabinogi' so I took that as they didn't want 'Erinn/*SPOILERTir Na NogSPOILER*' mentioned. I'll amend that.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Member - Pyroclasm Empty Re: New Member - Pyroclasm

Post  Adhamh Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:04 pm

Nah, we try to stick close to what's canon in the game's lore. Only way to get into Erinn is through death. \o/

EDIT: I didn't catch it before, but you mentioned you read the rules. If you were a website, I'd give you one of those Google +1 things. Also, don't expect an approval from me. xD; I can't approve anything. I just offer helpful commentary.
Cromm Crunch
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New Member - Pyroclasm Empty Re: New Member - Pyroclasm

Post  Pyroclasm Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:09 pm

help never hurts! XD

Edited. i'll be on either tonight or tomorrow for edits - work takes time out of my fun. (knowing it's necessary doesn't make the sadness go away) ;_;
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member - Pyroclasm Empty Re: New Member - Pyroclasm

Post  Dellinger Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:46 pm

Give me a heads up when you edit things, and I'll be sure to see if we can get the 'swarms' to look at this.

After all, us buzzing bees have needed a good stinging victi-

-iiii mean... member. Member. Right.

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New Member - Pyroclasm Empty Re: New Member - Pyroclasm

Post  Guest Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:01 pm

New Member - Pyroclasm Imabee10
Buzz buzz


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New Member - Pyroclasm Empty Re: New Member - Pyroclasm

Post  Pyroclasm Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:09 pm

Ah! My apologies. well, edits are as follows:

Short Bio: was - the middle of the excavation Pyro tapped the altar in the center, bringing the magics hidden within to life and flinging him into the world of Mabinogi - into a world of ice and snow

Short Bio: Is now - the middle of the excavation Pyro tapped the altar in the center, bringing the magics hidden within to expire in a violent burst, sundering the mountain that hid the ruins from view. From there, Pyroclasm awoke in a white void with a suspiciously short woman with long white hair. From there he was introduced to Erinn - into a world of ice and snow...

-Changed entrance scene to death scene (death by explosive force)
-Changed Mabinogi to Erinn
-Introduced meeting of Nao
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member - Pyroclasm Empty Re: New Member - Pyroclasm

Post  Dalvar Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:13 pm

This is lovely now!
I approve.

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New Member - Pyroclasm Empty Re: New Member - Pyroclasm

Post  Guest Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:35 pm

Dalvar isn't a bee.



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New Member - Pyroclasm Empty Re: New Member - Pyroclasm

Post  Glaceon Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:35 pm

Keep in mind Erinn is not a world of ice and snow. Connous, also part of Erinn, is a sandy desert. The way your bio's set up, it makes it sound as though you are saying Erinn is a snowy land, when in fact you are describing Physis. It's just a small thing, but something I read that confused me.

From there he was introduced to Erinn - into a world of ice and snow the likes of which he had never seen before.

That. Just pointing it out.

Glas Ghoblehht
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New Member - Pyroclasm Empty Re: New Member - Pyroclasm

Post  Pyroclasm Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:45 pm

I can see how that would be interpreted. i'll make a small adjustment.

EDIT: Adjustments made -

Bio: was: -into a world of ice and snow...

Bio: Is now: -To a region called Physis, a land of ice and snow...
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member - Pyroclasm Empty Re: New Member - Pyroclasm

Post  Dellinger Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:19 pm


Bees. Begin stinging with your 'love.'

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New Member - Pyroclasm Empty Re: New Member - Pyroclasm

Post  Dellinger Sun Jul 29, 2012 5:42 pm

Oye, you.
Apply at the guildstone.
Lest I send this guy after you.

New Member - Pyroclasm Entine10

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New Member - Pyroclasm Empty Re: New Member - Pyroclasm

Post  Pyroclasm Sat Aug 11, 2012 4:51 pm

sorry about that. Life recently began yelling at me ((OMGSTOPIGNORINGMEHEYLISTENHEYHEYHEYLISTENLISTENLISTENHEY!))and I had to pay attention. my life is getting back on track now though. Birthdays ((including my won)), job loss/gain, financial troubles and family politics can do that. :/
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Member - Pyroclasm Empty Re: New Member - Pyroclasm

Post  Adhamh Sat Aug 11, 2012 4:53 pm

It's fine. LIfe can do that. Btw, your siggy is HUGE. Might I suggest you resize it?x_x
Cromm Crunch
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