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Post  Lyuze Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:04 pm

Character names: Latza, Sylannas, Sunsunata. I switch between the three quite often so all three are mains.
How you heard about the RP Society: Above people's heads as if it were a halo.
How long have you been roleplaying? Since I was seven years old. Mwahaha!
Is English your first language? Indeed. I do know some German and Japanese (Romaji), though.
A short biography of your characters: This is literally impossible as all three of them have very long biographies. VERY long. And everything in those biographies is too important to leave out.
What type of characters do you play? Latza is a giant. Sylannas is a elf. Sunsunata is a human.
What is your Mabinogi schedule? Oh lord. Let's just go with whenever I'm awake and at home.

*Tip: I see you capitalized about every word in the template for introductions and registration. Don't do that; they're not titles!

Full Name: Sylvanas Endulra
Nicknames: Syl

Race: Elf
Gender: F
Current Age: 11 (actually 21)
Hair: Candy blonde, long and straight hair
Skin: Light tan
Eyes: A cyan-like color
Height: 5"2
Weight: 93

Place of Residence: Nature, inns, taverns... she's nomadic.
Place of Birth: Ahaha... what?

Relatives: Just her foster parents.
Enemies: Those whom pose a threat to Erinn.
Allies: She easily will befriend anyone.

Fashion of Choice: A nuadha robe with the hood up.
Armor of Choice: Ahahaha.... what?
Weapons of Choice: Devil Slayer

Special Abilities: Transforming into animals, and reading someone's thoughts/emotions through their body language(although this is moreso a skill people can learn.. takes a very long time to though.)

She was brought to this world after dying in another by Nao. She randomly woke up at age four in the middle of Longa Desert. She was luckily found and taken in by the family that found her. She was raised and became an ambassador between the elves and giants. That was... until she woke up one day at the age of nine. She was kicked out of the house when she was found in the bed, her foster parents not believing a single word she said, and believed to have died or run away. She passed out in the middle of Longa Desert. A Uladh Vessel's crew members found her near the beach and took her back to their continent with them. There she was brought to <can't tell you!>'s house in Tara and was trained to be what's known as a Deathbringer -- an assassin that brings death to anyone whom poses threat to Erinn. The name "Deathbringer" is from her evil appearance -- as if she were a reaper. Her scythe is a legendary scythe known as the Devil Slayer -- named for having the ability to kill the "demons" of Erinn.

Alignment: Everyone is best friends. But she's sided with Cichol.
Religion/Philosophy: Is there even a religion in Mabi...

Sexuality: Straight

Positive Personality Traits: Nice, caring, overprotective.. however...
Negative Personality Traits: She can get angry really easily. She also can lose control of herself during fighting, meaning she may attack those whom are innocent.

Likes: Horses, unicorns, pegasi, any type of horse. Tiramisu! Bishie elven men.... whom are evil.... -she menacingly rubbed her hands together- Like Delvere but he doesn't exist ingame so.. lol
Dislikes: Liars and cheats.
Favorite Foods: Tiramisu. Oh how much she loves that. Along with a soup known as Zuppa Toscana. Next time you go to Olive Garden, get that and dip the bread sticks into it. OH MY GOD.
Favorite Drinks: Water.... ._.
Favorite Colors: Blue. Anything blue and white.

Hobbies: Horse riding, reading, and sketching.

When I have more time to think over this... I'll make a much better bio.
If someone could edit this into the first post that would be great because last time I tried it ended up not doing and yeah... I got really PO'd.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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Post  Glaceon Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:41 pm

In a sense, they could be seen as titles.

2) You need a bio. Otherwise you won't be accepted. And keep in mind that it's a bio for your character here, not some fanwritten bio you might have, as that -may- conflict with the stuff we have set in place. But you do need a bio.

Otherwise, I'm afraid the application you have submitted is incomplete.
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Post  Auramune Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:50 pm

Just pick one character to focus a bio on that will be accepted in to the guild. Worry about your other two later on Smile.

That template is old school. We'll capitalize anything we want. Q_Q

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Post  Lyuze Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:10 pm

Newest Member! KU0z
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Post  Dellinger Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:56 pm

Sorry, my right thumb is currently out of commission and it's making typing really freakin' annoying, but you may find the approved racial templates through this hyperlink!

But yes, we would ask you have a bio, otherwise we'd be approving mystery things that may cause violations to established power rules and all that, and... that's a significant headache when we have to go back and ask the person to revise their character after a month, y'know? May seem like a pain, but better to get the kinks out beforehand rather than bother both you and those revising after you've established yourself.

But I certainly look forward to seeing what comes of the bio. =]

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Post  Lyuze Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:48 am

I decided to just use a template off of CoS from TERA Online since I don't like any of the races put on there. ._.

Full Name: Sylvanas Endulra
Nicknames: Syl

Race: Elf
Gender: F
Current Age: 11
Hair: Candy blonde, long and straight hair
Skin: Light tan
Eyes: A cyan-like color
Height: 5"2
Weight: 93

Place of Residence: Nature!
Place of Birth: Filia Castle

Relatives: All of them died...
Enemies: The band of elves whom raided Filia one night and killed her family!
Allies: She trusts no one.

Fashion of Choice: A nuadha robe with the hood up.
Armor of Choice: Ahahaha.... what?
Weapons of Choice: Devil Slayer, Dagger

Special Abilities: Transforming into animals! Yay...

-Was born in Filia
-Band of elven bandits raided Filia killing her family
-She was the only survivor of the royal family of hers (there are obviously others...)
-She is now a great leader for the elven peoples

Alignment: Everyone is best friends. But she's sided with Cichol.
Religion/Philosophy: Is there even a religion in Mabi...

Sexuality: Straight

Positive Personality Traits: Nice, caring, overprotective.. however...
Negative Personality Traits: Imperitive, rarely trusts anyone, is easily angered, she's just a emotional mess...

Likes: Horses, unicorns, pegasi, any type of horse. Tiramisu! Bishie elven men.... whom are evil.... -she menacingly rubbed her hands together-
Dislikes: Just about everyone.... Can't blame her though.
Favorite Foods: Tiramisu. Oh how much she loves that. Along with a soup known as Zuppa Toscana. Next time you go to Olive Garden, get that and dip the bread sticks into it. OH MY GOD.
Favorite Drinks: Water.... ._.
Favorite Colors: Blue. Anything blue and white.

Hobbies: Horse riding, reading, and sketching.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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Post  Auramune Mon Jul 23, 2012 6:11 am

Using Elf Human and Giant is fine. The race templates are just extra races that the game doesn't offer as a default.

By reading this, your character is an Erinn born. Which makes them a mortal. Could you expand on her life? Like, write a story about her life?

OP wrote:
-Was born in Filia
-Band of elven bandits raided Filia killing her family
-She was the only survivor of the royal family of hers (there are obviously others...)
-She is now a great leader for the elven peoples

How do you explain people not having heard of her? I have elves, none of them know of her.

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Post  Lyuze Mon Jul 23, 2012 11:10 am

Auramune wrote:
Using Elf Human and Giant is fine. The race templates are just extra races that the game doesn't offer as a default.

By reading this, your character is an Erinn born. Which makes them a mortal. Could you expand on her life? Like, write a story about her life?

OP wrote:
-Was born in Filia
-Band of elven bandits raided Filia killing her family
-She was the only survivor of the royal family of hers (there are obviously others...)
-She is now a great leader for the elven peoples

How do you explain people not having heard of her? I have elves, none of them know of her.
Sorry. And I'll get a story up eventually. I'm going to be a bit busy with irl things now. ><
People did know of her. It was mostly her family the giants wiped out. Sorreh for not explaining in details, I don't have much time.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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Post  Adhamh Mon Jul 23, 2012 11:30 am

What Aura means is, it's not quite possible for her to have been a leader this entire time, because that's too large a position to go unnoticed. Several of us have elven characters and none of them would have known about this leader. It really messes with our current timeline. Also, giving normal PCs such a position isn't really something we do. We already have a set list of "restricted-play" characters that govern each region of Erinn. You can have her think she's the leader or pretend to do so, but she cannot be an official leader of the elves.
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Post  Lyuze Mon Jul 23, 2012 11:52 am

Adhamh wrote:What Aura means is, it's not quite possible for her to have been a leader this entire time, because that's too large a position to go unnoticed. Several of us have elven characters and none of them would have known about this leader. It really messes with our current timeline. Also, giving normal PCs such a position isn't really something we do. We already have a set list of "restricted-play" characters that govern each region of Erinn. You can have her think she's the leader or pretend to do so, but she cannot be an official leader of the elves.
She isn't the official leader of elves. She's the leader of her particular family, but elven peoples really like her, in particular her own little "cult". So in a way she is and she isn't. I'm used to writing stories and roleplaying with just one person alone, so sorry if it seems I'm godmoding, even though I'm really not if you think about it. I like my character to be someone that's a high commander in the military or literally the queen.
Let's just say I'm going off-canon here with her story. I'm a off-canon RPer. It's what I'm better at.

Alright alright alright. Let's just make her an assassin. -she rubbed her hands together menacingly- I love playing assassin as well. But let me add in she's rather afraid of people when she's not doing her job simply because of her past. Let's make her.. 16 years old.
And her special steed named Sethixian is a horse with his own mind. He's fast and overprotective. Kind of like Friender from Casshern SINS...

Bleh I don't have much time at all for this and I have to write extremely quick responses rather than write much better. If I had time I would make a good impression.. not a bad one.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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Post  Guest Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:27 pm

If you could put the current bio you're going to use in the first post, it'd help a little with organization and just make it easier for the people that need to approve to see.


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Post  Vayne Mon Jul 23, 2012 2:26 pm

Most of what I have to say has been already said. I'll say this though: there is never not time for a good impression, as first impressions are crucial in any relationship. Be it personal or professional. Please do your best for us, I'd love to see new blood around.

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Post  Kenelm Mon Jul 23, 2012 6:37 pm

In other words: You may take your time, we encourage it.

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Post  Lyuze Mon Jul 23, 2012 6:43 pm

Updated original pickle post.
Nevermind........... the hell.... it's not even up there...?
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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Post  Lyuze Mon Jul 23, 2012 6:58 pm

Full Name: Sylvanas Endulra
Nicknames: Syl

Race: Elf
Gender: F
Current Age: 11 (actually 21)
Hair: Candy blonde, long and straight hair
Skin: Light tan
Eyes: A cyan-like color
Height: 5"2
Weight: 93

Place of Residence: Nature, inns, taverns... she's nomadic.
Place of Birth: Ahaha... what?

Relatives: Just her foster parents.
Enemies: Those whom pose a threat to Erinn.
Allies: She easily will befriend anyone.

Fashion of Choice: A nuadha robe with the hood up.
Armor of Choice: Ahahaha.... what?
Weapons of Choice: Devil Slayer

Special Abilities: Transforming into animals, and reading someone's thoughts/emotions through their body language(although this is moreso a skill people can learn.. takes a very long time to though.)

She was brought to this world after dying in another by Nao. She randomly woke up at age four in the middle of Longa Desert. She was luckily found and taken in by the family that found her. She was raised and became an ambassador between the elves and giants. That was... until she woke up one day at the age of nine. She was kicked out of the house when she was found in the bed, her foster parents not believing a single word she said, and believed to have died or run away. She passed out in the middle of Longa Desert. A Uladh Vessel's crew members found her near the beach and took her back to their continent with them. There she was brought to <can't tell you!>'s house in Tara and was trained to be what's known as a Deathbringer -- an assassin that brings death to anyone whom poses threat to Erinn. The name "Deathbringer" is from her evil appearance -- as if she were a reaper. Her scythe is a legendary scythe known as the Devil Slayer -- named for having the ability to kill the "demons" of Erinn.

Alignment: Everyone is best friends. But she's sided with Cichol.
Religion/Philosophy: Is there even a religion in Mabi...

Sexuality: Straight

Positive Personality Traits: Nice, caring, overprotective.. however...
Negative Personality Traits: She can get angry really easily. She also can lose control of herself during fighting, meaning she may attack those whom are innocent.

Likes: Horses, unicorns, pegasi, any type of horse. Tiramisu! Bishie elven men.... whom are evil.... -she menacingly rubbed her hands together- Like Delvere but he doesn't exist ingame so.. lol
Dislikes: Liars and cheats.
Favorite Foods: Tiramisu. Oh how much she loves that. Along with a soup known as Zuppa Toscana. Next time you go to Olive Garden, get that and dip the bread sticks into it. OH MY GOD.
Favorite Drinks: Water.... ._.
Favorite Colors: Blue. Anything blue and white.

Hobbies: Horse riding, reading, and sketching.

When I have more time to think over this... I'll make a much better bio.
If someone could edit this into the first post that would be great because last time I tried it ended up not doing and yeah... I got really PO'd.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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Post  Guest Mon Jul 23, 2012 7:13 pm

You can't read thoughts no matter what. However, if you can tell what someone is FEELING through their body language, that's pretty much normal for observant people.

We have a power request area, though, that you can use once you're in the guild for things such as turning into animals and such.


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Post  Lyuze Mon Jul 23, 2012 7:16 pm

Soifa Toten wrote:You can't read thoughts no matter what. However, if you can tell what someone is FEELING through their body language, that's pretty much normal for observant people.

We have a power request area, though, that you can use once you're in the guild for things such as turning into animals and such.
I guess I'll have to wait then. Just ignore that.
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Post  Guest Mon Jul 23, 2012 7:17 pm

I edited the bio into your first post, by the way. I didn't remove anything, just a copypasta.


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Post  Lyuze Mon Jul 23, 2012 7:22 pm

Soifa Toten wrote:I edited the bio into your first post, by the way. I didn't remove anything, just a copypasta.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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Post  Vayne Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:10 pm

Denied on my part.

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Post  Guest Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:26 pm

I'm afraid this will be receiving a denial from me as well.


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Post  Lyuze Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:37 pm

What about it makes you want to deny it? I've tried all I can in the little time I've squeezed in today and also already roleplayed with some of the members to try to proove myself. It's kind of unfair, considering no one is really being that much of a help for me and I'm not really finding anything useful. I don't think someone should be judged just on their character's bio... They should be judged on their roleplaying abilities. I'm simply someone who hasn't really gotten into a roleplaying GUILD before -- I'm used to one-on-one roleplays where I would be a goddess and destroy planets, but I always kept it fair. I'm trying to expand to more than just four people in a single roleplay, and I've never had to write a bio before, either. So give me a break, geez. :/
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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